Convicted USFK Murderer Speaks Out

Former USFK soldier and convicted murderer Kenneth Markle who was just recently released from ROK prison, has apparently spoken out over at Lost Nomad proclaiming his innocence in the 1992 murder of Korean prostitute Kum E. Yoon. This murder is the most brutal as well as the most publicly known murder by a US servicemember in Korea and has long been used by anti-US groups to influence public opinion against USFK in Korea.

I can remember a few years back being in charge of a force protection detail at Camp Red Cloud when my soldiers working the front gate called me to come to the gate. I went to the gate and the typical anti-US loons were out there with signs with the murdered body of Ms. Yoon on it as well as the crushed bodies of the two girls killed in the 2002 armored vehicle accident. That was the first time I had ever seen pictures of the brutal murder, that even years after it happened are still sickenly used for political reasons.

Markle says he didn’t do it and we would be surprised if we read the court transcripts. Well then he should scan post them on a webpage and let us with interest in the case read them. He is the one convicted for the murder and thus the burden of proof is on him to prove he is innocent.


Note: An updated posting about this case can be read at the below link:

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Concerned Soldier
Concerned Soldier
17 years ago

There is no doubt PVT MARKLE committed the crimes he was convicted of. I was in Korea during the incident. He is lucky to have been convicted in Korean court, because he would still be in jail if the Korean's had not exercised the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA).

17 years ago

I am not sure how anyone who was not physically at the crime scene can say there is "no doubt PVT MARKLE committed the crimes he was convicted of." Before I cast my ballot on his guilt or innocence I would like to review the court documents and draw my own conclusions.

I tend to believe that he probably committed the crimes he was convicted of but again, I would like to hear his side of the story.

GI Korea
17 years ago

I'm with Cray_Z on this one. Markle probably did commit the murder he was convicted of but I would love to see copies of the court transcripts to judge for myself that he did in fact commit the crime.

16 years ago

Well, I stupidly dated Markle while he was in prison and for a while when he got out! I actually went to korea and visited him in jail! Ya know, the prison guards that worked with him seemed to really like him, but im sure its because he would say the same tired story to them,"If you only read the transcripts!" Well, He used the same story on me and countless others, but yet i was actually with this man and yet, I never ever got to see the transcripts myself, hence why him and i are no longer together, not only fot that reason, but im going to get a little personal here, While he was with me, he wanted to see me stick the neck of a bottle inside myself, well needless to say I did not do it!

16 years ago

Continued…. He and I were splitsville after that one! Um and if you are familiar with the crime, then you will know that a bottle was one of the things used! So, if he really didnt do it, 1. He would have shown me the documents to prove he was innocent and 2. I dont think any man in his right mind that was proven guilty of a hanis crime like that and was innocent, would not want someone to “reinact” something that was done in the crime he was convicted of! Further more, the man is just not right in the head! And yes, neither was I at the time I was with him!

16 years ago

How did you meet this guy?

16 years ago

There are times when getting information on the internet does not work. Someonewwhoknowa's comment is one of them.

How can you tell if it is true or not?

You can't.

If we can't say with 100% certitude that Markle did what he was convicted of, which I agree – 100% conviction his conviction was right without having seen all the evidence is not possible, —– how can we put a value stamp on Someonewhoknowa's comment?

Could be 100% true —– could be one of the K-blog commenters who likes to jerk people's chains…..


Anyway — if I remember correctly from the few media documents that are available from that time period, Markle himself admitted to being on the scene when the horrible crime took place but said it was one of the other GIs he was with who actually killed and mutilated the body.

I vaguely remember reading a news article, I think, that said he claimed that the girl attacked them in anger, and he hit her with a bottle, but she was alive and well when he left the room with the other GIs remaining behind.

So, the only problem I've ever had with his conviction is that I would have personally wanted to see one or two more of the men on the scene go to jail as well.

Nothing I've heard made me feel Markle shouldn't have been convicted.

Apple Pie
Apple Pie
16 years ago

In this round of the Human Being Draft…..

We, the Americans, would like to give Someonwwhoknowa their free agency and release them from the American team.

GI Korea
16 years ago

You can never be sure about what people post on the internet so take the comment with a grain of salt. However, the point about Markle never releasing his court transcripts is still valid.

Until he does I'm still nearly 100% sure he did commit the murder he was convicted of.

16 years ago

Listen, why the hell would i claim i was with this idiot if i wasnt, hello!! He now lives in his home town of Kyser WV. he works for his familys business, he has a gf named Victoria who has 3 kids whome she sees everyother weekend! and to answere questions on how i met him, his so called uncle snuck in a cell phone and a handheld computer so yes i met him on the internet and at first he never told me about who and where he was for the first 2 months of convorsating! then gave me the same sob story as he gave everyone else!! anyway, he is a sick man, and yes when he came home and was in my house, i never really felt 100% comfortable! Any other questions?

16 years ago

btw, i hid my umbrella's and my glass bottles when he was around!!

16 years ago

Oh, and to get personal, He has a scar on his right buttock from an inncodent that happend from his childhood! And I think I still might have his Cell phone number if anyone would like to call and ask him any questions!

16 years ago

A pic would be good. Go ahead and post his number.

16 years ago

Well, Im not going to post a pic on here because i for one do not have the ability to do that on this computer, and 2 every pic I have has me in it as well, so I would not post a pic of myself on here! And by the way you say “Go ahead and post his number.” makes me feel like i would get in trouble for doing so. Just know that I was in fact with this idiot, and it’s unfortunate that he can’t prove himself to be innocent! I do know the thing he kept saying over and over again, was that the DNA found on her body was not his blood type, that it was the other GI that was there match. Hmm, he didnt show me any profe of this and further more, if they got a positive DNA match of someone else, dont you think that the person who’s DNA it was would also be in prison for the crime? or was it because she was a prostitute and they couldnt tell if it was from that night or some other night, or if it was from the apartment where she lie dead, or was it from before she even made it to the apartment? These are things that he couldn’t answere for me.

16 years ago

Oh, and Apple Pie, I didnt know that you speak for all the Americans!!! I think you should find something else to do! That comment you made reminds me of a certain someone who is in charge of this country and when he speaks he sounds like an idiot and so do you! Are you the one behind all of his speeches?

GI Korea
16 years ago

I would appreciate if you would not post his number but like I said before who you are does not invalidate the point you made that Markle has not released any of the court transcripts that he claims shows he is innocent. Heck I would let him post all the transcripts here on the ROK Drop if he wanted so he wouldn't have to buy his own web space.

If I went to jail for something I didn't do and could prove it, I would have a whole webpage setup to convince people of my innocence. The fact that Markle hasn't just gives more creditability to his murder conviction.

16 years ago

Ha~ another one of his EX's are on here….Hi~ im his EX too.Oh I have no clue if he did this crime or not but he told me the same thing he told her.He told me I could read the transcripts…The DNA thing….I would still like to read them myself. He says they are really thick.

john ortega
john ortega
16 years ago

i was kenneth's roommate in korea durring the time of the incident, i left country a month later, can someone give me his number please….it's ok to ask him i know he will remember me

16 years ago

I really am not sure what the point of the "ex" commenting on here is. Did he break up with you are you mad?..and to post personal info is ridiculous.

Maybe he can't get the transcripts to post for the world to see. But think about it how was he released Was it time served?

…but jesus people You girls that are soo called Ex's are ridiculous

16 years ago

He was actually released early by a few years. It was done very quietly as neither side (ROK nor US) wanted the NGOs to make a circus out of it.

Regarding the transcripts…presumably they are written in Hangul – so what good would it do to post them (for most of the people here)?

16 years ago

It makes sense that if he could he would. Im sure..I just dont understand the point of getting on here and running your mouth if you are an ex. You obviously have hard feelings But because he broke up with you or whatever now you are bashing him..Get a life and remember he served how many years of his life for probablly something he didnt even do. If you know him then you would realize he is definitely not the type of person to do the things he is accused of…..but then again maybe he has changed or whatever….

16 years ago

Would anyone be shocked if the transcripts were released and the facts surrounding the crime weren't as gruesome as the Korean media and USFK legend portray?

I think a lot of people are hung up on the idea that since he is a convicted murderer, then he was also convicted of every detail and rumor that has been whispered about for over 15 years. Even if he is guilty of murder, I can understand why he would want to refute a lot of the mythology surrounding this case.

16 years ago

I really wish that the transcripts could be published. Im not sure if it would be good or bad…Im pretty sure good but like you said they probablly wouldnt even be in English…all I know is from what Ive got to know of him. He is not someone I would believe is capable of something like either he changed completely or he was innocent… ❗

16 years ago

Hey there HisEx, are you the one he met on a cruise ship outa brooklyn Ny? Or are you one of the many from WV? Uhhh any whoo as far as Crazypeople goes, Ummm you know him or you know of him Hmmmm? cause ya know he was a very menipulative man and a sex devient! I think that if you want a women to do some of the things he wanted me to do uhh you would understand why I think he did do it! Oh and for you John Ortega, I know his email address if you want it! Ahhh well I will be anxtiousely awaiting all of the non beleiver or hater responces!! Oh and I know my spelling is horrific but yet again Albert Einstien could spell either!!

16 years ago

Oh and again John Ortega, i know you know him I remember him showing me pictures of you pre conviction!

16 years ago

I think ANYONE who was involved with this guy has valuable insight into his character/personality…from a psychological point-of-view I would like to hear more from the Exs'.

The guy has served his time, so in our justice system he has now paid his debt to society, but from what i have read here he seems to still be a disturbed individual.

By closing doors we will never come to understand people like this. 😉

16 years ago

Well I am his EX i live right down the street from him and I see him from time to time. He treated me really good I dont know how he treated all the other girls but whatever. I aint on here to get my name bashed by you people,All I know is he is a nice guy. I dont have hard feelings for him or anything.I just want people to know today he is living his life happily I guess We were together for a while so I think I know him pretty well.

16 years ago

What are the odds of two Xs showng up on this website?

16 years ago

lol, i know its quite funny isnt it! I show up first then some other one does…. well all I can say is this, HisEx is from West Virginia and I am from New York! Hmmm I think on some levels there is an educational difference between the two of us! LOL IE: "I aint on here to get my name bashed by you people" so if you want an educated opinion then just ask me whatever you would like! I have no problem at all with letting you know how he was!! Oh and HisEx, is your name Becky? LOL and yes most criminals are nice guys until they have an umbrella in your anus and laundry detergent down your throat! 😈

16 years ago

Depends are you the girl who told me that you were having his baby. When we were sitting in the car with you on speaker phone and I heard your whole conversation when he asked why you said that you gave him a dumb ass answer. Or was that a different girl in New York. It really dont matter who the hell I am. Why the hell were you with him for so long if you thought he did it? I have been checking on this site since I was with him thank you I just never posted anything but I am now glad I did.

16 years ago

someonwwhoknowa Did you come on this site to bash him for what reason..Jesus find somewhere else to do it…This is a pretty serious thing and not to be used for your "revenge rantings" Get over it move on with your life and let sleeping dogs lie..You obviously arent over the break up…IM a friend and a friend only and have just been curious as to the surroundings of what happened…not to get on here and read about your broken relationship….Get a life seriously..

16 years ago

Well there were quite a few girls from NY but I believe you were the girl who was 20yrs old who was bff with a 14yr old! You were also the one who thought he was only with you and when he told you he was going to his uncles house he was actually with me and um i do believe you were actually listening to us on the phone while we were busy huh! Well lets just say I didnt stay with him very long after he was released! i had better things to do then waist another second on someone who obviously had mental issues! Ahh isnt this fun for the people who blog on here! 2 ex's going back and forth with one another! Well I said what I needed to and that will be all from me as far as bickering with someone who is not even on the same level as I am! I was with this person for about a yr while he was in prison and when he came out! I have a little more knowledge of Markle then someone who spent a few nights with him! So Becky it was nice reminising with you but you know what you were to him and I dont need to say anything else on the matter! 😆

16 years ago

crazypeople! thats just what you are! Oh yes it is very seriouse and I do have better things to do then this but i do it for the sheer fact that there are people who want to know about him and I had a pretty intimate relationship with him. Oh I see that may be where your problem lies, you didnt have that relationship with him and maybe your just jealous that I did! Ahh its all so much clearer now! Listen I am so over the relationship we had! I am happily married with a baby and uhh whats funny is i married the man that I cheated on markle with!!! Now what does that tell you. So the only person here that needs to get a life is you! Maybe if you ask nicely markle will have a relationship with you! Maybe you would enjoy having to keep one eye open while hes laying in bed next to you or maybe you would enjoy having to hide the laundry soap and the umbrellas! or maybe just maybe your into that sorta thing and thats why your on here trying to bash me! :mrgreen: Get a grip!

16 years ago

Look all you are doing is trashing his name you cant just let things be. Kennet is out there living his life with out a crazy ass bitch like you. Umm I think I had more of a realtionship with him then you did I mean after all I was the one that was with him at family reunions and whatever else he was attending . Where were you. Oh that right in NY. Dont be pissed off cause he left your ass for me. Yeah I knew he was in NY with you and yeah you did call me when you guys were having sex so you did put up a damn good fight for him so I am guessing you loved him. You changed your story now that you aint with him. You act like you hate him now. Hmm maybe I will just go have talk with him and let him clear a few things up for you.Oh and what was I to him please do tell me cause I KNOW what I was to him. I dont hate Kennet so no I aint gonna me on here bashing his name but your just a bitter person who cant let him go. Oh and the baby thing Yeah I heard that before is it still Kennets?

16 years ago

Oh and one more thing you are happily married with a child and you have time to blog about an EX? It is making me wonder how well your marriage is. How does your husband feel about you thinking so much about your EX…or does he even know.

16 years ago

Look, I knew I struck a cord with little miss uneducated! Anyway as I said before I am not going to bicker back and forth with some illiterate ignorant child from West Virginia, who doesn’t know her head from a hole in her ass! Becky, get over it! Grow UP! If there are any people out there who really want to ask any questions please feel free! As for Becky, you can say all you want to but I will no longer go back and for with you, your just an uneducated child who is no match for me! Have fun all! 😆 Oh and Becky when you see him make sure you tell him I said hi to him and his girlfriend he left you for, what was her name ahh yes it’s Victoria!!! I know you know that name! have fun!

16 years ago

Oh and PS. Becky, My husband does know what I do and if you think this is all about me hating him because we broke up, well little miss uneducated think about this, If I was so in love with him, and if i gave such a fight for him, uhh why would I have been cheating on him with the man i am married to far before he even came out of prison? Can your little brain comprehend what I just said, or is it a little hard to process!!! LOL, if i really wanted him I could of had him! get a grip on reality little girl and go back to school, you shouldnt have dropped out!! and just a tip for you, using the word aint to many times in a sentence just showes how uneducated you really are!

16 years ago


Markle was a PLAYA

16 years ago

I have seen articles based on "Girls" falling for convicts before & always wondered why they would allow themselves to be lured into a relationship with an obvious loser, but I think I am getting the picture here…Low Self-Esteem…plus this character, Kenneth Markle, must have been one B/S talking MoFo to these "Young girls" that were obviously looking for someone to make them feel special.

Still, this guy has some obvious hidden sexual issues…possibly gained through abuse in his earlier years…thus the anal and other object penetration manifestations.

Time to move on… 😉

16 years ago

Calmseas, I think you hit the nail on the head! Yes looking at the situation, i DID and i stress DID have low self-esteem when i let myself get into the situation that i did! Yes Markle did know how to talk too! I was 24 at the time, stupid and nieve (spelling) But I started the relationship not knowing where he was, he told me he was in the Army (active duty) in Korea and I didnt think anything of it, then I started to have feelings i guess and thats when he dropped the ball! I think You know where im going with this, so yes he was manipulative and deceitful and I fell for it!

16 years ago

OK look I will not fight with you no more. I dont even know why all you people care about this. While you are sitting here wondering if he did it or not, He is happy living his life….oh and for someonwwhoknowa I left Kennent!! He came back trying to work things out and I said no. So I left him he didnt leave me lets get the story straight.As for me being uneducated. I dont care what you think of me cause you are no one to me. Nor did I ask what you thought about me. So keep your 6th grade comments to yourself.Thank you. No one is making your write back to me you are doing to yourself. So you go ahead and have fun. Dont bother to write back.

16 years ago

HisEX and someonwwhoknowa, I know an agent from the Jerry Springer show that would like to talk to you. Provided you say yes to the following questions.

Do you weigh over 200lbs?

Have female mullet?

Willing to fight for yo man?

The pay is good, and comes with Applebee's coupons.

16 years ago

"someonwwhoknowa" If you are as you say married with a baby..then you definitely need to move the hell on Quit worrying about things you have no control over and worry about your new husband and baby….And you have me completely wrong..but that is ok..I really dont care…

You sound like a very young and immature person and if you fell for someone on the internet..and then cheated on them…I guess you just showed everyone your "character" no need to say anything more…

16 years ago

KingofMekju the answers to your questions are

No NO and No cause he is not my man anymore.

Reply to  someonwwhoknowa
15 years ago

Ok you are annoying as HELL!!!….

You obviously need attention if you are on this site and keep running your mouth.

Get a life and let the past be the past…

😕 😕

Reply to  Concerned Soldier
15 years ago

How can you say that there is NO DOUBT…what proof do you have??

Reply to  crazypeople
15 years ago


steve krcelic
steve krcelic
15 years ago

i was in prison with Markle at Camp Humpheries. I was there the day he was transferred from that hotel to the Korean prison. I Personally read the transcripts and this guy was a sick pup!! He used a broken beer bottle and then an umbrella on the womans' privates. He was a young, scared punk and deserved worse than he got. Private Markle was a coward then and I have a feeling that nothing has changed.

steve krcelic
steve krcelic
Reply to  Former1HBCTJoe
15 years ago

The stack of blue transcript papers was six feet off the floor. Basically, he got drunk in TDC, outside Casey, and ended up with a hooker. He fell head over heels for her and she rejected him. He beat her to death with his bear hands and then used a broken beer bottle and an umbrella for a dildo, after she was already dead! I hope he was treated well in that ROK prison. Piece of garbage!

steve krcelic
steve krcelic
Reply to  john ortega
15 years ago

i remember you. I was there, at Humpheries with you guys.

Just a google search
Just a google search
15 years ago

[DELETED BY ADMIN – Please do not post people's personal addresses and phone numbers]

15 years ago

Anyhow, thank you for everybody especially someonewhoknow, who showed courage to let us have a better chance to think about the issue and away from selfish and wrong hopes that he would not guilty.

G.I.korea seems to post this article from his hopes and guess only based by suspect's allegation.

I do understand you want to back up for another American.

But it might lead so many people who read to wrong judgement and keep away from the truth the God knows.

I can't tell he did or not but at least I can tell you post this on the side of suspect.

But still I do appreciate you to run this website.

unknown soldier
unknown soldier
Reply to  Concerned Soldier
15 years ago

I've read those transcripts and was stationed at Camp Pelham(formerly Gary Owen)when this happened. Not only was I in Korea, but I was in prison with Markle at Camp Humphries( I had a drinking problem and wrote some bad checks). Markle was, and probably still is a smart ass punk who had no remorse for what he did. I spent a month reading those transcripts and I know he did it. He shouldn't have left the transcripts next to his bunk while he was on KP!! He is LUCKY that this happened in The ROK. Any state in this union and he would have gotten the CHAIR!!

Kennet Markle
Reply to  crazypeople
15 years ago

A friend of mine let me know that there were all kinds of interesting things being written about me on this site. I had a little time to waste, so I sat down recently and started reading. And laughing. At first, I was amused. Then it became nearly hysterical. Far too many comments have been made for me to try to respond to each one. Instead, I'll make a few general statements and be done with it. I wasted too much time overseas to spend any more doing this. For the record, I didn't kill ANYONE. I was in the vicinity. Had contact of a non-sexual nature with the young woman and left the area. I do not know who committed the crime. I was identified as being seen with her, was arrested, interrogated and bullied into signing a confession I could not read or understand. Thus, the basis of my conviction. I was 19 years old, scared, alone and helpless. I never had a chance of "proving" anything, let alone my innocence. I've made very little noise about the ordeal since I've returned to the United States. Believe me, I wanted to. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops, file lawsuits, get the media involved… Anything to "prove" I didn't do it. What good would it do me now? The 14 years are gone. I can live for the future or let the past kill me. I chose the former. That might not be the right choice, but I took some good advice and chose not to let the past dictate my future. I can sleep at night with my choice. As for all the comments made on this site by "ex's" and other acquaintances, the only one one I'll acknowlege is John Ortega. Yes, he was my room mate in Korea. He was like a brother to me, a truly trusted friend who I still think of occasionally. I appreciate that he even tried to contact me. He was a good man then and, I've no doubt, still is. Hope you are doing well, John. Thanks for coming to see me at Red Cloud and playing Spades through the bars of my cell. I'll never forget it. Onward… Yes, I could post transcripts of my trials on the site. Copies of statements and pictures and just about anything else you folks would want to see. Some of it damaging, some vindicating. Wouldn't matter. The debate would rage. I'm not a "sexual deviant" or a predator. Never had legal trouble before Korea or since. Not a pothead or a woman-beater. I work my ass off to make up for lost time and I'm determined to do it. Some of you call me names, say I should get "the chair" or I'm lucky to be free. Say I manipulate or deceive or…well, I don't need to try to repeat all of it. I don't care what any of you think of me. I did my time, justified or not. All of you with nothing better to do than crucify me should ask yourselves what good you're doing wasting your time on this site. Go to work. Take care of your kids. Do something productive. Be happy that you have the freedom to do it. I know what it's like not to have it. It's miserable.

It's me
It's me
15 years ago

Your welcome Kennet 😉

Victoria Miller
15 years ago

How do I even start this, Im Kennet's girlfriend and have been for the past 2 years. We have a beutiful life and will continue to. I dont understand why everyone on here is so caught up in the past, come one move on let it go. We did. Kennets not some " lowlife, scumbag, freak of nature, etc. etc" whatever you want to call him. He is human which is more than I can say for some people. You act like you know him, you dont heres the thing. Alicia you knew who he was and exacty what you were getting yourself into. You didnt care but you do now because you dont have him. It was pretty low you had to create a fake myspace page just to try and have communication with him. We see how far that got you. By the way I have my three kids twenty four seven the only reason i have them everyother weekend is because thats when they go see their dad. You can put me out here call me stupid or whatever you want, I dont care. I love him im happy with him and so are my kids. He has never done anything wrong to me or them and theres no doubt in my mind that he ever would. After Kennet and I first started talking he told me about the past and left it up to me to make a decision on whether I wanted to get to know him and be with him or not. The decision I made was one of the best in my life. And I would not change a single thing about that. I know exactly what he was charged with but yet if you get know him there wouldnt be any doubt in your minds that he didnt do it. If he was this "horrible person" you people make him out to be would he have given me that choice left that decision up to me, or would he have waited until I fell in love then told me? This was 16 years ago, have you heard of Scott Peterson the one who murdered his wife and unborn child. Go start a blog about him, atleast they have proof he did it. Just let it go let us be happy. The X on here you say whatever you want your a jealous, crazy ass, white girl from New York who thinks you are gods gift. Honey your not, the person who left the comment on here about Jerry Springer she can answer Yes to every single one of them. She makes him out to be a horrible person, when he left her he gave her everything he bought and still tried to keep things good between them she refused out of spite. Im not here to fight with her or anyone, just let it be known that Kennet is a good person, great man, and a hard worker no matter what it is. Becky thank you for sticking up for him. If I would have known about this site a year ago I would have wrote then. All im asking is that you all would let the past be in the past, I am not sure what you think you will accomplish out of the nagging, and begging of transcripts. If he and I let it go why cant you? Call me whatever names you want, say as many harmful things as you like, the thing about it is I am a 26 year old mother of three, devoted girlfriend, and a registered nurse. I have my life exactly the way I want it and couldnt ask for more. Kennets one of the best people in my life, and my kids love him and being round him. I couldnt ask for more and wouldnt. Why cant everyone just let it go?? Im sorry for not responding sooner.

15 years ago

Well your welcome Victoria I dont hate Kennet and I wasn't gonna let people put out personal information on here without him knowing it. None of these people know him. They keep bringing things up that need to be let go. For everyone who continues blogging about this and bashing Kennet you all must have boring lives. This was so many years ago. Just let it go. I am not posting on here anymore after this,so on that note I am leaving it with Kennet is a very good person.I hope that he continues to be happy cause he VERY MUCH so deserves it after all he went through in his life.

unknown soldier
unknown soldier
Reply to  Kennet Markle
15 years ago

just keep the umbrella and any broken beer bottles away from those kids!!

Reply to  NOYB
15 years ago

You I think are the one who is DESPERATE. Sorry if this is annoying to you..But you sure do seem to think you know what happened and are POSITIVE he did it. Just curious as to how in the hell you are that sure.

Reply to  Kennet Markle
15 years ago

I just want to commend the fact that he even got on this site and said anything. He does'nt owe anybody an explanation at all. The fact that Unknown soldier would make that kind of comment is ridiculous to me.

Thanks for responding Kennet even though I don't feel anyone deserves your explanation on here.

Reply to  unknown soldier
15 years ago

You wrote bad checks and ended up in prison for it. Must have been alot of them Maybe you were paying for other things besides alcohol. That is interesting and you should be ashamed of yourself for using that name. You think he would have got the chair in the United States? I doubt it. Also how old was he when you met him 19- 20 maybe. He was probably scared which then in fact made him act like a smart ass punk. The difference is. Ive read your recent posts and also his. Seems to me someone has grown up and someone hasn't. You have made some very vulgar and rude comments which shows me you are not the one that has grown up and changed.

Trevor Daniel
Trevor Daniel
15 years ago

I too was in Korea with Markle. He and I were the only two airborne medics in the unit, and i too spent time at his cell. i was one of his platoon sergeants. I read the evidence and know that he didn't do it. so if you all don't know what you all are talking about, or who you are talking about you should shut the hell up. the man was supposed to go home two days after the incident…I put him in his room that night, so i know for sure it wasn't him. that was a travesty. you all should be ashamed of yourselves.

15 years ago

Quit replying this old trashy post. I don't want to see any comments in my own mailbox anymore.I should have not checked that nitifying function. Gee…. I don't even care he did or not.

Yeah, it's your world, your blog. So enjoy your own world full of lies, distorted fact, editing by prejudiced views and elaborate hoax.

Who are you guys who believe this G.I. blogger's prejudiced news editing. He tries to make people believe distorted fact.

Not only this one, but also many a lot of post show and prove.

For instance, I tried to leave comment to correct official attitude and opinion of Japan about something,I tried 4 times at work and home but my comment never be seen. I don't know why. Yeah, maybe technical problem or not.

But still I can't stop thinking he always try to conceal real fact.

I don't have any obligation to educate you guys so I just let it go.

You guys should recognize there's no objective article and even news articles are edited by prejudice.

Don't let anybody fool you.

And you G.I. Korea who make this blog and try to brainwash uneducated naive American, Many people like me watch your blog full of distorted fact at the same time just keep silent 'cause we know we don't have to educate your people. Even though you keep spreading wrong thing, YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE THE FACT ITSELF.

Someone said, newspaper only have the fact not the truth.

You reader should recognize the intent of the writer of every article.

How pathetic you guy are who believe everything what you read.

I'm not goint to check notifying function so now I don't have to see comment in my mail. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply to  Hi
15 years ago

I'm on your side man. Come on tell us more. The truth will set you free!

Reply to  GIKorea
15 years ago

Check this out what words you chose, what your own experience you used and how you connected them to make people think about murder conviction again in skeptical point of view.

Consciously or unconsciously you did it.

"Former USFK soldier and convicted murderer Kenneth Markle who was just recently released from ROK prison, has apparently spoken out over at Lost Nomad proclaiming his innocence in the 1992 murder of Korean prostitute Kum E. Yoon."

Normally, people call murderer just "murderer" not "convicted murderer"

It shows you don't believe he did and he became a "murderer" just by conviction that could be wrong investigation and unfair judgement possibly.

It also shows your mistrust our court's conviction.

But you didn't have chance to read the investigation paper and court transcript at all still you think your judgement and guessing is further better than the professional court?

At least, they need proof to make someone convicted and very long, long and complicated procedure to make some decision like conviction.

Who are you??? Still believe he didn't just by what your convicted another American said without ANY EVIDENCE.

Very unprofessional, irrational and too much trust just one person who you never know.

And "lost nomad" this word imply he wasted his time for what he didn't.

"prostitute" I don't blame you use this word 'cause it's fact but if someone who just want to emphasize murder itself, is not going to use this term but "woman" or "girl".

"This murder is the most brutal as well as the most publicly known murder by a US servicemember in Korea and has long been used by anti-US groups to influence public opinion against USFK in Korea."

That's why probably you hope he's going to show some evidence of innocence. And maybe this can make some American hope the same thing and try to help it.

"I went to the gate and the typical anti-US loons were out there with signs with the murdered body of Ms. Yoon on it as well as the crushed bodies of the two girls killed in the 2002 armored vehicle accident. That was the first time I had ever seen pictures of the brutal murder, that even years after it happened are still sickenly used for political reasons."

"Typical" "LOONS" "still sickenly used for political reasons"

How interesting. Very impressive.

Those words show your contempt for protesters and you think their assertion and opinions are worthless to listen.

And as far as I know, government didn't use that incident politically and diplomatically.

They work for you. Our government always try to listen to your country that's why Korean call it humiliating diplomacy. You know that???

That's why there were protestors who were not content with diplomatic policies and treatment.

"Markle says he didn’t do it and we would be surprised if we read the court transcripts. Well then he should scan post them on a webpage and let us with interest in the case read them. He is the one convicted for the murder and thus the burden of proof is on him to prove he is innocent."

Apparently you are speaking for him.

He couldn't prove his innocence in the court but now can do it, you think? by what logic?

It sounds again you believe he didn't and want to show evidence to everybody. You seem to very stronly hope.

And you connected this incident and your own experience, make people think they are victim of it for bad image just because incident that could be not his commitment.

Overall, your article shows you are on his side apparently without any proper evidence.

15 years ago

I hearby withdraw my support. Your arguement is incorrect and is full of emotion. I suggest you visit a minister or counselor. Best of luck former best friend. I will be thinking of you. So long.

Retired GI
Retired GI
Reply to  Hi
15 years ago


I have not followed this event at any level, untill now.

I read the post. Don't really care.

Untill I read what you wrote above.

Now, based on what YOU wrote, I am sure that this person was wrongly convicted of the murder of a korean prostitute.

You are just insane with hate, basically of americans in general and this one was targeted, by you and likely by those "professional" courts you koreans have. We ALL know just how "professional" they are toward american soldiers.

"round-eyes" are guilty, unless proven otherwise. Seen it too many times.

So, thanks to YOU causing me to think about something that I had never had the time for before, I now believe this man to be wrongly convicted of killing a korean hooker, by your american hateing kangaroo courts.

Why else would he be turned loose years early. Korea couldn't afford to feed him any longer? That korean hooker's life must not have been worth much to the Korean Legal system.

Or, he is not guilty!

Thanks for clearing it up for me!

15 years ago

I can't change other people's thought and don't have to.

But you need to know all of your opinion is not always right.

I left comment mainly by rational logic and basic analysis not by emotion.

But you guys are never ready to accept it without any supportive reason by your specific educational, emotional or experience background.

I understand it.

Actually as one of Korean, I already forget and don't care this incident anymore,but some of American still remember and leave comment at this very old post.

It shows some of you guys think this is still sensitive issue for your reputation in Korea.


We know the convicted don't represent whole American.

But in fact, the incident happened and someone did it for sure, no one can deny it.

Who the hell want to come back this old and dirty incident?

Just let it go, you Americans.

John Ortega
John Ortega
15 years ago

For all you people that think Kennet is a monster let me let you in on a little secret. Real monsters like Charles Manson or Ted Bundy DO NOT get released from prison and if they did, it would not be done in secret. Our government should have been ashamed of themselves for serving up Kennet to a Korean justice system to calm an angry mob. There is a reason why our justice system is the envey of the world, it is fair and not influenced by pressure or outside intrest. Kennet I lived with you for well over a year and i know you didn't do this! I have never stopped thinking about you and the injustice that was done. I am so happy to hear that you are doing well now and you always have a place to visit and stay in Sarasota Florida, yes I moved from my beloved Miami but I would still take you there like I promised I would someday. Trever I'm glad to see your name up there defending Kennet too. All of the 5/20 medics know the truth and not the myth.

15 years ago

[…] person claiming to be Markle has made comments on ROKDROP denouncing the blog’s negative portrayal of him.  “Kennet Markle” has declared that if the court transcripts were read we would see […]

robert neff
robert neff
15 years ago

Hey GI – left a response to your comment at Marmot's Hole. It would be very nice to see the transcripts and see how they differ from my accounts.

Liver & Onions
Liver & Onions
15 years ago

I was in Korea during the murder of Yun Kum-i by Markle. I really don't care if Markle murdered her or not. I am curious about an incident that happened at Cheonan Prison and was curious if it was true. During a visit from the Army Quartermaster (don't know date) Markle threatened him so he made him eat Liver & Onions for a Month. There was a way that the Quartermaster did it legally, I believe was by expirations dates of food. The liver & Onions was nearing Ex date so it had to be used, I will give no names or dates to protect the innocent of guilty. I knew Markles handlers at Cheonan and Provost Marshal(s).

Leon LaPorte
Reply to  Liver & Onions
15 years ago

I'm sure the statute of limitations has expired by now, even on liver and onions. I doubt anyone will be sent to the Hague over it. 😛

Liver & Onions
Liver & Onions
15 years ago

Leon LaPorte, do you have the DL on the liver & Onions? (Markle was made to eat for a month)

15 years ago

"Liver and Onions", where in the world did you come up with a story like that? I'm not sure why so many people would devote as much time as they do to reading or commenting about me on this site, but I have to admit, it is worth an occasional read just to see what else you folks can come up with. The "DL" on the L&O story is that its a fairy tale, a myth, a complete fabrication. Nothing like it ever happened. No idea where the story originated or how it evolved into "Liver and Onions". Funny, though. Anybody else need any other stories confirmed or denied? LOL.

15 years ago

That is funny, thanks for posting the Liver and Onions piece. Why would it be a crime? or punnishable in any way to feed someone liver and onions for 30 days? I could see if it were the liver from a Polar Bear because of vitamin A, but regular beef liver, I've been places where I would welcome 30 days of liver and onions.

Who cares if Markle slaughtered somone right? The real story is wether or not he had to eat liver and onions for a month!

Leon LaPorte
Reply to  Lemmy
15 years ago

…and did he have access to a regular range of condiments? 😛

Retired GI
Retired GI
Reply to  Hi
15 years ago

Maybe this is "of interest" to Americans. Perhaps because we think a "professional" court trial in Korea of this type, could not possibly have been "fair". Perhaps some Americans don't really care how koreans feel about this.

Not about koreans. About "fair" treatment "of" Americans in korea.

Perhaps some of us don't believe korean courts are "mature" enough to be "professional, when dealing with International Situations.

Who the hell wants to come back to this old and dirty incident?

Answer: You did!

Let it go? Why Korean?

If the judgement of your "professional" court was correct, don't worry.

Why are you worried?

But the american was released early. I wonder why. It does indicate that something is wrong.

I know how koreans feel about their Hookers that service Americans. Bottom of the stack socially. But if they serve your purpose for American hating, would koreans care what really happened?

Retired GI
Retired GI
15 years ago

I love liver and onions! Add some garlic too. Yum Yum.

14 years ago

These posts were seen after reading other articles on this site. I had served in Korea (in the late 80's) and returned as a civilian several months after my ETS from active duty. My five years there included living in the TDC ville during the time this happened. In fact, I had known the young lady, she had worked at a club I used to frequent. The club is clearly pictured on the "TD ville" page.

Miss Yoon (or "Ku-mi" as she was known and called), seemed somewhat subdued or shy, and somehow troubled. Eventually we spoke briefly several times if not regularly and she was usually very polite when we talked. I recall an instance of having asked her out so to speak one night. I remember her saying something about her boyfriend would be angry. There was another evening (or evenings) when I remember a rather unpleasant behaving, mad, upset about something, probably drunk, g.i. approached her and made a scene.

From what I remember, she may have stopped working at the club, or was on a "vacation" from it. I had seen her out in the ville fairly regularly and usually said "hello" in passing. Then, she seemed to disappear entirely. I heard soon after about her being murdered, along with details of what had been done to her from Koreans I knew. It was shocking, unbelievable, saddening, seemed surreal, but humans can be the most sickening and depraved of animals.

I've thought about going back to Korea. I lost contact with someone very special to me after having to leave. A young lady I had lived with and cared a great deal about. I think she had the same or similar family name, but not related, as the gal who was murdered. She wouldn't be as young now, it's been ~17 years afterall. Nor am I as young either, but I still think about her often and could very reasonably say I miss her.

14 years ago

Your just missing your youth.

Reply to  Pete
14 years ago

Yes, Pete, I'm sure it could be, or reminiscing as middle-age sets in (I'm 45), but I think there's more to it than simply missing one's youth.

Korea itself and the people made quite an impression when living there which remains to this day. I wasn't the average foreigner, ex-pat, or typically arrogant American (there could be someone believing otherwise when reading this post? LOL). Not necessarily to say all or most were, nor to be judgemental; but, based on my own impressions of the behavior of others, how they treated Koreans, what Koreans had to say, so forth and there were plenty of negative incidents. Rather, I truly experienced the culture, strived to learn Hangul soon after arriving, lived as a Korean would, tending over time to be accepted by many of them as if I were Korean. The country was (is) a remarkable place as were (are) the people.

Walking down memory lane…

Concerning efforts to learn Hangul, I'm reminded of a funny thing happening when learning the language. I had not learned much at all about the language then having not been in the country very long. Yet, I felt confident enough to try one day when passing details of flight plans over the land lines to Korean flight operation counterparts to give the hours and minutes in Hangul.

An excited response from the gentleman to whom I was speaking ensued. Thinking "Huh?" with a bewildered look on my face, I quickly gave the handset to a Korean counterpart, KNC, Mr. Choi and mentioned not understanding what was being said. He took the phone, speaking to the man for a moment. then laughed heartily, patted me on the back, saying the other guy thought I was a new Korean employee.

Another amusing thing relating to the language occurred a few years after having to returning to the USA. I visited a small Korean restaurant with an American friend of Japanese ancestry. While glancing at the menu, printed in both Hangul and English, I could read the Hangul and could have ordered in Hangul. But, I ordered in English, probably due to not wanting to say something my friend didn't understand.

However, the waitress responded somewhat surprisingly by asking if I spoke Korean. Err, uhm, we had spoken only English, how did she know? I replied saying "a little" in Hangul. Next, she said, "You must meet the owner!" or similar, rushing off to the kitchen and returning a moment later with an older Korean lady. We spoke for a few minutes. She insisted on making it "special" for what I had ordered, more in line with the traditional preparation instead of the toned down versions likely prepared for other American customers. It was a wonderful meal and experience.

This post is getting somewhat lengthy. To close, yes, thinking back or missing youth may be partly to "blame"… There is far more though; I miss the country itself and the people, but what I miss most of all is "Na Yong" and the life we had shared together in her homeland.

unknown soldier
unknown soldier
Reply to  CrazyPeople
14 years ago

First of all, his age is not relevant. I was 20 years old at the time and I didn't butcher a hooker. If poor little, innocent Markle wants the truth to be told, then post the trial transcripts on this site and end the suspense. I've seen them already and he is, and was found GUILY. The "other things" that you refer to was gambling. I did my time and learned my lessons well. Just graduated with my Pharm.D yesterday. By the way, your name leaves alot to be desired. They have meds for that sort of thing, you know.

unknown soldier
unknown soldier
Reply to  Someonwwhoknowa
14 years ago

He will NEVER show the documents. You were smart to get out of there before you got killed too! Are you available??

unknown soldier
unknown soldier
Reply to  Guitard
14 years ago

They are written in Hangul and English

unknown soldier
unknown soldier
Reply to  HisEX
14 years ago


unknown soldier
unknown soldier
Reply to  KingofMekju
14 years ago

Don't forget to go to Kmart and get some new duds

Cindy Williams
Cindy Williams
14 years ago

I met Kennet when we were stationed in San Antonio , Tx , I think in the spring of 1992. Kennet and I became very good friends , we just laughed and laughed and had so much fun together ! I was 26 yo at the time and he was 18. Skip ahead a few years later and he is in Korea , I had spoken to him only a few times since AIT , and then everything fell apart. I had spoken with his parents that I had been very close to and am still 20 years later very close to. They kept me informed of everything and I wrote to Kennet and spoke with him on the phone while he was in the US Military holding area . I have never once thought he was guilty and I didnt really care. The ONLY person I have ever thought was guilty of killing that woman was her mother , for selling her into prostitution when she was 10-11 y.o. That's who truly killed that woman , her own mother! I have spoken to Kennet on and off this entire time.The last time I talked with him was by cell phone ,while he was incarcerated ( someone snuck him in one) until recently he found me on FaceBook and I was completely thrilled to get to talk to him again. I did'nt have the "pleasure " of meeting Alicia or Becky (no offence to Becky ,only Alicia) but I have had the pleasure of getting to know Victoria and very happy that Kennet has gotten on with his life and that he is a good man and a hard worker. I will always support Kennet Markle, and am very proud to have been his friend for the last 20 years ! Thank You and Sincerely Cindy Williams

Injustice For All
Injustice For All
14 years ago

[DELETED BY ADMIN – Please take your trolling elsewhere.]

14 years ago

I left Camp Mobile earlier that very month, Oct 1992, after two tours in 2ID. Which club did this woman work at? Where exactly was the murder site located? Blundered onto this site and was just curious!

14 years ago

Got an email that said there was a comment on the site, so I took a peek. I'll answer your questions only because I know if I answer them, at least I know you're getting factual information. After over 14 years of studying every aspect of the case, every individual involved in any way and being the center of the entire episode, I qualify as an expert. The woman worked at various clubs in the TDC area. The crime scene was her "apartment", a block or so off the main drag in TDC.

Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

Holy crap! How insightful! The facts are indisputable and astounding.

The woman worked at various clubs in the TDC area.

That would describe almost every woman in the ville in 92.

The crime scene was her “apartment”, a block or so off the main drag in TDC.

That is almost pinpoint right in, give or take a mile or so…

Thanks for the "expert" insight.

14 years ago

@ "Leon LaPorte"… It wasn't "insight". It was information. Sorry, I can't provide exact Lats and Longs or a mailing address of the location of her dwelling. I'll check my maps when I have time and get back to you on it. My answer to 152G's question was about as specific as I can get. And by the way, why do you care? You're the goofball getting on here yapping about liver and onions and other nonsense.

Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

Don't get it do ya? That's ok, don't feel bad.

14 years ago

That you are one ignorant, sarcastic, stupid, mindless idiot? Yep, I got that part.

14 years ago

LOL….. Well, this s**t is too funny! Kenneth, the truth shall set you free! Does anyone else find it funny that the majority of the people sticking up for Mr. Markle are uneducated hick "women"? I'm wondering what kind of hold he has on these "women"! Are they scared? Or is it because the hilbillies stick up for eachother?? I'm going to say that Mr.Markle did have "something" to do with the murder, but I wasn't there, so I'm just going on what the Korean court said! I do know that everyone has to answer to a higher power, so Kenneth, who will you be spending your eternal rest with??

14 years ago

Oh I did forget to mention that Mr. Markle did have 1 male friend who came to his defence! But how reliable can one soldier be, who, more than likely, suffers from PTSD!?? Hmmmmm?

Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

Let's try this again. It's simple. Try to keep up:

Got an email that said there was a comment on the site, so I took a peek. I’ll answer your questions only because I know if I answer them, at least I know you’re getting factual information. After over 14 years of studying every aspect of the case, every individual involved in any way and being the center of the entire episode, I qualify as an expert.

I got that far and was like, "Cool! This will be interesting." Then I read on:

The woman worked at various clubs in the TDC area.

A revelation! Do tell. Go on!

The crime scene was her “apartment”, a block or so off the main drag in TDC.

So "…after over 14 years of studying every aspect of the case, every individual involved in any way and being the center of the entire episode…" You come up with that? Rather anticlimactic after the big build up. Don't you think?

My answer to 152G’s question was about as specific as I can get…

All that after 14 years? I shudder to think what other fields you consider yourself an expert in. Your standards are decidedly low.

You're a blow hard and got called in it. Settle down Francis and go eat your liver and onions. 😆

Jinro Dukkohbi
Jinro Dukkohbi
14 years ago

Dude – that was supposed to be "Lighten up, Francis"… 😆

Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

#102 Got me there! 😆

14 years ago

First, @ "hmmmm"…. My name is Kennet. Not, Kenneth. If my read is right, you already know that. "Uneducated hick women"? Eternal rest? You find religion recently, did you? Just can't resist personal attacks against people you don't know who said nothing to you, can you? Didn't get on the site to contribute anything legitimate. Just had to spout your IGNORANT trap. At least LaPorte directed his stupidity at me. Find another site, would ya? And, @ LaPorte… Believe me, I can keep up. 152G asked questions and got the best, most specific answers available. My apologies if you found it all anti-climactic. I'd suggest a trip to your local urologist if you're having trouble in that area. A "blowhard"? Hardly. I was there. Walked down the street, got arrested, faced the trials, fought the war, did the time, walked out with my head up and have no regrets OR apologies, least of all to you (except for your climax deficiencies). Do you even remember what this site or "conversation" started with, or are you too focused on your wisecracks and smart remarks? I just BET you're from Baltimore, aren't ya?

14 years ago

Well Kenneth if you must know, I found God about 42 years ago, so I wouldn't consider that too recent, I think maybe you should pick up a bible and give it a good read! As far as me being ignorant, well maybe I am, but at least I was never convicted of murder! My son was stationed in Korea when you were convicted, and I remember thinking that if you were tried in an American court, that you probably would get sentinced to death! I have read what everyone has said, and have based my oppinion on what I have seen, as you did. (ie.

14 years ago

Well Kenneth if you must know, I found God about 42 years ago, so I wouldn't consider that too recent. I think maybe you should pick up a bible and give it a good read! As far as me being ignorant, well maybe I am, but at least I was never convicted of murder! My son was stationed in Korea when you were convicted, and I remember thinking that if you were tried in an American court, that you probably would get sentinced to death! I have read what everyone has said, and have based my oppinion on what I have seen, as you did. (ie. Just had to spout your ignorant trap.) So, instead of trying to pick apart what I wrote, why don't you try to pick apart your so called court transcripts that prove your innocense and post them on here for the whole world to see!

14 years ago

@ HMMM??…. I've read the bible. 3 times, cover to cover. Fantastic, epic fiction. You keep right on thinking that I am the epitome of evil and basing your "opinion" on what you have READ (not what you have SEEN). Keep right on basing your condemnation on hearsay, innuendo, suggestion, half-truths and speculation. How VERY religious of you. Yep, that's EXACTLY what I need in my life. More of you. You're dismissed.

Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

The bible is hearsay, innuendo, suggestion, half-truths and speculation. 😆 😛

…and that's putting it nicely. 🙄

14 years ago

@ LaPorte… I THINK I see the word, "is" in italics in your post. If I do…are you seriously telling me we actually agree on something?

Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

@109 Everyone agrees on something. I' very happy to see more and more people emerging from the darkness. Kudos, sir. 😀

14 years ago

Hey Markle,

So if you are the non CID/ROK National police self-acknowledged expert on the crime as you claim, exactly where in the ville did the crime occur and where did she work? I don't need a grid coordinate, just an approximate area I.E. behind the Peace club or next to the NY club; what ever, by the way, was she post-mortum when you inserted the coke bottle and umbrella or was she still breathing?

You are the expert, why don't you just admit it? Maybe you just get off on the notoriaty. You have already been punished for your crime, come-on, you can tell us the truth after all these years.

14 years ago

So, 152G "blundered" onto this site, asked a question, got an answer and now decides to turn ugly. First, if you're going to make comments like you did, at least have the courage to publish your real name. Second, I didn't spend all my time in "the ville" (obviously, unlike you), and couldn't tell you the names of ANY of the clubs there, let alone where they were. Sounds to me like you were plenty familiar with the place AND the working girls, however. Finally, learn how to spell if you're going to use big words. It's, "notoriety", and no, I didn't and don't enjoy it. That's about all I have for your ignorance right now. Curious about anything else?

14 years ago

Wow! This thread is more of a saga that appears may go on for generations. I'd like to see a documentary on this, or maybe a Dateline NBC program.

unknown slodier
unknown slodier
14 years ago

We will NEVER see that happen. The truth might actually come out, and markle definitely does not want that to happen.

14 years ago

Another "Unknown Soldier" that wants to be cute and critical, but doesn't have the audacity to print his/her REAL name. Appears that I'm the only one on this site who DOESN'T lack the courage of his convictions. But I'll throw you a bone, anyway. This is the "truth" that I'd like to have "come out": Who was in the room with the woman when she died? That person has a blood type of A-negative (I'm O-neg, for anyone who's curious). How do we know this? A substantial amount of semen was found in the woman's mouth. Not a trace, but a VISIBLE amount. Blood type: A-neg. Our own US military medical personnel determined that it was deposited at the time of, or following, her death. Unfortunately for me, the one person who would have LOVED to have, "The Truth Come Out", none of this was "admitted" in Korean Kangaroo "court". So, who was there? One other little bit for you to ponder… The woman was both heard in her dwelling and seen on the street (by other Korean citizens, not a US serviceman who I'm sure would lack credibility) outside AFTER I was supposedly seen leaving the area. At least one, if not two, other Americans were seen going into her residence afterwards. Who were they? Now, you folks can read all sorts of things online… You seem to know so much about this case and can so easily point your finger at me… Why not sift through the rubble and find the answers to those two questions? I'll tell you why. Because you're a bunch of ignorant cowards who'd rather go online and bash, trash and dash… just like I'm sure you do in your real lives. I'd venture to guess you're lazy, an embarassment to your mother and probably have long hair, body odor, bad teeth and more time spent on the unemployment line than anywhere else… except maybe sitting around drinking beer that my tax dollars paid for. You people know NOTHING. And you're worth nothing. I invite any one of you to come see me. Post your real name. I'll get in contact with you and tell you how you can do just that. If you can't answer my two questions FACTUALLY, then shut up.

unknown soldier
unknown soldier
14 years ago

Okay markle. My name is Steven Krcelic. B Troop 5/17 Cavalry Squadron. Camp Gary Owen/Pelham March '93 to 1994. I used to play spades and euchre with you and Doug Liggons(the guy that looked like mike tyson). I was in jail with you at Humphries. EVERYtime you were on KP in jail, we were reading the stack of transcripts that were next to your bunk. (The ones with the light blue covers) Lucky for me, my case was overturned because my judge was related to my CO. No record here. As far as unemployment goes, I am a Rite Aid Pharmacist with my Pharm D. That's Doctorate for all you inbred, white-trash murderers from Pigsnuts WV. Hey markle, your mother is calling you, or is she your aunt? It's all the same down there huh?

unknown soldier
unknown soldier
14 years ago

Need more proof that I was there?

14 years ago

Unknown Soldier: Maybe you should look in the controlled substance locker and find something to calm you down a bit. Sounds like you don't like the guy much. So your case was overturned because of the relationship between the judge and your CO. But, did you do it? 😉

14 years ago

@Dragonfly… Believe me, he's doing more than looking into that locker. And yeah, he did it. That's why he wrote, "…Lucky for me…". But I thank him anyway. All he did with his little rant was prove himself to be just what I said he is. None of this is about the truth for boys like him. Very professional and worthy of a "Pharm D"… Did I strike a nerve, or what? Nice work, Mr. Krcelic. Very well done. Now, if you're done throwing a temper tantrum… After reading your comments 49,50 and 51… I can see how vivid your imagination is. And how bad your spelling is. How'd you get that degree, anyway? Go away. Or answer my questions in 115.

Jinro Dukkohbi
Jinro Dukkohbi
14 years ago

I dunno…I was stationed at Cp. Casey from '90 to '93 and remember this case well. I also heard plenty about it from my mother-in-law, who owned a nick-nack/tourist-trinket shop right out of Casey gate 1 at that time. To say you can't remember the names of ANY of the clubs in the 'ville?? I call bull$hit – – even the Soldiers I served with who were too goody-two-shoes to go down to the 'ville themselves heard or knew the names and this dude had plenty of time to sit in a cell and think about it. So – either he isn't who he says he is, or he's purposely withholding information. I wonder which it is…?

Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

#120 My point (post 101), exactly. 😈

Steve Krcelic
Steve Krcelic
14 years ago

Do I detect a hint of jealousy murderer?

Steve Krcelic
Steve Krcelic
14 years ago

Let's end this arguement. Post the transcripts markle. It's the only way to end all the speculation. Tear yourself away from the beanbag chair and the bag of Cheetos and show the world just how guilty, I mean innocent you really are. That will never happen, will it markle? The truth shall set you free, MURDERER.

14 years ago

Just spent the last 45 minutes drafting a post, primarily for Mr. K. Then something happened. One of the few people I care about asked me to stop. Stop wasting time. Stop with the likes of Krcelic. I didn't do it for the longest time. Why am I doing it now??? Good point. Sat here thinking for a few. Y'all have your fun. Do and say as you please. Krcelic is going nowhere fast. Aggravated menacing? Why am I not surprised??? Hypocritical, self-righteous… I have better things to do. I'm out.

Jinro Dukkohbi
Jinro Dukkohbi
14 years ago

And so…bull$hit it is…

Steve Krcelic
Steve Krcelic
14 years ago

Let's see…..Murder or menacing? I find it funny that poor little markle bails as soon as someone who knows the truth shows up. POST THE TRANSCRIPTS markle.

Steve Krcelic
Steve Krcelic
14 years ago

Have a coke and a smile markle. Or was is a pepsi bottle?

Steve Krcelic
Steve Krcelic
14 years ago will open some of your eyes on this matter.

14 years ago

You will be back Kennet, you spent way to much time behind bars thinking about things and you continue to do so, don't you? You will be back!

14 years ago

Hey kennet,

It was the short, kinda fat girl up stairs at the Green tree wasn't it? What was the matter, she laughed at your equipment! Was it Tide or Wisk that you dumped on her?

Leonard Beserra
Leonard Beserra
14 years ago

I was in the same platoon as Markle and Ortega and have many pictures of us all partying together. This murder happened about a week or two after I left Korea, and found out about when I called our aid station to talk to Ortega, and he informed me of what had happened and what Kenneth was being accused of. I've read quite a bit of what the charges are, seen a pbs documentary that had a segment on this case and have talked to other guys who were in our platoon during that time span. Furthermore, Kenneth was a friend and comrade of mine during the 12 month period I was there. I still consider him a friend till this day although I have not spoken to him since October 1992. There is an almighty judge and juror who knows the facts of this case. I'll let Him do the judging. So as a friend I will accept Kenneth as a friend and not pass judgment on him. If he did it, he's served time for it and lives with the guilt daily. But I really don't care, that was my friend and I care for all my friends. So if you see this kenneth, look me up. I'm in Fort Worth,TX. And for Ortega…HOW BOUT THEM CANES!!!!!!!!

Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

#131 I'm sure you'd feel the same way, all full of Christian love and generosity, even if he had raped and killed your mother or sister. You are one hell of a guy!

14 years ago

But Leon, Markel was a great guy! So he snuffs someone after raping them every now and again. Everyone has their little hangups. I knew a guy who farted alot, pretty much the same right?

14 years ago

You must not have even known him that well- his name isn't Kenneth- it's Kennet.

14 years ago

Lol Vince lil do you know….and you all need to get a life and quit running your mouths…

12 years ago

I was in the same company as PVT Markel. I even was in charge of guarding PVT Markel for a couple of days at CP Redcloud. He was actually being kicked out of the military because of his behavior. In fact he should of never been down range because he was on restriction, he was restricted to CP Casey. The day he got caught he was in fact down range again and was spotted. If he never would of snuck off post that day he would of never got caught. Wether or not he is guilty I don’t know, but I do know for a fact his leadership lt him down. His PLT SGT knew he was drinking when he shouldn’t of been and as well drinking with him (medic PLT SGT). The PLT SGT knew as well he was sneeking off post.

Trevor Daniel
Trevor Daniel
12 years ago

JB stop lieing… you were not there. I know because i was. He was not being kicked out nor was he on restriction. Markel is a friend of mine, and you all that don’t know anything need to find another place to spread your lies!!!

12 years ago

Trevor Daniel, trust me I was there. I worked with the leaderhip on processing the paperwork.

12 years ago

Then you know me. I took him to Red Cloud. And put his passed out drunk ass in bed the night of the so called incident. So you can miss me with your lies.

Leon LaPorte
12 years ago

It appears everyone was there. I would like to take this opportunity to come forward and admit to not being there, though I was in country.

12 years ago

Well I was there, and I know this “JB” is lying. We were not a big unit, and if he didn’t, know us, he didn’t know Markle. I was the squad leader. And our section sgt wasn’t a jb, neither was the platoon Sgt., so what was he in charge of. We didn’t have a jb. What was your rank and real name?

Leon LaPorte
12 years ago

141. Perhaps he was the night baker? 😛

12 years ago

After reading this:

The woman was both heard in her dwelling and seen on the street (by other Korean citizens, not a US serviceman who I’m sure would lack credibility) outside AFTER I was supposedly seen leaving the area. At least one, if not two, other Americans were seen going into her residence afterwards.

Did a quick Google news search and came up with this.

In previous trial sessions, Markle admitted hitting the victim with a cola bottle in “self-defense,” saying Yun attacked him first, but denied raping her with objects. He said the victim, splattered with blood, was still alive when he left the room.”

Which was what I remembered from having researched the news on this case years ago.

Which is also why I’ve never cared much for all these claims of innocence and tears over the years spent in jail.

According to what he was quoted as having said in court, he admitted being on the scene for the beat down but said she was still alive and unmutilated when he left.

The fact he admitted being on the scene with a group of GIs makes his claim above about semen in the mouth not being his blood type useless. It wouldn’t be surprising to find someone else’s semen on the scene based on what he said in court…

And whatever the law in Korea or the US has to say about holding someone liable for a murder that takes place as part of group crime — I know I don’t lose any sleep about the 14 years he spent in jail. I would have liked to see whoever else was with him convicted too.

And it does make me wonder what the transcripts would show: Did some of those guys turn evidence against him in order to cut a deal with the prosecution???

Whatever the case, what he said in the newspaper is the kind of thing you always hear in cases like this involving more than 1 person, “I was there. And, yeah, maybe I did this, and that is all wrong and all that and I’m deeply sorry for it and all that. But that much bigger crime!! He did that! That wasn’t me! Cross my heart and hope to die!!”

And if some woman who reads what he admitted to back then wants to give him the benfit of the doubt and be his girl, well, it’s your life…

12 years ago

I took him to Red Cloud. And put his passed out drunk ass in bed the night of the so called incident.

So, were you a member of the group on scene when he said he smashed the girl in the head with a coke bottle to protect himself? Did you take him home and tuck him in after that?

If so, if you are claiming to have been with him at the time the incident took place, maybe you are telling the truth. And maybe you should stood up and testified to that in court. And maybe you should have been arrested along with him and testified on your own behalf too…

Or, are you saying you were with him elsewhere when the crime took place? If so, why didn’t you testify at his trial?

Or, are you saying you were with him and put him to bed some other time – before or after the crime took place – and that makes you believe he couldn’t have done it?

Someone is certainly lying.

I’ll stick with the multiple articles I remember reading from back then and what they reported about his testimony.

Of course, as GI Korea pointed out, Markle could help his claims if he’d upload the transcripts…

12 years ago

Trevor, why didn’t you testify?

If he was such a good friend and good person, why didn’t you stand up for him in court? If you had evidence that cleared him of the charges…???

12 years ago

No. He was passed.out on our barracks hallway. We put him in bed. I took him.yo Red Cloud, because I was his squad leader. Thats what happens in an arrest. we were not allowed to testify, and were n ot told why. My thing is why are you all so caught yo up. Do you all know him?

12 years ago


Every GI who served in Korea then and since had been caught up because they inherited some of his legacy. A stain that won’t wash.

Leon LaPorte
12 years ago

147. Ditto

12 years ago

So, you saw Markle passed out in the barracks at the time the murder took place?

And USFK would not allow you and everyone else who saw him testify to his innocence?

You expect me to believe that over news articles that offer as direct quotes statements he made at trail that said he bashed the girl in the head with a coke bottle, because she attacked him, but she was alive when he left her alone with his GI buddies…?…

Or, are you saying some time after the murder you found him passed out in the barracks and put him in bed?

It’s not like anyone would ever get falling down drunk after being part of such a gruesome murder, is it?

And I don’t give one hoot about whether you knew the guy or not.

In fact, this is making you look worse and worse: If he was such a great friend and you had evidence that proved his innocence, why didn’t you get that message out? Stars and Stripes wouldn’t listen to you? None of the other American papers that did cover the crime wouldn’t listen to you? Did you care too much about your career? I guess he wasn’t that close a friend…

Or, is your evidence not so hot and you are only sticking up for him now – despite what he said in court – because you did know and like the guy?

I don’t think your “Do you all know him?” is striking the blow you mean for it to…

If you can prove he didn’t testify in court to what the press said, that might be something…

..and the transcripts of the case would most likely prove it one way or another…

And the reason people read and comment on this old issue is because it still comes up. It is still one of the key blocks in the GI Crime Myth that is a key block in anti-US/USFK sentiment in Korea.

Thankfully, that sentiment has gone down in recent years, but I bet every Korean adult I ever taught up to the early 2000s had heard about this case and remembered it…

12 years ago

And any Korean today who gets curious about the issue of GI Crimes finds lots of info on the K-blogsphere about this specific case – complete with horrible photos…

That is why some people like us are interested when someone comes out claiming they know the truth about the whole thing…

Those weren't bran muffins, Brainiac...
Those weren't bran muffins, Brainiac...
12 years ago

he said, she said, . . .

post the trial records or accept his guilt.

12 years ago

Some of you need to get a life. It’s been 20 years. Most of you weren’t pissing straight when we were there. You new Army people dont know. And will never. As for the strains, check their record as it pertains to us. You all have a nice night.

Leon LaPorte
12 years ago

152. Really? I was in Korea, CRC – 89-92 & 94-99. Worked here since 99. Please continue.

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
12 years ago

And that folks, is a prime example of Trolling…

A case many of us are interested in, promises of evidence that might exonerate a soldier, then BAM! “Get a life” with no evidence provided.

No name or evidence that “Trevor” may have actually been here, just the word of an anonymous poster… Sigh.

Put up or shut up. Many of us here are 20+ year veterans who live in Korea now for various reasons. Some were here when this happened, others were not.

Trevor, you were cornered by some folks who were here, so it is on you to provide evidence. Anything else, including saying nothing is proof that you have nothing, but just wanted to get people riled up. So which is it?

12 years ago

Trevor, I do know who you were. I was not in the Medic platoon but I was in HQ company. I really do not want to give my name because I still work in Korea. I was with 1SG Goodman when the Korean police came to his barracks room to search for items and I was also there when he was transported to CRC. We also had to go to the MP station to get him when he was apprehended at the gate.

I am not judging wether he is innocent or guilty. But I do stand by that his leadership let him down…

12 years ago

So, he might have smashed a bottle upside the girls head, but you can’t really blame him, cause you weren’t there and can’t imagine what it was like at the time?

And it was 20 years ago anyway…?

It would be nice if this case simply disappeared – but — again — it remains well-known in Korea – which is why it remains known to current GIs and other expats.

You can’t simply wish things away because you knew and liked the guy. And you can’t simply expect others to simply accept his innocence because you knew the guy and liked him.

Believe me — pretty much everybody who has commented on this thread that have been around here for years – including GI Korea and myself — would have been glad to jump on the innocence bandwagon and villified the Korean courts and the K-blogs that promote this murder IF we had good reason to do so.

We don’t. We have more reason to believe his guilt.

I’d like it much better if this turned out to be a big piece of evidence against the K-blogs that promote anti-US/USFK feelings in Korean society. It would please me greatly if it could be turned against them…

…but based what I’ve heard of the case…we can’t do that.

12 years ago

Trevor- You stated the night of the attack he was drunk in the hall way and you took him to CRC. Why would you do this snce his barracks was at CP Cassey and not CRC?

12 years ago

Some of you need to get a life. It’s been 20 years. Most of you weren’t pissing straight when we were there. You new Army people dont know. And will never. As for the strains, check their record as it pertains to us. You all have a nice night. Oh, stop trying to pick. Read. I put him om bed the night of, his arrest night he was held at CRC.

12 years ago

His arrest night he was held at CP Casey, he was deported to CRC 2 ddays later because of afty concerns..

12 years ago

JB you know nothing about me. But if you do, tell me something. Was I tall,short? Fat, skinny? Good or bad soldier? Motorpool, or infirmary? Or better yet help me remember you. I’ll give you my email address, and you can send it privately. You say you know me and was there when he was transfered to CRC, why then did you not know I took him?

12 years ago

By the night of, I was referring the night of the murder. We went to.CRC days later.

12 years ago

Trevor- To help you identify me do you have a copy of 5-20 IN yearbook? If not give me your email….

12 years ago

Instead of passing around your emails here — JB, if you agree, I’ll email it to him since both of you put one up when you post a comment and I can see them…

12 years ago

I was at Casey at that time-302nd FSB. If I’m not mistaken he unit was 5/20 Inf.

I heard that he got caught when an old lady who’s nickname was the SGM ID him when tried to come back on post.

12 years ago

USin Korea, I agree.

12 years ago

Bones you are correct.

12 years ago

OK. I sent JB’s email used to comment to the email Trevor used to comment…

I would never give my real name out in a forum like this – especially on a topic like this if I lived in Korea or might in the future. Bevers learned that the hard way….

It is hard to establish someone’s identity online even if real names are used. Online – you stand or fall based on what you say, and based on what has been said so far, even if Trevor is real and did help Markle to bed the night of the murder, it would not prove he didn’t do the crime.

We don’t know what time it took place or what time he was put to bed. And even if we did know the times, how could Trevor’s comments wipe away what Markle himself said in court?

We do know he confessed to the crime. And we know later in court he walked the confession back to admitting being there and hitting her in the head with a bottle but denied killing her or taking part in the mutilation.

If Trevor’s friendship with the guy can withstand such admissions, fine. Those admissions are enough for me not to fret over the guilty verdict and amount of time spent in jail…

12 years ago

Well thats my name and if you were there you’d know. Any company in the 5/20. I went to the field with them all.

12 years ago

For more info :
‘The Marmot’s Hole – Kenneth L. Markle: Sadistic Murderer or Scapegoat?’ (

Resume : Murderer Kenneth Markle was arrested after autopsy of Ms Yoon’s body. In her womb, there were bottles with the finger print of Kenneth Markle.

According to an article in Military Law Review Summer 2009 (, Lieutenant Colonel Kevin M. Boyle, Markle’s defense attorney, said in an interview in 2007 that Markle had covered Ms. Yun’s body with washing detergent under the impression that it was like lye and would help remove traces of evidence.
It’s he who had put the bottles in her body, and tried to cover up his own crime.

What do you need to know more ?
Kenneth Markle is the only true murderer.

12 years ago

Dear Mr Kenneth Markle

I’m Korean and mother of a two year old baby.
When you were arrested in Korea I was at high school.

I think you’re innocent of this brutal murder. And I also understand you want to let the past go and not waste your time on it.

SO I’m sorry to bother you. But I believe We need to find real people who actually committed the crime on Miss Yoon in 1992. Miss Yoon deserves the truth of her death to be known in the public.

Is there anything you can do to bring a justice on you and on her?

12 years ago

This happened so long ago leave this man ALONE!!!!!!!!!! 1992 this happened it’s 2012 people and it’s about to 2013 really let it go. Kennet I hope you NEVER get back on this site none of these people deserve an explanation….You did your time….Live your life now and let the past stay in the past.Good Luck sir.

15 years ago

[…] person claiming to be Markle has made comments on ROKDROP denouncing the blog’s negative portrayal of him.  “Kennet Markle” has declared that if the court transcripts were read we would see […]

15 years ago

[…] person claiming to be Markle has made comments on ROKDROP denouncing the blog’s negative portrayal of him.  “Kennet Markle” has declared that if the court transcripts were read we would see […]

15 years ago

[…] person claiming to be Markle has made comments on ROKDROP denouncing the blog’s negative portrayal of him.  “Kennet Markle” has declared that if the court transcripts were read we would see […]

9 years ago

OK, so maybe I should just leave this thread alone but I just cannot resist…

First about me:
I was a Korean Linguist station with the MI bn on Camp Hovey (’91-’94) when this all went down. I spent a lot of time in the ville’s of both Casey and Hovey. I don’t think I knew the woman or Markle. I don’t recall if it was immediately after or days later but I was talking with one of the Club DJs, he was a pretty well known, popular and friendly guy that claimed he was connected in the local “mafia”. A friend of mine, also a Korean Linguist, was very good friends with him but I didn’t really care for him all that much but he had a smokin’ hot girlfriend I lusted after. Anyway, he was talking about the murder and claimed that the woman had a boyfriend that came over after her being with a GI and that it was he that killed and did those things to her – I think this was before they caught/accused Markle. He said that the guy was Korean and a semi-powerful mob guy. Anyway after Markle’s name came out and all the details in the press he clammed up about it. I asked him once about it and he just completely ignored it. I also brought it up a couple times with other girls I knew in the TDC clubs and one that I trusted quite a bit told me not to talk about it.

At any rate, I am not sure what if anything to make of that but it always had me curious.

8 years ago

I recall working in the ER with Markel over a period of a few months while in Korea from 92′-93.’ I was stationed at 1/72nd Armour Battalion and recall Markel being at 5/20.. I didn’t know many soldiers from 5/20 but I do remember a black guy named John Riggins that Markel may remember as well… we often played spades in the ER when not much else was going on… I recall one rainy night there where hundreds of little frogs that surrounded the ER that night… Markel, myself and a few others had fun catching them and disecting them…. I recall Markel as being somewhat of an Alpha Male type… He did have a way of rubbing people the wrong way but when alcohol was involved most of us seemed on edge during that time.. I don’t think it would be fair to be biased as to what may or may not have possessed Markel at the time… In his heart he knows whether he committed the crime or not and when it’s all said and done, only God can judge him… We all have to face judgement before the Lord someday and for anyone to spend time trying to condemn someone over a matter that is not their burden to carry is quite shameful… It is my hope that this message reaches you Kenneth and that you have found salvation in Christ… I received mine 17 years ago and it’s truly amazing to know that we have a saviour who washes away our sins and removes wickedness from our souls…. God Bless you brother.. You’re in my prayers…

Private Marks
Private Marks
6 years ago

Its now 2019 and I just finished reading all comments posted. I was stationed with Markle at Ft. Knox, KY for basic training and again at Ft. Sam Houston, TX for AIT training. Markle stated he had never been in trouble prior to the murder of Ms Yoon (may she rest in peace). That’s a lie. Markle was recycled in basic training for stealing my calling card and racking up a $450 bill. Private Marks (at the time) here Markle, remember me? Markle caught back up with me in San Antonio, TX (Ft. Sam) for AIT training. He knew I was on too him as he avoided me at all costs. He was a cocky lying ass drama queen that was always in trouble some how and in some way. I also remember so many lies that he would tell the girls to make them believe that he was such a sweetheart. If there is one thing you must know about Markle, he is a liar. That I am 100% sure of and have witnessed. When I heard about the murder in South Korea and statements Markle made on this site, I knew he was lying. Why would he not once on this site, especially if he had not killed her, show no remorse to this girl that he knew and had sexual contact with? He even refers to her as “the women”. Her name was Miss Kum E. Yoon and may she rest in peace. Markle, you have been bullshiting people since I can remember back in 1991 to present. Your lucky that you were in Korean Kangaroo Court, as you put it, because you would have gotten the chair under USMJ action. Read the bible a few more times Markle, it may save your soul. What do you have to lose?

5 years ago

This waste of carbon, salt water and meat deserved to rot in the Korean prison for what he did. I was on Hovey at the time. Everyone knew about this incident as the 2nd ID was locked down for something like 90 days due to violent protests. A soldier was supposedly beaten by local nationals stripped naked and dumped at the front gate of Casey. He killed a woman, desecrated her body, put us all at risk and strained relations with nationals because he couldn’t control his emotions over a $10 buy me drinkey GI whore.

5 years ago

3x arrests in WVA this year

5 years ago
5 years ago


Faces of Meth: Markle Edition

Ray Smith
Ray Smith
4 years ago

Looks like Kennet was arrested for multiple burglaries and credit card theft in his hometown of Keyser, WV. Barrack Shoes is still up to no good, I see. A snake never changes its stripes. Make no mistake about it, this guy is a pathological liar. I have no doubts that he murdered the girl. There’s no refuting the evidence and witness testimony supplied by the US Army. He’s a low life scumbag to this very day.

2 years ago

He definitely killed her because the DNA on the bottle was his. If someone else did it why wasn’t there any DNA found from another person. And also the guy he accused said he heard sex noises between markle and the girl so markle so did not leave the girls room . His family is trash and so is he. If he’s innocent he wouldn’t have racked up more mug shots and DUIs . That proves he did it and have a long criminal history. I saw pics of that girls dead body with her mouth wide open black and blue blood everywhere. It was atrocious. It’s many comments from the Korean community saying they pray everyday his daughters get rape and killed by the time they 18.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tee
2 years ago

Really can’t visit Markle’s sins on his daughters. I also have seen those photos on the old Kimsoft website years ago. Markle can roast in hell, I pity the daughters for the garbage father they had.

2 years ago

Tee, that’s a bridge too far. Dude died this week, on Valentine’s Day. Fitting, perhaps. He is in his eternal reward, whatever that is.

de mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est

Not worth our time, so let it go.

2 years ago

I know he died recently. I think this is what happened in the murder, it makes sense. they had sex. Afterwards when Markle was about to bounce she probably demanded her pay her. When he wanted to leave and didn’t want to pay her I think she may have hit him or “grabbed his arm” like he said because she wanted her money. being that she’s drunk and can’t think at the time . That’s when he hit her with the bottle and killed her and messed with her dead body. There was no DNA evidence of any sperm from another person. They found only his DNA in the bottle and on her body. Thats why if yall got daughters teach them all you can. Being drunk and alone with a man you dont know is never a good sign.

2 years ago

Tee, no Bo San Dong Yang gal Bo is going to do the deed without payment up front. Your plot line is weak.

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