IG May Investigate AFN Radio

Democrat Congressional Representatives are trying to force AFN radio to air liberal talk radio:

Democrats are demanding an investigation into defense officials?E decision to delay a liberal talk show debut on American Forces Radio last week.

On Thursday, Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., and other House Democrats requested the Defense Department inspector general look into the Pentagon delay in providing balanced programming on AFN Radio.?E/p>


A Defense Department spokeswoman said the decision on Schultz’s show is still under consideration, a process that includes a review of all department guidelines for new programs.

Democrats said they are suspicious of the timing of the delay, but that the Schultz issue is just the latest in a multiyear battle to include liberal talk shows on the overseas radio network.

Currently, the American Forces Radio lineup includes radio personalities such as Rush Limbaugh, Laura Schlessinger and Paul Harvey, as well as news headlines from CNN and National Public Radio.

Has it ever crossed these Congressmen’s minds that maybe the Pentagon doesn’t want the soldiers to listen to people advocating losing the war and cutting and running? I say they take Rush Limbaugh and Doctor Laura off the programming line up before letting the liberal kooks on there advocating losing the war. You would think CNN, NPR, and Paul Harvey would be enough balanced enough programming for them.

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