USAID Will Not Provide Funding to North Korea for the 4th Straight Year

Hopefully USAID continues to not give the Kim regime free money to feed their people with why they buy luxury goods and advance their nuclear and ballistic missile programs:

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The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) announced that it has no plans to provide assistance to the North, Radio Free America (RFA) reported Friday.

USAID is a public agency that orchestrated government aid to the reclusive nation in cooperation with the World Food Program (WFP) and civic groups.

USAID provided $1.5 million to Pyongyang in 2010 and 2011 to assist its recovery from floods.

But it stopped giving funds to the isolated nation in 2011.

“This is because there has been no large-scale natural disaster there that has needed external help since then,” the RFA quoted USAID spokesperson Raphael Cook as saying.

The U.S., the largest donor to the WFP’s North Korea aid program, has not contributed to it since 2009. Also, the WFP’s fundraising efforts have been hampered since the United Nations raised awareness of the North’s human rights violations last year.

A North Korea expert said the halting of aid may be a result of negative views of the North Korean leader’s spending on luxury goods each year instead of importing food for people there.  [Korea Times]

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9 years ago

USAID should come under sharp review, not just for obvious places like N. Korea, which doesn’t deserve the time of day, but in places like the Philippines & Haiti, etc., where USAID has come to be considered a “Right” by these crooks…

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