North Korean Missile Launch Reaching A Point of Ridiculousness

I can’t believe the Washington Post is advocating starting a war over the North Korean missile test?:

Fears have grown in recent weeks following reports of activity at a site in northeastern North Korea where U.S. officials say a Taepodong-2 missile — believed capable of reaching parts of the United States — is possibly being fueled.

An op-ed piece in Thursday’s Washington Post by William Perry, secretary of defense under former President Bill Clinton, and Ashton Carter, Clinton’s assistant secretary of defense, advocates a pre-emptive strike to destroy the missile.

“The United States should immediately make clear its intention to strike and destroy the North Korean Taepodong missile before it can be launched,” it said.

Cheney, however, told CNN that, while “I appreciate Bill’s advice,” such an action could worsen the situation.

It appears the same people that were against a pre-emptive strike in Iraq, now want the US to start a pre-emptive war with North Korea which would be a thousand times more bloodier than anything we have seen in Iraq over a missile test? Let them fire their stupid missile and once it is over they will once again retreat back into international obscurity. Bombing them is the absolutely worse course of action one could take in this matter. I think the left in America since they are perceived by the American public as being weak on defense are trying now to come out as hawks against North Korea because they know that President Bush isn’t stupid enough to launch a war against North Korea over a stupid missile test.

I fidn this picture from CNN quite interesting:

This picture is misleading to the fact that most South Koreans could care less about this stupid missile test which is a point the US media has made sure that they have avoided. South Koreans live within artillery range of North Korea, so dropping a missile on you after getting hit by a massive MLRS blast really doesn’t matter. The US media though has made sure to inform everyone though of the possibility of chemical and nuclear warheads raining down on the west coast of the United States from this missile test. Scare mongering at it’s best.

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18 years ago

[…] Remember Perry was the same guy who co-authored a Washington Post editorial before July’s North Korean missile test that advocated bombing North Korea’s missile program.  I said then that it would be ridiculous to bomb the missile sites because the US had more to gain from the North Koreans firing the missiles compared to if the US attacked North Korea.  By firing the missile the US was able to accurately gauge exactly how far along the North Korean missile program was, which ended up being no where near advanced as thought.  The US would have never learned this by bombing North Korea.  Plus the test continued the isolation of the Kim regime with additional sanctions put on the country and Kim becoming even more of an international pariah.  […]

17 years ago

[…] Perry was the same guy who co-authored a Washington Post editorial before July’s North Korean missile test that advocated bombing North Korea’s missile program. I […]

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