It Must Be Summer Time in Korea, Hanchongryun Begins Annual Anti-US Protests

South Korean students have begun their annual summer time protests outside Yongsan garrison.

Thousands of South Korean students rallying Sunday against the U.S. military’s five-decade presence clashed with police after trying to enter the American base, and at least 12 people were injured and more than 20 were arrested.

Demonstrators marched through Seoul before attempting to enter the main Yongsan U.S. military base in the city center. They called for the withdrawal of the 32,500 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea, a legacy of the 1950-53 Korean War.

What the article failed to report was that the protestors were from the Hanchongryun student group that is backed and financed by North Korea. The group used to be illegal under South Korea’s National Security Law but since President Roh Moo Hyun took office he has allowed the outlawed group free reign to conduct their criminal activities. In fact their leader Ms. Song Hyo Won last week traveled to North Korea fully approved by the South Korean government no doubt to get her marching orders from the Norks before this weekend’s protests.

Hanchonghyun Leader Song Hyo Won.

Here is an excerpt from an interview with the Hanchongryun spokesman that will give you a good indication of their ideology and thinking.

Dae Sik Yoo, the student body president of Kyung Hee University, is on the lam. Since police can arrest him anywhere but here—they’re not allowed on university grounds—Yoo never leaves campus for more than 12 hours. For a wanted man, he looks wholesome, with wire-rimmed glasses, baseball cap, and khaki pants. He could pass for a preppie American student. But when asked about the political opinions that got him into trouble, he sounds more like a North Korean Communist affiliate than a college student in a U.S.-allied country.

“Kim Jong Il is an outstanding leader,” says Yoo. “No other country can stand up to the U.S. Only North Korea can.”

Yoo landed on the wanted list for his role as spokesperson for the Hanchongryun, a left-wing student organization notorious for its pro-North Korean views. Hanchongryun spearheaded demonstrations and sit-ins for 11 years, pushing for reunification of the North and South—but on Korean terms and without any U.S. interference.


“Kim is just another leader and not a despot or a dictator,” he says. “If he really is a dictator, the North Koreans wouldn’t have tolerated that and overthrown him. They’re not that brainwashed. They must see something in the system that’s right.”

By saying the North Koreans are “not that brainwashed” he is admitting that at least some brainwashing is going on. What he doesn’t understand is that the North Korean people cannot see anything wrong in the system because if they did they would be sent to the gulag or shot. If the system is so great then why are defectors trying to jump the fences of every embassy in China. This is how Hanchongryun explains these facts:

North Korea’s violent crackdowns at home counted for little here. “The U.S. has been giving false propaganda about the North,” said one Catholic university student. “There is no proof that the North commits human rights violations. I think the U.S. is misbroadcasting information about North Korea killing its own people.”

That’s right folks the gulags and famine are all US propaganda though evidence of these gulags come from the governments of other countries plus from the mouths of North Korean defectors themselves. The American CIA must of brainwashed all of these people to speak badly of the Dear Leader. It only gets better:

He is careful to emphasize that he’s not a radical and prefers to stay out of student protests. Still, he feels little reason to be threatened by Kim Jong Il’s regime: “Maybe it is dangerous for North Korea to have nuclear arms. I think, though, when reunification happens, their nukes will be our nukes and give us a higher international standing.”

Their nukes will be your nukes when they land on Seoul. Plus if he is so eager to see Korea possess nuclear weapons, South Korea is more than capable right now of manufacturing nuclear weapons. The government chooses not to due to treaty obligations. Now what about human rights in North Korea? Hanchongryun could care little about that:

Activists who try to denounce Kim Jong Il for human rights violations complain that South Korean government officials have sabotaged their efforts. Human rights activist Norbert Vollertsen, a German, once spent 18 months in Pyongyang working for Doctors Without Borders and witnessed the devastating effects the famine and gulags have had on North Korean citizens. Now residing in South Korea, he complains that he is followed and harassed and says surveillance is so strict, he feels like he is in Pyongyang again.

“The youth are quite interested in human rights issues in Iraq, racism in America. They’re eager to do something and make changes. But when it comes to North Korea, they are so ignorant and uninformed of human rights violations,” Vollertsen says. “When I do college tours, it’s quite shocking because first of all they don’t want to believe my stories. When I showed them pictures of children starving, they thought the pictures were from Dachau or Auschwitz. They didn’t want to believe it was in North Korea. They kept challenging me and saying, ‘Are you sure they’re starving and dying? Are you sure you’re a doctor?’ “

I’m sure Hanchongryun members comfort each other by saying Vollertsen is a CIA agent or something to that effect because famine cannot possibly have happened in the Worker’s Paradise.

Experts and activists, like Vollertsen, claim North Korean agents steer groups such as Hanchongryun, newsrooms, even Roh’s administration. But Yoo denies that Hanchongryun has official ties to North Korea, and is quick to defend the country. “Everywhere in the world, there are prisons. North Korea is nothing special,” Yoo says, with a sigh. “But if there are human rights problems, then Hanchongryun will help them.”

I really don’t mind people protesting against the US military because it is their right to do so but they shouldn’t be allowed to beat the heck out the riot police like they do. The young mandatory service draftees that make up the riot police get the crap beaten out of them every time there is a major protest. I can’t believe how these people get away with assaulting police officers.

What bothers me the most about these protestors is that the media will not tell you who they are. You read the news and the reports tell you students protested against the US military. Why doesn’t the media say Hanchongnyun protestors instead of student protestors? Well, that would mean admitting to who you are and from what you have read above, who they are is nothing to be proud of.

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18 years ago

GI Korea,
Great job covering the Hanchongryun kiddies. they really show their "objectivity."

18 years ago

[…] probably the same leftist group judging by the device used.  As much as I hate South Korea’s fifth column, at least they have resorted to explosive yet, they appear content attacking people with sharpened […]

17 years ago

[…] that don’t know Hanchongryun is a North Korean sponsored, anti-US hate group who’s leader is allowed to regularly go to North Korea by the South Korean government to receive her marching orders to protest USFK.  Any bets if these […]

17 years ago

[…] Unfortunately I could not find a recreation of North Korean Colonel Lee Hak-ku hiding in a ditch after the uprising.  The recreation pictured above actually reminded me of some of the protesters I’ve seen outside of Camp Red Cloud before.  Just take PW off their shirts and I would think they were Hanchongnyun members.  […]

17 years ago

[…] North Korean fifth column, Hanchongryon have now found their latest anti-US […]

17 years ago

[…] is also important to remember that these protesters are from the North Korean fifth column Hanchongryun, who are protesting over the Beauty Shop Bandit case.  They are pissed because the local police […]

16 years ago

[…] could definitely see these idiots using the US beef issue in order to try and provoke a fight with USFK […]

16 years ago

[…] to South Korea.  Can you imagine the KCTU thugs fighting with ex-North Korean soldiers and Hanchongnyun  duking it out against “low quality foreign English teachers“?  This should be a Pay […]

16 years ago

[…] also has footage of what he calls “The Candlegirl Dance”. I was digging through the Hanchongnyun site looking for images of the protest and look what I found the Hanchongnyun clowns are the one […]

16 years ago

[…] also has footage of what he calls “The Candlegirl Dance”. I was digging through the Hanchongnyun site looking for images of the protest and look what I found the Hanchongnyun clowns are the one […]

16 years ago

[…] to South Korea.  Can you imagine the KCTU thugs fighting with ex-North Korean soldiers and Hanchongnyun  duking it out against “low quality foreign English teachers“?  This should be a Pay […]

16 years ago

[…] also has footage of what he calls “The Candlegirl Dance”. I was digging through the Hanchongnyun site looking for images of the protest and look what I found the Hanchongnyun clowns are the one […]

16 years ago

[…] to South Korea.  Can you imagine the KCTU thugs fighting with ex-North Korean soldiers and Hanchongnyun  duking it out against “low quality foreign English teachers“?  This should be a Pay […]

16 years ago

[…] also has footage of what he calls “The Candlegirl Dance”. I was digging through the Hanchongnyun site looking for images of the protest and look what I found the Hanchongnyun clowns are the one […]

16 years ago

[…] to South Korea.  Can you imagine the KCTU thugs fighting with ex-North Korean soldiers and Hanchongnyun  duking it out against “low quality foreign English teachers“?  This should be a Pay […]

16 years ago

[…] also has footage of what he calls “The Candlegirl Dance”. I was digging through the Hanchongnyun site looking for images of the protest and look what I found the Hanchongnyun clowns are the one […]

16 years ago

[…] to South Korea.  Can you imagine the KCTU thugs fighting with ex-North Korean soldiers and Hanchongnyun  duking it out against “low quality foreign English teachers“?  This should be a Pay […]

16 years ago

[…] also has footage of what he calls “The Candlegirl Dance”. I was digging through the Hanchongnyun site looking for images of the protest and look what I found the Hanchongnyun clowns are the one […]

16 years ago

[…] to South Korea.  Can you imagine the KCTU thugs fighting with ex-North Korean soldiers and Hanchongnyun  duking it out against “low quality foreign English teachers“?  This should be a Pay […]

16 years ago

[…] also has footage of what he calls “The Candlegirl Dance”. I was digging through the Hanchongnyun site looking for images of the protest and look what I found the Hanchongnyun clowns are the one […]

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