The Meaning of Blood Type in Korea
|If you are new to Korea and have wondered why Korean people especially women ask you what your blood type is well there is a reason for that. Below is a graphic I graciously ripped off from the Japundit that lists what each person’s blood type means:
The worst blood type you can have is a type B. Type B people are supposed to make poor marriage choices due to their aledgedly unpredictable personalities. This notion of blood type influencing personalities has even been made into a popular Korean movie, My Boyfriend is Type B. So the next time you are out on the town and someone asks for your blood type they are not sizing you up for an organ transplant, but as a compatible partner instead. However, you might not want to tell them you are a Type B if you are. Just give them your zodiac instead.
koreas blood type is pretty mean :/ 😯 😐
😯 I am type B!!
this was invented by proto-Nazis, developed by the Nazi Germany and further propagated by the racist/militarist Japanese government at the same time.
Some garbage hack wannabe writer brought it back in Japan in the 1970s where bubbly idiotic teens with too much time and money and not much else in their vapid lives clinged to it.
then what i am going to do? mine is type B. does it really mean they don,t want a type b partner?
For better or worse, as they say, my wife and I have the same blood type…
So… since the graphic is gone or blocked, I stole this text from Wiki:
Type A
Best traits–Earnest, creative, sensible, reserved, patient, responsible
Worst traits–Fastidious, overearnest, stubborn, tense, conservative
Type B
Best traits–Wild, active, doer, creative, passionate, strong
Worst traits–Selfish, irresponsible, unforgiving, unpredictable
Type AB
Best traits–Cool, controlled, rational, sociable, "split personality"
Worst traits–Critical, indecisive, forgetful, irresponsible
Type O
Best traits–Agreeable, sociable, optimistic
Worst traits–Vain, rude, jealous, arrogant
Some say this is nothing but tripe.
They deny it is true and then gripe.
But if I give you a hassle
or act like an assh'le
I swear it's just my blood type.
The Traits
Type O – The Warrior
# trendsetter
# loyal
# passionate
# self-confident
# independent
# ambitious
# vain
# jealous
Famous O’s
# Queen Elizabeth II
# John Lennon
# Elvis Presley
# Liam & Noel Gallagher
# Paul Newman
Type A – The Farmer
# calm
# patient
# sensitive
# responsible
# overcautious
# stubborn
# unable to relax
Famous A’s
# Adolf Hitler
# George Bush Senior
# Soseki Natsume
# Ringo Starr
# Britney Spears
Type B – The Hunter
# individualist
# dislike custom
# strong
# optimistic
# creative
# flexible
# wild
# unpredictable
Famous B’s
# Akira Kurosawa
# Paul McCartney
# Mia Farrow
# Leonardo Di Caprio
# Jack Nicholson
Type AB – The Humanist
# cool
# controlled
# rational
# sociable
# popular
# critical
# sometimes standoffish
# indecisive
Famous AB’s
# Jackie Chan
# Marilyn Monroe
# John F Kennedy
# Mick Jagger
# Alain Prost
Read more:…
SBS published a good all around book called "혈헝의 진실" The Truth About Blood Types that goes over the history of the blood typing/personality phenomenon and actually has surveys of global blood types. Some ethnic groups, like I think Native Americans in Peru, are almost all blood type B. Korean readers might want to check it out.
My Korean Girlfriend is Type O
She was type O, damn what a ho!
My Korean girl, far from a pearl
I met her on-line, was it a sign?
Should have stayed home, greased the main dome
Hard lesson learned, another trial burned
Superstition true?, who really knew?
All I can say, eventually we pay
As dumb as it seems, to some it is dreams
I’m blood type O but the personality traits that are meant for B fit for me. My mother is B and I’m not sure what my father is but her personality isn’t suited for the B it’s more A. Eh, all this stuff falls under false hopes and superstitions but it is interesting just like astrology and metaphysical science.
I’m Type Jack Daniels/Jager Bomb