What would be an interesting piece of information is what is the pollution to the ground water in other areas of Seoul around Yongsan Garrison? I find it hard to believe that Yongsan is the only place in Seoul with polluted ground water:
Yongsan Garrison
A contaminant detected in groundwater beneath a U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) garrison in Seoul was above the permissible level, a government report showed Tuesday.
The U.S. Army base in Yongsan, central Seoul, has long been suspected as the source of oil that has contaminated the nearby water and land.
The Seoul Metropolitan Government has been conducting a purification project since 2001, but petroleum-based contaminants above the standard level have continued to be detected in water near the base.
According to a joint probe conducted by the environment ministry and the USFK in May 2015, 2.440 milligrams per liter of benzene was found at an observation well at the base, which is 162 times higher than the allowable level of 0.015 milligrams per liter.
Among 14 monitoring wells of 15 to 20 centimeters in diameter, four had benzene levels some 20 to 162 times higher than the standard, the report showed. A total of seven wells showed above standard levels of benzenes. [Yonhap]
You can read more at the link, but this pollution issue has long been one that South Korean leftists have used to stoke anti-US sentiment and the Korean government uses to get additional money out of USFK for clean up expenses which according to the SOFA they don’t have to pay.
We will see how this all plays out just like when the camps in Area 1 closed out back in 2004.
If the leftist win the up coming election,I say that the United States should leave South Korea and let Kim Jong Un and the Red Chinese clean up the mess.
I’m not sure what’s going to cost more to clean up. Whatever is actually in the ground on Yongsan or all the nasty rivers of slobber these lefties are leaving outside the gate in anticipation of getting in there. 😉
7 years ago
I saw this on the news a few days ago. I couldn’t help be a little skeptical … the crap they were pulling up in these containers looked like it was 1/3 dirty brown oil on top and the bottom was 2/3 dirty water.
If the leftist win the up coming election,I say that the United States should leave South Korea and let Kim Jong Un and the Red Chinese clean up the mess.
I’m not sure what’s going to cost more to clean up. Whatever is actually in the ground on Yongsan or all the nasty rivers of slobber these lefties are leaving outside the gate in anticipation of getting in there. 😉
I saw this on the news a few days ago. I couldn’t help be a little skeptical … the crap they were pulling up in these containers looked like it was 1/3 dirty brown oil on top and the bottom was 2/3 dirty water.