ROK Marine Corps Veterans Defend MacArthur Statue

Veterans and retirees of the ROK Marine Corps turned out in force to commemorate General Douglas MacArthur at Inchon’s Freedom Park:

rok veterans

Marine Corps Veterans Association president Kim Myung-hwan told the rally attended by more than 3,000 veterans and others from across the country, “We cannot remain silent on calls for the removal of the MacArthur statue. Now Marine Corps veterans have to step forward.”

“The General MacArthur statue is an expression of our gratitude to the countries that participated in the Korean War,” said former defense minister Kim Sung-eun. “The reality is indeed so upsetting that it impels us to hold such a rally.”

Clad in Marine Corps uniforms and wearing red caps, the veterans waved Korean and American national flags and shouted such slogans as “Right!” and “Let’s Safeguard the Korea-U.S. alliance,” while listening to speeches. The rally site was filled with placards, some of which read, “Let’s decisively cope with anti-American and pro-North Korean forces that turn the cold shoulder to our national interests,” and, “Let’s leave to our posterity the fatherland we have defended with blood and sweat.”


I think it is great that these veterans are turning out and voicing their strong support of General MacArthur and the US-ROK alliance. However, I would like to see more average Koreans out defending the statue. Pictures of these older ROK Marine Corps veterans in uniform will not do much to sway public opinion here in Korea against the hate groups. Many people in Korea dislike the military as much as they dislike the hate groups.

ROK Veterans battle anti-US leftists in the streets of Inchon. 

The mayor of Inchon is the man that may be able be mobilize real public opinion against the hate groups:

At another ceremony celebrating the same occasion at the Incheon Landing Memorial in the morning, Incheon mayor Ahn Sang-soo said, “Assertions to remove the MacArthur statue are of help at all to the unification and prosperity of the nation.” The 2.65 million Incheon citizens will defend the MacArthur statue, added Ahn.

If the good mayor was able to mobilize a massive rally against the hate groups then that would clearly show the resolve of the citizens of Inchon. If not then the hate groups will continue to show up and cause problems to further try to cause a wedge between the US and Korean governments on this issue.

Of course the Marmot has outstanding coverage on this issue as well that you should check out.

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18 years ago

Hey G.I.!!!
When I landed in Korea at Osan in '74 and traveled north… I remember all the kids waving to us GI's in the O.D. green bus headed to Yongsan. I felt welcomed. Later I returned in 1981 and it was different…no kids waved. Many of the older Koreans were so nice to us…. because of our help in the war… they never forgot. The young ones don't know or haven't been told of our sacrifice in the Korean War. Wherever you go remember you represent the U.S.A. I had a Korean Grandmother walk up to me (crying) in 1974 and thank me for what the U.S. had done. I thank those who went before us. Be worthy of such an honor.

16 years ago

[…] It has worked before as evident by the successful stand against these leftists when they tried to tear down the MacArthur Statue in Incheon.  Guess who was behind the MacArthur protests?  None other then North Korean spies.  […]

16 years ago

[…] is another picture of these groups trying to tear down the MacArthur Statue in […]

16 years ago

[…] lifestyle.  I think Park would do well to contact some of the veteran organizations that protected the MacArthur Statue in Incheon when these leftists groups tried to tear it down a few years back.  I’m sure there is […]

14 years ago

It's always the same. You get a few generations past a war and the new generation thinks that its always been like it is now. The younger generation in Korea has absolutely no idea how hard it was for their grandparents on a day to day basis. My ex-wife was born on the side of the road while her parents were trying to stay ahead of the North Koreans. Her parents had three houses burned during the war. I was there in '68 and marveled at what a hard working, industrious people Koreans were. I'd be willing to bet that the first time the Nork's stretch the wire up north, there will be a lot less people in the south saying we should leave.

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