ROK Drop Links of the Week: 15-21JAN07

In Korea news, the week ended with a mild earthquake that was blogged about by bloggers here and here. 

Cheju on the other hand may not have had an earthquake but they did have a polar bear swim. 

Here are some girls I wouldn’t mind seeing take a polar bear swim. 

I do have to say some USFK soldiers have too much time on their hands.  I have to admit though, the song in the second video is quite catchy.

In Japan news, first of all congrats to Japan Probe for his one year blogging anniversary. 

If you are one those people who just has to have the latest in cell phone technology well a Japanese cell phone maker has created the latest advance in cell phone technology, a "smelly phone". 

Ever wonder what the difference between a New York and Tokyo businessman is?  You can find out here. 

In milblog news, the big talk has been about the troop "surge", but does anyone know what the "surge" really is?  Find out here. 

Here is a great run down on the strategic impact of the Chinese missile test for the US Navy.

Finally in Afghanistan here is a story about an Afghan Rambo.

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