Hines Ward in Korea Mania: Day 2

Well because I really have nothing else to blog about here is more on the Hines Ward visit to Korea. Fresh off of rubbing elbows with President Roh Moo-hyun, Hines Ward has now decided to begin his own foundation to assist mixed race children in Korea:

At a press conference in Seoul, Ward said he was discussing with his legal representative here the establishment of the foundation to help children with mixed-blood backgrounds, similar to the Pearl S. Buck International (PSBI) that works with children of mixed-heritage.

Here is what President had to say about the meeting with Ward:

During the Chong Wa Dae meeting, Roh praised Ward’s enthusiasm and outstanding achievement giving Korean mixed-race students hopes and dreams, presidential spokesman Kim Man-soo said.

Roh pledged to give more equal social opportunities to those of mixed-race, asking Ward for continued attention to his native country.

Why does it take Hines Ward an American to give these kids hopes and dreams? Roh is the President of Korea, why doesn’t he step up and give these kids hopes and dreams instead? If Ward wasn’t the Super Bowl MVP these kids would not be worthy of hopes and dreams then? Only Super Bowl MVPs are qualified to give these kids hope for a better future? President Roh and Koreans in general should have been addressing this problem long before Hines Ward showed up.

I do have to give credit to Hines Ward for stepping up and bringing attention to this issue. I will be more impressed if he sticks with it and remains active in his pledge to aid mixed race children. That will mean more than just spotlighting the issue for a couple of weeks during his visit. If stays active in the problem then maybe things will change. If not then a month after he leaves all will be forgotten until the next famous mixed race person comes around.

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17 years ago

[…] said a year and a half ago when Hines Ward first visited Korea that I would be impressed if he maintained his commitment to Amerasian children in the coming years instead of spotlighting it for a few weeks to win some […]

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