Foreigner Crime is Up, or is It?

From Yonhap:

Number of foreign lawbreakers in S. Korea soar in Jan.-Aug. period SEOUL, Oct. 7 (Yonhap) —

The number of foreign lawbreakers surged this year as an increasing number of Chinese fishers illegally operated in the nation’s waters or fabricated the South Korean currency, a government report said Saturday.

There were a total of 12,423 foreign lawbreakers in the January-August period this year, compared with 13,584 foreign lawbreakers during all of 2005, said the report by the Ministry of Justice submitted to an opposition lawmaker for the parliamentary audit.

“Foreigners’ lawbreaking cases surged as there was an increase in the number of foreign industrial trainees and interracial marriages,” the report said. “Of all, most notable increase is seen in the number of foreign illegal fishers and currency fabricators.”
The number of Chinese lawbreakers accounted for 65.7 percent of the total, or 8,162, while the number of U.S. lawbreakers reached 838. The number of Japanese lawbreakers was tallied at 238, while the remaining 3,185 lawbreakers were from other nations.

You gotta love this misleading headline of foreigner crime soaring, when in fact illegal Chinese fishermen are the ones causing the overall number to rise. Reminds me of when the media had past headlines about Surging GI CrimeTM but added in USFK parking tickets to inflate the overall crime total.  Now when is the Korean media going to write an article about the surging Korean on foreigner crime? I forgot Koreans would never, ever commit rape, assault, murder, stabbings, kidnappings or even force US GIs to make coerced statements on national TV. They would never do that, would they?

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