Abducted South Korean Reunited with Wife

UPDATE: One Free Korea has great posting that provides further background information concerning the South Korean governmental policy of total indifference to the kidnapping and forced inprisonment of their own citizens in North Korea.  I have to agree with OFK that this man married very well that his wife after 31 years never forgot about him and did all she did to bring him home while her own government just wished he didn’t exist.


When I read stories like this it just makes me wonder how many more South Korean citizens are stuck inside of North Korea just waiting for their chance to get out while their own government ignores them:

A crewmember of the squid trawler Cheonwangho abducted by North Korea while fishing in the East Sea in August 1975 has escaped the communist state after 31 years. Choi Wook-il (67) is waiting for help from Seoul while hiding at an undisclosed location in China, but the government here is dragging its feet. Choi told the Chosun Ilbo he left Kimchaek City in North Hamgyeong Province on Dec. 22, arrived at Hyesan on Dec. 24 and crossed the Yalu River the next day. On the arduous trip, he sustained a cut to his forehead after a car accident on the way to Yanbian in China. He was finally reunited with his wife Yang Jeong-ja (66) there.

Read the whole thing because it is just amazing that this guy’s wife he hadn’t seen in 31 years did more to free him from going back to North Korea and it’s gulags than the South Korean government.  It is situations like this that I wish the US government could do more to help these people who were abducted.  It could be through funding more NGOs to help North Korean defectors escape North Korea through China possibly.  This would be a way of shaming the South Korean government into taking actions to protect their own citizens. 

If President Roh is so determined to have a 2nd Inter-Korean summit the first item on the agenda should be the demand that all South Korean citizens abducted by North Korea be returned to South Korea.  It would be a disgrace for the South Korean president to be toasting Kim Jong-il during Inter-Korean summit while his own citizens are trapped in slavery in North Korea.

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18 years ago

I'm so glad that these 2 courageous people have been reunited!!

18 years ago

[…] Updates:  A great post with a picture that nearly had me in tears at GI Korea, and another picture here.  […]

18 years ago

I pray the publicity shames the South Korean government into helping this man return home to his family.

17 years ago

[…] I believe most people in South Korea want to believe the myth is true, which means people like this 66 year old grandma will be left fighting to expose what the regime really […]

17 years ago

[…] South Koreans.  The rescue of these South Korean citizens are left to average people such as this 66 year old grandma to undertake while the Korean government obstructs […]

17 years ago

[…] people kidnapped by the North Koreans to their families in the south?  It is quite obvious that 66 year old grandmas will have to continue to launch rescue operations to free their captive husbands since the Korean […]

17 years ago

[…] the useful idiots in the Unification Ministry getting what they so rightfully deserve after their actions and comments these past five years.  The transition team is also going after the useful idiots in […]

16 years ago

[…] sure to also read the story of a 66 year old grandma that rescued her abducted husband from North Korea with the help of Choi’s group that the […]

11 years ago

[…] disgraceful especially during the Roh Moo-hyun years on this issue that a 66 year old Korean grandma had to lead her own rescue mission to help husband who had been abducted by the North Koreans while the government did next to nothing […]

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