Korea to Head Audit of Tsunami Relief Funds

Why am I not surprised by this:

Korea has been named to the deputy leadership position in an international audit of tsunami disaster relief donations.
It was named to the position on a task force set up to audit the relief funds by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions, a group of national auditors. The announcement was made at the group’s meeting in Norway.

The task force was set up after questions were raised in many countries about the use of the funds donated to help victims of the December 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean. Critics have charged that of the funds that Indonesia and Sri Lanka received for disaster relief, only 10 percent has found its way to the victims.
Jeon Yun-cheol, the chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea, was a leading proponent of the special auditing task force within the organization.

It shouldn’t come as no surprise that much of the donated money would be swindled similar to what happened with the 9/11 funds. Hopefully the Korean taskforce can uncover where all the money went.

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