Picture of the Day: Endangered Frog Found In South Korea
|A Korean golden frog is seen at a watercourse in Dangjin, a city in the central province of South Chungcheong, in this undated photo released by the Dangjin municipality on Sept. 2, 2016. The endangered species is indigenous to the Korean Peninsula. (Yonhap)
The South Korean “from” joins the rare “to” and the elusive “with” on the Endangered Preposition Watchlist.
Very sneaky correction there, GI.
GI’s drunken typing aside 😆 what’s interesting is that this particular amphibian is not endangered and classified as “Globally Vulnerable” or “Vulnerable. It’s a Pelophylax chosenicus or a “Golden Pond Frog”.
Ok so it’s not interesting, slow day… sue me. 😛
The regional distribution and quantitative frequency of pancreatic endocrine cells were demonstrated in the Korean golden frog (Rana plancyi chosenica Okada), which is known as a Korean endemic species, for the first time, by immunohistochemical methods using specific mammalian antisera to insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and human pancreatic polypeptide (PP). In the pancreas of the Korean golden frog, all four endocrine cell types were demonstrated. Insulin- and glucagon-positive cells were located in the pancreas as single cells or islet-like clusters with frequencies of 85.90±18.28 and 54.30±8.77/1,000/1,000 cells, respectively. Somatostatin-containing cells were also dispersed in the pancreas as single cells or clusters but in the case of clusters, they are exclusively situated in the marginal regions of insulin- or glucagon-positive cell clusters. Cells stained for somatostatin cell frequency was 15.50±3.10/1000 cells. PP-containing cells were also distributed as single cells or clusters with frequency of 53.40±11.96/1,000 cells. Clusters consisted of PP-positive cells are distributed as a core type and a marginally distributed type. Overall, there were 40.84±3.81% insulin-, 26.02±1.71% glucagon-, 7.63±2.09% somatostatin- and 25.51±3.26% PP-IR cells.”
If these things are so endangered, why are they cutting their pancreases out just to find distributions of endocrine cell types?
And who is funding this endangered Korean golden frog massacre?
And who cares?
Death to frogs!
@Smokes, drugged up on NyQuil because of a sinus infection typing. :whew:
“GI’s drunken typing aside”
Maybe he was licking Korean golden frogs?