More Details in the False Marriage Proposal Case

The lawyer for the Camp Red Cloud Sergeant Jin-hong Han has now appealing to have his 10 month prison sentence reduced.  However, his former wife and fooled fiance say that 10 months is not enough:

In the months and years they knew Han, he lied about his income, Army rank, marital status and intentions, both women said in separate phone interviews with Stars and Stripes recently.

Na, the wife, has polio and had hoped her marriage to a U.S. Army officer would bring her a more rewarding life. Kim, the girlfriend, said she gave up her job and home in Australia to return to Seoul and marry a man who made ¿rosy promises.

Now, Kim compares her dealings with Han to a movie or soap opera: Who on Earth can guess [this] absolute nightmare happened in my life? she said.

This case is just weird.  Read the rest of the article to get the complete details.

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