Update on Daniel Hong Article

My prior posting about the Daniel Hong article has caused some interesting debate across the Korean blogosphere. Make sure to check out The Marmot’s comments section on this issue and also Jodi from the Asia Pages provides her views on this issue. Finally, Plunge provides a link to a funny sight dedicated to bitter Asian men worth checking out.

Here is a few of the things that have been learned. We have learned that Daniel Hong is not only a racist but is also a plagiarist. He directly took paragraph six of his article from this LA Times review of Ms. Prasso’s book. Also Mr. Hong apparently worked for the Korea Times for awhile before moving to Seattle for whatever reason. We have also learned that there are many other Daniel Hong’s out there with an axe to grind against western men dating their women. I just love the fact how some of these anti-western man commenters act like they own their Asian women like a piece of property. I personally am not offended if an American woman dates an Asian man, black man, hispanic man, or someone with poka dots. I really don’t care. It is their personal decision to date whom ever the choose. So Mr. Hong if you get a date with an American woman I’m not going to call you someone at the bottom of the food chain. I’ll wish you good luck and hope it works out.

Anyway definitely check out the different comments sections for some interesting debate but I stand by my reasoning that if you are an Asian male that is so offended by Asian women dating western men then that is saying more about you then it does about me.

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18 years ago


As an American soldier sworn to defend America and its way of life, you should be less offended by the Asian male's natural tribalism that instinctively claims their women as chattels of their own race, and be more offended by the Marxist discourse insinuated by people like the Marmot and Jodi.

Korean males are free to hate whomever they want, it's the subversion of Western values that should concern you.

It appears the Peace Corp institution — by reps such as the Marmot and Jodi — has been subverted into a cabal of Bolshevists spewing socialist memes out of the sewer of Marxist hell.

Haven't you noticed both Jodi and Marmot view the world through a Marxist lens.

The Marmot proclaims any sexual pairing engendered by a "socio-political inequality" as being inherently unjust.

Regardless of the fact women by nature marry-up, in other words instinctually optimize their marriage by seeking the male with the best resources and protective values for her offspring, the Marmot artificially interprets a Marxian class struggle. Do they indoctrinate Marxism during the Peace Corp training?

Suspiciously, you let allow this communism to slide — as if "going along, to get along" to ensure blogging friends.

Jodi, backs the Marmot up with a socialist remedy: Government intervention requiring Hollywood to provide more Asian-male role models, and increased Asian male representation in valued state and Federal government positions — to increase Asian male self-esteem.

Where is Senator Joe McCarthy when we need him?

GI, why is it this Marxist propaganda flies over your "Government Issued" mental radar?

Is it possible you suffer an intellectual inferiority complex? Say this three times in a mirror everyday: "I am a smart GI, and dag-gonnit a handsome one."

If you are serious about your allegience to the American way, start confronting the socialist memes these Peace Corp workers(apparent Soviet apparatchiks)are spewing over the internet.

Whaddya say, soldier?

GI Korea
GI Korea
18 years ago


That is some deep thinking there. The thought of a communist conspiracy within the Korean blogosphere never occurred to me.

As far as Asian role models I don't think America needs to start a program to promote Asian male role models. That is ridiculous. If a Korean man needs a role model they can draw from role models from their own society. There are plenty of good quality role models here in Korea. A role model doesn't need to be an Asian-American to qualify as one.

Also I'll work on my chanting in the mirror. Do I only have to say it three times a day to avoid becoming a commie?

18 years ago

GI, glad to see you have a sense of humor.

Of course, the socialist panacea calling for Asian role-models to be artificially promoted throughout media is ridiculous.

But, Jodi declares the Asian man's bitterness against white male/Asian female pairings as JUSTIFIED by the dearth of positive Asian male representation in the media, implying also a dearth of high-profile Asians in valued government positions. She covers her socialist tracks by chiding the Asian male for his merely carping about it.

This is insanity: but, it passes muster to you. Why? Because you let it slide with no confrontations.

Marmot backs Jodi up by attempting to frame the whole problem as a Marxist power inequality; he has also aligned himself with Jodi in the past when she became ballistic over the internet retelling about herself proudly castigating a Korean employer for his preference to hire caucasions in Korea. Her reasoning: Whitey was stealing appreciation away from Korean DNA.

Ironically,they both intrinsically incite the bitterness they publically denounce because their unconscious agenda apparently to incite class and racial struggle through false civil rights remedies. The Doctor Martin Luther King would roll over in his grave at such a high-jacking of his movement. King wanted justice: not socialism.

Now, GI I know you are being sarcastic with me, but here is the plan: Stop seeing yourself as a helpless cog in the military machine.

The battle is not so much with tanks and guns, as it is the battle of memes — when you see the Marmot and Jodi speading socialist memes … confront this Bolshevist Bullshit.

Say this three times in the mirror everyday: " I will not be a "useful idiot" by remaining silent."

You can leave out the "I am also handsome" bit — I know you are sufficiently convinced.

18 years ago

Here's an idea, Bill: Why don't you go confront Marmot, since he annoys you so much!

18 years ago

Billy or should I say Silly Sally, is that you, again?

18 years ago

Hi, Lost Gonad.

I am Billy Baily, Silly Sally — it's all the same. I have found that when I adopt a white-male persona, I instantly become a Charisma-man conferring respect from females of all colors, and bitter, yet worshipful jealousy from Korean male gyopos.

It's a power-rush.

GI, I have confronted the Marxist Marmot on many occassions about his secret back-door religion: anti-white socialism. (Have you ever wondered why a white boy is proud to wear Hanbok? Don't believe the "Hanbok is comfortable" bullshit.)

Why are you such a timid one?

These days, I am curious to discern if the American military is now staffed with socialist eunuchs of the type I encountered with Lost Gonad: a "sensitive soldier — not afraid to cry".

GI, you are beginning to make me wonder if the American Army is now prepared to protect the Soviet way, instead of representive democracy where central federal authority is shared with the states under traditional Western values.

When Marmot and Jodi consistantly raise our socialist consciousness by interpreting every issue through a Marxist lens — and then calling for remedies requiring government centralism and the theft of private property, you seem to merely sit on your blogging ass — breathing through your mouth — waiting to be cannon fodder for the hoped for resurrection of the Soviet Union inside the belly of America.

I am trying to inspire you to be a "Meme Warrior".

But, you suspiciously won't be aroused to battle.

I suspect the Lost Gonad is one of them: have the socialist vampires bitten you too?

Could you explain your position?

The Marmot
The Marmot
18 years ago

I guess this would make be the biggest Bolshevik whitey-hater in the Republican Party.

Archie B
Archie B
15 years ago

Don’t be so quick to defend Marmot. Many dislike his views on issues that matter to westerners living in Korea. If you are a westerner in Korea who believes that the Marmot cares about you or believes the same things that you do then you are sadly mistaken. Marmot looks out for Marmot, only.

As for Marmot’s self proclaimed ”Republican Party” membership, that means little. Anyone can register in any political party and then espouse any right or left wing belief they choose.

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