Camp Page in Chuncheon Now Closed

It has been coming but now Camp Page has officially been closed.

Citizens from the South Korean city of Chunchon said goodbye to U.S. soldiers serving at Camp Page in a ceremony last week marking the end of a 54-year mission.

The base, it’s major feature an airstrip built after Chunchon was recaptured from communist forces in March 1951, is due to close by the end of next month, officials have said. The U.S. 8th Army announced this week that one of the Camp Page units, the 542nd Medical Evacuation Company, including about 120 soldiers and their equipment, will move to Fort Campbell, Ky., by April.

Another Camp Page unit, the 1st Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, will move to Camp Eagle, near the South Korean city of Wonju, about an hour’s drive south of Chunchon, according to an 8th Army statement.

Some people are happy about this:

People living near the base, some of whom have filed a lawsuit seeking damages for severe noise from U.S. aircraft, will be happy about the base closure. So will landlords who have faced height restrictions on buildings near the base, he said.

However, others are not:

U.S. Forces Korea Korean Employees Union Kangwon chapter representative Yi Un-song said the ceremony was nice, but that it was not a good feeling to see the city spend $30,000 on a party when it had done nothing to help South Korean employees losing their jobs at the base.

Only 80 out of about 270 Camp Page South Korean base workers have had job offers from USFK so far, and all those offered jobs will have to relocate, he said.

Kim Yong-bak, a chief of the planning section for Chunchon City Hall, confirmed the cost of the ceremony but said it is not the city’s responsibility to help laid-off base workers.

Most Chunchon locals will miss Camp Page, which contributed greatly to postwar restoration in Chunchon during the 1950s and 1960s, Kim said.

Maybe the 8th Army worker that defected to North Korea was one of the guys who got layed off? Who knows? But it was time for Camp Page to close though. Camp Page is actually a good place to be stationed because it is located so far away from the rest of 2ID and is in a great area of Chuncheon. However, the base is located in the middle of the city near the river which has become a burden on the city with the continued development of Chuncheon. The noise of the helicopters, on this former aviation base, coming and going every day from this location in the city probably does get annoying after a while for nearby residences. Expect more base closures to come.


UPDATE:  For those interested I have since published an up to date profile about Camp Page at this link

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18 years ago

Actually, the closure ceremony is on Tuesday, 29 March – I will be there to cover it for the Morning Calm!

sgt. John Cloran
sgt. John Cloran
16 years ago

How can I obtain A US Army patch for the 4th US Army missile command?

jesse l smith
jesse l smith
16 years ago

i have tried for a long time to find out about the 19th inf at camp page and have found nothing. any help would be greatly appericated. pvt jesse smith c co 19th inf sentury dog section 1959-1960

SSG Ben Brown
SSG Ben Brown
16 years ago

In reply to pvt. Jessie Smith. I was assigned to the 19th inf after our MP unit was broken up due to mp's marring Korean nationals. Previously assigned to Camp Page Military Police. C company at that time was split between the base and the MSA at an out post.The platoon Sgt at the MSA was SFC. Matthew Leonard, he was killed in Viet nam with the big RED ONE and awared the Medal of Honor.

November 1962-December -1963 sorry after your time.

Rickey Rowland
Rickey Rowland
16 years ago

I'm trying to find out about a Huey helicopter crash while I was at Camp Page in March 1975. I have the picture I took, but can't find details to verify. Can anyone help?

SSG Ken Lankard
SSG Ken Lankard
16 years ago

I served at Camp Page for 15 months between December 1969 and April 1970. I have not been back to Korea since but I understand there have been many changes. I would have enjoyed seeing Camp Page again. I was with the 226th Communications Unit.

chuck margeson
chuck margeson
Reply to  Rickey Rowland
16 years ago

I was there when it crashed, as I remember it hit some wires and went down. I was in Camp Page from 1974 to 1977. I was in WSDK. Best time of my life.

alphonzo yates
16 years ago

was at camp page 70-71 226 signal co vhf section,drill team honor guard,wanna see chunchon again,maybe 1 day

Tom Shewbridge
Tom Shewbridge
Reply to  chuck margeson
16 years ago

I too was in WSDK but during 88-89. I have to admit in my entire Army career, that it was the best unit I served for.

John Mackes
John Mackes
16 years ago

I was stationed at Camp Page 1975-1976 with S4 1/42D FA. I would be interested in hearing from others stationed at Camp Page during the same time frame. At the time I was aka "Gary McGrath".

mike sellers
mike sellers
Reply to  chuck margeson
15 years ago

was there 77-82 wsd/k was a great time just read that ir closed was sad to hear . it was so much .

Paul johnson
15 years ago

I was at camp page nov 1960 to jan 1962. I was in the 161st engineers company C I made friends with alot of koreans in and out of the military.The country has been built up in the past 47 years and would like to go back some day as a tourist

William Abell
William Abell
Reply to  Rickey Rowland
15 years ago

I was there. I got there "A-Btry, 1st 42nd FA HJ in January 1975. SGT Robinson was the chief of section. SFC McLaurin was the CFB. We were out in the field when the choper went over acting as aggessors, I think some of those people were from HHB. After they flew over, the news came that the choper went down after hitting power lines. The helicopter was parked in the motor pool for awaile, totally smashed. I have several pictures. I remember your name, you probably don't remember me. SGT Nichols was in A-Btry. I ended up going to WSD/K. I was there when Honest John was phase out.

William Abell
William Abell
15 years ago

I too was in WSDK but during 77-79. I have to admit in my entire Army career, that it was the best unit I served with. I was in the 1st Bn., 42nd FA (HJ) from Jan 75 – June 77. WSD/K from June 77 – April 79. Looking back, the time in Korea was the best and a very good time. I also served at Camp Pelham 1/4th FA from 88 – 89 as the First Sergeant. Thank the ARMY for the time overseas. Miss it. I've been out over 16 Years.

Reply to  chuck margeson
15 years ago

Looking for members of WSDK who were station at camp page from '88 to '89.

Please e-mail if you were there.

Pvt. Martin

walt flowers
walt flowers
15 years ago

Was station at Camp Page as a pilot in the early 80's. I was also the air field safety officer (Tomhawk 77) Also know as the mayor of chunchon. Best duty station I had before I retired. I do think back to the thunder runs we use to have in the vill. We were living in the old quanson huts. Leake during the rains and froze in the winter. I served with some of the greatest guys in that unit. I still have my party shirt and my tomahawk

Spec/5 Keith E. Will
Spec/5 Keith E. Will
15 years ago

I was in 226 signal maint. platoon. From Feb of 69 to Nov 70. Me and James Brooks came at the same time. Hello Ken Lankard do you remember Willie? Thats me. I remember you. How have you been the last 40 years? I have been good I live close to the beach, on Amelia Island, FL. My phone number is 904-753-4757 Give me a call if you can, I would like to hear from you. James Brooks and Mike Reeves names are both on the Vietnam Wall. We were all damn good friends. Me and Brooksie extended close to 8 months and I stayed to the middle of Nov. 1970 and ETS. Hope to hear from you soon. GO ARMY!!!

Spec/5 Keith E. Will
Spec/5 Keith E. Will
15 years ago

I was in the 4th US ARMY Missile command and heard that they were deactivated in 1973. Is there anyone else that was in this cmmand in 1969-70?

If so please reply. I would like to talk to some old friends. Also 226 sig co.

at this time please reply. Talk you guys soon. GO ARMY!!

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

The unit at the ROK Airfield near there couldn't wait to get into the base after we left, our airfield was a million times nicer than theirs. Meanwhile, the city wanted a road through the base direct to the train station and the airspace lifted for higher buildings. Who won?

William Abell
William Abell
Reply to  Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

My ex-wife is from chun chon and goes back there about every other year. She told me that most is all gone. The ditch in front is filled in. A road goes through where the compound was and everything is gone. She said you can't tell where Camp Page was.

Tom Shewbridge
Tom Shewbridge
Reply to  William Abell
15 years ago

That is sad to hear, I know change is inevitable , but like I said of all my assignments, I have to say being with WSD-K at Camp Page was the best. If anyone has any pictures from the late 80's or early 90's I would appreciate them, you can click my name for my website, and email me from there, I am working on the military part of my website now..thanks in advance..I served with WSD-K 88-89. FirePower!!

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  GIKorea
15 years ago

That will be great, look forward to it!

Bob Howard
Bob Howard
Reply to  SSG Ken Lankard
15 years ago

I was stationed at Camp Page for most of '62 and again in '64. I just came back from visiting there in Aug '09. It was really surreal and sad. The base is fenced off, but I was treated to a tour of it with the company that will be developing it. I can't wait to go back again, soon I hope.


Bob Howard
Bob Howard
Reply to  Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

I was at Camp Page in '62 and '64. Just came back from visiting there. There is a road now from what used to be the main gate to the other side where the train station used to be. It's a 4 lane (2 each direction). There is a newer train station just south of where the old one was. There is so much new development that the area west and south of the old downtown ChunChon is now called NamChunChon. You wouldn't believe it. Mt Useless is all grown over with trees and vegetation. The base is still there, but completely fenced in. Weeds and brush have grown over most everything. It was sad to see the state it''s in now.


Bob Howard
Bob Howard
Reply to  William Abell
15 years ago

Well, Bill, I don't know where she was looking but the base is most definitely still there. It's fenced so that you can't see a lot except for a few small squares in the fence every so often that you can look in. Nothing has been torn down yet. There are some obvious environmental issues so I don't know when they will actually get to it, but all the buildings are still there. I couldn't believe the living quarters that were there, just like apartments. There are still some quonsut huts around.


Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

The Quonset hut by the front gate is one of the oldest post war. We had a book about Camp Page and it had a 1955 photo that showed the command Quonset near the main gate. It was made longer and had wings put on the back of it, but it's still the same basic building. The same book had pictures of Marilyn Monroe at Camp Page visiting the Mosquitoes.

The Mosquitoes were T-6 Texan prop driven observation aircraft given that nickname by the Chinese: they buzzed then bit. In 1994 or 1995 a bunch of the former pilots visited and told us some great war stories about being chased by Migs or ground looping the planes!

Bob Howard
Bob Howard
Reply to  jesse l smith
15 years ago

I'm looking for one myself so if I find one I will let you know. Likewise, OK?


Bob Howard
Bob Howard
Reply to  Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

That quonsut hut was used for the MP's as well as the S-1 offices where I worked in '64. The base flagpoles were right outside of it. It was still there when I just visited in July '09. I'll be glad to send some pic's if you email me.


jesse smith
jesse smith
Reply to  Bob Howard
15 years ago

hello bob, i would enjoy looking at pics of chun chon (camp page), i was station there in 1959-60 (C)company 19th inf sentry dog section.hope to talk to you soon. pvt jesse smith

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  Bob Howard
15 years ago


My email is


John Cloran
John Cloran
15 years ago

I was a Sgt. in the MP's at Camp Page from 69-1970. Indeed that quonset hut was used by S-1 and was the office of the Provost Marshall. The flags stood out in front for all to see as you entered the Camp. I would love to see some photos of the Camp as it looks now….if someone has those to share. Thanks in advance for your assistence.

mark williams
Reply to  PVT MARTIN
15 years ago

Hi, I was a member of WSDK 89-90 I was the NCOIC of the last mission ever preformed by WSDK. If you go to my website and click on the "military pics" link, I have several pictures from WSDK.

mark williams
15 years ago

Hi, I served with WSDK from 89-90, I was the NCOIC of the last mission ever performed by DK. On my website under the “military pics” link is have several pictures from my time in WSDK.

My website is:


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Mark Williams

Williams Technology Services

Microsoft Certified: MCT, MCSE, MCSA

CompTia Certified: A+, Network +


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Tom Shewbridge
Tom Shewbridge
Reply to  mark williams
15 years ago

Be cautious..I am not trying to stir up anything..but I received an AVG virus warning while trying to access the site, I also tried to do a google search on the domain and deviations of the name, and others have had similar I shared to you in an email, there is a group for WSD-K over at (its free) my name is XtrmMedic over there, you can post pictures there if you want.

W E Stewart
W E Stewart
15 years ago

I was stationed Cp Page 58-59 and part of 60. I remember the good ole' C. Company 19th Inf. I thinker Col Blocker was the Msl Comd then. it was something else then. I can remember walking out the gate and up the main darg to top of the hill where the main movie theater was located. There was one right outside the gate on the left that showed some wild korean movies, all scary and filled full of superstition. I used to go the Catholic Church in Town, up on the hill. Priest was a friend of mine, helped out at the orphanage with the kiddos. The war created much heart ache and sorrow, but that is what happens when we were are not assertive politically and morally. we are losing the Korean people (politics) as our friends, because of the politics in the Orient. A few more years and we will be out of Japan, too. They don't want us there anymore and, I think the Chinese want us gone so they can influence Korea and Japan. I was back to Korea in 73 and brought a brand new 73 Honda four cylinder 750 over on a C-130 one dark night out of Tachi. I used to ride that bike during curfew hours, I had an exemption pass that authorized me. Man, it was something to ride in the wilds from Seoul to ChunChon in the middle of the night. Once the national Police and the ROK Army got used to me, they could hear me coming and would automatically lower or open the road blocks. I rode all over Korea like that because it was the best time to travel, I made excellent time and it was pleasant. I served with the 1st Cav Div up on the "Z." Remember the song, " Please M Custer I don't wanna go?" 7th cav used to play that on their Giant Voice, hell one could hear all the way to Pub Won Ni, well, almost. You Korean Honchos give me a holler


william pittsley
william pittsley
Reply to  Paul johnson
15 years ago

I was with the 161st engrs. 1959-1960 would like to hear foom any one.

william pittsley
william pittsley
Reply to  Paul johnson
15 years ago

Hi Paul

boy 10 years of looking for someone from the 161st and i found your name looking up other information. I was stationed there 59-60 heavy equipment operator.Made pfc a cuppel of times, Having to much fun out in townb rhe ladt time i made pfc thr old man tolled me to go get my strips put on i gell out with xippers on them, he abd the whole company had a good laugh but it cost me a new shert by the time the old man got don cutting them off, loLots of good times lots of bad wish i had done things a lot differnt and had gotton more names of friends. Nut when you gudt turned 18 comming over on the ship to korea tou think life goes on for ever. ill close for now hope to here frome you doon bill. PS. did finely make sggt. and got out on a medical in 67.

william pittsley
william pittsley
Reply to  Paul johnson
15 years ago

you can contact me at

Sory i dont have any pictures to send you of my time there. thay were all lost in shipment in 666 when i came back from germaney. thanks bill

Reply to  sgt. John Cloran
15 years ago

not sure but im on here because my grandfather,ssgt david bruce dickerson served there and was in the 4th msl cmd,he passed away 6 years ago,and i wanted to learn more on what happened there

John Cloran
John Cloran
Reply to  cassie
15 years ago

Cassie My Name is John Cloran. If you are looking for information you will need to supply some information so people can respond to your request. I would start by listing the dates that your grandfather was there. Start and stop dates. Then I would state what he did for a job. The names of friends he had ect. The more infomation you can suppply the more chances you have of someone contacting you about your grandfather. Good luck. John

Bob Howard
Bob Howard
15 years ago

Hi Cassie. I served with the 4th Missile Command in 1962 and 1964. I was in the Hq company. When was your grandfather there? I'd like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years.

Bob Howard

15 years ago

iserved from may of 1961 to june 1st 1962.i was assined to the 226 sig. co. it was a experience i wont forget the pepole i served were crazy ,but good workers iwont forget.i got there a pfc and left a spec4in grade. i must i will never forget chuncheon even my many pictures i can see her again. iwas one intrical part of the 4th missle command like the rest who served there,thank you

Bob Howard
Bob Howard
Reply to  brucebowerman
15 years ago

Hi Bruce. You guys in Engineers wore the red scarves didn't you? 🙂 We probably bumped into each other somewhere. I arrived there in January '62. It would be interesting to exchange a few photos. My email is I live in the San Francisco area now. Merry Christmas!

paul johnson
paul johnson
Reply to  william pittsley
15 years ago

Bill, I got to Korea around the the time you left. I had a friend named Bill shaffer who might have been there when you were there, he had a 3 legged dog named tinker. I can,t remember anyone else that would of been there when you were there maybe you can throw some names at me to see if any rings a bell

paul johnson
paul johnson
Reply to  william pittsley
15 years ago

Bill I e-mailed you a couple weeks ago I hope you got it. sincerely Paul Johnson

Jeff Wright
Jeff Wright
Reply to  Rickey Rowland
15 years ago


Do you remember Tom O'Sullivan. I think he was in HHB. He was from Austalia. The KATUA's called him Sidney. He also played drums at the NCO club.

Jeff Wright
Jeff Wright
Reply to  chuck margeson
15 years ago

Do you remember Tom O’Sullivan. I think he was in HHB. He was from Austalia. The KATUA’s called him Sidney. He also played drums at the NCO club.

Edward L. Nagy
Edward L. Nagy
15 years ago

It has been interesting reading everyone's comments. I was stationed at Camp Page from Mar '66 to Apr 67 in the 1/42nd FA (A Btry, Cdr. I belive I remember a 3-legged dog running around the camp. We floated an HJ launcher with rocket across the Hwachon Reservoir once and would go to Sokcho-ri on the East coast to fire rockets into the Sea of Japan. In Feb '67 we went on a 2 week FTX up

in the Chorwon Valley and it was 30 below at night. Ground was so frozen that we had to chip out the frozen ground, thaw it with diesel/gas mix, to drive tent in the stakes for our hex tents. There were some incidents where some local Koreans were killed over by the RR Station when they dug up some old unexploded rounds from the war. Since officers stationed at Page could go to town, many of the officers from the division areas wanted to come to Camp Page since they were restricted to their posts unless they went to Seoul. Camp Page was a great tour. I know things have changed, but I have fond memories of Camp Page.

paul johnson
paul johnson
Reply to  william pittsley
15 years ago

Bill Ive been waiting months to hear from you I hope your ok

paul johnson
paul johnson
Reply to  Bob Howard
15 years ago

Bob I was in the 161st engineers and i built a bridge over that ditch in front of the air field and lived 16 month in one of those qunsin huts I was there nov 60 to jan 62

william pittsley
william pittsley
Reply to  paul johnson
15 years ago

Mr. Paul johanson,

sory that ididnt get back to you right away but my computer went down and i just got a new one. am looking forword to cahting with you. you dont know how good this letter makes me feal right now, i thoght every was gone and i realy felt offel about that.

you hav my e-mail so ill give you mi telaphone no.315 963-8541

and if you dont have my type of set up with the phone then call me and ill call you back.

it does'nt cost me anything to call any were in the u.s.

i do have some some pictures from page that i got from onr]e of the guys that was over ther just resently that i can send to you.

i close for now. sincerly bill

william pittsley
william pittsley
Reply to  paul johnson
15 years ago

yes i rember the three laged dog we all used to save him scraps from the mess hall. paul i was in for 10 years and it's hard for me to remeber the guy's that were therei think there was a sgt.coffie and sgt.alaxander. another guy we called alphabet. becouse no one could prononce his name, it had i8 letters in it.

i was only there for 5 months and didnt get see the guys much. thay had me out in the field runing a td-18 or grader building a road or ower company built en orphenage out in the boonies. i was on that for almost a month, runing dozer and grader. i was in the 50 cal. machine squad. and we caught hell when were called out on alert. becouse thay always found the highest damed mountain in the area for us to set ower gun up. sometimes old papason would be there to cary the ammo and gun for us for a cuple hundred whan. send me a nother e-mail becouse i couldent find the one you sent. i put your name on my safe list so it doesnt get filterd out. good talking to you again bill

take care

paul johnson
paul johnson
Reply to  william pittsley
15 years ago

Bill, I got your message of Feb 14th was glad to hear from you.I,ll send you an e-mail later sincerely Paul Johnson.

Steve Dublin
Steve Dublin
Reply to  Paul johnson
14 years ago

Hi Paul;

I served with the 161st in 66. Wish I had kept those "Build & Defend" crests.

Cheers Steve Dublin

Steve Dublin
Steve Dublin
14 years ago

Hi Paul

I served with the 161st in 66. Wish I had kept those build & defend crests.

Cheers Steve Dublin

Dennis Mrokowski(Mru
Dennis Mrokowski(Mru
14 years ago

Hi Jesse Smith,

I was at chunchon(Camp Page) 59-60. Was also in the Sentry dog unit. I mostly participated as a guard in the towers, and worked as a sentry dog handler. I transferd to Unchani if thats how you spell and/or pronounce. I was also a tower guard, and dog handler there for the MSA. My memory is a little distorted as to the camp at Chunchon and Unchani, but I lived in Quonson huts. I believe it was at Unchani, when I was on tower guard one of the other guards on duty with me shot someone that got too close to the MSA fence. I believe the person died. I was interviewed for a long time on that one. I don't want to mention the guards name who fired the shot in this forum. If you heard about this, or can bring back some of my old memories you can send me an email:

To old timers

Dennis Mroczkowski

Ken Rose
14 years ago

Rose-sp-4 I was stationed Camp Pag Chun Chon Dec, 1960 to Feb, 1962 c. co Eng,I would like to go to Chun Chon maybe Oct,2010 for 1 Month sgt Brown & sgt Kirk was my leders

Ken Rose
Reply to  Paul johnson
14 years ago

I was at camp page Dec, 1960-Feb, 1962 161 sgtBrown SgtKirk Im SP4 Rose

Paul Johnson
14 years ago

Hi Paul I was sp4 Rose 161st Engr, 3rd platon Brown and Kirk I was there Dec, 60-Feb,62 Iwould like to go back let me know my be we can go togther

Paul Johnson
Reply to  Paul johnson
14 years ago

Yes i would like to go Comp Page

Bob Coyle
14 years ago

I was at Camp Page from June69 till July71.

Cheryl Thorpe
Cheryl Thorpe
14 years ago

From all the articles I see online – Camp Page is closed now and has been since 2005. Is that correct?

Tom Shewbridge
Tom Shewbridge
14 years ago

Re: Cheryl Thorpe..

Yes Cheryl, Camp Page is closed. Sad really, I know time has its moments, but many memories of mine are from there. When were you there..I was with WSD-K from 88-89.

Cheryl Thorpe
Cheryl Thorpe
14 years ago

Good Morning Tom,

Thank you for the information. I am an Army mom. My son graduates AIT on July 1 and he said his orders are for Camp Page Korea. I'm just not understanding why if that camp is closed.

Tom Shewbridge
Tom Shewbridge
14 years ago

Unless someone else here knows something I don't. I thought it was decommissioned and closed. Anyone got anything?

Bob Howard
Bob Howard
14 years ago

I was there in '62 and '64. I revisited there in July, 2009. The camp is fenced off and is NOT occupied. There is a development company that is waiting for environmental issues to be settled before they begin any development. I assure you there is noone occupying this base. Everything is in place as it was when I served there. There are some additional new buildings, but it looked just like when I was there, except for the overgrown weeds and brush. There is a main road (2 lanes each direction) that splits the base so public can drive from where the main gate used to be to the area where the train station used to be.

Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

#66. Uh-oh mom. Maybe he's attempting to pull a fast one on you! 😯 😛

Either that, or he's going to be a very lonely soldier for a year. 😆

14 years ago

#69 – Don't think he's pulling anything. He was excited until I looked online and told him that I think that camp is closed. Guess I will find out this Sunday. An active Army member told me last night that what's on his orders is used just to get him into that country and there is no telling where he will be after he gets there.

Thanks for all your help/

Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

#70 Yes that is often true. He'll likely either go to Yongsan and/or Stanley and get farmed out from there. Depending on his MOS it's possible we could tell you where he is likely to end up.

14 years ago

#70 – He is an MP if that is what you mean by MOS, thanks.

14 years ago

Sorry to hear that WSD/K closed. It was my first duty station: 1980-1981. I really met some great people. Made me pull-out photos and remember the good times.

Wayne Kern
Wayne Kern
14 years ago

I served at Camp Page, 161st Eng. '68-'69. The only one I remember is a guy named Spriggs. Help!!

Jennifer Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
14 years ago

So sad to hear about Camp Page. That was my first duty station ('88-'92). I was with C Co, 1-501st AVN..will never forget all the great shopping trips and those crazy Witchdoctors!!

Bob Stivers
Bob Stivers
14 years ago

I was at Camp Page in 1963-4, 161 Eng Supply Clerk. Would enjoy hearing from any one there at that time..Home addrerss is 137 9th Ave Sol, South St Paul< Minnesota 55075 Phone 651 451 6778, E-mail

jeff leclaire sr
jeff leclaire sr
14 years ago

to. paul johnson. i was at camp page from 1960 to 1962 also. would like to hear from u. i was also in the 161 engr. most buds called me frenchy then. please make contact, we're getting older. thanks. anyone else out there.

jeff leclaire sr
jeff leclaire sr
14 years ago

i remember u ken rose, 1st bunk on the left. u used to play quitar. i hope thats u. this is frenchy. from long ago. do u remember, riggin, lopilato, butts. wow. let me know out there,

Ricky W. Christian
Ricky W. Christian
14 years ago

I was stationed at Camp Page from Oct 75 till Nov 76. It was the best time of my 3yr stint in the Army. I was a MP and spent many hrs at the main gate, checking passes and such.I am sorry that so much has changed there. Look forward to hearing from anyone there during that time.


Todd LeBlanc
Todd LeBlanc
14 years ago

Was an MP at Camp Page from 1983-1984, First duty station. I remember pushing on the walls of the qounset huts and the snow blowing in. It was always fun taking a shower in the winter because the showers were in different quonset hut!

Jim Zigler
Jim Zigler
14 years ago

My wife, who was also in the Army and I went to Korea together 75 to 76. We had orders for different bases but while at Yongson I spoke to the personnel warrant officer and he got us assigned together at Camp Page. She became the clerk for the Camp Commander and I was the supply sergeant for the 4th Area Support Command. We found an apartment straight out the main gate up the hill just past what then seemed to be the city center. We lived on the second floor of a medical clinic ran by a Doctor Han. I had a 3/4 supply truck and my wife and I were able to go shopping in Yongson as part of my supply runs. It was one of our best experiences in the Army togegether.

Ernest L. Eldridge
14 years ago

This is for. Ken Lankard, Al Yates, and Keith williams. I was in 226th from Oct 69 to Dec 70. I remember youal along with Ron Hyconna Tim McCarthy, Frank Nicoletti. Siverblatt, Sgt Spirlock, and Cpt Branch. e-mail me at Love to here from you. Take care.

Jim Zigler
Jim Zigler
14 years ago

To Rickie Christian I see you were at Camp Page the same time I was. One of the MP's helped my wife and I find our apartment but I cant remeber a name. A couple days after we moved in I had a hell of a kidney stone attack during cerfew and the MP's had to come out to haul me to the dispenery. It might have been you.

Jim Zigler
Jim Zigler
14 years ago… This url is for another article I found on the closing of Camp Page. In the Years since leaving the Army my wife and I have both had cancer and I found a document from another guy who had been there who has also had cancer.

14 years ago


Bob Howard
Bob Howard
14 years ago

Hi Jim.

I served there 62-64. I was in Hq&Hq company. Like to hear from you as well. My email is

Latanza Gaddis
Latanza Gaddis
14 years ago

My hubsand served at Camp Page in '81-'82 as an MP. His name is Carlton Gaddis and I am trying to locate anyone that my have served with him. The VA has lost his service records. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you can help please contact me at

Jerry L. Belanger
Jerry L. Belanger
14 years ago

I was stationed with the 226th at Camp Page from 1960 to Mar 1962. I was there when Gen. Chung He Park overthrew Jon Changs regeim and would like to hear from anybody who was there at that time. Any one remember the 21 club ? How about Earl Bankhead from California ? Would like to hear from anyone who might remember.

Jerry L. Belanger

Bill Mascuch
Bill Mascuch
14 years ago

I was staioned at Camp Page 1969-70. HHQ Battery, 1/42 FA (Honest John). I was a radio teletype team chief (E-5). Im from NJ. Can't remember too many names. So many years ago. Mike Ciano was company clerk. he was from NJ also. Would like to hear from anyone who was there at that time.

pfc gary d vogelsang
14 years ago


Ken Lankard
Ken Lankard
14 years ago

Hello Keith Williams!

Sorry for the delay to your comment here but I never got a notification.

I think I remember you, for sure Brooks and maybe Reeves. Sorry to hear they made the wall.

I now live in Australia. I am retired after a 38-year career as a pilot.

I have a group shot of our section in the 226th I'd like to send you. Maybe you can put some names to faces.


jeff leclaire sr
jeff leclaire sr
14 years ago

jim huggins and any of u guys out there, i was at page from dec. 60 to feb 62. would like to here from you all. and if anyone has photo's they could share. would really appreciate them. especially jim huggins. in those days they called me frenchy. was in 3rd squad. also work in the supply room. lost all my photo's and stuff when my hold baggage never got to my next station. we're gettin old boys, but they memories are still there. for how long i don't know. so……send those photo's and your memories of those days this way. blessing, all, frenchy

jeff leclaire sr
jeff leclaire sr
14 years ago

my e-mail is jeffleclairesr

my e-mail is

14 years ago


I was there 92 to 94. Some of the best memories of my life. Married a Korean lady from ChunCheon. What an amazing country.

So sad to hear Page is closed forever. I thought we would finish this mess in '94 when the old man in NK died.

Well, if I ever see any of you B#@$#$#ds in a bar, a beer is on me.

Anyone from 92 to 94, reply. I probably know you.

David Keifer
David Keifer
14 years ago

Hi ,I was at camp page in 70-71 at the C company 4th maint bn . motor pool, anyone remember? i can't seem to find out anything about this unit.

Ken Rose
14 years ago

Rose camp Page 1960-1962 161 Eng,

14 years ago

David Keifer: I was in D Company 4th Maint Bn 69-70. Company was at Cp Stanley, but I spent most of the year up at Cp St Barbara. D Company deactivated August 1970 in the big troop reduction when I Corp deactivated most units. I was up at Page many time to visit. Loved the area, and drive up along the river.

Roland Broach
Roland Broach
14 years ago

HHC 4th Msl Cmd Mar74- Mar75Had just left when Huey went down, but was still in country. Several friends and acquaintences aboard. One survived the crash, but don't know if he survived after.

Roland Broach
Roland Broach
14 years ago

I drove for two different 4th mc Commanders, COL Palermo, and COL Lenwood B. Lennon. Was in Seoul the Park Cheung Hee's wife got shot, security went right through the roof.

Jerry Belanger
Jerry Belanger
14 years ago

I was stationed with the 226th at Camp Page from 1960 to Mar 1962. I was there when Gen. Chung He Park overthrew Jon Changs regeim and would like to hear from anybody who was there at that time. Any one remember the 21 club ? How about Earl Bankhead from California ? Would like to hear from anyone who might remember.

My E-mail –

Jerry L. Belanger

pvt jesse smith
pvt jesse smith
13 years ago

hello jerry belanger. i was in c company 19th inf sentry dog section 1959-1960 and i remember 21 club very well, as a matter a fact i wont ever forget it 17 years old nobody knew where i was or cared, had a great time there. love to think about it e-mail if you want to i got a few pics.

david tonking
david tonking
13 years ago

i was at camp page from may 1960 to may1961. i was the mail clerk for the 226 signal company for that time.

David Tonking
David Tonking
13 years ago

Hi Dave

I think I remember you, but that was a long time ago. You can respond via my EMail at Thanks

SP/5 Charles Upton
SP/5 Charles Upton
13 years ago

in reference to Rickey Rowland I have an article written by the Camps’ PIO section along with a photo if you would like to have a copy please let me know.

Tom McKenna
Tom McKenna
13 years ago

Served at Camp Page 1972/73. Looking for Tim Leathers, Mark Anglin.

Bill Mascuch
Bill Mascuch
13 years ago

I was at Camp Page 1969-70. HHB 1/42 FA Honest John. 05C radio teletype team chief SGT. From NJ. Looking for a guy also stationed there from Freehold, NJ name Mike Ciano. Also a couple of guys some southern California. Hicks and Abernathy. Hope to hear from some one from that time.

13 years ago

Anyone interested in Camp Page can find lots of information at Camp Page, Chun Chon, Republic of Korea on the Facebook Website. Lots of posts by prior GI’s stationed there throughout the years.

David Rhoades
David Rhoades
13 years ago

I was at Camp Page from 1970-1971. I was with the 7/5 a part of the 38th
Artillary. I was the Catholic Chaplains’ Assistant under Father Conroy.

Would love to hear from anyone else who was there at that time. E-mail
me at

Chris Hiler
13 years ago

I’m a little puzzled by the closing of so many camps since 2004 because it doesn’t seem to correlate with any normalization of relations with North Korea.

I was at Pelham (later named Gary Owen in ’97) which was closed in 2004. I really wished I had gone back for a vacation, camera in hand to witness that camp closure. I’m wondering what the mood was like in the adjacent ville of Seounju-ri. Had I known at the time I would love to have made a self styled documentary about the whole process.

Gary Shurson
Gary Shurson
13 years ago

Was stationed at the MSA a few miles from Camp Page. I was an MP there in 69-70.

Would like to hear from anyone else who was stationed there at that time.

Mike Harcourt
Mike Harcourt
13 years ago

Gary Shurson: I was stationed at the MSA from January 68 through July 69 then spent next nine months as a desk sergeant at Camp Page. Two other sergeants were still staioned at MSA through all of 69 until March of 70. They were Matt Jesmer and Henry W. Green. Do you recall them? Jesmer was a dog handler.
Also, can you be more specific about your tour dates? Thanks, Mike

Larry Atkinson
13 years ago

I was at Camp Page from 1971 to 1972 I served with the 161 ENG CO. would like to hear from Bob G. Mike K. or Joe C. Really anyone else who was in the demo unit during that time.

13 years ago

Due to recent mud slids in 07/2011, I come back to Camp Page and find out it is closed. I have fond memories of piloting a C130 into a small runway enclosed by high fences.

Chris Hiler
13 years ago


That must have been pretty sad. I would love to visit the area in which I was stationed (Seonyu-ri located about 1.5 miles from Munsan) but now that I’ve done some research online I would be prepared to see my ole camp (Pelham..later renamed Garry Owen) closed down and the adjacent Ville swallowed up by very modernized development.

13 years ago

I was station at Camp Page back in 1974. What a great tour it was. The country is beautiful, the people really nice. Loved working with the Katusa”s and all the great people at the Camp. Sad to hear it closed down. Have great memories of the country and the people>

Michael mcbride
Michael mcbride
13 years ago

I was in C co. 1/501 AVN dec93- feb94 did pldc at ft Jackson and was a witchdoctor. Shortly after C co moved to k-16 email me if you were there same time

Michael mcbride
Michael mcbride
13 years ago

That was feb 95 did little over a year there

Joshua Brewer
Joshua Brewer
13 years ago

I have to thank all who served at Camp Page . I was also stationed there. I was with the 55th Military Police Co, 2004-2005. I was one of many service members and unit amoung the last to close the gate, fold the Korean and American Flag for the last time. Both Flag been retired to the War Museum in Seoul. Many things change from year to decades, building come and gone, Air Craft flew in thier glory, but along the way they are our fondest memories. Thanks again to all who servied.

Henry W. Green
Henry W. Green
13 years ago

Hi Michael Harcourt, this is Henry Green that was at the MSA during the same year as you. We were there together. You were the only one that I’ve heard from out of the entire group. I’ve visited Armstrong in 1990 in Mississippi, Armstrong passed away in 2005 (Lloyd Arstrong). Thats the only one I’ve had contact with since I’ve left Korea.

Please reply when you get a chance.

Henry W. Green
Henry W. Green
13 years ago

Contact me via email,

Bob Howard
Bob Howard
13 years ago

This is intended for Jerry Belanger, Gary Vogelsang and Jeff Leclaire Sr.
I was stationed Camp Page ”62 to ’64. I have some photos I’d be glad to share. My email is:
Look forward to talking with you.

13 years ago

I was one of the two Air Force weather guys stationed there from Apr 86 to Apr 87. Best assignment I ever had and loved every moment of it. Married a local but have not been back since I left Osan in 1992. Hope to go back in a year or two with her to visit her family.

13 years ago


Michael mcbride
Michael mcbride
13 years ago

Gates, I was stationed there the same time we must have partied together at king club or on post there where 2 blondes in the mp unit one dated my buddy Stuart. I can’t remember there names. I know the other married an mp in your unit. I also attended u of Maryland while there. I hated the bus ride to yongson. The train was much faster

Phillip Anhorn
Phillip Anhorn
13 years ago

I was @ Camp Page from October 76 till Spring of 77 A Btry 1/42nd FA. I was just reading comments, and remember Sgt Abell. I came in with Bob Cartwright. I was in Sgt Jackson’s crew. It has been a long time and the names just start coming back. I will never forget First Sergeant Mack. I was transferred to Camp Essayons in Ui Jung Bu to a howitzer unit. But I really enjoyed Chun Chon. Wouuld like to hear from anyone there at that time.

Steven Alejandro
13 years ago

😎 Hey Battles anybody out there from 125th Signal Battalion. We were part Team Spirit 81-83 anybody have info pictures. Can send if you can to still serving proudly and remembering those good days.

13 years ago


Rod Edwards
Rod Edwards
13 years ago

I was at Camp Page from Feb. ’73 to June ’75. HHC Eng platoon. Heavy equip. eng. Drove 10 ton tracktortrailor supply from Soul and all over our bases there. Life Guard at the pool and hung out w/ ADM engeneers. Lived on the air strip and was awol evryother day w/ the aviation guys. had the time of my life. Will never forget it or my buddies over there.

Larry Atkinson
13 years ago

I was there from 6-71 to 5-72 was in the 161 st Eng. ADM. Just wondering if any of the guy I was with was still there? The 161 ST. was a great Company.

Nelson Hayes
Nelson Hayes
13 years ago

camp Page FEB 58 = Mar 59 A Btry 4MSL Cmd Great Place, anybody there in this time period?

Bob Howard
Bob Howard
13 years ago

To Nelson Hayes. Thanks for your post. I was there “62. Would love to see any pics you have of what it was like shortly before I arrived there. There’s some great sites with great pics but would love to see it before I got there. Have you seen what it is like as of 2009? Be glad to send you some.

Bob Howard

jon hollister
jon hollister
13 years ago

I WAS THERE IN 62,I 161ST ENG I helped build the front gate in the photos, I REMEMBER HAVING TO WEAR THE roc army patch,among other things

jeff leclaire
jeff leclaire
13 years ago

bob howard n jon hollister, i too would love to have photo’s from those days, i was there from dec. 60 to mar. 62. lost all my photo’s when they lost my hold baggage from there to the states. the 161st was a great co. if you can share, please send my way. thanks.

jeff leclaire
jeff leclaire
13 years ago

ps. every one called me frenchy in those days. some of the guys i remember are riggens, butts, lopilato, poe, kingsbury, thomas. i was in the 3rd sqd. next to the mess hall. j

Nelson Hayes
Nelson Hayes
13 years ago

I was at Camp Page Feb 58 to Mar 59. There wasn’t much there, Nothing to do on base, no showers etc. At That time the entire town Of Chunchon was On Limits. We really had it made since it was about the only place in Korea that was on lin=mits except for the MSR. Chunchon was wide open.

There was no shack at the main gate -no MP’s-We did our own Guard.

I was in the Honest John Battery.

Unfortuantely I too lost all my pics in a later move.
Looking at he later pics and google eart, things sure have changed.

Nelson Hayes
Nelson Hayes
13 years ago

To Bob Howard — I was at Camp Page Feb 58 to Mar 59. There wasn’t much there, Nothing to do on base, no showers etc. At That time the entire town Of Chunchon was On Limits. We really had it made since it was about the only place in Korea that was on limits except for the MSR. Chunchon was wide open.

There was no shack at the main gate -no MP’s-We did our own Guard.

I was in the Honest John Battery.

Unfortuantely I too lost all my pics in a later move.
Looking at he later pics and google eart, things sure have changed.

Lawrence(Larry) N Husbands
Lawrence(Larry) N Husbands
13 years ago

I was stationed at Camp Page from July 1969 to August 1970. I was an MP. Lt Branson was Provost Marshall and replaced by Lt Coleman. Some things I remember: Twenty-One Club, Rainbow Club, Camp Page swimming pool, EM/NCO Club, traffic patrol on the highway, trip by helicopter to Sokcho to investigate a traffic accident with Sgt Barnett. Some names I remember: Mr Nam, Korean Translator; Mr Chin, Korean Translator. Sgt Han, KATUSA; Cpl Kim, KATUSA; Cpl Choi, KATUSA; Wade Dorman, John Cloran, Mike Harcourt, Bruce Barnett, John Cahalan, John Barksdale, SFC Wright, John Bolling, Larry Bertao, Tom McConeghy, Wade Dorman, Ralph Peterson, Dan Beard, Chris, Ricky, Terry, Kevin. I was promoted to SGT just before I left Korea which was very important since I still had 18 months left in the army which I served in Furth, West Germany in HQ Co, 793rd MP Battalion, 15th MP Brigade as Security NCO. After I left the US Army, I stayed in Germany and worked for American Express as a bank teller for about six months. After that my wife and I backpacked thru Europe for 3 months eventually returning to the USA in August 1972.

John Cloran
John Cloran
13 years ago

Larry, How the heck are you? John Cloran here.
I have recently been in touch with Sgt Mike Harcourt, from the PMO…..and Henry Green from the MSA. You may not know Henry, as he was up on the “hill”. But you should remember Mike H.
I lost touch with John Barksdale a couple of years ago but he is retired and living in Texas. What’s going on with you?

Lawrence(Larry) N Husbands
Lawrence(Larry) N Husbands
13 years ago

In response to John Cloran’s post of Dec 22, I am now also retired and living in New Jersey. I keep a jar of kimchi in my refrigerator at all times.

John Cloran
John Cloran
13 years ago

Larry contact me @ the following web sit…..please.

Don Paul
Don Paul
13 years ago

Was there during the winter of ’51. Bet those poor folk like it better now than the way it was then. Was young, dumb and immortal then or I would have taken many pics for this site. Thanks for the memories.

Jerry Belanger
Jerry Belanger
13 years ago

This is for Jesse Smith. Please forward your EMail address, I would love to have any pictures you might have from that time.Chunchon was a great assignment and a life long memmory. Thanks
Jerry L. Belanger

jeff leclaire
jeff leclaire
13 years ago

to jessie smith and bob howard, please send me copies of your foto’s. i was there at page from dec. 60 to 62. lost all my foto’s in my lost hold baggage. thanks in advance.

jeff leclaire
jeff leclaire
13 years ago

paul johnson, are you still alive. let me know please. sure would like to meet up with you. i was there the same time you were. i was in supply and in 3rd sqd. also was tdy to the medic as a clerk. would like to see some photo’s. because i can’t remember to many people. did you know gazy butts, riggen, lopilato or thomas, or rose or gilbert. sure would really appriciate any photos you can share. also, were are you now. thanks frenchy

Andre Hunt
Andre Hunt
13 years ago

I was stationed at CP during 9-11. March 2001. I miss being out there. I had fun and made some great friends.

Michael Gooldrup
Michael Gooldrup
12 years ago

I was stationed in South Korea from 66 – 68 with the 5760th Signal Company, the first year I was at Camp Page. The city has certainly changed.

Terry Kaiser
Terry Kaiser
12 years ago

I was a helicopter pilot at camp page in the 1971-1972 time frame. I flew UH1’s and OH58’s. Camp Page was the best kept secret in the entire US Army. Best duty station I had in 9 years in the Army. I can be reached at

Alexander Clary
Alexander Clary
12 years ago

I was an MP at Camp Page from March 1971 to April 1972. Lived in a Quonset Hut back next to airfield. Trained on Okinawa prior to coming to Page as a Sentry Dog Handler. Was at a MSA as a dog handler for awhile but couldnt stand the isolation! So I transfered back down to Page. Had a “fun” year but made rank quick. Was a cop after I left for almost 40 years.

Jason Carie
Jason Carie
12 years ago

My father was at Camp Page ’65-’66 1st Missile Battalion 42nd Artillery Division, just looking for some information if anyone has any in regards to the A.O. exposure. He recently passed away last month and had numerous symptoms of A.O. and I’m just curious as to what all went on over there. Thanks to everyone for all you’ve done.

Jim Zigler
Jim Zigler
12 years ago

Jason Carie, not sure what AO is but my wife and I were both stationed at Camp Page from 1976 to 1977 and we have both since had cancer. Here is a link to a document I found sometime ago when searching for info about Camp Page.

jason Carie
jason Carie
12 years ago

AO is that dreaded herbicide Agent Orange. But I will look at that link thanks

Jim Zigler
Jim Zigler
12 years ago

I’m tired tonight. Just got home from a 12h shift. Everything in the article points to that and is refered to as AO in the last para. I am receiving VA care because I was diagnosed while still on active duty. We haven’t pursed service connection for my wife since our insurance has been covering her. Anyway, hope it helps.

William Abell
William Abell
12 years ago

I haven’t been on here for a couple of years. Anyway, I just read a comment from Phillip Anhorn. Yes I remember both you and Sgt Cartwright. Would loved to hear from both. You can find me on facebook and I have over 175 pictures posted in an album called camp page, but you have to have a friend request accepted. I am on a site called camp page. Also I served time at camp Pelham and I am on a site called camp pelham south korea. Would love to hear from all members of 1/42nd from 75-77. Hope all is well. Camp page was my best duty station.

les winslow
les winslow
12 years ago

Jennifer johnson i believe i was a camp page the same time as you.

jeff leclaire sr
jeff leclaire sr
12 years ago

william abell, would liked to see you pic’s but can’t find them on facebook. can you give me so melp. also anyong else who was at page from 1960 to 62 or 63 let me know. lost all my photo.s please help. lots of good memories from then. thanks j

les winslow
les winslow
12 years ago

I was at camp page 87-89 at the 1-501st avn. unit and a member of the WitchDoctor’s and lost contact with everyone one after my transfer would like any information on anyone else who may have been stationed there at the same time, I noticed “Jennifer Johnson” was but i don’t know how to reply to a certain post 😕

Jennifer Wall
Jennifer Wall
12 years ago

Yes,’s me! 😉 It’s so sad that Camp Page is closed. How are you?

les winslow
les winslow
12 years ago

actually doing reasonable well jennifer, image of all the places to stumble across you on the internet it would be here. 😆 so how have you been ❓ it’s been a long,long time 🙂 🙂

Jennifer Wall
Jennifer Wall
12 years ago

Are you on facebook? I am doing great. Are you still out east?

Bob Howard
Bob Howard
12 years ago

William. If you go to Camp Page on Facebook there’s a ton of pic.s. If you still can’t find,send me email and I’ll send you some of mine.

Don Paul
Don Paul
12 years ago

I realize time marches on, But it’s too bad some of those poor mistreated locals couldn’t have been with me july 1951.Perhaps the sound of freedom, read US Aircraft, would be more like music to their ears. Nuff said!

12 years ago

Hey, Phillip Anhorn, wow, really would be great to hear from you. I am on facebook, live in Ky, still alive and kicking. Anyway, if you get this, write back and I’ll give my phone number. Have a grat day. What happen to Cartwright?

Bob Manzella
Bob Manzella
12 years ago

I was stationed at Camp Page in 58-59 in the 161st Eng. Many good memories and some pics of Mt Useless, Chunchon and environs.

Don Paul
Don Paul
12 years ago

Hi all you youngsters. Not that it makes any difference, I was at Chun Chon in April of 1951. Great place to be away from then. Sounds like most of you had a great tour there.

jeff leclaire
jeff leclaire
12 years ago

don paul. could u send me some pic’s of camp page and surroundings. was there in 60 to 62. lost al my pic’s. do you happen to have a pic of miss im who worked in the sewing shop? a bueatiful girl as i remember. had a crush on her. anyway send what you can, thanks. j

Joey White
Joey White
12 years ago

I hate to hear that they closed Camp Page. I was there in 1994-1995 in A co 4-501st Avn. Our Brigade was formed at Ft Hood’s CATB in 1994 as an Apache helicopter and was sent to Korea to replace the Cobras. Camp Page was my 1st overseas duty assignment. I look at it last year on Google earth’s free edition which gives you a look at it from like from sometime between 2001-2005.

12 years ago

Hey if you get back on here, would love to hear from you, I am on Facebook.

Charley B. Stanley
12 years ago

I was at Camp Page from 1971 to 1973 With the 226 sig co In the radio sec. Looking for any one that was there with me.

Alexander Clary
Alexander Clary
12 years ago

Charley Stanley,
I was at Camp Page from 1971-1972 as an MP.
Alexander B.S. “Smitty” Clary from Virginia

Charley B. Stanley
12 years ago

Alexander Clary
Email me would like to talk to anyone that was at Page time I was.

Charley B. Stanley
12 years ago

Alexander Clary
Email me at
I would like to talk to any one that was at Camp Page went I was.

Will Lackey
Will Lackey
12 years ago

I was at Camp Page 1970-1971 6th Army 124th Signal Bn Company B, I have signs of AO illnesses and would like to hear from anyone who knows how close Camp Page was to the DMZ,remembers any instances of spraying or sighting of 55 gallon drums stockpiled on or near the base.

David Rhoades
David Rhoades
12 years ago

I to was at Camp Page 1970-1971. I was with HQ 7thBt 5th Art. I remember spraying a couple of times. I already went that route of Agent Orange with the VA. The answer was there was no A.O. used in that area and we were far enough away from the DMZ to be touched by it.

Don Paul
Don Paul
12 years ago

David, typical government bs. Do the best you can and forget it.

Milton Hillman
12 years ago

I was stationed at camp page in 1967 for 13 months. Fresh out of boot camp (Ft Jackson), I worked at the POL Dump for about a month until my MOS opened up, man I got some memorys from old Chun Chon, any body remember Danny Dunn, Robert Blakely, William Cosley. I remember the skylark club (LOL), Katusa soldiers, Kimchi smell, when I look back I was having the time of my life, and did not even know it. Anyone stationed their keep in touch! Milton Hillman (facebook), or

Jim Zigler
Jim Zigler
12 years ago
Here are a couple of web sites for those who may be looking for agent orange info connected to Camp Page. My wife and I were both in the Army and went to Camp Page together, July 75 – 76. I was compamy supply sergeant for 4th Area Support Command. My wife was clerk typest for Col Micheal Rhoades who was the area commander at the time. We have both had cancer in the years since leaving the Army.

Chris Wetzel
Chris Wetzel
12 years ago

Damn, I must have been way out of the loop. just came across this article and remembered my time at CP from 94-95. Nice to see some other Witchdoctors posted on here. Mike McBride I remember you. You lived right next to Dusty and myself.

Mike mcbride
Mike mcbride
12 years ago

My email is Wetzel send me ur email

Chris Wetzel
Chris Wetzel
12 years ago

Sent it

Gary Sunderland
Gary Sunderland
12 years ago

I was stationed at Camp Page from September 89 to 90. I was in WSDK, and helped in the deactivation. I would love to hear from some of you who were stationed there during that time. You can find me on facebook if you like. I think Camp Page was the of the best places I was ever stationed in the Army, number two was Soto Canto Honduras, and number three was Ansbach, Germany.

Jay Knott
Jay Knott
12 years ago

WSDK 1989-1990. Had a lot of good times at CP. I had no idea that the post was closed. I hate to hear that.

12 years ago

I was at MSA from Aug 1969-Oct 1970. Spent a lot of time at Camp Page and Chunchon. Anyone there at that time give me an email. It will be good to catch up.

12 years ago

I was there with my CW2 husband. I did his hardship tour with him. I brought our infant son with me. That would be 73/74. Because it was a hardship and no family housing we lived on the economy. I was the only American wife was a great experience for a young Army wife. Hard, rough, no luxuries…but it was still a positive experience. “The Rocket Platoon” was a pretty wild bunch of aviators and crew. I think the new base commander was a Col Palermo (sic)…I recall he brought in a pediatrician for my baby, baby formula, and diapers.

Alfred Onrubia
Alfred Onrubia
12 years ago

Camp Page in 60-61 with Company C 19th infantry which pulled security for Fourth Missle Command. Remember club Rainbow? I had a fight in Club 21. I remember Flowers brothers in K9 . Looking for Sgt. Porter and Simmons. I’m in touch with Allen Roy. Contact me at please.

Harry Rogerson
Harry Rogerson
11 years ago

Served as a 227 Missile Tech., 1963-1964
Bat C, 7th Msl Bat (HAWK), 5th Arty (TAC Site 40)
I enjoyed all 13 months serving in S. Korea.
I have 500 photos/slides I want to post.

Jay Buckmaster
Jay Buckmaster
11 years ago

At Camp Page from Oct 70 – Nov 71 As a UH-1 Crew Chief assigned to “Rocket Airlines.” I had a lot of great times. However when it came time to go home I didn’t let the door hit me in the ass!

Bob Scott
Bob Scott
11 years ago

I was stationed at the 665th med det dental lab in March of ’53. Went to the Catholic church there, where behind the Church were 3 or 4 grave sites where priests were buried after being slaughtered by the North Koreans. Transferred from there to Chor Won, then Yong Dong Po.

Jack Burnett
Jack Burnett
11 years ago

I was stationed at Camp Page 1969-70, first on the Hawk OC Site 75 on the same hill as C Battery. Later as equipment status clerk at Battalion HQ at Camp Page. Was a drunk Ville Rat most of the time, but do remember Cornel Kormornic, WO Abell, Chuck Strain, Conrad Foose, and a few others.

Doug Wadsworth
Doug Wadsworth
11 years ago

Looking up info on camp page..just seen it was closed. was always looking forward to trip back to Korea as civilian.was stationed there 7/73 thru 3/75. worked in medical unit at clinic. anyone else stationed there during this time in medical unit, would love to hear from you…

William Abell
William Abell
11 years ago

I was stationed there in the 1st 42nd from Jan 75 – Aug 77.

Don Paul
Don Paul
11 years ago

Children, children. I was there Mar 1951. Understand there’s been a lot of changes at K47. lol

Leon LaPorte
11 years ago

192. Isn’t it well past your bedtime? 😛

Craig Ellefsen
Craig Ellefsen
11 years ago

!was in the 117avncoah 79-80 Did 7 months maintenance then crewed acft 677 last 3 numbers. The 117th was the best mechanics out of my 7 years in the active duty. After KoREA, i went to Ft. Riley kS.aSSINED TO 335TH aVN cO ah. Reup, went back to Korea, Unit this time was D troop 4/7 CAVcampStanton.Extremly isolated.No way at all was this like CP Page. Mylast tour of duty was Ft. Carson Co. D co 4th Avn Bn. Got out of army in 1985. Went back in the army reserves 1986. Trained as a Locomotive Engineer in Rail transportation. Retired in 2007

Frank Ross
Frank Ross
11 years ago

I was a Huey pilot there 1983,84 Tomahawk 83 Had a great there. Sad to hear it’s closed.

Sid Pope
Sid Pope
11 years ago

Where actual location back then of Camp McCullough near Chunchon

Les Winslow
Les Winslow
11 years ago

I was wondering if anyone knows what happen to the “witchdoctor,s” photo albums from the 128th after the base closed or who ended up with them?

11 years ago

I was a witchdoctor. Dustin Stuart was president when it closed he had them. He was in the special forces at Campbell last time I seem him

Les Winslow
Les Winslow
11 years ago

Those were some good times to bad they ended

11 years ago

I was there the same time as McBride. I know the witchdoctor flag made it back to Bragg.

Les Winslow
Les Winslow
11 years ago

I see a group on Facebook and sent a message asking if it was the same witchdoctors but never got a response.

11 years ago

If it is the Facebook one that says 6-101 that isn’t it ironic enough I was stationed there right after Korea at Campbell. Just by coincidence they were named witchdoctor a to.

Dennis Race
Dennis Race
10 years ago

For Sid Pope: I was stationed at Camp McCullough (msa 42) sep 70-Oct 71. The maximum security area was about 6 miles north of Camp Page. The security force was about 80 men.

Alex Clary
Alex Clary
10 years ago

For Dennis Race: I was at Chun Chon from March 1970 -April 1972. They sent me up to McCullough because I was a MP K-9 handler. Got there and too many MPs and not enough dogs! That place was in the middle of nowhere! I asked off of the place and was sent back to Camp Page as an MP. Had a blast at Page!

Alex Clary
Alex Clary
10 years ago

Correction on dates…..March 1971-April 1972

Dennis Race
Dennis Race
10 years ago

Alex, I was probably there when you showed up. Don’t remember. Spent my whole tour at the MSA. I was a squad leader and my assistant wasn’t much on going to town. Since one of us always had to be there, I got to spend quite a bit of time in town.

Dave Kent
Dave Kent
10 years ago

Dave Kent SP/4
I was at Camp Page from August 1964 thru September of 1965 with the 5760th Signal Detachment supplying communications for the Hawk Missle Sites. I have searched diligently for any information on the 5760th, to no avail and have lost all contact with anyone I served with. Does anyone have any info on the 5760th or anyone that was serving at that time? PLEASE RESPOND!!!

Wayne Kern
Wayne Kern
9 years ago

Looking for Capt. Herbert Mack, company commander of 161st. Eng. ’68-’69 Camp Page.

Julius Dotson
Julius Dotson
9 years ago

I was a friend of Cpt Mack, he was from New York state as best I can remember. I was an Infantry 1LT assigned to the 4th Missle Command. I commanded the security forces at the MSA for a number months and was later moved to the S3 section. I left Camp Page in August 1969. Great duty station made lots of friends and had a great time. Let me know if you have any luck in finding Cpt Herbert C. Mack.

Don Paul
Don Paul
8 years ago

I was at K 47 1951. Know where that was?

Donnie Aiken
Donnie Aiken
Reply to  Tom Shewbridge
8 years ago

I was in WSDK in 87 – 88

John wanca
John wanca
7 years ago

John wanca station camp page 55th 91-93 motor pool great times

Tim Leathers
Tim Leathers
4 years ago

Thomas McKenna, this is Tim Leathers, I’ve been looking for you also & anyone else from Camp Page 72-73-74. Please get in touch with me
662 357-5288 or email
How are you. Can’t wait to catch up.

Donald McGee
Donald McGee
4 years ago

I served with 161st Engineer company March 1969-July 1970. Today i have type II diabetes, however, any claim to receiving any disability has been rejected. I had good memories stationed at Camp Page. I served the military from 1967-1989 and retired.

charles r smith jr
charles r smith jr
3 years ago

1960-62 226 signal worked in com. center sp4 charles r smith live in eastern n c anybody still here would like to hear from you ps having my computer worked on this week if no reply try again next week

Dennis Bryant
Dennis Bryant
2 years ago

I was at Camp Page from 1995 – 1996 as an Aviation Opperations Specialist. I am in search of Major Mark W. Hayes.

SSG Jordan
SSG Jordan
9 months ago

I served on Camp Page twice. once in 1997 & again 2003. I worked at the ITO (Installation Transportation Office). I left in March 2004. I attended the farewell Ceremony. Each soldier was given a coin in commemoration.

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