Why are Koreans Rude?

That is the question that the Joong Ang Ilbo asked recently. The Joong Ang also called Koreans the Italians of Asia. Wait a minute I thought Koreans were the Irish of Asia? Anyway this is how the Joong Ang answered the question of why Koreans are rude:

Anti-social behavior displayed by Koreans is said to have its origin in the agricultural society of the country’s past. In close-knit communities where members care for each other like family, strangers were rare. This perhaps explains why the Korean language has limited expressions appropriate for social conversation between complete strangers.

As society modernized, companies engaged in Western-style services or retail industries had a hard time training local staff to be hospitable to customers, as they have a habit of taking professional situations very personally.

Compared with other Asians, Koreans in general are known to be temperamental.

I think to an outsider it may appear that Koreans are rude, but really I don’t think they are. For example in Seoul there is a lot of bumping on sidewalks and subways, but Seoul is so over populated people are just used to bumping into each other and think nothing of it. The locals are used to it, but foreigners new to Korea are not. Really the only non-polite tendency that really bugs me is some of the drivers of both mopeds and cars are just absolute jerks and the people who obviously cut in line. The line cutters I’m able to deal with because I will confront them and when confronted they retreat to the back of the line. The drivers, not much I can do about that, I just grin and bare it.

However, in restaurants and businesses I have more often than not received better service than what I have received in many western countries. When traveling on the subway or trains around the country and I needed assistance usually I was overwhelmed with people wanting to help. Often in Korea I also see people give up their bus and subway seats to senior citizens. There is politeness in Korea, but in a Korean way, not a western way.


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17 years ago

French of Asia.

17 years ago

The "italians" of Asia? Never got the feeling that the Italians were that rude. The French, sure. Italians? No.

GI Korea
17 years ago

madne0, I thought the same thing, I have never really thought of Italians as being rude either. French of Asia sounds more appropiate if the stereotype is true about them in France. I have never been to France so I couldn't tell you. However, every person from France I met in Korea were very nice and polite.

17 years ago

The density argument just doesn't cut it. The sidewalks of Midtown Fifth Avenue during rush hour are impossibly crowded, but people generally somehow manage to give one another some personal space and apologize if they bump. The issue is the lack of a tradition of public civility/courtesy in Korea, which has everything to do with social construction of reality here not geography.

17 years ago

I'll speak up for the Koreans. I think they are very polite, but not in areas that United States folks expect it, i.e., it's a cultural shock issue. It's something you have to learn to live with in Korea. It's your problem not the Koreans.

17 years ago

Koreans are not rude – Germans are rude.

I would rather be around 10 Koreans than one German. "Service" in Korea by local merchants is good – don't even expect a smile from a German sales rep.

17 years ago

Notions of what constitutes rude (or polite) behavior are purely cultural. If you were to walk into someone’s home wearing your shoes in Korea, you’d be thought of as being rude and inconsiderate. If you were to insist that people take off their shoes when entering your home in the US, you’d be thought of as an inconsiderate host.

North Americans are used to wide open spaces. Our personal bubbles are bigger than those of people who live in very densely populated areas. Even native New Yorkers still have a bigger bubble than Koreans. Most Koreans, in my observation, don’t have a problem being close to each other. Notice how parties will all be grouped together in a restaurant—when the rest of the place is empty. Notice how, at holiday time, will crowd dozens of people into their grandparents’ tiny home and sleep shoulder to shoulder on the floor. Is it rude for a restaurant to seat people so close together? In the US, maybe. In Korea? Nope.

17 years ago

I think you hit the nail on the head there. The older people are the line cutters, and a Korean would never scold an elder. We can scold them because we are ignorant foreigners who don’t know the rules (or at least pretend not to). You’d never see a young person cutting in front of their elder.

As for being good hosts, yeah absolutely. I’m amazed whenever I visit a home. They are always ready for guests. It seems they keep a refrigerator full of goodies for guests. I frustrate my wife because she is always trying to keep these things around the house so we can be good hosts, but I always eat them. It is starting to cut into the number of people we invite (and not to mention the increase in my waist size).

This being a good host also carried over to the 2002 World Cup frenzy. I never had better service from everyday Koreans. Taxi drivers went out of their way to pick me up (one even told my wife that he was just finishing his shift and wasn’t going to pick me up, but he wanted to be a good host to foreigners so he stopped)

17 years ago

"I think since older people usually line cut, younger people are hesistant to tell that person anything."

This cuts to the core of the issue. People "impose" upon each other here, in one form or another, so easily because to get pissed off about it is to lose face. Rude line cutters, selfish bosses, asshole taxis all rely on the "victim's" acquiescence.

joe, I don't think behavior the World Cup is a fair comparison. Koreans, in gerneal, are extremely well mannered when the lights and camera are on them. Let me put it this way. If there were tv cameras in the store, no one would cut in line. This is not cultural. Rude people know the difference between right and wrong, even when the choose to ignore it.

17 years ago

[…] [GI Korea] Why are Koreans Rude? Published: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 20:03:38 +0000 That is the question that the Joong Ang Ilbo asked recently.Â* The Joong Ang also called Koreans the Italians of Asia.Â* Wait a minute I thought Koreans were the Irish of Asia?Â* Anyway this is how the Joong Ang answered the question of why Koreans are rude: Anti-social behavior displayed by Koreans is said to have […] Read More… […]

17 years ago

[…] Why are Koreans Rude? at ROK Drop on 13 Mar 2007 at 5:01 […]

17 years ago

why are koreans rude??

1) Korea lacks " thinking or logical" education. Korean style of education system is simply outdated. It has strong Japanese influence. Test Prep style of educational system simply don't cut it in real modern world.

2) Korea is still agricultural society. Farmers and Ajuma's ( Housewife) rule Korean society. Good or Worse. It's biggest problem about Korea. Korean disease derived from this two things Farmers and Ajuma's. Politically or Economically killing Korea.

3) Koreans are neither French or Irish. Koreans are Koreans. If you add Irish, Italian and Jewish. You do have Koreans.

4) Yes, Koreans are rude. In good or bad way. It was rudeness that saved Korea.

5) Koreans are rude as much as People from New Jersey or New York or even Boston, Massachusetts. Koreans have " Hot" and " cold" direct personality like East Coast " New England Yankees". Yes, Koreans are direct and very blunt people. If they want too. Yes, I have met direct and blunt Koreans.

6) Is rudeness bad?? Answer is No. Why??? It's alot better than phillipinoes " backstabbing" or Japanese " superficialness" or Chinese " superiority complex". I would have 10 Koreans over German, Japanese, Chinese or even Phillipinoes. Koreans are direct and emotional. But least they are trust worthy people with words and friendship in this regard they are like Italians.

17 years ago


Go to the Phillipines for a week. When you get back you'll realize just how much "customer service" and courtesy skills Korea as a whole lacks.

Compared to their counterparts in Southeast Asia, Koreans are extremely rude, very well aware of it, and have no intention in changing this.

17 years ago

For sure, I think most Koreans can be rude. It's worth noting that they can be quite the actors in regards to placing the 'ol best foot forward routine, but when that gets old, a foreign person can be in for some rude behavior.

Thankfully, not all Koreans are line cutters and sidewalk bumpers. I've made a couple Korean friends along the way during my work stint here who openly admit the obvious rudeness of their peers. What seems to make the difference when dealing with Koreans is whether or not they see you as a person or a thing. I think it's true that Koreans must accept you as a person before you're given personal treatment. Otherwise, you can be treated the same way as a dog that needs medicine over here: out the door, no questions asked. This, I experienced personally and I really lost respect for their culture because of this throw away mentality. I've seen many a stray dog that would have been bought a few months ago from a pet store only to be tossed to the street because of fleas, infection, etc., and the cost of medicine needed to treat it.

Which leads me to another qualm I have with some Koreans: Most are painfully cheap and greedy. If you ask around, many foreign workers here get the big runaround and can lose a lot of money as a result of dealing with a Korean employer. I remember an experienced female ESL teacher from the US helped me to figure out why they act as they do with money, and she put it this way: "Not long ago they were picking daisies from fields and eating them. Suddenly, they industrialized (with the enormous aid given by foreign countries) and they convinced themselves to never again be that way." I sort of agree with this, but there's more to it than that as the younger generations aren't in touch with the dark past of Korea. Rather, I think the material wealth thing is ingrained in their minds where ever they turn. The BMWs, fancy suits, new laptops, etc., are the pinnacle of success for them. They haven't quite caught on to the notion that material things don't really equate to happiness.

Overall, Koreans can be very rude especially compared to neighboring Asian countries. I recommend Korea for those who wish to work for a limited time (with a reputable company; ask other foreign staff) but not as a long term home. The quality of life here isn't very good compared to other developed nations.

Joseph Lee
Joseph Lee
17 years ago

Koreans are more blunt or snide than they are outright rude. Especially to those who are considered lower in hierarchy (age, seniority, rank, social standing)

I've heard someone comparing Koreans to East Coast Americans. They're not beyond saying "you're as fat as a pig" to an overweight person. Way back in Korea my teachers used to say "You'll be picking up garbage rest of your life if you don't get better grades"

17 years ago

To: Typeking

Excuse me? Have you been to the Philippines? If you haven't, then, you don't have the right to say that Filipinos are "backstabbers." As far as the Filipino people are concern, the world has once made to believe that Filipinos are one of the friendliest people on earth and it quite convincing until now. And according to the latest statistics, there are over 300,000 Koreans now in the Philippines. Some if them come to the country for pleasure or for English study while some others chose to retire in the Philippines for good. Now, what do these people saw about the Philippines that you didn't see or maybe, even notice? Have you ever been with one of these people you labeled as "backstabbers?" How come you could throw a false lie against them? Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! Viva las islas Filipinas!!!

17 years ago

I have been in 15 countries . Koreans are the rudest , loudest most disgusting people I have ever seen .

In other countries 90% of people are good and 10% are bad . In Korea it is the opposite .

17 years ago

On the expressway from LA to Vegas, there is one Korean restaurant where many Korean tourists from Korea stop to eat. During one summer, one of the Korean tourist's family was dining in the restaurant. The mother told her kids that if they did not study hard in school then they would be end up being like those Wait staff working in the restaurant. One of a wait staff was the owner's daughter, UC Berkeley student, was helping out her family business during her summer vacation. She heard the comment from the woman and she complained to her parents. Her parents kicked the family out of the restaurant.

17 years ago

You can all say what you like about cultural differences ,

misinterpretations e.t.c e.t.c . however ,it does not change the facts that these people are just plain obnoxious . I worked as an English teacher in Korea .Three of the flashcards I was given were PRETTY (picture of a white woman) , HANDSOME (picture of a white man ) UGLY (picture of a black woman )

I could go on forever about their rude , arrogant, noisy and pushy manner . I am sick of these do-gooders trying to stick up for them , or say how wonderful their culture is . They are a disgrace .

The funny thing is though , they think they are so superior living in their little dogbox apartments , a living style that we would consider housing commission standard .

What is the difference between a Korean and a bucket of shit ? Answer: THE BUCKET

17 years ago

Well, I've lived here for five years and Koreans are the rudest people that I have ever met. They don't que up in lines like we do in North America. You can walk into an empty bar or restaurant and they're already telling you where to sit(I'll find my own seat in an empty place, thank you very much). You should see how they treat people who work in restaurants (try that in Mexico and see what happens). Mexicans are totally the opposite from Koreans, they are well-mannered, cordial and polite.

17 years ago

[…] are Koreans Rude?Source: http://rokdrop.com/2007/03/13/why-are-koreans-rude/Displaying mentions in this article, for full text please visit source….That is the question that […]

17 years ago

From my 3 years experience in Korea, I think most Koreans I've encountered were generous and good. This warmth is, more than not, sincere and comes from the heart. First impressions of Koreans can be deceiving, as they can seem tough, arrogant and unfriendly,but don't take it personally. It has much more to do with cultural conditioning that lends a kind of stiff formality to the various types of social interactions. Did you know that in Korea, it is considered unseemly to show more than "polite" interest when first meeting someone? They are not as open with their feelings as, say, Americans are with strangers. Although it can take time for them to scrutinize and evaluate you before they accept you into their fold, once it happens, you'll see that Koreans really stick together and identify as a group. This strong group mentality is evident not just with family or a circle of close friends, but also at work and other outside functions. Once you're part of the "group", this kind of solidarity that I've seldom if ever experienced in America, can bring on a feeling of warmth and security. To foreigners in Korea, I can understand how frustrating and demoralizing many Korean behaviours may be. really, I've been there!!! BUT, give it time and understanding, and hopefully, you can also experience the warm and wonderful side of Koreans!:)

16 years ago

😡 I am an English Teacher in Ulsan. I am an African-American young woman that have had to get PHYSICAL, AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY, with these disgusting Korean men. I recognize that this country is different than America. I accepted that before I came here. I have been willing to adapt to certain cultural differences, but I WILL NOT assimilate to the culture. They are somethings that baffle me here. There was a foreign teacher here that was sexually assaulted from the states and nothing was done about it. The only thing that her director was worried about was finding a replacement and was MAD AS HELL about that. I have been here now for almost 5 months. I know that I WILL NOT renew my contract because I am not the least bit impressed with the Korean culture. I have counted on my hand how many people that have been nice to me. There has been less than 10 people that has been nice to me since I have been here. In response to Jeff, I totally agree with everything that you said. Koreans think that because you are BLACK that you are beneath them because that is what the media has portrayed about African-American race. I will complete my year here because I am not a quitter. I love teaching English. This is a discipline that I am passionate about and nothing, I MEAN NOTHING, is going to come between me accomplishing my goal!!! Be Blessed Everyone!

16 years ago

Welcome to Korea Riena. I have heard your story 1000 times. If you like teaching in Asia, I suggest going to Japan or Taiwan. They are everything that Korea is not.

"I am not the least bit impressed with the Korean culture. "

LOL, I know what you mean. You should learn more about Chinese culture. It is very rich and beautiful.

God Bless you too!

16 years ago

They're rude because they don't want to be Korean-nobody does!!

Food is awful,booze is rancid rotgut,apartments are state housing standard,no free time,impossible to escape from people,expected to be polite to grotty old people,etc etc.

Of course they're rude!I'd be plenty pissed too!

They can be very nice,but it's really just a question of whether they want to or feel that they have to.The first is uncommon.Koreans generally are self-centred and needyThe second is just the usual sucking-up,but cursing once they walk away.

Terrance Askew
Terrance Askew
16 years ago

South korea is a much different place than the rest of the world…there are alot of good people here, and then again, alot of confused people…its sad to hear all of the negative that happens here though…the "hushed" rapes, the overall attitude….the dis-pleasing actions of what seems to be, the whole populace…..but still, i personally have seen more good than bad here..

16 years ago

To compare cultures or label an entire culture as "good" or "bad" is pure idiocy and . . . well . . . rude. They are just different and no amount of time in a foreign country will probably ever convince you that a different culture is inherently better than the one you were raised in, short of some terribly tramatic experience at home.

There are rude and polite people in every culture and, in general, I've found Koreans to be far more polite than those inhabiting many of the large cities of the world . . . at least those living in Korea. However, you can't expect them to follow Western standards of politeness . . . though the same tunnel vision that causes you to expect this will no doubt empower Koreans to judge you by their standard, and the cycle continues. The difference being, of course, that its their country, not yours. Their culture and standards are "normal" in Korea, not yours. If it is so hard to understand this concept and so intolerable for you to stay there . . . leave, it really is that simple, unless the military has sent you there . . . in which case its like any other assignment, it'll evemtually end.

Racism and sexism are truly the dark side of Korean culture, but then again, since it springs from deep roots in the region's Confucian past, its just as bad (if not worse) in Japan and China, nations whose cultures were similarly influenced by that philosopher's teachings. Inexcusable to me, it is–believe it or not–getting better . . . even in Korea. Riena, I can only sympathize with how difficult a time you must have had in Korea (as an African-American and a woman!) and can only praise your bravery in going there in the first place. Assuming you generally kept your cool, I can only offer that your positive behavior will impact the next generation there as humans (even Koreans) will always trust their own experiences over the trash put out by even a popular web site or television news show. Still, I wouldn't recommend coming to Japan to teach either, for all the reasons you already know so well.

Those of you complaining of line-cutting obviously weren't around Korea in the 90's when you couldn't even find a que in front of a window and people just mobbed every counter. Those of you complaining of Korean drivers have obviously never attempted (unsuccessfully) to cross a cross-walk on foot in Barcelona and had a bus actually accelerate to beat you to the light (green for me . . . red for him!). Those of you complaining about dirt and filth in Korea haven't watched as the chicken you just ordered was washed in the canal next to the restaurant in China . . . where 50 meters down an old lady was doing her laundry . . . where another 20 meters down a guy was urinating . . . all in the same canal!

While the belief that certain standards of behavior are somehow universal may make you feel a certain righteous indignation or somehow culturally superior, the simple fact is they are not . . . though globalization does seem to be bringing about a slow norming process across the region. Still, the basic reality is that as soon as you leave your own country, your culture is no longer "normal" and you have to meet others with a view towards where they are coming from, not where you are coming from.

I've found getting along with Koreans is relatively simple. Treat people with the same level of respect a person in your social and age status would treat them, but dress and act several levels higher. Koreans will most often treat you as you present yourself . . . and they'll be appreciative that someone of such obviously high status is treating them with respect as well.

16 years ago

"What is the difference between a Korean and a bucket of shit? Answer: THE BUCKET"

Do you really mean that Jeff?

James Bonner
James Bonner
16 years ago

I am an English Teacher in Korea from the States. Of course you hear all day how America is bad and rude, hagwon bosses that rip you off, not being able to get basic services such as a cell phone, cable TV or internet without your school's approval etc. Went to Japan for a week vacation and a funny thing happened. In the line of polite Japanese some people were cutting, spitting etc. Guess who they were, yep Koreans. How do I know they were Koreans, well after 9 months of learning Korean, I can tell Koreans from Japanese to all the netizens out there!

16 years ago

Looks like there are a few more cho Seung Hui's out there. I am wondering how the Korean media will blame the USA.

A Korean serial rapist caught.


A Korean triple murder caught.


Koreans killing in Japan. CAUGHT!


16 years ago

small minded people love to categorize and stereotype people and their cultures. i never could understand why those who "teach" in korea or anywhere for that matter stay in their host countries if they hate it so much? they live in these countries and do nothing but complain. im not arguing about whether koreans are rude or not. im just confused as to why people stay in a place where theyre not happy.

and shattered, youre so transparent. its obvious youre either japanese or chinese and have a chip on your shoulder.

Leon LaPorte
16 years ago

"small minded people love to categorize and stereotype people and their cultures" Yes Koreans do this all the time.

I guess the truth does hurt after all.

16 years ago

Whew, comparing the Koreans to the Italians, thats not fair to the Italians

16 years ago

oh leon you short sighted soul. why are you so angry with the koreans? im not here to defend them. if you didnt underdstand im here talking about those who live in foreign countries and complain about it. just like i give shit to people who live here in the states and complain about the country and the people who live here. gtfo if you dont like it.

16 years ago

whether the koreans are rude or thoughtful is not the point. if theyre rude…fine, theyre rude. dont like it? gtfo of their country. what makes you think you can change them or their rude culture?

16 years ago

and all you english "teachers" get a real job.

Leon LaPorte
16 years ago

1. Seems I struck a nerve.

2. not an english teacher.

3. been married to a Korean.

4. you are an idiot.

16 years ago

1.i never did understand that phrase. "struck a nerve"

ANY topic could be a "nerve" i suppose.

2. never called you an english teacher.

3. ah, so you were burned by one personally. did you get played?

4.not really.

16 years ago

While Koreans can be rude, most of the ones I met while I was stationed in Osan (1991,1993) were quite nice.

Something I learned while I was stationed in Germany helped a great deal. Learn about the people and the country where you are going.

Korean's have a mindset of "one race" with everybody else as #2. We have no "face" or honor and have to earn it.

Learning how to always use 2 hands helps as it shows you actually have a clue as to their society.

I may not be able to converse entirely in Korean, but I got along quite well by just being nice and respectful. We as Americans need to remember that we have to try and learn about our Korean friends and how to get along with them.

BTW, can somebody send me a giant shipment of bulgogi w/chimchee and soju?

Oh, anyone know what that brown sauce that is served with bulgogi? its a tad spicey and I can't find it here in the states.

16 years ago

For my personal experience here in Bali Indonesia :mrgreen:

Most of the Koreans I came across was rude.

if there was any person who skip the cue in front of me in the supermarket,

they were koreans. (and some Balinese too.)

So rude 😀

And once this Korean women skipped cue to infront of me and realized

me watching her, and said,

"oh, you can pay first, cos you were in a cue"

and she had this "I am very polite nice women" look on her face!!!

So patronizing and stupid comment 😛

well but not everyone was rude some rich well educated Koreans were very nice.

But she had very short temper and she should do something about it.

16 years ago

"Most of the Koreans I came across was rude."

This is normal in Korea. If only the Japanese were allowed to civilize the chosun jin. Korea would have been come a civilized and nice place.

In Bali, I suggest hitting the Korean on the top of the head with a stick and warn them to behave. Koreans can do nothing alone, so look out for the rest of the pack. If there is a pack, hit the leader in the nose and the rest will scatter and hide.

Angel G
Angel G
16 years ago

Just came back from Seoul and I agree they are the rudest! My travel companion, who is pregeant, was struggling with her suitcase at the subway station and no one offered to help- unbelievable! I am not saying all Koreans are rude and there could be some nice folks but in my opinion, the majority are. To top it off, my friend was shoved three times and I was pushed five times along the streets in our five day tour. The service people are not helpful, the Koreans tend to talk very loudly and the drivers are very reckless. Simply unacceptable if they consider themselves as a developed nation. Say what you want but first impression counts and I don't think I will visit the country again if I can help it. Btw, i am female from asia.

Osumashi Kinyobe
16 years ago

While I believe Koreans can be rude, in general, they have been rather polite and friendly to me. As for being the "Italians of Asia", quite possibly.

16 years ago

From my experience in Korea, other than the KATUSAS and other Koreans who seek contact with Americans are the rudest people I have met. They are rude and intrusive.

On more than one occasion, in the two different apartments we have lived in, people have walked right into our homes without knocking. People also knock on the door really late at night (and we have 4 children). There is an intercom sysem in our apartment whereby the "guards" make announcements (my son's half-Korean friend told us they were selling somthing)…these announcements occur either late at night or around six am.

Koreans stare and make faces. I was walking down the street the other day and a man actually got out of his car to look at me with his jaw dropped and made a noise.

Koreans pretend to not know English so they can try to cheat us until you bring along an official from Camp Casey…then they apologize in perfect English and stop trying to steal money.

Koreans follow us around stores and try to rush us in our purchases. I have had items ripped out of my arms while I was shopping and put on the counter and been forced to pay.

Koreans pick their noses, teeth, and ears in public. They also openly and loudly fart. They blow their noses into rags, then use the rag to hold onto the handle on the subway. They often remove their shoes and socks and pick at their sweaty feet!!! That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen…

All of this complete lack of social bearing and they have the nerve to judge me as trashy because I have tattoos.

The KATUSAS and many of the other Koreans who are eager to be around Americans are exempted from all above statements. They behave like civilized people. But all of the other Koreans..

I say we allow any Koreans who want to immigrate to the U.S. to do it, then we pull out of here and let N. Korea roll over them. Why are we wasting tax dollars here when when we are not wanted? Clearly, many of these people don't realize they wouldn't have this nice developed country if it wasn't for US money and US blood.

16 years ago

Koreans are certainly very rude. Whether you speak Korean or English, you will very very rarely here them say please, hello or thank you. It is common knowledge (this is supported by academic inquiry) that it was Korean rudeness that was one element that provoked the LA riots – their inability to say hello. thank you, use peoples' names or engage in small talk, went down like a cup of warm sick in LA – this is why virtually every Korean store in areas around the riots were looted and burned.

I won't even get into spitting, littering, attitudes to foreigners, women or each other. Koreans are rude – but it's not their fault – they know no better, therefore it would wrong to punish anyone for their Koreaness.

16 years ago

"this is why virtually every Korean store in areas around the riots were looted and burned."

You can't blame real Americans to burn down and hunt down Koreans in such circumstances.

16 years ago

You make a lot of good points April. But you are off the mark if you want to allow unfettered immigration of Koreans to the USA. They will ruin the USA like they do to other nations. I say that immigration between the USA and Korea should be equal. One for one. Allow no more Koreans in the USA until there are 2,000,000 Americans in Korea. (maybe if the USA started to send her convicts to Korea that would be fair too)

16 years ago

For the integration I was thinking of the KATUSAs-they seem to be very well educated and well mannered (probably due to the etiquette briefings).

I just am sick of the Koreans acting like US soldiers are a nuisance and a threat. They need a history lesson and should be grateful. And I am tired of the most trivial of crimes committed by US soldiers (some not even true) being sensationalized in the media while serious crimes committed by Koreans on foreigners are hushed up and largely unpunished. I am tired of hearing them complain about soldier's drinking when I have to ride the train with loud, grabby "high class" Korean businessmen. I am tired of hearing about foreigners not adhering to the ridiculous trash rules when I see Koreans sticking trash everywhere.

I do try to keep in mind that it isn't personal but due to their so-called "culture". But from what I see there is nothing here of value that wasn't copied from a more civilized nation. Everything here is shoddy and bootleg and copied.

I try to be patient with my children's half-Korean friends because I know they are only so rude because of their Korean mothers NOT teaching them any manners, but it gets harder each time. Today my oldest daughter was eating and all 3 of the half-Korean children ran into my kitchen, went into my drawers and got forks then started eating from her plate- without even asking!!! She didn't actually get to eat any of it herself. I could not believe it and when they left I told my kids they had better not ever act so trashy at anyone's house.

And the "agricultural" arguement doesn't hold water. The American South was agricultural and the South is well known for its hospitality and friendliness. (And before you start on the "racism" crap, let me say that I was born and raised in the South and it is greatly exaggerated and most of the racism is perpetuated by outsiders who move to the South. There is lots of "race-mixing" in the South and there are lots of "Bubbas" with bi-racial grandkids or nieces and nephews. It is not an issue the way the media would have you think). My 2 oldest children are bi-racial and I admit I was a bit nervous when going to smaller towns (believing what I saw about the big-bad rednecks on t.v. instead of what I experienced in my own town). Guess what-they couldn't have been friendlier and nicer.

Simply, there is no excuse for Koreans complete lack of manners and social graces. We have stopped caring what kind of impression we make and we don't tolerate it anymore.

16 years ago

"I do try to keep in mind that it isn’t personal but due to their so-called “culture”. But from what I see there is nothing here of value that wasn’t copied from a more civilized nation. Everything here is shoddy and bootleg and copied. "

True True True, April. Korea is a dump and their so called culture is copied, and copied in a shotty way. If Koreans had any dignity and honesty they would wake up every morning and say thank you to China, Japan and the USA. Without those three nations Korea would have no history, culture, or doorway to the world.

16 years ago

I am not going to opine on the virtues of Korean women (aside from their rudeness and lack of hygiene and manners), but has anyone else noticed that all of their models and actresses and women who are considered beautiful look distinctly Japanese and NOT Korean at all? I genuinely wonder why a country who prides itself on its "mono-ethnic heritage" blatantly prefers the appearance of women who don't look Korean.

My husband said these "Korean" beauties are probably decendants of the comfort women or other women who (willingly or otherwise)shacked up with Japanese soldiers.

16 years ago

"My husband said these “Korean” beauties are probably decendants of the comfort women or other women who (willingly or otherwise)shacked up with Japanese soldiers."

I heard a similar story April, but I heard they were more than willing. They were "eager beavers" as it were. To be fair, I find when Koreans get surgery to become more Japanese looking, to be a good idea. But some things surgery can't fix. Like Lee Ho Lee's long torso. Very long torso. And big heads. Cant fix that.

16 years ago

I am sure some were willing (like the ladies working in the brothels already, or the ladies swept off their feet by Japanese soldiers) and some were unwilling. I think, as in most cases in most countries, the unwilling ones were primarily forced into it by Korean pimps who made money off of it. BUT I was not here to witness it either way, so I will leave that one for the history books. I just see the Japanese influence in the faces of the girls considered beautiful here and I think that is odd considering how Koreans are supposed to be all about mono-ethnicity.

Who is Lee Ho Lee?

16 years ago

As this is the first Asian country I have visited, I can make no comparisons. But being a very liberal American, I can now say I had fallen prey to the dribble with which we portray other cultures as being somehow superior. I think living here would cure that misconception for most people, even the lowest level of people back home would not behave in the ways which are common here. They put on a facade, a show, a superficial imitation – but the things the culture produces are not the culture itself and simply adorning yourself with trinkets does not suffice. Western civility would be a great addtition to the 'culture' here and wouldn't diminish it at all – I mean, it can't be a cultural value to not have any manners can it?

I have never seen a parent correcting a child for being in the way or doing anything wrong – the way they are constantly corrected in my country. I think these 100,000 or so tiny, unwritten rules which seem unknown in Korea are at the heart of the problem. As a teacher, I see no behavioral difference between my kids and adults aside from rough-housing and talkativeness. I have just about given up pointing out these slight infractions to my students because it seems a lost cause.

Dignity takes sacrifice, but it is worth it because if I behave in a dignified manner you have more dignity because of it. By sacrifice I mean things like waiting your turn or perhaps not running to barely make a crosswalk's green light or not taking up as much damn space as you possibly can or not bumping into people because you refuse to move a single inch to the side while deliberately looking away in a passive agressive attempt at machismo. I have yet to observe a Korean sacrificing personal gain or convenience for dignity. I mean, why should they? – just do whatever the f*ck you want because no one matters but you right?

How many of you know that driving a motorcycle on the sidewalk is illegal? The police seem to do absolutely nothing for any motor vehicle violation and as a result seem to have no respect at all. We have all seen motorcycles doing things that should get their permits revoked, and sometimes right in front of the police – all the while honking at pedestrians to get out of thier way; feels like a 3rd world country sometimes. I believe it is true that the concept of shame has kept Korean people in line, but I also believe that the idea of shame is becoming less and less important. I think that if they do not start enforcing the smaller laws, the consequences will be disastrous a generation or two from now.

I think the attitude of being able to do whatever benefits you most right now is very ingrained here. There is no shame in being disgustingly rude. I mean, what would happen in the States if any of these things were to happen? – people would yell at them, correct them on the spot, shame them or even call the police. I've seen two ajossi struggling over who was going to be able to cut into the very first position in line, all the while with these stupid smiles on their faces. If you can't act respectably, how can you think you deserve respect?

I ask Koreans themselves about these things. the most precious answer I have received is that Koreans have a revolutionay spirit of freedom. Sure… that was too easy, so I didn't say anything – the hardest part was not laughing.

I could go on and on, as we all could. I will finish my time here and perhaps go to another country, but I am skeptical – I have heard it is worse in China and is Japan truly as civil as they portray themselves? It is true, as I have heard many times, that being abroad will make one appreciate thier own country – I just wonder if that is true of Koreans who visit the US…

PS – be careful out there: the rate of vehicle to pedestrian injuries is four times that of the US.

16 years ago

"shame has kept Korean people in line"

Many, not all have no shame. No face.

" is Japan truly as civil as they portray themselves? "

Its better. Japan IS civilization. That is why Koreans hate them so, yet sneak over by the boatload.

"I have never seen a parent correcting a child for being in the way or doing anything wrong – the way they are constantly corrected in my country"

Yes, everyone who knows korea says that. They run wild like animals and then the adult beats them like a dog. Actually, I have no problem with beating Korean children, as some people only understand the cane. However, Japanese and other civilized nations never NEVER do such things.

Andrew J
Andrew J
16 years ago

Japan is a civilization? Wow really? A civilization that repeatedly refuses to acknowledge their war crimes? A country which has some of the highest suicide rates amongst teenagers?

Koreans hate them because of their "civilization". Yes, I agree with you, but only in the sense that their "civilization" was forced down their throats with threats of murder or torture.

Japanese people never hit their children? Haha…you do realize that the overturning of corporal punishment happened int he past decade and due to that there have been many problems in their school systems right? (E.g. mass boycotts of school if they believe their teacher is too hard, etc)

"You make a lot of good points April. But you are off the mark if you want to allow unfettered immigration of Koreans to the USA. They will ruin the USA like they do to other nations. I say that immigration between the USA and Korea should be equal. One for one. Allow no more Koreans in the USA until there are 2,000,000 Americans in Korea. (maybe if the USA started to send her convicts to Korea that would be fair too)"

Shattered…really, come on.. I am Korean-American, my parents were born in South Korea and you know we do pretty well here in this country. My father and mother are both Physicians and I myself have just finished medical school. Please don't generalize, it makes you look pretty damn stupid.

16 years ago

This is a ridiculous thread. Nobody is convincing anyone of anything. The entire premise of the thread is ethnocentric. Who is to say what constitutes rude behavior?

16 years ago

We don't have to convince anyone of anything. Koreans, in general, are rude.

Koreans who seek out education and the company of Americans are exempted from all of my comments.

Koreans who are raised in America (as long as their parents don't stick to "Korean courtesy", are exempted).

Ethnocentric? That describes Korean "culture."

16 years ago


12:37 am on June 30th, 2007 17 To: Typeking

Excuse me? Have you been to the Philippines? If you haven’t, then, you don’t have the right to say that Filipinos are “backstabbers.” As far as the Filipino people are concern, the world has once made to believe that Filipinos are one of the friendliest people on earth and it quite convincing until now. And according to the latest statistics, there are over 300,000 Koreans now in the Philippines. Some if them come to the country for pleasure or for English study while some others chose to retire in the Philippines for good. Now, what do these people saw about the Philippines that you didn’t see or maybe, even notice? Have you ever been with one of these people you labeled as “backstabbers?” How come you could throw a false lie against them?"

Enough of the False Information "binibini," Filipinos are just plain Evil! 👿 👿 👿

I have lived in the Philippines for a very long time and I will personally attest to Filipinos being "Backstabbers…Racist…Rude…and some of the most despicable people that I have ever had the misfortune to be associated with." Obviously I am there no longer…nor, would I recommend the place for anyone to visit.

Funny how it only seems that Filipinos are the one's tooting their own horn about how friendly they are and how great their country is (unless it is some foreign guy freshly back from a one-week vacation, still basking in the glow of his false illusion of paradise, and reeking from the smell of little brown women), but let us examine the facts: No.1 corrupt country in Asia, a murder rate 3 x that of the U.S., more Filipinos in foreign jails than probably any other nationality (latest figure was estimated at 4,500 with 23 on death row), more Filipina prostitues in almost every country you visit, etc.

It is not uncommon to hear Filipinos say "I am proud to be a Filipino, but I am not proud of my fellow Filipinos." Behind the so-called hospitable Filipino smile is someone of evil intent, just waiting to B/S you out of your money, or if that doesn't work, then threaten you, intimidate you, assault you, or even kill you in order to get your money. THAT IS THE TRUE CULTURE OF FILIPINOS! 👿

Oh yea, tell us about the three Korean women recently RAPED, ROBBED and KILLED (ages 56, 35 & 9) in their own home in Olongapo City this past week…is that how hospitable Filipoinos are???

16 years ago

koreans are rude because they are always pissed off at something more or less. they need to chill. koreans go to a foreign country and don't interract with the locals. instead, koreans set up their own "korean" commnuties to benefit their well being and do not share the wealth with he locals. that's why koreans are hated all over the world.

16 years ago

I feel that I should add that in our time thus far in Korea we have met some exceptions to the Korean rudeness that prove the rule. The Koreans we've met who don't have the general Korean attitude are extra polite and seem thrilled that we are here. Of course, these are the ones I've mentioned in previous comments as seeking out Americans and other foreigners for interaction.

I have to say that these super-nice Koreans who are genuinely warm and friendly are almost always male (all but one sole female) and that women tend to be disapproving of and condescending to my husband and me, but the old ladies light up and try to talk to my youngest two children. It would warm my heart but these are the same ladies who make faces at me when I am walking around without my children.

And, as someone born and raised in the USA, I do realize Americans are not perfect and I could list my complaints about American culture (as some of the people leaving comments here have done) but the point of this blog is discussing why Koreans are rude, not what is wrong with any other culture.

16 years ago

TO : CalmSeas

I have been to Philippines, China, India, Korea and Japan. In my experience, I must say that my experience in Philippines has been wonderful and a lot of people I encountered are friendly. In Korea, some people are rude. In India, some people are like little children squabbling and backstabbing but some are nice too. In China, some are nice and some are not same as in Japan.

Why? Are all americans nice and good?

I can see a green monster coming out called jealousy from you. Maybe you cannot accept the fact that some Filipinos are really good. Of course there's good and bad qualities in every race. You seem to have a lot of hatred in your heart towards a certain group of people. Chill out!

16 years ago

I have to deal with rude Korean customers daily. And, today, I just got fed up, so I decided to search for why Koreans are rude. I don't know if the location of where I work determines the kinds of customers I get. (I work at a Hyatt-owned coffee shop in a shopping plaza whose tenants are of high end brands, i.e. LV, Gucci, Coach, Dunhill, Chanel, Lacoste, etc.)

The Korean customers we get at the cafe want us to attend to their every need. They expect us to always watch them and go up to them when they want something. We don't usually do that, but we don't mind doing that ONCE in awhile. Actually, how the cafe works is: order up front at the counter, and then we serve you. It's just easier that way when we have 15 customers at a time. And we only have 2 staff each shift. Afterall, it's just a small cafe in a small plaza. But those Korean customers seem to think they're the only ones that matter just because they buy all those expensive stuff. They do the rudest things to get our attention: yelling, clapping of the hands, flagging us down, etc. (Why can't they just walk 10 feet to the counter. Our cafe is only, more or less, 25 feet long!)

Also, I've observed how they order. They order very little like 2 cups of coffee and then they get free pot of hot water and iced water. What they do is: pour those cups of coffee into the pot of hot water, ask for extra cups, and then share with their friends. Because we were losing money, the Hyatt management decided that all customers can only buy bottled water and charge for extra cups. (We don't have a billion cups to give away. Besides, we're too far from Hyatt to get more materials all the time.) You see, our Korean customers order SO much, but give SO LITTLE. They don't even tip us for the trouble they give us. And they are so messy. 😐

And I can't even begin to describe the way they treat us baristas. They treat us like we're nothing to them. They boss us around, insult us, get mad at every single thing, and blame us even if it's their fault. One time, a Korean lady made one of our Korean interns cry. According to another Korean intern that witnessed it, the Korean customer told our intern that she did not have the right to "treat" her like that. And our intern was nothing but polite to her. It was even the customer's fault that she ordered the wrong items.

I'm not saying all Koreans are mean, but there is quite a handful here on Guam that are. Hyatt gets a majority of Korean interns, and, from my experience, they are very nice. But, even they feel like our local Koreans are just so rude. Now, why do you think that is?

16 years ago

To: CalmSeas

Who are you to say what a culture truly is? Each country has their "downfall". And what makes you think that no other country than the Pilippines has what you have listed? You are entitled to an opinion, but don't think that you know a culture for sure. Mindsets like yours are what creates hate in the world.

16 years ago


Could we have a "Why are Americans (foreigners) rude?" post? Why?

There are 65 comments in this post, and most of them are negative to Korea, and though it bothers me because in my opinion they are mostly based of misunderstanding of Korean culture, it is helping me to understand my own Korean culture, since it is working as a reflection time to me.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to see how people will answer to this question, both foreigners and Koreans?

Regardless of the result it would work as a reflection moment for those who stop a while to read it (Koreans and foreigners).

This is just a suggestion, not confrontation.

16 years ago


that would make very interesting post but what if he believes that americans and other (white) foreigners are not rude? the comments and rokdrop's post suggest that americans (and other white foreingers) are living in a country that is less civilized than the countries they are from.

asking rokdrop to have "why are forigners so rude" post is like asking fox news that they should attack the republicans the same way they are attacking the democrates.

16 years ago

"that would make very interesting post but what if he believes that americans and other (white) foreigners are not rude? the comments and rokdrop’s post suggest that americans (and other white foreingers) are living in a country that is less civilized than the countries they are from."

No way, no one with a minimum sign of intelligence would believe so. I mean, we are all humans and regardless of our race or nationality we will never be just nice or polite all the time. Look at Shattered for instance 😆 😆 (sorry, I could not resist. 😆 😆 😆 )

The only reason why this kind of post would be avoided is because of a potential racist war between Koreans and the foreigners, but looking at the comments here, I think it already happened. So..

16 years ago

"I have been to Philippines, China, India, Korea and Japan. In my experience, I must say that my experience in Philippines has been wonderful and a lot of people I encountered are friendly."


It is a world of difference when you are just visiting the Philippines. The plastic smiles abound in efforts to seperate you from your money. Many people DO try & argue that the PI is a great place based on limited travels and some, who live there, will try & argue that what really goes on…doesn't. They do not want to have their Illusion of paradise busted by the truth, facts and evidence right under their noses. More power to them, but do not expect the rest of the world to NOT call a pile of sh*t…well, Sh*t!


"HATE" against foreigners was created by Filipinos long before I ever stepped foot in that wretched country over 30 years ago, so in true Flip fashion, you would have everyone just shutup about the bad things in regards to the PI. Sorry Charlie…the PI is so screwed up that it's reputation is "infamously" known throughout the world.

By your name you must be a Flip, so I would not expect to hold an intellectual discussion with you on the reality of the situation in the Philippines, since Flips are purely driven by emotion. Flips always try to paint a rosy picture of the PI to foreigners because the truth would expose them for the truly racist and criminally minded people that they are.

My counter for a Flip's arguement is this: "If the Philippines is so great, as Flips like to brag, then why are Flips leaving at any chance they get?" 😆

King Baeksu
King Baeksu
16 years ago

Dr. Yu, you're just going to have to suck it up and admit that some people on this thread have valid criticisms about Korea. I agree, for example, that Korean customer service is in general abysmal. I was a cafe manager in the US during college and know a bit about customer service. After 11 years in Korea, it is clear that many Korean shop owners do not train their staff on such simple matters as smiling to customers, being polite, listening carefully, anticipating customer needs, etc. Thus, when many tourists come to Korea for the first time, they enter a convenience store and encounter surly staff who often won't even talk to you to tell you the price. I could go on and on but the simple fact is that customer service is a fairly recent concept here in Korea and so far this country gets an "F" in that dept. Then go to Japan, where the customer is always king and it would be a serious loss of face on the staffer's part if they were ever rude to a customer. In Korea, it is not the customer who is king, but rather the owner, and in fact it often seems that a customer is merely an inconvenience who interferes with the more important task of making money. A perfect example of putting the cart before the horse, isn't it? Well, it wouldn't be the first time here, I dare say.

16 years ago

COTABATO CITY — Two government officials have joined hands to deport what they claimed was an arrogant South Korean golfer who was whacked with a golf putter by a provincial vice governor.

North Cotabato Vice Governor Emmanuel Piñol, who hit the foreigner with the putter, earned the support of Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte in working for the deportation of Young Youn Hyeon, a South Korean now based in Davao City.

Youn allegedly shouted at Filipino golfers last November 9 in Davao City, including Piñol who tried to pacify the South Korean.

Youn is now in hot water as Duterte vowed to work with Piñol to send the South Korean back to his homeland.

"No foreigner has the right to insult a Filipino in his own country," Duterte said in a statement.

His staff confirmed that the mayor had called up the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID) to ask for the conduct of summary deportation proceedings against Youn.

Youn figured in a golf club-whacking incident November 9 after he reportedly struck a golf ball towards Filipino golfer Gary Santiago whom he accused of playing slow at the Davao City Golf Club. The Korean also repeatedly and angrily shouted at Santiago.

When confronted by Santiago in front of several people that included Vice Governor Piñol, the South Korean allegedly yelled at the golfer and later vented his ire on Piñol when he was reminded not to shout at Filipinos.

"Do not shout. You have no right to shout at Filipinos. You are just a visitor in this country. You are not in South Korea," Piñol told the Korean.

Following a heated exchange of words, Piñol whacked Youn with a golf putter while other Filipinos who were around pushed the Korean to the ground.

Youn has reportedly filed charges against Piñol and Santiago but the North Cotabato vice governor was unfazed.

Piñol's lawyer, Luwill Al-ag of Davao City, has prepared the affidavits of witnesses to support the petition for deportation to be filed by the vice governor against the South Korean.

Piñol personally met in Manila Thursday BID Commissioner Marcelo Libanan to file the petition for deportation. The deportation hearing is expected to start this week.

Piñol said there were efforts from the South Korean association in Davao City for an amicable settlement but when contacted by the Philippine Daily Inquirer, he said he turned down the offer.

"We have to teach him a lesson so others, including Filipinos, would not shout at golfers if they play slow," he said.

16 years ago

I spit in the food of the Korean people. My coworkers do not but they laugh at it, even my boss smile when he see me. My boss know Korean people well.

16 years ago

Ok GI. Thanks

16 years ago

Yes SOYHAPPY! That is funny! I will do same! In Thailand people respect doggy and cat, but Korean eat it! Shame!

King Baeksu
King Baeksu
16 years ago

Soyhappy2, give it a rest. The title of this thread is not "This Is How Non-Koreans Can Be Rude."

16 years ago

[…] of what long time visitors think. For example an on going debate here on the ROK Drop is whether Koreans are rude or not? Well here is what this new visitor to Korea thought about Korean manners: The cities never seemed […]

16 years ago

Yes, Koreans can be rude. Not all just a lot of them. They learn it from birth. Its not culture…Koreans are tought the ME ME ME…at an early age. I've seen it first hand. Go to a playground and watch the children at play. There is a large amount of bulling and picking on any child that is the least bit different all in the full view of the parents. Children learn that it is ok to be mean to someone that is lesser then you and to suck up to those higher then you are. They aren't tought to share or to wait their turn they are spoiled to death and then beaten at the whim of the parent…. This is not culture….it wasn't that way all the time…when I was a young girl visting here during school breaks I saw parents correcting their children..I saw old man hit a young student on the head for being rude to another student on the bus. I would brag to my friends in the US that Korean kids had mannars. Then in my late teens I returned to Korea to find that it just wasn't true anymore….it isn't culture its a sign of the times. The same can be said of places in the south where it was once considered a sin to be rude, but the gen of children comeing up now are also being effected by the ME ME ME virus.

16 years ago

One of the problems about Korean being rude is on elders. Elders cry for respects from younger generations. Yes Koreans DO show a lot of respects toward their elders. There is no doubt about that. Do elders respect younger generation? I don't think so. Koreans have tendency to think that they are better than anyone else in the world. Korean Elders are THE WORST. Korean elders know how to order everyone around them but don't the definition of "respect" is. Respecting elders IS important but in return, elders MUST respect other back.

16 years ago

People can apologize for Koreans all day long, but you've got to ask yourself why Korea and Koreans get so many more complaints than, well, any other country or nationality that I've ever heard of. I'm sorry it makes Koreans upset to hear the truth; but there's no smoke without fire.

Koreans rub everyone else in the world the wrong way, and if they are not prepared to adapt their manners even a little to the entire rest of the world, then perhaps we should no longer bother, as we do automatically in every other country, to try to be sensitive to the local culture. And we should become as inflamed as they do when our own sensibilities are offended, as they so often are, by Korean crudeness.

Unfortunately, we are usually either too shocked or else good manners are too ingrained in most of us to repay Koreans in their own coin: hence Korean rudeness is tolerated as the price for having to deal with them and, too, the complaints when, thankfully, they leave the scene, are as loud as we see they are!

16 years ago

We recently spent a week in Japan. Guess what? NOTHING like Korea. The Japanese people we encountered were not overly friendly, but they were not hostile or rude. When we went shopping, the clerks were not following us around, ripping our selections out of our arms or rushing us to finish making our selections. They were nicer and gave better customer service all the way around.

And, the areas we saw were very clean-no trash on the streets or in vacant lots. The buildings didn't look thrown together, and it didn't stink. No one was picking their nose or feet in public. Despite the number of people, there wasn't all the shoving and line jumping.

All-in-all, despite the fact that, unlike Korea, most of the signs didn't also have English printed on them, the people were much more civilized and foreigner-friendly.

And I was wondering,

If Koreans are so elder-respecting and take care of their elders, why are there so many hunched-over old ladies walking around with baby strollers picking through trash and the old men working as "security guards" in the apartment complexes?

16 years ago

Also, we have figured out to get any respect from Koreans, you have to be aggressive, in-your-face and rude. I guess their "culture" dictates that the more intimidating person is the one in the right. Case in point:

Our teenage son, who is very respectful and mature, frequently buys video games from a pawn shop near post. Once he beats the games, he resells them to a different pawn shop, which pays more for used games. Recently he went to the pawn shop he normally buys from and purchased 4 games. He handed the owner the money, the owner counted it, said ok, my son put his 4 games in his bag, then walked out. He was a few stores down on the sidewalk and felt someone grab his arm. The pawn shop owner snatched his wallet, ripped off his backpack and when my son tried to retrieve his things, the grown man pushed him several times. My son followed him back to the store and the guy was yelling loudly about how my son had just "stolen 20 games"-saying he put more in his bag than he paid for.

He looked in the bag, and of course only the 4 games were in there. So he went through my son's wallet and took out his ID card and made a copy. He told my son he knew he was a thief and he was going to call the police, but he never called the police. My son asked for his phone (which had been in his backpack) and the guy told him he couldn't call us. Luckily, there was an American soldier in the shop who saw the entire incident, from my son purchasing the games, to the assault by the owner (the witness said he thought the owner was mugging my son), to the accusations of theft. This soldier let my son use his phone to call us and the owner was trying to grab the phone away.

Despite seeing that he hadn't stolen anything, he refused to return my son's property, including his military ID. He then changed his story to say that my son had stolen on previous visits to the store. We told my son to run across the street to post and wait for my husband, which he did. When my husband got there, he escorted my son back to the pawn shop. When faced with an adult male, he tried to act reasonable. He told my husband that it was "stealing" from him when my son re-sold the games he had purchased in his store to other pawn shops. His view is that it is dishonest to buy a game, beat it, and then make money by reselling it (even though that is what pawn shops are for-it isn't like he is a legitimate electronics store).

He was trying to talk his way out of the situation, and my husband got in his face and called him a bully for assaulting our son. The guy kept stammering and my husband gave him to the count of 3 to return my son's bag and wallet or he would call the MPs and get him shut down for theft of military property (the ID) and assault on a minor. The guy handed the stuff over. My husband grabbed the photocopy of my son's military ID from the counter and they walked out. The owner had removed the games from the bag. He chased my husband and son down the sidewalk and tried to get them to take the games my son had purchased but my husband refused to take them (so the guy got to keep 30,000 won for free).

My husband called the MPs and they said shop owners around post do this all the time. They said that shop owners will pick on young, naive looking service members or on children and basically will scare them and then 'make a deal' that they won't call the police if the kid will give them more money. Since everyone knows that Americans cannot get justice in the Korean system, innocent people will give money just to avoid trouble. What this guy didn't expect was the reaction of an Angry American Parent when someone f*$@s with their kid. The MP said my husband handled the situation properly (with intimidation but no threats or physical contact) and that we should not even bother to call the Korean Police b/c they would likely not do anything about the assault and the guy had returned the stuff.

And before Dr. Yu or some other smart alek suggests my son was guilty, ask yourself if he HAD stolen anything why:

a-The shop owner didn't call the Korean Police?

b-Why did he tell my husband that by "stealing" he meant reselling the games to other shops?

c-Why was the guy such a tough guy, pushing my son repeatedly and threatening him but kissing my husband's butt?

16 years ago

The increased freedom under more democracy, the I1997 IMF crisis, the increasing global competitions, and the global recession certainly made people more selfish and less considerate towards others in South Korea. I would think that even in Japan, where civility may still be better than in Korea, the Japanese, too, may have become like Koreans.

16 years ago


Your husband & Son showed great restraint and coolness under pressure.

What a piece of Dog Sh#t that Korean was for accosting yourson in that manner. Korean business owners that live at this depth should be placed permanently OffLimits.

It is almost unfathomable that someone would behave in this manner, but having lived in Asia for quite sometime i have seen worse…still, to do this to a minor reeks of depravity on the Koreans part…I have no doubt that you are spreading the word around as to exactly this Korean's identity and location. 😉

16 years ago

I agree that Koreans do things considered rude by American standards. By Koreans, I mean the strangers with whom I interact on the street, at restaurants, in stores, etc. I agree with most of April's posts on the subject. The main things that I find rude:

-unfriendly service at restaurants (No friendly interaction, no smile, extremely quick service like they just want to get you out of there. Even when the servers speak English, they still treat us like a task to be taken care of.)

-NEVER moving, not even an inch, on the bike paths and trails (no matter what side I run/cycle on, the Koreans WILL NOT MOVE. Recently my husband and I conducted an experiment in Washington DC. We purposely walked towards the center or left of sidewalks and running paths. EVERY TIME, and I mean every time, people WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY to move over to the far right. Even the leashed dogs were moving to the right. It has reached the point where I run into people if I have no other alternative. I guess rudeness is contagious.)


-Subway – no one will move, not an inch. You might even get pushed out of the way if someone wants a seat.

On the other hand, I have found Korean children to be very polite. I frequently interact with both Korean and American children, and in my experiences the Korean children have been more polite and more willing to do what I ask.

I don't think that the only polite Koreans are the KATUSAS or those who interact with Americans. I think that many – most? – Koreans ARE polite when you get to know them on a one-to-one level. I think we as Americans (or other Westerners) are used to a level of politeness towards strangers. We go out of our way to say "sorry" or to give someone space. I guess Koreans do not care about how they treat strangers.

16 years ago


u have found the perfect place to discuss korean people in general. beside rokdrop.com, i think u and ur husband (and perhaps ur son) will have more intelligent discussion regarding mind of korean race at occidentalism.org.

u r welcome

16 years ago


King Baeksu
King Baeksu
16 years ago

Apparently someone has forgotten what Rodney King said after the LA riots of '92.

I've noticed a lot of my female Korean friends, when ordering at a cafe, for example, will say hello first to the counterperson and use very polite language. This usually elicits friendly service in response. My own opinion is that since I'm the customer, the clerks should be friendly to me first, but it seems some people do things differently around here.

Yesterday I had a funny exchange at Smoothie King in Chongno. The young clerk automatically spoke to me in English after I had ordered in perfect Korean (he was new). I asked in Korean, "Is this America?" He said, "No." Continuing in Korean, I said, "Why are you speaking English? Americans don't speak Korean in shops in America." He agreed that they didn't speak Korean in US shops, but then said, "It's 'service.'" I said, "Well, just speak Korean. This is Korea, and anyway you used panmal to me when you spoke English." (He just barked out the price without even using a verb, let along a verb ending). He became defensive and said, "There are many foreigners who come here." I said, "Well, that's fine but I ordered in Korean, didn't I?" (He had certainly understood me the first time without my having to repeat my order). He continued to argue and said, "Well, it's 'service.'" I said, "Look, in Japan the shop workers speak Japanese, not English. In China, they speak Chinese. This is Korea, so just speak Korean. I'm not a tourist, you know?" He decided to actually start contradicting me: "No, they don't. They speak English in Japan." I said I lived in Japan for three years and they certainly spoke Japanese in the shops there. He insisted and said, "No, they don't." I then got pissed off and just said, "Kibun nappa" and walked away to pick up my drink.

If I were the store manager and saw that punk arguing with a customer like that, I would have fired him instantly. Alas, the problem is that many store owners do not instill sufficient professionalism in their workers.

Hope they can work on that more in the future.

16 years ago

Luckily my husband and I have shared the information we have found on this website with our son (he is 14 by the way, not 18 or 19, so the shop owner knew he was a child). My son knew that if he tried to defend himself he would end up in a Korean jail he did exactly what we've told him to do if he ever runs into trouble with a Korean-call us and then get to post ASAP.

Needless to say, if we'd been in the US that shop owner would've gotten his butt kicked by my husband, which is what he deserved. He also would have been charged with assault on a minor. I figured he was trying to make my son punch him by taking his stuff and then repeatedly shoving him.

Who would we report this incident to in order to get his shop made "off-limits"?

Brendon Carr (Korea
16 years ago

Wow, mighty Scott Burgeson even picks fights with the poor kids at the counter at Smoothie King.

King Baeksu
King Baeksu
16 years ago

Brendon, you are easily one of the biggest provocateurs on The Marmot's Hole so please spare me the lectures. I hope that when I am an old man like you are I don't spend all my time online insulting random people and making fun of working-class Koreans who get in the way of redevelopment or threatening to have environmentalists locked up in jail.

The point of that exchange I quoted above was that he was making assumptions: A) That I'm a tourist. B) I'm an English-speaker.

More to the point, if Koreans spoke Korean to foreigners in shops here, more foreigners would be enouraged to learn the local language. Is that such a bad thing?

I tried to have reasonable debates with you on The Marmot's Hole in the now distant past, but the reason I gave up is because you are entirely insincere and disingenuous whenever you feel that helps you drive one of your points home.

In any case, I am aware that my exchange with that clerk was arguably uncalled for, but the reason I posted it here was to show that arguing with customers, however out-of-line they may be, is simply bad form. The customer is king is the golden rule of the service industry, and is something that needs to be better understood here if Korea wants to improve its reputation in this area (and make threads like this one unnecessary). When I worked in customer service myself in the US, and when I was teaching English here, I encountered my fair share of rudeness, but I never showed any displeasure and never got defensive or complained because that would not have been part of the professional job I was trying to do.

In the future, Brendon, I will make a diplomatic point of ignoring you (as I have done for quite a while, actually, despite your repeated attacks on me when I no longer even comment on the Hole), so can I respectfully request that we both just ignore each other from now if we have nothing positive to say to each other?

Thank you.

16 years ago


First off, I would suggest pushing this with the USFK authorities…and if they suggest it, then with the Korean authorities…not necessarily the police, since they are a known racist & corrupt entity.

It will more-than-likely be an uphill battle, since most things RIGHT are…but to not to only condones that which has happened.

Again, my hat is off to your son & husband…you must be doing something right. 😉

16 years ago

Some of your comments are right on rudeness of Korean.

I am a Korean-American living in California. I don’t know

when they will change their bad behaviors. But I learned

a lesson an easy way while I was a lousy teacher for a few years,

near Seoul. Most of time, I tried to avoid meeting or talking to

some of Korean even I speak excellent Korean just like they are.

Koreans have right to be rude to foreigners and nasty treatment like a

door mat unless you are an elite with hansome looking face and a

deep pocket. If you don’t have 3 things, don’t go there, but money comes

first. Korea tradion or culture were bought up by JEBUL( supper rich ).

Even most of the major newspapers and TV are mouthpieces of them.

1, Don’t say or sugest your country is better than Korea, they

are well brainwashed and educated(?) on naïve nationalism .

It became their pride. One time, my son, born in the USA, English

teacher in Seoul for 3months, was beaten up at COEX in Seoul with

a broken hand. He looks Korean to them, but spoke English with

Americans teacher there. Even some taxi drivers scolded him that

he should speak Korean because he should be a Korean. My friend’s

son, who is Korean American, was crippled by gangbangers with

broken back-bone while he wasa student learning Korean language there.

2, Don’t hang out with most of Korean unless buying something

big to Korean. If you don’t buy something big to them, they look down

on you. Many Korean only respect rich people. If you are not rich,

some Korean treat you like a door mat. My son bought me a fake

Omega when I was in Korea to get respect there.(for a joke.)

3, If you are not good looking, you are nothing there, unless you get

expensive cosmetic surgery. One time, my son joked at me he is afraid

marrying a Korean girl. Many Korean girls get cosmetic surgery

It’s sad that even ordinary Koreans look down each other now It’s

so superficial society, it’s tragedy for ordinary Korean and foreigners.

16 years ago

I lived, worked and studied in Qingdao, China for a year and had the opportunity to study with and meet a large number of Korean students. Let me just say that basic interaction between Koreans is totally different to westerners and just being slightly older than another person immediately puts you on a higher level which demands respect. It took a while but I managed to break the ice and developed some very good friendships and found that many of my fellow Korean classmates were as interested in learning about my culture as I was about theirs. This being said, I did have a few problems with some of the slightly older Koreans (30 – 40 ) who are extremely competitive(nothing wrong with that) but extremely rude in defeat. I received many handshakes after a game of tennis when I lost but rarely got one when I won. Not a big deal but it does leave you feeling a bit sour after a match. Furthermore I sometimes got into small argruments with especially slightly older men who didn't appreciate anybody younger having different points of view. On the most part I did keep my mouth closed and simply listened but I wasn't totally prepared to compromise my own culture by not stating my own beliefs.

Overall, I found the majority of Koreans extremely friendly and accepting of my Australian ways and I would like to hope that Australians are just as accepting of other cultures.

Zen mama
16 years ago

Hi Gunner,

Great post. I am an American born woman. There was an isolated friendship that I had with a Korean woman where I felt there was a lot of competitiveness on her part. My ex Korean friend is what I would call a social climber who would brag to me about this person that she had lunch with or that person that she had lunch with while I was having lunch with her. Whenever I went out with her she seemed to be on a mission to collect as many phone numbers and e-mail addresses from random women as possible. As soon as she obtained the contact information from these women she would refer to them as "friends". Am I missing something? I thought that a friend is someone that you know well. Nothing wrong with adding to her existing social circle, I am not jealous of these other women as I am secure with myself. I just felt I was rude for her to do that in front of me constantly. One day I just got annoyed and stopped answering her phone calls and e-mails.

She was also very materialistic. She married a white man within days after meeting him and to her husbands shock, she did not appreciate all the wonderful things that he provided her, health insurance, a beautiful home, a nice SUV and did I mention she didn't have to work. What more can a woman ask for?

She immigrated to the US from a part of Korea where poverty and starvation are a fact of life at the present time and has the nerve to say that her house (that her white husband paid for, not her) was ugly just because it needed a few repairs. The nerve! When I actually saw the home, it was one of the most beautiful homes that I had ever seen. I feel sorry for the husband. He should of gotten to know this woman first instead of marrying her just because she was hard up for a VISA. She is a user and a taker. I hope she changes.

As far as Korean men, I have found Korean men to be pleasant. Maybe it is human nature for women to be competitive with other women and men to be competitive with other men regardless of race.

Leon Phelps
Leon Phelps
16 years ago

Newsflash: There are all kinds of people in Korea. Some are rude and some are extremely kind. Wow! It's kind of like the rest of the entire human race. What a coincidence!

King Baeksu
King Baeksu
16 years ago

"She married a white man within days after meeting him"

Bad move on both sides (mostly his apparently).

16 years ago

Hey Zen Mama,

That is quite a sad story that is unfortunately heard far too often. As for changing, it reminds me of a line from the John Travolta movie 'you can take the girl out of the trailer park BUT you can't take the trailer park out of the girl'. Generalisation I know but it is hard to change the values you have been raised with. Hopefully I am wrong !

I think every society has this type of person. People that will never be satisfied with what they have and will use everybody to get more. Seems to be more of a human characteristic than any specific cultural one.

Leon Phelps
Leon Phelps
16 years ago

Zen Mama,

I understand why you might dislike someone like that, so the question is why you were her friend at one point?

Sounds like she was pretty consistent in her behavior.

Zen mama
16 years ago

Hi and thank you for your male perspectives. I respect any opposing views as well, as I am not above having my ego put in check. I think it's sexy to be humble…or is it nice girls finish last? I'm so conflicted. Just kidding. I probably should have noted that as far as materialistic women are concerned, there was an American reality show called "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?" And I don't recall seeing any Korean gold diggers on that show.

While I make no apologies for some of my previous complaints, I hope to one day let go of some of my hang ups on Korean culture.

If someone insults me though, regardless of race, I will ignore that person, or defend myself if I am continually bullied. I think having a back bone is extremely important when dealing with rudeness on any level, otherwise it's sort of like a double victimization.

Hi Leon. I felt my old friend was nice at first, but it took me a while to figure out that I was just a prop to make her feel important. I use the word "prop" because I don't recall having much in common with my old friend…it was evident in our lack of meaningful conversations with one another. Most of her words were superficial in my mind, and when I tried to express my emotions I was cut off by her, no explanation. She just didn't want to hear it. In terms of my desire to have meaningful conversations, that doesn't mean that I wanted to know all the dirty details of her marriage or engage in vicious gossip about her other friends. I just like to be around people who reveal their characters in ways that are soulful and human and fun at the same time, not robot-like and insincere. It might just be a cultural thing too. I think Americans are more likely to just let it all hang out as far as expressing our feelings. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad.

16 years ago

Gosh I was thinking about transferring from Japan to Korea, but after reading this post I'm starting to rethink my options. Unfortunately, there is racism, discrimination and rudeness in every country, but not as blatant as it is described in Korea. I've lived in Japan on three different occasions for a total of nine years and the Japanese have always been very friendly to me. I'm an African American female and I have never felt discriminated against. It is sad that in this day and age that people still hold on to the inferiority complex and the belief that all AA are beneath them or less them, or any race that is not the superior believed race of anglo-saxon. It's just the color of skin and slightly different ethnics views and beliefs that seperates all of us; nothing more major than that. WE can all learn something from one another, and most of all we have to leave the hatred of the past behind.

16 years ago


It is not just African-Americans that are discriminated against…and I have witnessed a fair number of situations where they were the ones doing the discriminating. And it is the Koreans, who are not anglo-saxon, who have the idea that they are the best race and ALL others (including those of European descent) are inferior. They especially despise all Americans.

However, if you have had good experiences in Japan, you should stay there. We would certainly prefer to be in Japan, as we experienced treatment similar to what you describe when we were in Japan. Or maybe try somewhere in Europe. Some of my African-American and biracial friends say that in Europe they were just known as the "American" and not treated poorly at all. (apparently there is a lot less racism in Europe than America).

Koreans discriminate against ALL non-Koreans, but they are afraid of African-Americans. Some of my friends have had to deal with Koreans who assume they are African and not American (an insult to a proud American), and been looked at by Koreans as something dangerous.

16 years ago

April, thanks for the clarification, input and advice. I think the media generates alot of negativity as a whole esp on the AA race, and other ethnic groups basically believe what they hear and see. The point is that every race has their good and bad. Yes, I heard that Europe was more accepting.

Zedder Bing
Zedder Bing
16 years ago

Dear brieat32

As a black man who has lived in Korea, here's my take: Koreans generally dislike all foreigners, but they have an immense sense of inferiority with respect to whites and an immense sennse of superiority with respect to whites. English language schools, for example, will do anything to hire any sort of blond white and everything to not hire a black; and, to go with that, you will find parents who refuse to be taught by a black person, no matter how competent. I have also lived in Japan and before you thnk of moving to Korea, I would encourage you to learn more from blacks who have first-hand experience, especially from ones who are not in the military; take a trip to Seoul, for example, and talk to people. I can't think of an Asian country where blacks are despised as much as they are in Korea. Although I did meet one or two genuine Koreans during my time there, what I experienced as a black person and what I saw black people experience has forever left me with bitter feelings towards Korea and Koreans. Not fair to all, some might say, but there it is.

Zedder Bing
Zedder Bing
16 years ago

I mean "an immense sennse of superiority with respect to blacks".

Zedder Bing
Zedder Bing
16 years ago

Dear brieat32

I imagine that "racism blacks south korea" in Google will provide a bit more information.

16 years ago

I am black and I have been to countires that are all black. I was treated as an American. I was mostly asked about things that were American. Koreans are big time xenophobics unless they want something from a foreigner.

16 years ago

Yeah, Koreans are racist. Even if they are nice to you b/c you are doing business with them or they are curious or even if they are just nice, they are ingrained with "pride in their mono-ethnic heritage."

Anywhere else, this would be seen for what it is: racism. Here, it is supposed to be heritage. I think I've heard other racists groups using the pride excuse for their beliefs. Whatever color of the skin or where the people are, ANY group that says their race is better based solely on race, is….racist.

Villain, I think that generally European countries treat all Americans as Americans.

16 years ago

I was not in a European country. I was in a third world Caribbean island. A lot of other countries do not like Koreans as they still act like they are in Korea and when approached about their behavior,they justify what they are doing as part of their culture.You hear the reply "I'm Korean".

King Baeksu
King Baeksu
16 years ago

Why do I have the feeling that this thread will wind up being the longest one on this site?

For what it's worth, I lived in Japan for 3 years and knew several African-Americans there who were living the life of Riley.

On the other hand, I knew another African-American guy here in Korea who was tossed in the slammer for some minor illegal teaching infraction and eventually deported. He loves Korea and longs to return, but unfortunately the authorities here see things differently.

In the meantime, he sings songs on YouTube just to show how much he loves Korea:


Zedder Bing
Zedder Bing
16 years ago

Do Koreans lie so much to each other, or is that something they save just for foreigners?

Sebastian Calatayud
Sebastian Calatayud
16 years ago

I have lived in the States and have had the experience of seeing how Koreans behave within their social gropus and outside them. At first i met some nice blokes, who were friendly and his behaviour in general was so respectful towards every race. But during that period spending time with them and getting more into their culture, i realised that they could be so rude, especially those who have a wealthy way of life, they see some people with certain sense of superiority. At the same time, they really idolize Yanks. They do everything a Yank does, they wanna look like them, and at some cases act like them. I had a girlfriend from south korea, and it was a nice experience, very constructive, but sometimes she drove me crazy pretending to act like a yank. I have a venezuelan friend, who i and my girlfriend met once in new york city, and my other half's friend came over to meet us and criticised my friend for coming from a poor country. For Koreans, every non-Asian person is american, every non-asian language is american english, and they compare everything with americans, for example, they usually have certain way of meassuring their ages, so to talk about the regular way counting how old we are in the western world, they say "american age". We all know the states might be the most powerful country in the world, but it's not about having that sense of inferiority towards Yanks. In the other hand, Korean-Americans are really rude, and somehow it's cos they try to imitate americans, but they cannot look like them, so it frustrates them at the point of making them very pedantic. Korean themselves are so nice, but when they come to the States they lose their warmth. Even though i dont have anything against them and i still think they are so nice and have a world class mould football team.

16 years ago

Not all Koreans are rude.

Not all Japanese are superficial.

Not all Filipinos are backstabbers.

When will we learn not to overgeneralize an entire culture into one category?

Do we *know* all the people in one country? Of course not. This is an observation based on first impressions and culture shock.

I was born in South Korea then moved to Canada as an immigrant. My first impression was that all Canadians were horrible due to the racism I endured when I first started going to school. As the years went by, I've met many people, some wonderful, some horrible. No, not all Canadians are horrible, I've learned, but neither are they all polite and hospitable like the image that exists of Canadians to others.

16 years ago

Japanese are not superficial, and Filipinos are not backstabbers. So we agree in part. But to be fair, I have met superficial and backstabbing Koreans.

King Baeksu
King Baeksu
16 years ago

"When will we learn not to overgeneralize an entire culture into one category?"

Are you saying that this is what "we" all do?

"This is an observation based on first impressions and culture shock."

I've been in Korea for 12 years. Guess I'm still trying to overcome my "first impressions"!

16 years ago

I find in most cases it is more the individual person than the actual culture that is to blame. I personally have never been to Korea but I find it hard to understand people that have lived in a country for such a long time being unable to adapt and hold such bitter thoughts. My experience is in China where I lived for many years and also encountered people with similar issues. It is strange how some people can thrive in a new environment and others just dwell on all the negative aspects. Maybe I am generalising but if you have truly adapted to your environment, I doubt you would be spending your time on a thread titled 'Why are Koreans rude?' …

Zedder Bing
Zedder Bing
16 years ago

Matt, in that case you should leave it to people who have lived in Korea. Sure, one should not generalize, but when 9 out of every 10 is a bad egg, what else is one to say? Just dwell on the positive one?

Koreans, in general (i.e. most of them) are untustworthy, lying, greedy (for money), racists. I think the real problem is that Japan withdrew before completing its project of civilization and should be invited back for another 100 years. In the meantime, the world is in for a rough ride as more and more Koreans move overseas.

Zedder Bing
Zedder Bing
16 years ago

I should add that the one thing I liked about Korea was the women. Because of their inferiority with respect to whites (especially Americans), Korean women will give it up to any man who is white, regardless of what sort of loser bum he may be. I never had so much p***y in my life!

16 years ago

One does not have to live in Korea to know Koreans and their culture.Please read the previous posts. Many cities in China have extremely large Korean communities.

As previously posted, I think it is the individual rather than the culture that determines the relationships you will develop in Korean(any) communities. I am happy for your sexual conquests but if you seek out women that give it up to any loser then it is my view that it is the group you are mixing with rather than all Koreans that is the problem. Choose your friends more carefully.

16 years ago

I'm from NYC. I know generalizing is wrong, but I have come across some rude people in Korea…also in the U.S. I won't say Koreans and Americans are rude because of it. Koreans are very emotional thinkers, so are some Americans. Some Koreans are not emotional thinkers. The same goes for Americans. However, I do think that the homogeneity of Korea does make it rather easy for us to 'paint the picture with one brush'(hate). I think the homogeneity also makes it just as easy for the Koreans to do the same with foreigners. For example: they classify all foreigners as "wae-guk". There is no differentiation between a German or an Italian. We generalize in the U.S. too – we call whites, whites and blacks, blacks but there is a very BIG difference in behavior still. For example, you have Black West-indian Americans, West African-Americans, and the Blacks who are native to America. You have Jews, Italians, etc (I grew up in Brooklyn -sorry for the short list). All think differently in some areas, but are still generalized as 'black/white people'. "I hate black/white people!…" "which ones?" aught to be the question.

I think before we try to criticize Korea for any faults we need to look at ourselves. Do any of us on this board actually LIVE UP to his/her own expectations in social behavior? I am sure we can all account for a time where we have been complete jerk-offs or dishonest with other people. Lets not criticize Koreans for who they are. Bottom line its not Korea, American, German behavior. Its HUMAN BEHAVIOR :idea:. Were jacked-up and we don't like ourselves very much. 🙁 But, despite the problems, we must to learn to live with each other or we will destroy ourselves; this would be the natural outworking. And what that means for us is to find a reason to love other human beings…even if you witness them not loving themselves-by the way they treat you.


16 years ago

I have lived in Korea for awhile now, and I do get distressed by the cultural differences. I am not sure how to address the problems I find. Certainly there is a lot of bumping and pushing, which I cannot find a cultural defence for. But what irks me more is the way Koreans feel it is ok to intrude upon your personal privacy. I know their culture needs to have some information, but they all know by now that questions about age and marriage are considered personal by Western people. The fact that they continue to ask such questions seems horribly rude to me.

I have often found myself being discussed by a group of Koreans!!! I still cannot believe that anyone could be so rude as to openly discuss a person like they are an inanimate ojbect. I have met many kind Koreans (and an equal number of bad Koreans) and I do not think they are bad people, but their customs are so rude by my standards that it is hard for me to be friends with any. Invariably a Korean will say something so offensive that I will simply be struck dumb by the rudeness. They of course do not even understand they have said anything controversial at all.

Flora Cho
Reply to  Riena
15 years ago

I never knew how foriegners thought koreans were so rude…

As a Korean myself, I am really ashamed that forieners think of us as unfriendly, impolite people. But I just want you to know that not all Koreans are like that. And I really appreciate your passion of teaching English here ^^ I hope you can meet some very good korean people while you are still here teaching! Bless you too 😉

good driver
good driver
15 years ago

Koreans are rude as seen by foreigners.

When they drive, they are totally rude! Ajjuma beind the wheel of her big SOnata won't let you squeeze in, busses squeeze in front of you, scooters run red lights… etc etc…

Hey, how can we teach Koreans to cover their mouth when they cough? Whenever a Korean coughs near me and they don't cover their mouth, I make a big disgusting face and wave the air. It's quite a scene!

15 years ago

Koreans are rude, I wish they never came to my country>>>Philippines. 🙁
hey Koreans! GTFO off my country before you start infecting us with your rudeness!
I see them everywhere, malls, cinemas, schools, UGH.

I was walking in the mall with my sister, I am thin and there was a thin Korean girl who whammed straight into my breasts, it hurt me so bad she didn’t even apologize.
It left a bruise on my chest, and I’m kinda OCD about breast cancer and such, I fantasize about meeting her again and I will tear all the hair from her head.

This is not the only incident I have with them, and I’m always shocked about their audacity to act that way in my own country! Another one is that we were taking pictures in a coffee shop so that I’ll post that in my Facebook account, they acted like they’re the ones I’m capturing in my camera and gave me a bad glare then they all stood up and walked out. AS IF I’LL WASTE MY CAMERA ON SUCH PIGS!

I agree, Japanese and Chinese are the better ones than Koreans! They are uncouth and uncivilized, it’s not that obvious because they dress themselves like a normal fashionista person!

Reply to  CalmSeas
15 years ago

A lot of us are leaving because of the bad division of wealth in Philippines, there are only a few who hold the power and there is no real distribution of wealth…Even if you are a college graduate you will face the lack of job prospects…Also the ‘colonial mentality’ of some, they want to brag to fellow Filipinos that they lived in America or Europe. But at least I can say it’s not because of rudeness…We are the warmest people, we treat visitors and foreigners with respect and great hospitality, this is considered and taught in school as the right way to treat foreigners…
We love our family and have a great fear for God.

You say in your earlier post sir you’ve encountered bad Filipino people, may I say sir maybe you’ve been with the wrong crowd. All nationalities have them, maybe you were directed by the throbbing of your d*ck that’s why you had bad judgement with your Filipino peers. Just like a person saying Americans are bad after his company with prostitutes and the likes?

You have a small brain, thank you very much and never come back in my country, we may be poor but we are not small minded! Ciao! 😛

Reply to  CalmSeas
15 years ago

One more thing, they leave but what do they do with their money? They send their siblings and children to school, build houses for their parents…

Something to consider before you laugh at the leaving situation of Filipinos. 😛

15 years ago

Rudeness is in the eyes of the person being pushed.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

I think they are overly rude and trying to be proud because they are trying to delude themselves into thinking their past never happened. This is the past where another country occupied them for 40 years and weren’t pushed out until the U.S. arrived. The past where every mongol in Asia got a piece of the action. Koreans can not and have not ruled themselves, they are only kept as slaves of Asia or made free by others. That’s why it’s called the Sea of Japan and not the Eastern Sea. LOL, how many will that last comment piss off?

Here’s the difference: the Koreans were absolutely controlled before and during WWII by the Japs. On the other hand, the Filipinos put up such a great resistance effort they kept many divisions so busy that the Japs couldn’t use those divisions elsewhere in the Pacific.

And yet, somehow, the Koreans have the nerve to act twice as elitist when traveling to the U.S. or the Philippines. Give me a break. And quit saying “well they are nice on a personal level”. Since when did you have to know someone to not run into them, not cut in line, not cough on them, etc etc.

15 years ago

I’ve been to a lot of places around the world and have met so called rude people in all of them. It’s all relative.

Ironically, the only time I’ve felt threatened, or in any danger whatsoever while in Korea, was when a group of drunk male Philipino (I presume factory workers) approached me one evening. Go figure. 🙄

15 years ago

I've been fortunate to have been able to travel a lot and live in several big cities in Asia, Europe and Australasia. So with some objectivity and broadness of view I feel comfortable in concluding Koreans are the rudest on Earth. I don't want to be harsh or negative but it is difficult to disagree with all the criticisms of the Koreans in this forum. Hellos, thank yous and goodbyes are minimums. Seemingly Korean kindness extends no further than their own family.

15 years ago

The only time I'll take it to heart is if I think the person extending said rudeness my way would not do the same to another Korean. If people in Korea bump, push and shove each other, why should I care? I am but a passerby, and am under no obligation to enforce my perceptions of rudeness and proper social etiquette upon them. Take it for what it is, which is accepted cultural practice by Koreans, and move on. It really is that simple.

15 years ago

Then we shall conclude that they are naturally rude?


Yep, that's about it I guess lol.

15 years ago

If you perceive Koreans to be rude, so be it. I'm not trying to change your mind. I thought my German neighbors in Heidelberg were rude because they stared at me a lot, but really they weren't being rude at all; they were just curious about the foreigner in the neighborhood, and apparently staring is not considered rude behavior in Germany.

I also thought the countless people who urinated and defecated in the wood lines at rest stops throughout Europe were rude, but who can really fault them for answering the proverbial call of nature? When you gotta go, you gotta go, right? And how could I forget about the hordes of obnoxiously loud British drunks in Amsterdam who pissed and threw up all over the street? I thought they were rude too, but no, they were just drunk and being stupid. Besides, anything goes in Amsterdam, right? The local Dutch might think differently however.

I'm simply suggesting that there are rude people the world over (and there surely are), and that you shouldn't take something that's culturally acceptable in the country you live in as being rude just because they don't do it back in Tupelo, Mississippi. Did you know that Koreans consider blowing your nose in public to be extremely rude? I sure didn’t when I first got here. Heck, back home it’s nothing to see a guy in Wal Mart whip out his handkerchief and blow his nose like its’ a trumpet for the entire store to hear. No one gives it a second thought.

Like I said, if a Korean does something to me that I think he/she would not have done to another Korean, then it's time to get angry. But if I get bumped by some harmless Ajumma walking down the road, I'm not going to give it a second thought.

Reply to  Rob
15 years ago

Sure, rude people are every where – and rudeness is at times culturally defined – It's just my experience that in the game of rudeness, Koreans win the trophy.

Reply to  Kiwi
15 years ago

“…in the game of rudeness, Koreans win the trophy.”


15 years ago

To those who defend the uncouth Koreans, are you serious?

Learn to read the effing writings on the wall: Koreans are the next Nazis with their xenophobic, higher than thou attitude.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. How I wish someone would nail that thought to these freakishly CRUDE Koreans!

Reply to  Rob
15 years ago

invention would get you nowhere, your race’s bad attitude stinks to high heavens and you can’t cover that with a lame story hahaha!

Reply to  Nica
15 years ago

I’m not Korean Nica and the story is not invented.

Also, why do people yell out “hey Joe” to me in the PI? What makes them think my name is Joe? I find that to be quite rude.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise
Reply to  April
15 years ago

Well April, I don't know what "Koreans" you've spent time with. Any? None? But the ones I've been around have been fine to me. I've been around all different Asians and they all seem to act the same. I never saw any "rude" behavior from any of them. I think this thread is nothing more than bait for all the Korean haters. You have a lot of people who come on here and talk with such self righteousness that it's amazing to me. All it shows is some kind of superiority complex, people have this built up notion of themselves they have to generalize some Asians to feel better about themselves. Like you April. I get the impression that you were in the military,or maybe you thought you were, I don't know and I could give a crap. Either way, lets play this. S.K. contributed thousands of troops in Vietnam, hundreds died. All because they were an ally to the US. I don't hear any thankyous or see any momuments being built in America because of their sacrifice. N.K. couldn't roll over anybody, especially S.K., you've got to be kidding me right? The N.K. military doesn't stand a chance against S.K. Americans wouldn't be enjoying all those thousands of jobs across the US because of ungrateful Koreans. What is that US blood? What about the 1 million plus Iraqis killed(I MEAN LIBERATED WITH AMERICAN FREEDOM) courtesy of the US military. How about all that Afghani blood? Again courtesy of American Freedom Inc. What about all that Vietnamese blood? What of the Korean blood spilt by Americans when they were in Korea? So how about APRIL?

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise
Reply to  April
15 years ago

Well April you hit the nail on the head. You're a dumb red-neck hillbilly woman. That explains a lot about you. (HATE TO GENERALIZE) I have a friend from Africa who lived in da south for awhile, and he said he experienced racism every damn day. The "Bubbas" as you refer to would say horrible things to him, and about Asians. He was telling me one time some "Bubbas" were making fun of some Japanese kids, saying horrendous things about them, and he stood up for those Asian kids. Well the "Bubbas" didn't like that one bit, April. He said he had some good people that he ran into, but for the majority, he said, "Nay". I guess I should tell him that he was generalizing too. Damn!

The K.K.K. is very strong in da south APRIL, from what my friend described and I would have to say, "YEP!!"

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise
Reply to  April
15 years ago

April, you sound racist. I'm going out on a limb and saying, yeah, you are. Just like a lot of these damned posts. Your posts sound like you one hell of a chip on your shoulder. Your Superiority Complex sounds like it's on overdrive. Maybe you're not really "racist". Maybe you're bitter because the warranty on your Hyundai expired, or something.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise
Reply to  Nica
15 years ago

Good God is everyone on the internet an idiot? Listen I've met people from all over the world. Some good, some not. I've experience racism myself. I'm part Native American, part white. I have a dark complexion. I look like a foreigner, especially in the US. I always have people staring at me. I get the most grief from Whites and Blacks, not from any Asians I've met. I can't really generalize about them, but I will say they seemed fine to me. I didn't notice any of them sneezing, coughing, farting, curse or try to fight with me, like the experiences I've had with non-Asians. Maybe that says something.

I read a lot of these posts and I have to say for a bunch of "civilized" people you sound a lot like the "rude Koreans" you so vehemently hate so much. I mean if you have a problem with S.K. leave. It's not that hard. When you do leave where you gonna go? You going to go to a "civilized" country like America where someone with a gun will pull you out of your car and kill you dead for your Honda? Will you go to England where the violence has risen so much that you can't walk down the street without running into roving gangs of youths where they'll stab you to death? How about Spain where my teacher once described a man dying on the street, and people just walking by, not lifting a finger to help. How about Australia where I saw a video of a group of boys torturing a disabled girl. If those aren't examples of "rude behavior" I don't know what is. I could go on forever, but I'll stop. You can't pick what country is more rude than the other. For all you haters, who want to pick on S.K. and cover up your own inferiority, be my guest. But a lot of you people sound like you're the ones who are "rude".

15 years ago

But, of course, there are rude people in Korea, as anywhere else. However, let's not forget that rudeness is sometimes defined differently by different cultures, also. 😕 As for someone like April, I guess with the American economy in a big crisis, it's time to feel better by bashing the foreigners, again. 🙄

15 years ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah…..Korea is all that, and even more! I LOVE the opportunity to express my innate AMERICAN despise of socio-cultural mannerisms–You gotta stand up for yourself….you weak pacifists!!When an old lady cuts in front of me, well, I just throw my big fat white ass in front of them, and look at them like they are idiots, like they are! Ha Ha! Try it, it is quite fun…I mean you have to fight fire with fire, right? Just give the third world ethnocentric, xenophobic, racist, mix of Chinese and Japanese people a taste of their "own" medicine!! HA ha ha ha ha

15 years ago

You forgot about the part – harley tatoo across the rump.

15 years ago

"Learn to read the effing writings on the wall: Koreans are the next Nazis with their xenophobic, higher than thou attitude."

"Just give the third world ethnocentric, xenophobic, racist, mix of Chinese and Japanese people a taste of their “own” medicine!! HA ha ha ha ha"

Some people here are so desperate to show korean rudeness that they become rude themselves.

15 years ago

In the Lone Planet's Korean Phrasebook, it says in a block note on page 59, titled "Pardon the Expression":

English speakers may feel inclined to use the expression choesong hamnida whenever they're bumped into on the street. Koreans generally reserve choesong hamnida for something more serious.

Does that mean choesong hamnida is reserved for when I accidentally cause someone to fall, spill all their packages, or unintentional make a grave insult to them? Is it more like the English, "Please forgive me. I'm sincerely sorry."

If that's the case, is there nothing in the language to say for minor, casual incidents? That might explain some of the cross cultural disconnects.

15 years ago

About 6 years ago, when I started studying the Korean language, we learned how to say "excuse me" in Korean, "Sillaehamneda". Since learning this and living here, I've only heard Koreans use that expresion twice – both times in very expensive restaurants from waiters. So like JoeC said, don't expect to hear sorry: add to this list excuse me and usually not even thank you.

El Tee
El Tee
15 years ago

If Koreans are considered rude by American standards, then to me they are rude because I'm American. I do not agree with trying to take into account their culture and adjusting my opinion accordingly. I have met Koreans I consider very rude, and others that were seemingly well mannered. I have been cut in front of at bus stations and bumped into on the streets of Seoul, but I have also had Koreans respect place in line, and apologize when they bumped into me. It seems to me it's the few that make a bad name for the many. My experience is 50/50. I won't generalize the whole nation because of half, but there are definitely a lot of rude people. Seems to me more often it's the older Korean men that seem to be rude the most, while children and young women tend to be the opposite.

Reply to  madne0
15 years ago

I once heard the people saying that the Koreans were called the "Italians" of Asia

as the two nations are on the "peninsula" and are similarly merry people.

The Koreans are called the "Italians" of Asia to be spoken good of.

Reply to  may
15 years ago

That explains China Town in all major American cities.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  may
15 years ago

Look here in the Philippines for an example: http://cybergladz.i.ph/blogs/cybergladz/2008/09/2

They not only set up their own town where others are not welcome, but even bribed the city to mark the area and let everyone know. If you go into some restaurants in this part of the city you will not be served unless you are a gook. I use that racial term because that's what it deserves.

When I was in civil service I had a korean-American work for me. She had been in government service for 24 years, and spoke English like chit and certainly couldn't write it. Why? Because in California where she settled she went to a gook market, gook church, gook everything. Even at work on the Navy base most of the office spoke gook because of this nepotism. Definitely not fair, and definitely racist against all non-gooks.

Reply to  Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

Oh, cry me a river. Every country has something like that. Get over it. I once went to Japan and saw a sign that said Japanese only.

Guess that Korean-American girl didn't want to sleep with you?

15 years ago

I live here in Korea and I'm able to handle most of the rudeness. It's not as bad as some people make it out to be. I've been all over the world and to me it's like you're going into someones neighborhood, you have to learn the streets to understand what's going on. My Korean friends don't have a rude bone in their body. They ask a lot of questions as I do them. We laugh our asses off at both cultures! Every single time I go on a train to Seoul someone comes up to me and talks to me, it's amazing and when it happens I feel like Koreans are some of the nicest people in the world. When I experience a rude Korean I have to laugh it off. I view this country as being extremely crowded and a lot of people have to compete every single day if they want to make it in life. The Koreans have been screwed over for centuries and even today they're country is divided in half, probably longer than any other country in history. They're screwed and they're P'O'd about it. Trust me, youi don't want to live in a little apartment with no chance to make it in life so be thankful for what you have. There's a LOT of foreigners here in Korea, approximately 2 percent of the entire population. We live in a better place and have more money than most of them. Don't let the rude Koreans get to you, sometimes I do get pissed but I can yell back in Korean if I have to (this works practically every single time!) or I can laugh at the rude person if I want to stoop to his level, as I know he ain't gonna try to mess with me physically. Koreans are tough but I doubt it'll ever come to blows. In that regards it's one of the safest countries in the world.

15 years ago

Oh, I forgot to mention the rudest place I've ever been in was when I lived in Honolulu, Hawaii for six years. Now there's a place that if you're not the right race or color you will feel the heat!

Reply to  Arabesque
15 years ago

You're right. All generalizations are false, including this one. Spin that one around for a few hours.

15 years ago

Koreans are rude due to the prevalence of narcissistic and histrionic personality disorders in their gene pool. In short, it can be blamed on ch'emyon.

15 years ago

Cracks me up on how some people complain of how Koreans form their own communities in other countries.

In my home town we have the French Hills. Three guesses on who lived there. The town next to mine is made up of mostly the Irish.

Happens in very country and every nationality does it, folks. Get over it.

Hawaii can be some what brutal about not fitting in. Tourist don't see or feel it. If you're living there, that's a whole different story.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  GG
15 years ago

1) Germans 2) Swedish 3) Chinese Did I get it?

Sure people form their own communities. It's natural. I think it's the level of effort put into it that is the discussion………..

Reply to  Pete
15 years ago

Maybe no smile or jokes – but unlike Koreans, you can expect from Germans Hello, Thank you and Goodbye – certainly most Germans wouldn't ignore others in a line.

Reply to  Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

You don't think the French put a lot of effort into their community? They built their own church just for themselves. They built their own factories also. The factory is gone now, I think. French is their national language there.

If you're wondering what country this is in, it's in the good old USA.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  GG
15 years ago

You are singling out a specific community. I think the myriad of examples worldwide show Koreans are more exclusive than inclusive as a people.

15 years ago

I have found Korean culture and customs to be quite fascinating. Koreans can be very polite in some areas and not so in others. Of course, I am basing this statement on my own personal or cultural values of what politeness is. I am sure they probably think the same thing about western culture. Pushing in, not lining up or not saying please or thank you is not the end of the world. In fact, I made the most of it and joined in. . . It felt great not to say plaese and thank you 20 million times a day and push my way to the front of the line.

15 years ago

I can’t think of anything more rude than what the supposedly more civilized and better mannered Westerners have done for the last few centuries when they invaded, occupied, colonized, exploited, enslaved, destroyed, disrupted, or manipulated other people around the world.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  Expat
15 years ago

For the history of the world it was Romans, Spaniards, British, Americans, Africans, Chinese, Japanese, Germans, Muslims and Christians, and EVERY other society and religion that invaded their neighbors for their own purposes. Don't single out westerners. You look liberal and stooooopid.

15 years ago

Don't forget Korea, they invaded themselves ! Is it rude to invade yourself? Well, I guess it is better than invading somebody else.

15 years ago

I am a long-time lurker of a few popular Korean blogs. I like this site, as well as One Free Korea, The Marmot's Hole, The Metropolitician, and even Occidentalism.

I am a Korean-American. I have never lived in Korea, and speak intermediate level Korean.

I will say it right away: I have had a LOT of negative experiences with Koreans from Korea. They were and have been rude – they are gossipers, backstabbers, and dishonest. They seem to have no honor, no sense of shame, and no ethics. And frankly, after having dated several international student women, and after having dealt with older- and younger-generation Korean immigrants in America as well as with international students of both genders, I have to say that I cannot blame the Americans and other foreigners who have written here negatively about Korean rudeness.

A lot of the experiences you guys have described, I've seen similar things in Korean enclaves here in the USA. I will admit that sometimes I was immune from some of the worse things because I am an ethnic Korean, I speak passable Korean, and because in these situations, I didn't stand out the way you whites and blacks in Korea might.

Yet, I have to admit, a lot of times, Koreans are extremely rude. And what irks me is how they look at you with a blank stare as if you are some ugly alien if YOU call them out on their rudeness. I call it the "oing????" look. Young women are the best at it.

I'm very much in touch with my Korean roots and culture, and I'm proud of them, but I have to say, after all my experiences with expat and immigrant Koreans, that I feel very fortunate I have never had to live in Korea – and I never will.

15 years ago

Tom Cruise,

I'm not a redneck, actually, but if it makes YOU feel superior to sit on your fat retired or contractor butt and call me so, it doesn't matter b/c your opinion means nothing to me. Your are a nonentity in my life. Funny how you take the word of your "black" friend as absolute truth, but call me a redneck and basically imply I am a liar. I experienced racism from black people too.

I'm not a "racist" b/c I don't think badly of someone just b/c of their color or nationality, but I'm not a PC idiot (like you) and I DO make judgments based on my experiences. That is what a smart, critically thinking person does. I don't shy away from calling someone or a group out on their faults just b/c they are a minority. Their "non-white" or "non-American" status does NOT exempt them from the same social rules. Yes, I am judgmental. So is everyone, I just have the honesty to say it, whereas a PC idiot will say, "Oh, every single person from Nobel Prize winning scientist to AIDS riddled crackhead has the exact same worth. Every ideology is equally correct….blah, blah, blah, puke…"

Since I wrote those other posts, I have had some positive experiences in Korea, which I am glad for. But that doesn't change the fact that blatant public nose picking and scamming Americans are a fact of life here in Korea. I don't think they are rude b/c they are Korean. But I have found that 95% of the Koreans in Korea I have encountered are rude. So is the average ignorant person in the South, which I bitch about plenty, but this blog is not about that.

As for your stupid comment about the economy–the American economy has not had a bad impact on me. My family is doing better financially now than ever, so try again.

In case you haven't figured it out, humanity in general disgusts me. Am I superior? Nah, I am just as hard on myself in my daily life. But YOUR criticisms of me are just stupid.

This blog is about Koreans being rude, so that is what I wrote about-my experiences of rude Koreans. It isn't something I would have started a blog about all on my own.

I also can't stand-the average fat Army wife (yes, a disproportionate number of them are sloppy overweight), the large number of NCOs who cannot spell 8th grade vocabulary words, the general pussification of the Army, the inept, surly people in Army offices that act like they are doing you a favor by doing their freaking job, the average bible thumping right wing hypocrite, the average PC liberal who thinks that everything is great and worthy except white Americans, parents who won't discipline their children and act like everyone should think it is cute when their brats run around screaming and acting out in public, uh….people in general.

I'm not a racist. I hate everyone equally.

Reply to  Alf
15 years ago

Keep in mind that it goes both ways and the fob Koreans have some negative things to say about the Korean immigrants in America, also. The bottom line is, it is still much better to improve the relationship among Koreans than to expect that non-Koreans Americans will accept them fully, because that just won't happen. Even if it does, it won't happen before Koreans accept each other better in America. Don't let the outwardly better behaviors of particularly the Anglo Americans fool you. Despite their constant propaganda about colorblindness in public, their demeanors and actions often prove othwerwise.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

Wow, I actually agree with April on a lot of that. You can add the Korean clearing of their flem while they stand right next to you to the nose picking.

I agree with you about the following inDUHviduals: NCOs with spelling issues, undisciplined children, and most people since they are retards (although that is redundant since I was listing induhviduals).

15 years ago

To Korean apologists, I was sorry for what I said here about the Koreans and bit the adage that let's give everyone a chance…well heck! We spent our weekend on a country club to get away from hustle and bustle.

The day progressed just fine, then around three p.m. a group of Korean men arrived, around 17-21 years old numbering probably 14 people.

They were playing football and very loud about it, no Filipino reacted in a bad way or stared at them in a rude manner.

The club is filled with amenities, for example if you want to fish you can rent a fishing line per hour. I observed quietly that not one of them seemed to have availed of these options, it seems they only want to use the FREE things from the club.

They jumped all at once at a FAMILY POOL, even shocking a Filipino kid. If you've never encountered Korean group of men, you won't have an idea how bad they are!

They acted like they own the place but Filipinos are too non-confrontational to say anything, and we always give allowances to foreigners.

Worst, we found out too late that our room is next to this group, we assumed that they won't spend the night in the room because rent for a night only costs 100 US dollars to non-members. But no, they decided to act like they are at a beer house, screaming AND SHOUTING LIKE ThEY ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE IN THAT PLACE CALLED FAMILY LODGE!!! We politely asked the guards nearby to tell them that they are too loud, they would keep quiet for a few minutes then they would act that very way again. We came close to calling the cops, but the reception office pacified us. We never got a wink of sleep. They are CHEAPSKATES, they could have rented a separate area if they knew they'll be that loud for they are many but they didn't!

You can verify this story, you might think I'm only making this up, google CLEARWATER Clark, and call their office.

You can keep defending them, BUT TO ME KOREANS ARE THE RUDEST ASSHOLES I'VE ENCOUNTERED IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply to  Rob
15 years ago

It's actually a form of greeting, "look at me I'm great in English let's greet the white guy", hey joe!

Oh, you're not Korean? 😮

Reply to  Dr.Yu
15 years ago

Don't worry, IRL we act cultured and tolerant, polite, and liberated unlike some people I've encountered…

Reply to  Expat
15 years ago


Certainly, "FOB Koreans" have legitimate grips about Korean-Americans – but the irony is that sometimes FOB Koreans are native Koreans who have been here a while, and are more "conservative" than recent arrivals from the motherland.

It's good to improve relations, of course, but good relations require understanding (even if two parties don't agree on all, they can still get along)… but to understand another, one must be willing. And when it comes to understanding those who are different from them in background or culture, the natives of Korea are not very skilled.

That Koreans come from a society which to this day doesn't teach, encourage, or prod its members to empathize or to sympathize with those whose plights differ from their own doesn't help. (And don't get me wrong; I know a lot of white people in this country are narrow-minded and mean-spirited, and have a long track record of intolerance.).

15 years ago

The more one reads this thread the more learn how rude foreigners can be rude.

I once met an American boy in Switzerland and we had to share the same accommodation. I was just learning English at that time so I could not talk to him because of the language barrier. On a wonderful day I got a call from my mom and she told me that my father passed away. I got shocked and got sick so I had to spend two days in my bed and I could not clean up the room. Meanwhile the boy was on a trip with his friends.

On the third day I was better and the boy returned from the trip but the room was a little messy and this boy got crazy about the mess and stared to argue with me pointing his finger to my face. I could not understand what he said but obviously it was nothing polite. He did not give me chance to say anything, but a chance would have been useless anyway since I could not talk English at that time. I had thousands of words in my mind but I could not say a single word. All I wanted to say to him was that my father died so I got sick for a couple of days but if he gives me the chance I would clean up the room for him.

As soon he finishes arguing with me he simply turned around and left the room and I got sick again because of my frustration with his rudeness and my incapacity to express in English.

I met lots of Americans in Switzerland but thanks God most of them were nice people. I don’t take this boy as a model of what American people are, but every time I think about rudeness this guy comes to my mind. Rudeness doesn’t depend of nationality but if I’m wrong than I know that Americans and Filipinos are the rudest people in the world.

Reply to  April
15 years ago

Reading your comments gives me the impression that what you hate the most is your own life. Get rid of all your hatred and accept Jesus madam.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

Ahhh, the sad history of Dr Yu comes out. You are breaking my heart, NOT. So the guy was rude, no feelings, poor you. And that justifies all of the bad behavior and hate? Go with yesyesyesyes and see a counselor too……………

15 years ago

If I was in a room with any foreigner and they messed it up I'd be very pissed off about it.

15 years ago

Dr. Yu, first of all the world does not revolve around you, worst you can barely communicate with him to explain the trashed room and your gasp! sad situation.

15 years ago

Koreans are rude, loud and noisy

Author: Ranie Jangayo, Straight Punch, ? The Daily Guardian

ATTRACTIONS such as cheaper English education, resorts, golf courses and wider business opportunities for those with some capital (much more than local small and medium size enterprises have) as well as Korea’s relative geographic proximity to the Philippines are the prime reasons behind the phenomenal rise of the Korean population here.

Bisan diin nga parte sang Region 6 naga-apan ang mga Koreano!

The hospitality for which the Filipinos are famous also draws them in. And Ilonggos welcome them.

But some of our friends damn them for being loud and noisy, rude and stingy.

Hipos! Mga bastos! Pilipinas ini!


How many Koreans are really here? Some estimate, including those from the Bureau of Immigration Intelligence, gave a much higher figure of up to nearly 500,000. They are visible in the country’s major destinations like Bohol, Davao, Cebu and Boracay.

Reports said most of them are illegal and undocumented.


In Iloilo City malls, you can always notice a large group of Koreans nga tama ka gahud. Gahud pa sila sa Pinoy. Daw wala maayo nga breed ang mga haslu.

Any comment Kuya Edwin Turista “este” Trompeta?


Koreans of all ages come to the Philippines as tourists with one-month visas or longer. During their stay here in Iloilo, they do almost nothing else but attend English classes. Their teachers are Ilonggos.

Mam, dapat itudlo man sa mga bastos nga mga Koreano ang kultura sang Ilonggo.


Koreans are not just loud and noisy. They don’t contribute to Filipino tour operators and restaurant owners in Boracay because they patronize Korean establishments. They have taken away business from Filipino entrepreneurs.

Conclusion: Koreans presence hardly benefits the Filipinos.

Yet, the Department of Tourism loves “the Korean invasion.”


Of the 200,000 Koreans staying here who do not have proper travel and immigration permits, half have pending applications with the bureau. The rest are absolutely unregistered. Therefore, these are overstaying aliens, reports said.

Ideport ini para ma buhinan ang mga magahud kag bastos diri.

Another direct proof of harm the Korean presence has done is the tit-for-tat between the immigration bureau and the Korean embassy, resulting in the alleged extortion activities of BI personnel against overstaying Koreans.


15 years ago

I'm new to Korea so my list is short. On several occasions I have opened the door to an establishment and had a Korean rush right through in front of me like my intention was to open the door for them. It's bad manners but it wasn't a big deal by any means. The other day I had to make four grocery runs from my car to my apartment which always sucks. Needless to say, I was struggling with all the heavy bags and it was difficult for me to swipe my key card and open the door to the building. I finally got the door open with a ton of groceries in tow and this freakin middle aged Korean lady bum rushed me and made her way out of MY door on which I worked so hard to get open. I didn't see her head my way which is too bad. The next time this crap happens the Korean is going to get body checked and I don't give a crap how old they are. Well, that is a lie. I would never mess with an elderly person.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

Nica, you hit the nail on the head. Koreans go to Korean businesses far more than any other nationality goes to their own. People don't believe me, or just defend Koreans, but go some Korean joints in the Philippines and they won't even serve you if you aren't Korean. And they are in the Philippines!!!

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago


Notice the last sentence…………

"Most, or 48.4 percent, of respondents cited inter-Korean confrontation as a reason why Korea's national brand is undervalued. This group was followed by 44.1 percent who cited Korea's insufficient contributions to the international community; 41.5 percent who cited political and social unrest; 38.8 percent who said Korea is not attractive as a destination for immigration or tourism; and 37.5 percent who talked about Koreans' lack of sufficient etiquette during overseas travel."

Reply to  typeking
15 years ago

korean style of education is not so good but it also contribute alot

to korea

still agricultural?

it has been changed

samsung,LG,hyundai those are koraen brands

Reply to  Kiwi
15 years ago

It just sounds a little different in Korean (Hangul)

Anyounghaso so



Juan de Dios
Juan de Dios
15 years ago

simple english, all of us are not perfect whether what country you came where all the same, each of the countries there's a rude, arrogant, polite people etc… i'm not believe that Korea is the only rude country!

sorry for the wrong grammar/english etc..i just want to share my opinion about these subject each of us /country has it's own negative/positive side ..thanks and God bless to all of you!

15 years ago

as a proud korean, I could give a f*ck what any of these people have to say about korean rudeness. And all the rude koreans you guys complain about don't care either. Why? Because we're proud of who we are and what we've accomplished. We went from a third world country to one of the strongest economies in the world practically overnight. Yea the US gave some money (which is much appreciated and not trying to downplay at all) but WE built this country up with OUR bare hands and hard work, not YOU! Do we have our problems? Hell yes, I'll be the first to admit that. But if we're going to change, it's going to be for us, not for you. Our problems, in my opinion, are like those of the nouveau-riche. We went from trashy to flashy in too short a time, and now we don't know how to act. But if anyone else has a problem with it, go suck on some kimchee juice.

But if you people want to talk about koreans have the worst reputation in the world, let's be honest. The Ugly-American is the most well known stereotype in the world and that's a fact. We may bump into you foreigners once in a while and not say sorry, but hey, at least we don't hang you from trees like you guys did to black people.

And to those accused of being korean apologists by the mob here, thank you. I know it's hard to give us a chance, but thank you for refusing to slap a label of negativity on the entire korean people so easily, like the rest of you have. Thank you.

Reply to  jkl
15 years ago

JKL, there is no way you are a native Korean in Korea. You may be a gyopo who returned, but your diction illustrates you spent time in the US (or Canada).

It's not a problem of trashy to flashy. Non-flashy, non-rich, non-wealthy native Koreans are rude.

JKL, just a question… have you stopped to wonder why sometimes, some of the harshest critics of Korean rudeness are overseas Koreans?

15 years ago

Oh and by the way JKL the US just didn't give Korea money… they provided low-interest loans and outright grants (several of the former were written off). The US opened its market to Korea's exports.

So do keep in mind that for all the rudeness Koreans display (with the accompanying anti-US sentiment) that they're spitting on the face of their greatest benefactor.

Reply to  ALF
15 years ago

and I don't believe for a minute that this was all done out of self-sacrifice with nothing expected in return. But like I said in my first post, I'm not trying to downplay America's help at all, it's much apprecieated. Before you try to write me off as a reverse-racist American hater, there are many good qualities of America and Americans, and yes I have lived there. But you gotta take the good with the bad right? Or would you prefer it if we just kiss your ass all the time?

Reply to  ALF
15 years ago

That's where you're wrong. The poor, the trashy, the flashy, we all came up together. Our homogenity that is brought up all the time, is what makes us strong. We may be different in some ways and have our arguments, but we consider ourselves one. Now if you want to say that the rudeness is just in us, you can prove me wrong by finding any writings by explorers, travelers, etc of korean rudeness before our industrialization. If you find a letter by Marco Polo saying how some korean just bumped into him the other day and didn't say sorry, then I'll believe you.

As for the oversease koreans that have harsh things to say about Korean rudeness, thats ok, because I have the same complaints. As long as they are still proud of who they are. If they're criticizing because they hate us and are ashamed, like I said, go suck on some kimchee juice.

In Seoul
In Seoul
Reply to  Mark
15 years ago

“French of Asia.”

I actually had a French woman, residing in Korea, tell this once—nothing against the French since I’m of French ancestry myself. Having said this, personally, I do not find Koreans rude. However, I have often found small business owners cold, people tend to selfishly cut lines, and the drivers are generally terrible; this may be more acute in Seoul because of high stress levels and a large number of people living in close proximity.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago


In Seoul
In Seoul
15 years ago

Perhaps both Americans and Koreans need to start looking at the positives and showing a little grace in the ‘perceived’ shortcomings of each culture. And in light of all of this, Koreans need to remember, as I am sure most do, that they have much more to lose if the alliance/relationship goes sour. Lastly, Koreans should be aware that the adjustment and culture shock for Americans first entering Korea is often significant and often leads to excessive and sometimes unfair criticism.

Reply to  Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

hahaha! gooks? thanks for showing everyone your true character. you can only hold it in for so long huh? and you're gonna cry about racism? To everyone that wants to hate koreans but is truly not a racist deep down inside, this is the kind of hate-mongerer that is trying to pull you to his side.

And as for you trying to call us weak, we've had men and women that have shown more courage during the Japanese occupation, the resistance movement, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War than you could ever muster. You're not man enough to even be put on their level. Hell, you probably couldn't even last in the ROK Marine Corps now.

15 years ago

So Koreans are rude because of their close-knit communities prevalent in their agricultural past? Hm. What about the other thousands of societies across the planet that have this same history? I'm pretty sure most countries on the PLANET with arable land and a decent growing season had an agricultural past with close knit communities. So the bottom line is…every other society got over it, but the Koreans are still insufferable assholes today, as they were in the past.

Perhaps the Korean people are just genetically inclined to stay put on this crappy little peninsula. The current Koreans are the offspring of those people who had their asses handed to them by every geographic neighbor for the past 5000 years…but here they stayed; persistent, enduring, stubborn, obstinate, narrow-minded, short sighted. The people remaining are the progeny of generations of people who were invaded, occupied, subjugated, and exploited by their possessors and occupiers.

Koreans now disdain cultures and people that don't measure up to Korea (measuring stick is usually: economy, skin color, historical bias). Lets not forget that 20 years ago, Koreans were selling daughters to Americans to buy food and support their family. I have not seen another culture so ashamed of their history, but so quick to assume the attitude and depraved moral posture of their previous occupiers (as an obvious example… Japan and their "comfort women". Korea does the same thing with less-privileged women it imports from the Philippines…with the full support of the Korean Govt. and the KNP…and the silent support of the Philippine Embassy)

Many Koreans hold a thinly veiled antipathy and contempt for America, held in check only by their desire and need to trade with us. Korean culture of the past 40 years has grown to embody and express an un-easy combination of reverence for American power and popular culture, but also shame for having needed America to save Korea during and after (food, aid, investment) the Korean War. I believe the Koreans hold a sense of inferiority and shame that is expressed now as bluster, rudeness, disrespect, over-compensation and emphasis on status symbols.

15 years ago

?jkl: But if you people want to talk about koreans have the worst reputation in the world, let's be honest. The Ugly-American is the most well known stereotype in the world and that's a fact.

What a crock of sh!t.

For the most part, the only place anyone even knows the ugly-American expression is in GI towns.

Individual Americans are some of the most well liked people in the world.

You've got feelings people have for the American gov't mixed up with how they feel regarding personal interactions with individual Americans – two entirely different things.

Reply to  guitard
15 years ago

Amen, never had a problem with Americans, Germans, Australians, Japanese, Chinese interaction, it's solely with Koreans.

Juan de Dios
Juan de Dios
15 years ago

we have to accept that whether what country you came from you we can't deny it that we can be found those kind of people everywhere you go!

Reply to  guitard
15 years ago

what the hell are you talking about? The Ugly American stereotype was created in Europe about rude American tourists. Had nothing to do with GIs. I'm not saying it's true, but as far as stereotypes about the rudeness of a people, that's number one.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

JKL, even though my 'gooks' remark was deleted, it was not my 'true character', although you wish it was so you could win the argument. I deliberately used that term to try and show you what it feels like to be discriminated against. Since I've spent almost 20 years in Korea, I feel I know the good and bad parts, and the utter misplaced arrogance is the whole point here. The lack of appreciation or willingness to admit it took more than just yourselves to get to where you are is the point.

As far as the ugly American, they just did a study in Europe, and the French beat us as 'ugly' tourists. Go google it if you wish.

Reply to  Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

no, I don't really care about winning an argument. I've lived in America so I know what it's like to be discriminated against too. You're not the only one. Look, I know and appreciate the American's help and so do a lot of other Koreans, but some don't. But I would go on a limb and say most koreans would admit it took more than ourselves to get where we are. But I also think I can be appreciative, and still be upset when a Korean girl is raped by a GI, or be proud that we got your help, but then WE took it to another level. If you want to say that because you guys gave us money, that you guys get all the credit, and that we did nothing to deserve it, I'm going to call bulls**! And hearing a bunch of Americans claim that the rest of the world thinks koreans are the rudest is laughable, because look at yourselves and the Ugly American stereotype.

I'm not here to get into an argument about who's the worst, because like Juan up there has said multiple times, you got your good and your bad. All I'm doing is, for all of you saying koreans are the worst, this and that, I'm just putting a mirror up to you to show you, your people aren't that perfect either.

And Marcus, you got some nerve hating an entire people in their own country. Were you kidnapped and forced to live here? Have you had a gun pointed to your head all those 20 years forcing you to stay here? If you truly do believe there are good koreans, it sure isn't reflected in your comments.

15 years ago

JKL, it's no use trying to argue with the superiority-complexed Westerners and particularly the Americans who believe they are better than other nationals no matter what. I live in the U.S. and know exactly what you mean. But, their unofficial credo is "might makes right and so does white". If the Americans don't deny their flaws altogether, then they simply dismiss those as just isolated incidences not representing their majority. But, the flaws of some or, even, few Koreans or other nationals they experience are quickly generalized, if not openly than internally, as typical of most or all Koreans or other nationals. Although not as obvious as in other countries, the double standards are still very much common in America, as shown by the patterns in results.

15 years ago

Like most countries there are good and bad in Korea – but there are a lot of rude Koreans. They blurt out things that even a child would know is rude. I have been insulted so often teaching that I often have to leave the room and calm down. Compounding this is the cover up all the other koreans do. If you were to believe koreans, no one in the country has ever done anything untoward to westerners … they refuse to accept how rude they are…

they are the rudest people i have ever met…

15 years ago

I've never had trouble in my classroom and I've taught a lot of English here. There are some rude Koreans but you don't have to put up with it, just yell back in Korean and they'll be shocked and shut up.

Overall, Koreans are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet, just remember that it's not an absolute. If you're not up to the task of dealing with it then you'll have problems.

Heck man, I've been in Japan and met some rude Japanese. It can happen anywhere.

15 years ago

In Australia, I have generally found that there are 3 types of people. 1. A person who is very rude 2. A person that is very friendly and 3. A person that is neither rude or friendly but does what is required.

In Korea however I have found that people are either rude or friendly and there is not much inbetween. I am not talking about people who don't say please and thank-you but people who are quite insulting and purposely think of ways to attack you and your country. Fortunately, these people are few but definitely more common in Korea than anywhere else in the world I have travelled to.

Reply to  steve
15 years ago

Yah right, its not the Koreans' problem but the rest of the world. Cultural shock or not, the Koreans are the most barbaric people I've seen! Rather than we getting used to them, they should learn to be more civic-minded. Oh and I've heard Korea is a very homogenous country and therefore not used to different cultures. I am ok with that if they stop immigrating to other countries. If they do, please clean up their barbaric acts!

Sheldon Walters
Sheldon Walters
15 years ago

The rudness I see in Koreans are very deeply reflected in the kids I teach English to in a local public school. That is because too many of their parents are useless. They bring these kids into the world not for the purpose of love, but for traditional appeasment. The send these kids to hagwons and make them spend 60 hours a week in education, while their parents work 12 hours a day.

Because of that, Korean parents are contributing to the higher levels of rudness I see in my classroom from kids everyday. Even on the streets when Korean kids see a black foreigner like me, they point fingers and perhaps even say something in Korean that is racial, and theri parents don't scold them for it because their parents are so damned useless!

I have been to China, Japan, and Taiwan anf I never got fingers pointed at me, only in Korea. Why? Because Koreans are the most prejudice people in Asia, and most Koreans have no mannerisms. That is why one day if I ever come across a Korean kid who is very rude to me, I woudl love to take my belt off and give them some old-time Joseon Dynasty whooping across their behinds!

Come to think of it, after 3 years of being here, I was the one who had to make the effort to make myself comfortable here in Korea. Most Koreans I know never did much to help me because Most Koreans are so stuck up and have no mannerisms that I had to adjust here on my own, without culture shock!

If more Koreans can learn from the people of Thailand, the better Korea would be.

15 years ago

😀 I lived in South Korea for a year. There were rude Koreans and nice Koreans and surprisingly there were Americans being rude and disrespecting anyone they wanted because they felt superior and then there were Americans that were nice and as respectful as they knew how. Rudeness is everywhere. It is not a nationality but a state of mind and action.

15 years ago

ive never been to korea but have been working with them here in my country. they can be in a way be rude. ive heard & read many stuff about koreans being rude & being an outdated society on the net. theres a lot of koreans in my country. some of them, are honest to say before they came to my country, they had very low expectations of filipinos. but when they came here, they got shocked when they see filipino middle class & rich have far more bigger houses than most koreans in korea. what am i driving at? from what i heard, they have been brainwashed(maybe to harsh a word)to think that they are a superior race. i guess this has an effect on them, thats why they are rude. yes, they can be clickish. they can be manipulative. and yes, they can be disoriented. but they are at the same time very polite & helpful. its kinda confusing on how to deal with them to be honest. also, from what i understand about culture is that each culture has its own unique approach & practices but i guess rudeness should never be one of them. a country with a very outdated economy with lots of native people would be tolerable for its social structure that is is not comforming to progressive countries, but i guess a country which claims to be economically strong should have at least adjusted their society already to make it easy for non-locals to live with. actually many koreans here in my country, not all, have never adjusted to our culture. they actually complain straight in our face on how korea is way better & that they want to go back. but at the end of the day, they still keep coming here. one point also, if foriegners go to their country, then they should adjust to the korean culture but if koreans go to a foriegn country, do you think they are humble enough to adjust to the that country's culture? what do you think? hhhmmm…im not here to hate on them because im personally close to some of them, but they can really be difficult to deal with at times. (ive worked & have foriegn friends. so, i guess im basing my comparison on my experience).

15 years ago

Chinese and korean = very rude 🙁

westerners and Japanese = very 😮 polite

15 years ago

I am Hong Kong Chinese as myself.

Reply to  binibini
15 years ago

I agree with Binibini about Typekings comment on the Filipinos. KNow our people more before you give such rude comment. Best of all know the right spelling of Filipinos (not Philippinoes)first before you judge us. Come back to the Philippines and taste the real goodness of Pinoys but be sure not to be rude yourself because Filipinos would simply not take racial superiority sitting down. Mabuhay Manny Pacquiao!!!!

Jae L
Jae L
15 years ago

Ey, I've gotta light this one up…. If it's an AMERICAN GI (no disrespect, I was one a few months ago)who asked why Koreans are so rude, I'll gladly answer… It's probably because, like ALOT of GIs I knew in Korea, there was an arrogant approach/aura there. I was taught to be graceful, polite and humble in new territory. I was ALWAYS welcomed with open arms wherever I went there. I only had two incidents in Korea involving Asians (1 was a White-washed Filipina addressing me improperly and the other was a Korean cab driver). The rest were due to drunk GIs starting $h!+, as usual. Koreans were not rude to me AT ALL. In fact, the hospitality of Koreans over there was unmatched. There's a REASON why my favorite restaurants in the US are Korean, besides the food. Even in Iraq, the hospitality was excellent. The same goes for the Philippines. Maybe alot of Americans (GIs in particular) need to get off of their high-horse and incorporate some style and grace in their demeanor.

Jae L
Jae L
15 years ago

and since ethnicity is such a HUGE factor on this post, I'll state mine with a few extras. I'm a Black American ex-GI. I was in Korea for two years and when I was out of the uniform, I was a tourist. My overall experience was beautiful there. There were some rude people there, but I'm from Baltimore, MD (it was nothing to even be shocked to see). Overall, Koreans are actually polite from my experience. If anyone wants to call "not coming up to you and greeting you as if you were a king/queen or kissing your ass if you were superior" as rude, then I'd say Koreans are extremely rude. Seriously, most of the people are neutral and neutral is just that – NEUTRAL. When you visit a foreign country, you're an outsider. Trying to "blend in" by expressing respect for the customs/courtesies will earn you so many points that it's ridiculous. I can count my bad incidences over there on one hand. The good outweighs the bad enough to erase it.. A positive attitude goes a LONG way, people.

Jae L
Jae L
Reply to  Jae L
15 years ago

insert "as" between "ass" and "if"

15 years ago

hey JAE L, i think your a cool person..nice perspective..keep it up!

Reply to  joe
15 years ago

There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative……think about it…

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  GI Korea
15 years ago

😀 What you need GI? What the heck is the problem here? I spent 4 years in this country and was treated very good. Of course I spent time learning Korean lanquage and tradition. These people are still getting over 35 years of slavery in and from Japan as well as a war from the north. If you know the history a bit you would know Korean folks will smile you write into their dinner table if you only try to understand them. Rude? well that may be a front when going to some stores in highly populated areas, as if you dont know the korean barter system may seem foolish if you try to buy an item from a small market or specialty store. Gifts and such. Not wanting to call anyone names I love Korea. Im Just a dirty white boy with the last name of Duffy. Have you ever heard the song "behind Blue eyes" by Niel Young? If not you should. It's not just blue eyes folks. But I would say the history of Korea is very different than The history of America and Western Europe. Well The Korean people did not wipe out any races in the past 500 years or did they take slaves. That is from behind green eyes. And How can anyone compare Korea to Italy saying both are rude? The only place I truly believe is rude even if you know the culture and traditions is France. Korea is the land of the mourning calm. Some say morning calm but that wasnt the impression I got at all so I go with mourning calm. Now I love America also. But I am saying Ya gotta climb down off your horse sometimes to see the tracks left behind. The Koreans are the Irish of the Orient if you must compare. So many poor and so many rich but they just want to be happy. How bout you? Peace

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  mayumi
15 years ago

You stand well for the country you love, and I believe you that the Philipines would be an awesome place to live . BTW Many Korean Folks are moving there because their money goes much farther and they love the climate. I have gotten this first hand. My Father was in the philipines WWII. He said the people were greatful and beautiful. I seen that in Korea. Folks can be good anywhere as well as bad. The thing is we as humans need to be kind to each other and stop the racial BS. This is a fault of my own also as I have seen the french as rude and that is a generalization. 😳 I am embarrased of myself for that. Anytime we say someone or some race or place is bad we are saying we are better. How could you know if you wernt better? We are not humble enough yet and we will be in a mess for That ignorance. That is my opinion

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  April
15 years ago

You are really off your Rocker! This is the last time I will write to someone who knows nothing of History. What the hell are saying? This Korean looks like a Japanese person. History will show you Japanese people look like Korean people from way back when there was nothing on that island but a fiew fisherman from Korea or China. where do actually believe the Japanese line started? Do you actually believe the Arts in Japan are older than the arts from Korea? They stole so much from Korea and now we have people say That koreans are stealing Japanese looks. You are ignorant beyond belief. Are you a professor or do you just profess what you think?

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  shattered
15 years ago

The Japanese actually raped many thousand Korean woman to death from 1910 to 1945. Now that is fact, The Koreans dont tell the world about this. So the world has people making their minds part of the picture. The first Geisha were Korean ladies.Called Gisang. Ya Not Japanese but the Japanese are quick to believe they had these artist first. That was after one of the many wars fought with Korea in the last 1000 years. Because they do not teach true history but now they are not the only country in the world that leaves many historical acts out of the class room. When are people going to stop this? Cant we care for each other or do we have to be nuked? Because all the negative things that are said feed the the negative part of Humanity whether you believe it or not. The Koreans have surgery to look more western as in American Movie stars. Its got nothing to do with Japanese. Sorry!! and They do not need to look like Western folks do either. There is allot of that in Japan also. But I wonder who they trying to look like. HMM Maybe people are just trying to look better when they really are fine allready.BTW ARe you aware that some very old Korean Ladies have asked for an apology from Japan? They didnt get it. THEY DID WHAT THEY HAD TO DO TO SURVIVE!! SO KILL THEM instead of this garbage talk. Would that make you Happy. You know there was not only a holocaust in EUROPE. The Japanese KILLED millions of Chinese and Koreans.

Reply to  Jae L
15 years ago

Fantastic post Jae L as you nail exactly the right attitude of being in a foreign country.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  GIKorea
15 years ago

That was exactly why I wrote with you not against you. I am sorry for missunderstanding. We Cool?

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  April
15 years ago

Here we go again if they are beutiful they are japanese influince. HUH HUH And you dont know what happened but will wait for the his story books. Which one will you choose to believe. Maybe you should write them as you are so good at telling which Korean women look like Japanese. The history books will never tell the truth about the onslaught from Japan to Korea. Korean pimps. You are something as they were slaves also during that period. Can you get to your heart and tell yourself that there are people in all races that are beautiful to someone and there are those that are ugly to someone. Why take what belongs to someone else and try so hard to give it to the others. Wow These ladies must have been beutiful all through history as the Japanese men stole them. Do you think they would have done that if they were say uglier than their wives. Give yourself and the world a break. If you are good looking on the outside then good for you. I dont suppose that belongs to anyone but you and you anscestors. Beauty is skin deep but ugly is to the bone. I will fight for Korea forever. You have no Idea what you are saying.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  GIKorea
15 years ago

The Joseon period was not a dynasty. Joseon was the country not the name of a King. And there were many tribes throughout the years Hankook (Korea)was called Josean. Could you bring me up to speed on when and who these slaves were? I mean slaves that were say not criminals from Joseon? If you are are speaking of Ming or Quing spies or soldiers I agree, but lets remember that Quing took Hundreds of thousands of slaves from Korea. It is really something that these folks are talking about Korean folks being rude. I would bet this is longest time of peace folks in part of Korea have seen in many hundred years. Their land is plush rice land and was desired by many of the other Asians. Recent history is more important though. I actually had a Korean professor tell me that he believed Korea was The land of the "mourning calm".

Then I saw what he meant after sevral years of living amongst Korean folks. Wow The Chinese believe they tried to hide their Martial Arts. LOL Those arts in Korea are incredible and many unknown to the world. Exception Tae kwon Do which the Japanese named Karate. They took every piece of glass From Korea for glass floats they took all metals spoons forks anything, brass silver or otherwise from 1910 to 1945. The Japanese forbid the Korean people to even Write speak Hangul. Now the world knows Hangul is the most clever alphabet in the world. I learned to read Korean or Hangul in about a week but didnt know what I was saying as hadnt learned the lanquage. There are very few symbols in Korean writing (Hangul) made in the 15th century 10 vowels and 15 constanants. The Japanese and chinese well you know what 3k symbols whoa. Thats the short versions. I will always love Korea but most of all it would be nice to see folks saying nice things about people. This rude or beauty thing Has no Factual findings. Now I will say this. I did see many non Korean folks struggle in Korea because they expected special treatmeant. When I came back I saw folks struggling with Koreans again Because of their accents. They were trying to speak proper english but that wasnt good enough. And I have seen many different races catch hell for that. So whos Rude? I am sorry I was not clear to you but you were the first person I identified with when I came across this blog.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  shattered
15 years ago

Your so quick to point your finger. there are criminals everywhere why are you looking at one place. Maybe you like Bad things happening in Korea. What is your trip. I think you just hate Korea! You have no real reason to hate a country like korea as a whole. Did something bad happen to you. Im sorry for you.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  TGV
15 years ago

Your in a different country and you cant enjoy the differences because all you can see is the things you dont like. Have you not figured out yet that these things are not personal to Korean people as they are to you. So that makes them uncivilized and you give power to ignorance by not getting it through your stubborn skull that you are in a different culture. Enjoy it. Korean Folks are going through a cultural landslide. Everthing moves fast so if you cant keep up or someone bumps you they are labeled rude? You should go Home where ever that is. I live here in the land of the Brave. You are not seeming brave. But I am not so brave either. It was the land of Braves. You compare cultures. How can you do that? Look what happened to the people who lived in the land of the Brave. I am only 4 or 5 generations to this country and have no native blood. How about you?

15 years ago

Plz watch that video~

it is really serious situation in Korea now, we might lose freedom of speech~


GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  Rena
15 years ago

You really hit the nail squarely . I wanted to say that but the words didnt come so easily. One of the things I enjoyed most in Korea is the fact that when you are part of the people and it doesnt take long after you learn your way, Korean people will not hesitate to point out a flaw in your character and all laugh because it is friendly exchange. You also can say something like you are way to skinny or he is sort of fat etc. and the group will laugh if it is true. Comments that are positive are given on an equal plane. Korean Folks just dont take things as personal as many other nationalities, The ability to laugh at ones self is awesome and a great trait in Korean society. No punches pulled. No BS, To the point and out with laughter and if you can understand this your in. Many times I have been one American amongst many Koreans and after a few comments I have felt like I was Korean also. The comments go better with soju. Just kidding but it's part of Korean society to drink, talk and sing. Before I could speak Korean I sang American songs and was part of the gang. Sometimes I felt picked on untill I learned that i could do the same. Doesnt mean I did or didnt. Just saying "so what" was my exceptance. I suppose things would seem very different to someone who didnt understand these customs but it only took me a couple weeks to get with it. We are all different. That is what makes the world so interesting. BTW the Koreans are not whale hunting like (we all know who) are doing this in Antartica under false pretenses. Who has whaling ships that falsely say research on them? We all have good and bad. It really is time for the world to stop holding faults against one another. I know things have to change in every country to get it right. The first change comes with exceptance. Peace.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  Marv
15 years ago


I have read this post 3 times now and wonder why people cant listen to the kind of honesty you are putting across. I appreciate your giving Power to positive energy. Peace

15 years ago

I want to know how a person learned hangul in a week.

""" I learned to read Korean or Hangul in about a week but didnt know what I was saying as hadnt learned the lanquage. """

I haven't even begun to start learning but I'm interested in picking up the language this summer.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  joe
15 years ago

Very well put and You know what? I have been in restaraunts where a family was having a party and I have ended up with them . I am not saying that happened every time but has happened. Your observation about space is so simple for all to see but I seen many outsiders wanting more space as were used to it. Wow in the early 80s or late 70s in Korea They didnt have enough busses so the Busses would overflo at times folks were getting off work. Now when your on a buss that is filled 5 times to capacity and no one is fighting and the oldest or pregnant are getting any seats available You learn real fast about People who love and respect one another. I was told by a friend that in the 60s those seats would be offered to a GI. I believe that as it happened to me in other situations. What country in this world has more love for people who helped them continue a way of life that they loved? Ya, I know allot of that is gone now but hey they dont have to behold us as great warriors forever. The younger folks dont have this memory but have been told. But The space issue is the bestobservation one can make. As far as negative or positive. I found that was up to me in most situations. I could turn it either way. So I loved being there and BECAME Positive in Cramped situations. As as a result I was able to get past the exterior of the korean people. What I found then I will Hold onto for all my life. I gotta say this I was a huge ass when first going to Korea. I didnt get it right off the plane. In fact for a few months I thought I was a Giant in a valley of dwarfs. Foolish I was.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  Dr.Yu
15 years ago


Excuse me Please. It takes perserverance to overcome ignorance. These Korean Bashers Have yet to think of spiritual or any real type of positive excistence at all. Korea is where I learned to be a Human Being. Or just a being of this earth that doesnt have to have a need to be better than someone else. I will continue to defend Korea all my life but I am sick to think that this thread and article even got started with such a Racist question. How would any of these people respond to this same question being pointed at there culture and people? As i have said i am just an American white boy with a deep profound love for Korea. Beacause of Korea's History and ability to overcome and continue with love in the worst situations all people can learn from Korea and will. Peace Be with you or OnyangheGaesao

Reply to  Nica
15 years ago

Ive heard complaints from other hotels also…They even destroy things..They also have the nerve to criticize our country for being ugly & that our people have no vision..reality bites but what the heck, THEY DONT HAVE ANY RIGHT TO SAY THAT!!! they should go home if they dont like us..

Reply to  Dr.Yu
15 years ago

Filipinos are one of the rudest people in the world? You must be a sick doctor..Im rude to you now, but we are one of the friendliest race it the world..Come visit my country & well show you world class hospitality…

Reply to  object
15 years ago

Clearly you have not been outside a Korean city in quite some time. I just returned from a year of teaching in the countryside, and one of the 3 schools I taught at didn't even have indoor plumbing.

Reply to  GI 4 years Korea
15 years ago

GI 4 years Korea, thank you for your kind words.

There are rude people everywhere and some of them are posting comments here. They are ignorant and intolerant people and only see rudeness because they are rude as well.

I think it’s fair foreigners complaining about rude people in Korea, but making general assumption on Koreans because of the bad example of few is just as rude as the rude behavior of the Koreans they complain about.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  Driftingfocus
15 years ago

There ya go again an outsider making assumptions. Spent much time in country Villages and in the cities and Guess what Your info is nothing new. So fifty years after a war that leveled a country indoor plumbing in every place is so important!? You obviously missed the way Korean people recycle and if the rest the world quit throwing everything in the Ocean and used a similisr recycling method the world would be better. Now I suppose your gonna say Korea is dirty in the country. BS Why is it that people have to nit pick on another culture other than yours. Korea has come a long way. They grow the best and most sought after rice in the word and if you have had Korean organic vegetables well your healthy. Simply put the out house where it needs to be and simply put yourself back in the country you point fingers from. When you are back check and see where the poo go's. Country villages in Korea recycle everthing. Does that scare you? Well we have algae problems in many of our oceans because of where many other countries put that stuff. Peace

Reply to  kinein
15 years ago

He means the Korean alphabet.

The Korean alphabet is easy to learn to pronounce – with whatever accent you have, of course.

In fact, you can learn it in about an hour.

So, technically, you can "read" anything in Korean, you just won't know what the words mean….

Les mots de tout le
Les mots de tout le
Reply to  April
15 years ago


You're ignorant and near-sighted. The US basically occupied Korea without any consent whatsoever on the Koreans' part. The US is certainly not any sort of a liberator for the Koreans, and most Koreans resent being occupied. How would YOU feel if the US was occupied by, say, Germany (since the German economy is far stronger than ours at this point in the recession?)?

The American occupation has been a real erosion and threat to the Korean culture. Just as Americans view mass immigration as a threat to the American identity, obviously Koreans will view American occupation as an even greater threat to theirs.

Also, it is well-known that most American soliders and ESL teachers are lower-middle class and generally what other well-to-do Americans would politely call "rednecks."

Of course Koreans will be disturbed that all the rejects of America would swarm their country!

Reply to  jkl
15 years ago

There are pre-Japanese occupation accounts of Korean rudeness, from the late 19th century, actually. Several.

Reply to  mpuh
15 years ago

friendliest race it the world ….world class hospitality, right … than why people call Filipinos Backstabbers? Because of your hospitality?

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  USinKorea
15 years ago

Thankyou, Thats is exactly what I meant. I put a week because I didnt think anyone would believe Korean is so easy to learn but I do know some history on the making of the Hangul or current Korean alphabet. Scholars came together in Josean in the 1500s. They decided they needed a faster moving alphabet so all people could learn to read. They found scholars from various places. There were several inteligent folks that desighned and put into place Hangul Or Korean writing in its modern version. Now since it is so easy to learn to read one can learn to speak Korean a bit faster also if they are so inclined. Ill refer to Rosetta Stone. Korean lanquage is even more simple if you already know how to read as you are immersed in the lanquage and alphabet. No translations except pictures. That is how it worked for me many years ago in Korea . Because I could read Korean I learned to speak proper Korean much faster as I was immersed in Korea. I think it is a very inteligent alphabet and many People I know have said the same. Im not a teacher. I was interested in speaking Korean well, while i was there. I still use Hangul Writing to learn more Korean words and sentences. And It actually takes a couple days Hard work to really learn Hangul writing. If your going for pronunciation longer. That is what I learned. It may be the easiest learned alphabet in the world. It is a credit to Korea. It was another way for me to enjoy a country that wasnt Home. I did not want to go to Korea when I got orders to go. I learned to love Korea so much I went back for a second tour and extended twice more. I was In An Jung Ni or Pyong Teck. A few miles from Osan. The first year I was in the way far out country support unit. Camp Howard Or Song Won Nee. That is no longer a post. Thank you

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  April
15 years ago


Your reply that came to my email shows you are angry, no hateful towards me because I have a different point of view than you on this thread. I have only seen you spread anger and negativity but have not read all your posts. You come from the most wonderful country in the world. One that allows you to point your finger any direction you feel fit to. I wonder if Native Americans were Rude. I have Heard Hostile but then that was natural. Your Telling me I am ignorant I am because i ask you to stop living your angry life, and start enjoying your good life where ever you are. If I said you were ignorant I apologize. You say this Korean rudeness Goes way back before occupation of Japan. You also point out that Korean people do not enjoy our American presence. Im sure some Korean folks do not enjoy our presence. But they prefer the bit of comfort we give them to none at all. Even though we are not as strong as we were. You may be missing something I surely seen in Korea. South Korean people will not live the way North Korean People are forced to live. Ever heard the saying "there but by the grace of God go I" Dont get it yet do you? Your very much like Korean Moms are with their sons. You are telling how well behaved and wonderful he is and i believe you. Why shouldnt I? This isnt about me and you it is about many folks getting something in their head and not allowing anything else to enter. Goes way back with us Humans. We like to believe we are right. Did you chose to let something you felt was terrible lead you to seeing all situations as Rude? I might be wrong about that if so please except my apology now and lets agree we see things different. Who will be Humble? As long as many will not be humble we have no chance. Im not saying you should take any BS from others but there are humble ways of telling people they are wrong. If they refuse to listen Leave. If they get in your face then it's good to know Your martial arts. And use the very old techniqes. The ones that have past through much time. Not wanting to say i know what is good for your family I will say this. It has been a gift for my chidren.

Dan Francis
15 years ago

Just found this Q: Koreans are NOT rude in my view and I've been associated with Korea since 1961. They do love to establish a "pecking" quickly, but once a friend, always a friend for life.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  Riena
15 years ago


I feel bad that you have had such a bad experience as an African American in Korea. When I was in Korea I had African Amrican friends that dearly loved the country. In fact I started learning Korean from a friend that is African America. He was married to a Korean lady. I remember him having more incidents from White Americans from the south then Koreans. He loved Korea so much he stayed there 5 years. His wife died the 3 year with a brain tumor but he still loved Korea and helped me love Korea. Bad things happen everywhere. It would be cool if you got past that and really enjoyed the cool things in Korea. If you go with the so what attitude you will find a different side. Im not saying you should take any BS anywhere either! Just would like you to see what I seen. If you dont Like any of the foods or customs then it is the wrong place for you. But dont let bad incidents keep you from the great stuff that you could really enjoy. Peace

15 years ago

wow fast reply! yah I have like 200$ worth of books in the corner of my room that I've been meaning to crack open so I can learn the language, sounds like learning the alphabet should be objective #1 for this week. If you have any other input, opinion or other commentary on learning the language effectively I'd like to hear. I want to learn it in the next 6-8 weeks.

15 years ago

Since Korean alphabet in phonetic and have vowels and consonants like western alphabet, sometime I mix Korean vowels and western consonants or vice versa just for fun. For instance “B?N?N?” or “?A?A?A”.

Reply to  Dr.Yu
15 years ago

Oh… korean letters are not displayed here.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  kinein
15 years ago


I will tell you honestly The reason I learned to read fast was not only because the alphabet set up easily but I had a korean teacher that showed me how to sound out the symbols. I say symbols as that is more what the Korean alphabet seems like to me. The symbols are sounds but there are 10 Vowels and 15 constanents That sound the lanquage out for you and there are some vowels that are used frequently before or after the part of a word they are sounding. And the words seem to come in parts untill you get good at reading That is why you should speak it while learning it. I also Just got a new program but dont know if its any good. Its called Pimsluer. Rosetta stone is awesome. But Like O. That can be Silent or it can have the ing sound. add vowels to it and it can be wh or w sound. Much more of course. Damn it I wish technology was just a bit farther. I would help you sound out the reading' Then you could do Rosetta stone easily. But My Kids did Rosetta stone without knowing how to read Korean and all of there other lanquages are taught the same way. Immersion. After you start to understand Korean it become very interesting when traveling as there are different accents from different parts of Souel and different cities and places in Korea. Ya wouldnt think in a small country that would be the case but it is. Korea is big in a different way than Landscape. Cheju Do Island may be my favorite place on earth . It is a very cool Island Owned by Korea. South of Korea. There are Pineapples and other fruit that grows there. The water is crystal clear. You can see so far down into the water its freaky. There are many diver's there that dive for fresh octopus and other things. This is traditionally a ladies Job and they are in excellent condition. Ya, I have to say I really loved that training exercise on Chey JU do. The reading part is not so tough but remember you have very old lanquage and there is many things to add to or leave out of a sentence depending on who you may be talking with. Ya gotta love it to really get with it. You dont have to worry about the fomality stuff while learning the lanquage unless you are in Korea or addressing Korean Folks all the time. Later Peace

15 years ago

People say Koreans are rude?

That’s absurd. The only part of what I’ve read that seems somewhat understandable is the gap between how Koreans treat family and then friends and then strangers. There’s a much larger gap between each group than you might find in the United States. And, let me excuse myself first, before I say some very politically incorrect things.

But, from a Korean perspective, or at least my perspective – I don’t want to speak for an entire nation, I’ve always found Southeast Asians and particularly the Japanese to be rude. When I mean rude, I don’t mean loud and shouting and emotional. I mean, just inconsiderate in speech and manner in the way they treat others.

When I was in Japan, I remember taking J-line or something (not the bullet train, but the same technology as the KTX train) and I remember giving up my spot to some grandpa probably in his like 80s or so and as coming from Seoul, I didn’t really think twice about doing it. But, my Japanese friend, and he was a very polite guy – I remember both his parents were teachers, thought it was crazy. He said in particular, “50 years ago…” people did that. So, I feel from the opposite perspective, it’s the case that (and I’m replying in particular to that Filipina “lady”, who was talking about killing some rude Korean girl) from the opposite perspective it’s the Southeast Asians, Japanese, and those who come from societies without a strong Confucian tradition that are the ones that are seen to be rude. I believe a lot of other Koreans, who might not recognize that it’s this Confucian tradition, probably also feel this.

Now, if you said Koreans were racist, I’d agree 100%. The way in which Koreans treat let’s say Filipino/Vietnamese/Pakistani laborers are different than the way they’d treat Chinese or Korean-Chinese (Joseon-jok) laborers. Of course, this is different than the way Nigerian merchants are treated (who I swear to God, especially, when wearing American sportsgear, look “American”), and, of course, the simplest proof though: the way in which African-Americans are treated when compared to Caucasian-Americans. And, of course, there‘s the racism that’s practiced on other Koreans as well. In some parts of South Korea, Korean-American English tutors are paid less than Caucasian Americans just because they don’t look “American.”

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  Han
15 years ago


Go get em. This whole friggen blog is insane. But ya got me laughing because Korea is probably one of the only countries that respects elders and it works. Elders as a rule dont act like you better do this but are kind, and responsive when treated this way. And thank you for pointing out what you experienced in Japan. Once while I was in Japan for two weeks as an American soldier I was not allowed to wear my uniform as there was a big college protest going on. I will never forget that and the way I was treated. Then when going back to Korea my understanding of some things was much clearer. Now I just gotta say this. You said you agree Koreans are racist. Tell me one country in this world that isnt racist or doesnt have many racist people living in it. Shese, That is a world wide issue but I will go as far as to say I still believe as an American I could get excepted anywhere in South Korea with right attitude and it wouldnt be long before me and some Korean folks would be having fun. That is what I lived in Korea as a poor wite soldier for 4 years. My wife was pusongi. You Know; no Mom, No Pop. I met her in 1980. I love her more now than the first day we met (if possible), and I knew when I met her I would marry her. When I told her that she thought I was crazy. Had already spent two years in Korea when I we met. It rook me a year to get her to love my crazy self but she is so wonderful I would have went allthese years trying if she hadnt excepted me. Tough she was and is but beautiful and loving like an angel. I have had an exfriend or 2 tell me she was cold after she cooked them wonderfull meals that they scraped off their plates to get every last morsel. Nothing wrong with her cooking. Maybe because she did not flurt with them the way some of their wifes have done. Truth hurts! They now are with people I would say I am predjudiced against as I couldnt spend 3 minutes around them without wanting to say. What; you threw your life away and are miserable just so you could be with this same race as yourself. My wife is honest and honest people like her immediately. She has many friends and people she has worked for never forget her. WHIte Americans as well as African Americans and Chinese Americans. One last thing. There is a place i could not fit in, in my own country and that is southeast Texas and some other places like that in the south. I refuse to be predujudiced so I can be excepted by ignorant people in my race. That is expected from people in those places. I feel for the African Americans that live in these places and people who are not Caucasion. So people point their finger from this country better look around. We still aint doin so darn good down dar in da south and if ya want me to be predjudice KMA. Thats from a white man who lost his brother in Beaumont Texas. My brother died in a mysterious car accident. He told me how it was there but couldnt come back to the Northwest as his family was there. Bless his heart.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
15 years ago

Wrong email address in upper post

15 years ago

Not rude- just careless. Once inside The Circle, you are a friend for life.

I routinely gently and firmly correct young and old Koreans for being reckless and dangerous- but I always sum it up with "Your family loves you and wants you home safe. Same with me!" and they are apologetic- I do try not to be an A$$hole when I do the Fire Marshall Bill act- 'cause I might be the only Big Nose Wae-Guk-in they've met; thus I also represent MY people.

I think 'cause I am old, I get away with a lot more!

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  jeff
15 years ago


I have ignored you long no to long. What is it with some of you English teachers? English was the one class that was so boring I just barely got Cs. Many English Teachers just failed to get the attention of the students. Now I do not want to generalize so I beleave it was a coincidence that most my English teachers seemed excrutiatingly boring. No imagination. I suspect that is your issue with Korea. And I would never have told you my feelings about some English Teachers if ya hadnt made your statement about dogooders? Hu Hu; So it is your stand that if someone who is not Korean loves Korea/ Koreans, and tells about this they are not up to your standards. Your just as racist as you beleave others are. You talk about pictures. A pretty white woman, and what you beleave is an ugly black woman. Wow arent these just teaching tools? I mean you are saying Korean people did this on purpose. You are a funny person. But sadly very unhappy. Why dont you try to have some fun? Change the picture of the black lady first as that wouldnt be good if you are right. Its just a picture you can print a beautiful Black lady off the internet or get one from a magazine. No ones gonna put you in jail or fire you for that, Seems to me it is a needed corection. Use your imagination. It cant be easy to teach any lanquage and That alone could be frustrating so far from home. So dig in while you are there. Enjoy being in a different country. It is almost like another planet from what I remember. Take the the good with the bad. It is not all bad and you know that. Why hold yourself back from such an oppertunity to have fun and learn? Is this the way you want to remember your time in Korea for the rest of your life? Peace

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  jeff
15 years ago

Actually I beleave Jeff is not in Korea anymore but the post I left was for anyone else that is in the Frame of ,ind this person post shows. Really sad to see people missing out on so much. We need each other. Peace

foreign raised hangu
foreign raised hangu
15 years ago

I've done some traveling for business & personal all over the world. I even lived in some of those countries. From all the countries I’ve visited, I still think Koreans are the rudest. As an ethnic Korean, very disappointing and sad. I can sympathize all the comments posted here, good & bad. It was relieving to find many people having the same impression as myself. I’m thinking, Koreans will always be Koreans, but I am hoping that things will improve overtime, atleast to some extent if not entirely of course. Let me give you an example why I think Koreans can improve. I was shopping one day in Yong San for computer equipment. Some of us may know that it gets quite congested on Sundays near the market. A boy stepped on my shoes, looked at my face, and just walked away. Having lived in Korea for almost 2 years, I was not surprised and didn’t expect anything more. However, to my surprise, his mother trailing behind him saw this and apologized to me very politely. Moments later, I saw this mother telling her son to apologise from next time. I thought, WOW! I was truly saved by this boys mother. I think its these small events that build up and make a difference over time.

Reply to  GI 4 years Korea
15 years ago

I always assumed the United States to be so much more accepting, but hey, I am from Los Angeles and like I’d like to tell many Koreans that “visit” the United States. The U.S. is more than L.A., Las Vegas, and, of course, the Grand Canyon (Why is that trip so popular anyways?). But, I was thinking more along the lines of Bakersfield or the Mojave, but yea, I never considered certain parts of the South, such as Texas.

I’m sorry to hear about your brother, but… Haha, no way! Congratulations, it sounds like you are a very lucky man in other ways. A Texan finding Love at First Sight in South Korea?

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  King Baeksu
15 years ago


Sorry you are in need of someone to say please. You say if one speak's Korean or English you very seldom hear them say Please. You are talking of Kprean Folks of course. Obviously you do not understand Korean even if you think you do so please learn more about the custom and lanquage before saying such a remark. Please is a word In Korean but it is also in their manner of speach. When going to a restaraunt or work place asking for something you are going to pay for a please is not required in Korea. Family members will say please. I and my wife say please more times in conversing. You are so funny. Thank you for the intertainment and please "jayba" learn a bit more. Oh ya it helps if one isnt expecting a please from others also as Korean folks do not require a please in so many situations as Americans do, and you know what? I guess you would consider me rude as i very seldom say please outside the home. Only when I am in need of something more than what is required from a person. Peace

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  KingofMekju
15 years ago

King Of Mekju,

Backstabbing Koreans? hu hu hu. Where do you better than thou people come from? You have met backstabbing Americans also havnt you? In fact you have met backstabbers where ever you have been. Wow You point your finger from other countries that have human issues. That is why it is so easy for you to pick them out. Your self righteos Human nature is clouding your ability to judge yourself before others. Listen Please. I am sorry for coming off hard but feel it is required to get some folks attention. Not that I actually believe you will take my words to heart. But I may be wrong. Im am Just saying put a cork in the finger pointing. Your handle on this post shows how humble you are. LOL You sure as heck were not the King of Mekju when I was in Korea! Maybe you should switch to Soju. No you couldnt have that title with Soju either. Well There is allways Mokoley.

Reply to  jkl
15 years ago

You gotta be kidding me!!!! Learn a little bit of history before you go spouting off.


Koreans have a long history of being rude, and your attitude is the reason why it will never change.

15 years ago

With regard to the moral standards, it has to be said that the Koreans are not very strict when it comes to mine and thine, they lie and cheat and that's why they can't be trusted. They are proud if they have cheated somebody and they don't think that's a disgrace. That's why they can undo the buy of a horse or a cow even after four months if it becomes clear that the buyer has been cheated. But the sale of a parcel ground or other immovable goods can only be undone if the conveyance has not taken place yet.


Actually most Koreans didn't think at all that we were ugly. They admired the whiteness of our skin. The possession of it is being regarded at as something desirable. In the beginning we couldn't show ourselves on the street or a crowd was following us, or people were surrounding us and were gaping at us. On the island Quelpaert we were much less hindered by that, though we also attracted a great deal of attention.

It came thus far that, at a certain night the mob broke into our bedrooms, in order to drag us, against our will, outside and made fun out of us. We lodged a complaint at our commander about this. He forbid anybody to harass us in any way. From that moment on we could move around freely, without causing the gathering of a crowd.


Reply to  flashy
15 years ago

Look, pal, like you Anglo-Americans often say to the ethnic minorities who complain of racial discriminations, go back where you came from if you are still in Korea. If you're not, then good riddance. It's so ridiculous to read the posts by the Westerners, and particularly Americans, criticizing or whining about the rudeness of Koreans when they committed the ultimate rudeness of invading, occupying, stealing or colonizing the lands of other people around the world. I lived in thye U.S. for most of my life and know that most of you Anglo-Americans are far from being well-mannered or refined as you boast yourselves to be out of arrogance or bigotry. And please don't flatter yourself with your sickly pale skin that typically shows age and wrinkles after turning thirty years old. Yes, Koreans "admire" your white skin as much as they admire the white lard in a meat.

15 years ago

And please don't flatter yourself with your sickly pale skin that typically shows age and wrinkles after turning thirty years old. Yes, Koreans “admire” your white skin as much as they admire the white lard in a meat.

That was an historical account from several hundred years ago. An accurate account of how things were back then. The post in no way implied that it's still that way.

15 years ago

Just plain rude. I have met some of the rudest people ever at one of the oldest and most well reputed Korean Language Institutions in the country, or so they boast. Take a wild guess which school? They were instructor's there too, probably well educated. Not only were they rude, but they were the most wicked minded people I've come across in my life. Not everyone, of course, but 90% of a dozen instructors. And guess what, one of them was a director of the language program. No wonder if school teacher's are behaving that way. No reason, No cure. Just follow the rules, or leave.

15 years ago

This post is probably aged, but I must respond. Like any culture you must get out in it and learn it. When in Rome do as the Romans do. Then and only then can you learn to appreciate the country and its people. I lived in Korea for 11 years. I have a Korean wife who is a kin to Jeon, Kwan Yeoul (actor). In my former USFK position and contacts through her relatives I lived amoung the community and was well respected as I also respected them. All coutries have their 10 per cent that walk with an attitude. Absent them Korea is far more socialized than the US. As far as education, I was afforded the opportunity to teach KATUSA soldiers English. I learned a lot in those discussions. While their school system is similar in structure to the US, it is head over heels in results. They continue to rank in the top 3 best education systems in the world. They share that honor with Japan and Germany.

Reply to  Ssongtan
15 years ago

You are talking grade school through high school. If you look at the top collages in the world the U.S. and U.K. dominate the top 17 in the world. Korea doesn't even have a collage in the top 100. There is a reason most scholars, inventors, etc… come from the U.S. or Europe and not from asia… we learn individualism where asia does not. To say Korea is in the top 3 education systems in the world is a little misleading. I can only say that in the several asian contries I have been to, when I tell people I am living in Korea… they almost always say they hate Koreans and Indians the most, because they are rude and smell bad.

Reply to  Expat
15 years ago

Yeah- I have been part of that rudeness. It's tough to have to be the top dog but somebody has to do it.

If you don't prevail as a people in this world, your sons will be slaves and your daughters and wives will be concubines- and you, the loser of the fight, will be forgotten.

Of course we could have left those peaceful peoples to commune with each other and with nature, as we and we alone are the sole source of the world's troubles.

It's Bush's fault or something….

15 years ago

Korea has a good education system but it's true that they don't teach individualism. They can only do so much, their history, language, and culture are quite different from western societies so it can be unfair to make comparisons. Korea's reputation for rudeness is undeniable, even though most Koreans are not as rude as many people think. I'm out there in the Korean community quite often and they're usually some of the nicest people in the world. So are people in the mountains of Panama, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the villages in Turkey. The point is that you can run into nice people anywhere.

15 years ago

Maybe you negative people need to take the American chip off your shoulder and come back to earth with the rest of us. Korean college students rank consistently in the top 10 per cent in their class. The reason is that they learn to focus. They also have family honor to contend with besides their own personal goals. Unlike the US, families begin to financially prepare for their kids education at birth. While less so today, the oldest male child gets the first crack at a higher calling. He will be the one responsible for the whole family someday. We are a culture that only looks out for ourselves. Not all things in Korea are equal but all look to the greater good of the whole family. The US would be a lot better off if we returned to the same value system as the Koreans. We are in the process of losing our whole way of life. They are not.

Reply to  Ssongtan
15 years ago

Yea, they rank in the top 10 in the best collages in the world which are where? In the U.S. and U.K. where there are just as many other foreigners and Americans in that same top 10 percent as Koreans are. Korean men take care of their parents because they have to, the parents expect it. My parents wouldn't even consider taking anything from me, they consider raising me their job and responsibility and aren't looking for anything in return but to see me have a good life. In Korea that is not the way parents think, kids are expected by their parents to take care of them… thanks but I will take the American system and not expect my kids to take care of me when they leave home, it is my job to raise them and I don't expect anything from them in return. As for the value system… In America when a child moves away from home they usually live thousands of miles away, not so easy to jump in a car and see each other. I can only pass on what I hear in this part of the world and it goes something like this… American people are good people, the Government in America isn't… Korean and indian people are not good people…. that is what most asian countries that I vist have to say when comparing the two countries…

15 years ago

Korea has done a lot for a small country but they're sure paying the price for semi-success. They work the hardest and they have the highest suicide rate in the OECD. To say they're under extreme pressure would be an understatement.

Reply to  Edumacation
15 years ago

" I can only pass on what I hear in this part of the world and it goes something like this… American people are good people, the Government in America isn’t… Korean and indian people are not good people…. that is what most asian countries that I vist have to say when comparing the two countries…"

I do not expect the resentful or threatened nationals of the neighboring countries of South Korea, like China, Japan, and Taiwan to say much nice things to say about Koreans, no matter what. They are historical and economic rivals to Koreans, after all. As for the expectation of the Korean children taking care of their parents in adulthood, it has its pros and cons, like the American culture which has no such expectation in general. However, I do kinow that there are some Americans who do take care of their elderly parents, especially when they suffer from some serious medical problems. Ever heard of the "sandwich generation" of the American adults who are burdened by the need to take care of their parents, as well as their children? On the other hand, there are increasing number of the elderly Koreans who are neglected and not taken care of by their adult children, which has only become worse with the global recession. As Korea has become more modernized with the Western influence, young Korean couples have, also, increasingly adopted certain Western customs, such as moving out of parents' homes after marriage that only exacerbates the problem of neglecting their aging parents.

Reply to  Junior
15 years ago

"If you don’t prevail as a people in this world, your sons will be slaves and your daughters and wives will be concubines- and you, the loser of the fight, will be forgotten."

Fair enough, so (white) Americans really have no credibility when criticizing the others from the same aggression. As long as you play by the dog-eat-dog-world rules, you got no right to accuse China or Russia from their own expansionist ambitions and spare your propaganda about spreading peace and democracy to the world, thanks.

15 years ago

Basically, America has been about might makes right and so does white, when it comes to its actions which contrast starkly with their pretty-sounding, holier-than-thou propagandas.

Reply to  Expat
15 years ago

Yeah- I saw that movie too.

But I can get laid from time to time and don't need to adopt some kind of anti-American crusade to prop up my ego.

Reply to  Junior
15 years ago

>Fair enough, so (white) Americans really have no credibility when criticizing the others from the same aggression. As long as you play by the dog-eat-dog-world rules, you got no right to accuse China or Russia from their own expansionist ambitions and spare your propaganda about spreading peace and democracy to the world, thanks.<

Did you get butt raped by some American sailors when you were little or something?

Reply to  Junior
15 years ago

"Did you get butt raped by some American sailors when you were little or something?"

A typically cute but weak comeback when one has no logical one.

Reply to  Junior
15 years ago

Wow…, how envious… you must be the luckiest dude on Earth!

Reply to  Junior
15 years ago

I can't hear you over the sound of how sanctimonious and condescending you are.

Sorry you feel so much guilt- or envy, depending on where you come from.

Reply to  flashy
15 years ago

"I can’t hear you over the sound of how sanctimonious and condescending you are."

Takes one to know one, doesn't it?

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
15 years ago

Whats the problem. Oh I get it some folks just have to find a problem with Korea as their Imagination is so tiny they can not see the truth. And if you think taking care of your parents is tough you have a problem. Wow Edumacation, thinks that because his parents sent him or her to college, and didnt need (and that is the word NEED) anything from their child in return that the rest the world should be so rich. Oops Or a is that lucky? Also this person is suggestive that some other parents may not want the best for there child as this persons parents. They are out in the cow pastures with that idea. Either way Eds point is selfish as Korean people have had a different system for a long time, and it wasnt eons ago when Euro decendents took care of their elders exception of the rich. This is typical rich people thinking, and I know your family isnt rich right ED. Well most people who are rich dont know it anyway! Not wanting to pick on this person I am pointing out many people think this way. Expat, You are only passing on what you heard? How about just passing on. As you are not learning much in this life. You know I dont mean that I hope. But who the hell cares what neihboring countries have to say about one another? Are you that slow not to know that neihbors are sometimes Jealous, envious, or down right rude? Get with the fricken program and start speaking for yourself. Then one could say you dont like Korea; like Im saying now. I dont care if you like Korea or not personally just like you dont care that I love Korea and am a white boy from America. I am Married 27 years to Korean lady and it feels like we are still on honeymoon. Our kids moved out and we are partying. Before I married her I was married to American lady for 3 years of pure hell on earth. That was my experience. Doesnt mean I think American woman are bad. We just didnt get along.

Wow Im not going to look up the one that said Koreans dont teach individualism and that is why there are no inventors or something along those lines. I will tell that person they are WRONG!! But you are such an individual you can see who is not. Hu Huh Obviously know nothing of true Korean folks they are just as individual as anyone else and it isnt something taught knucklehead its something we are all born with. Wow what an expert you are'nt. I get what your trying to say. But you are wrong. Look at Liaocean people or Cambodian. They may seem to be with less individualism also but its not true. Do you think that because you are Euro maybe American that you are more of an individual than others? Wow that is a typical racist bigger than thee attitude. I know what you can do with that. I bet they have a pointy hat for you somewhere. Look truthfully I dont feel I am better or smarter than any of you. More experienced and less hatefull deffinately. Guess who taught me to be that way. We all see and learn what, and as much as we want. Please do not take my words as words of anger or self righteousness. We are all part of the human condition and when we stop pointing fingers and start caring more for each other then we can start to fix this planet we are ruining on a daily basis. This crap in this blog is just to take our minds off the real issue's. Think about Orangutans for a second, They are dieing off as their world is disapearing. Now you may well be smarter then these creatures but they need intelligent minds to help them. Just one species folks. All of you take care! Peace

15 years ago

I majored in Korean Studies at a UK university and lived for nearly a year in Korea. And I plan on going back to live and work because I love Korea!

My advice to foreigners expecting Korea to be like home or expecting Koreans to be like the Irish or Italians or French or Martians or whatever: if you go to Korea with these kinds of expectations then stay at home (or for those in the military who don't have any option…leave your expectations and prejudices behind). Korea is a unique country with unique people. Come to Korea without your expectations and you will have a wonderful time.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  Ssongtan
15 years ago

Thank you, SSongtang, GI Korea, and KOREAFORME and others. Thanks for going past the BS. You all have made my day. Each of you has pointed out things that are so overlooked by the folks who seem to be so miserable. The fact that some folks go to Korea with expectations. When if you feel and except Korea for what it is you will have many great experiences. Getting out of the Ville and into places where things are very different, Awesome advice. Though I had no problem with the villes either but probably because I was traveling as soon as I could say a few words of Korean. I ended up in places I wasnt trying to go to but had a good time as courtesy was met with Kindness. That was the real immersion method. But didnt do it on purpose at first. And finally the chip on the shoulder. None of us can afford to put up with that anymore. And as some of you have pointed out we in America could well benefit from closer families. I said in a post that my wife and I are partying since our Kids moved out. Truth is we are, but when they visit we so happy and their rooms are here for them and their loved ones. This is their home. They are a big part of our lives and just because they are attending or finished college does not mean they should move far away from us. We dont want that at all. After all they are peaces of us. They have so much love to share with us we do not go without them. We talk to them everyday. Some of our friends are losing contact with their families as they grow. I feel sad for them as seem's sort of like peaces are missing. Native Americans, wow what a subject but they had very close families a couple hundred years ago. Well the ones that were left at that time. Dont point fingers from America. Damn That is not smart. Americans need to be humble as all people do. That is real strength in humans. Might makes right? The person that believes that has nothing to teach anyone. Like Jimi said, "have you ever been experienced?" Its not easy to be humble but necessary to see the way through the fog. So Scuze me while I kiss the sky. More and more I wonder how this blog got started and why. I mean who is really behind it? Not the magazine as that is just a tool as was the person who wrote the article or asked the question. Peace

15 years ago

By world standards Koreans are rude. All you Americans who are Anti American in this post… Sounds to me like you weren't accepted in the U.S. so you stupidly claim Koreas system is better than your own, when it is obviously not. I enjoy my time in Korea, peoples idiocracies don't bother me so… I get out and around no matter where I am. I have met some nice Korean people but as a general rule, Korean people are one of the rudest races on the planet.

Reply to  Expat
15 years ago

I'll drink to that!

Reply to  GIKorea
15 years ago

You guys are on the right track. What's important to remember is that their values and western values are not always in line- rudeness is often a matter of perception versus reality.

That said, they are the pushinest, shovinest, spittenist folks I have met in my travels. But even though it might be "pushy" or thoughtless- it's very rarely malicious.

My only b1tch is when it comes to general safety. Welcome to Dangerland!

Reply to  Edumacation
15 years ago

"By world standards Koreans are rude."

You need to clarify the "world standards" of rudeness, first. Next, switch "Korea" with "U.S." in your comment and it will make just as much sense. If your view is based on your experience at or near Seoul or other big cities in Korea, the level of rudeness is probably no higher than that of New York City or L.A. in the U.S. I found the residents of those cities to be at most indifferent or cold towards strangers, except when they can profit from dealing with them. Sure, they'll smile and greet you as waiters or cashiers lot better than most of their Korean counterparts, but that doesn't mean that Americans are inherently any more good-natured than Koreans deep inside. Don't confuse the difference in cultural customs between Korea and the U.S. or elsewhere as strictly a matter of rudeness, if you don't want to be dismissed as just another condescending foreign bigot who judges Korea or Koreans by the Western norms or values.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  Edumacation
15 years ago

So Edmun, You now have it that if an American loves Korea they can not see the normal problems in Korea! But wait, that's not all. These poor souls are also not excepted in the American country they come from either? Wow You got it all figured out dont ya? Just like the folks in white suits with pointed hats. Now you are calling these people which includes me "anti Americans" because they are pro people in general. Nothing like a hater to cloud the issues huh? Wow you must have a suitcase full of labels. IF I was a bird bet I could hear all kinds of labels around you. Transparent as you are I still feel sad for you. You think your a laugh but your really a cry. Dont you get it yet? There are good and bad in all societies. But ignorance is what holds human kind down. The thought that one knows what is right for another. You would not deny what happened in our country with colonialism would you? Or are you one that says to bad that is just the way it was and so what? Several million no almost all native Americans are dead. Is it possible for one to see that and still love America? Absolutely. But if one is not ignorant they would admit it was wrongly done and not do it that way again. It wasnt you or me. It was Euro anscesters. And that is just one topic. When I was in Korea having the time of my life I had not even thought of these things yet. So they have nothing to do with my love for Korea. And yes I love America. We all have made mistakes throughout history. You dont have to choose one country over the other. It is possible to enjoy more than one country. Maybe that is some of the problem here. Maybe Some folks feel if they admit they enjoy or love one country other than the one they come from they are letting their own country down. No need to defend America. I allready spent 9 years of my life in military and am 100% service connected disabled veteran. This blog is wrong and should never have been started. I still wonder who is behind this and to what this blog serves. As long as folks keep agreeing with the writer of this foolishness I will continue to say what I believe to be true. Peace

Reply to  Edumacation
15 years ago

What do you mean by world standards?

I'm currently in London, where some of these local Londianians seem to enjoy watching Americans get lost, but to jump and say that they are one of the rudest people in the world and rank #1 is pretty bad. I've come to very much dislike the expression of disdain that overcomes some of the locals here when I have trouble at times understanding their "English" just because the word usage is so goddamn awkward or their pronunciation is so terrible.

By world standards, where does this put them?

15 years ago

I just came here because I was researching Korean culture/attitudes, etc., as I live in L.A. and have a Korean friend (from Korea) who is very rude (but I know that about her and that's just her)- she told me Koreans ARE considered rude HERE, but back home it's normal. She has no problem telling a total stranger they are way too fat (I've seen her do it). She said to a very obese white woman standing near me that we (the obese woman and I) "…look just the same- can't tell the difference between you white people- you all look alike." I was nowhere close in looks/weight/age/skin color. I thought maybe it's just her. Then other interactions had me wondering. Sure maybe it's cultural in some way. Doesn't make me awful to dislike it. The Korean store owners who share a parking lot with my work's building are the most miserable people I've ever met. I used to go in and buy things, but they're so rude none of us from my office will step foot in there. I still smile, wave, tell them to have a nice day, and the husband screams at me "STOP TALKING! If you park near here, I tow car away!" (We have permission to park in the lot and he knows I work there.) I'm sick of the rotten-ass attitudes of those shop owners and wonder how they manage to make a living being so nasty. The wife comes out screaming at me, waving her arms, telling me "I TOW YOU!!" as her husband's yelling. Our boss talked to the owner of the building, an elderly man from China, who laughed and said to "Ignore them, they're Koreans. They get mad at everything." I never want to pigeonhole people, but I can't stand even showing up for work and the constant yelling out their store's front door.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  Mandy
15 years ago

Mandy, You are right . It doesnt make you bad because you dislike the way some poeple have treated you. But why genaralize that all these people are this way?

You gotta know how many times I have been with Korean people and have heard "they all look alike" from Americans. Now do you think they looked alike? And the person you are claiming is your friend really isnt your friend after that happened. I hope you told that to this person squarely. As I pointed out in another post Korean people tell each other if they are overwieght or something else is amiss. It isnt personal and if the person they are telling truly is obese or overwieght they accept being told that by other Koreans. We shop at Korean stores in the Portland OR Area. Its's very cool and very polite. Might be the area. I understand there are alot of unhappy people in the area you are talking about. As far as Korean people being mad about everything? Maybe a few but you have people that are like that in all races. I and my wife read your post and gave it quite a bit of thought. I want you to know one thing for sure. When I was in Korea I observed American people treating Korean People like shit. Never even tried to understand customs. I wouldnt like your situation either though, and would take this Korean family aside and tell them they are coming off very wrong, and if they dont stop more people are going to think all Korean people are this way. I know you may be thinking "is he f87king nuts you cant tell them anything". If I had the address I would write them a letter myself. And they would get the point but i spent allot time with Korean folks. It may take very blunt speaking to get across to this family. This blog is not a place to research Korean hospitality or the lack of. There are many people who are very predjudiced here. I hope you can get through this tough time and it seems you are really tired of some real bad things. Just as I say we all need understanding, and care doesnt mean because I love Korea that I would except someone being mistreated by stupidity. Sounds to me that is what you are up against. Ignorance comes in all colors and sizes. Oh one more important thing i have left out. Some Korean people need to observe the customs of the country they are in also. It is a double edge sword. What applies to Americans in Korea should apply to Koreans in America. Again I know many awesome Korean folks in America. But have consitantly heard of trouble in the area you are talking about. Peace

Reply to  GI 4 years Korea
15 years ago

Thanks for the reply,GI. I won't lump people into a category. Actually, I had thought about talking to them- but, yeah, they won't ALLOW me to talk. About anything. I just OPEN my mouth and it's time for him to start yelling"STOP TALKING!" I thought it's because I'm a woman? But they seem to hate anyone who works in my building. Soooo, go with the flow and let them carry on. And, you're right about the difficulty of this area. L.A.'s an awful place for anyone to have a decent life (immigrant or not)- I'm talking the more downtrodden area in which I live and work. I'm sure those in a "better" area have different thoughts. My family's been here 4 generations and I'm ready to bail. Misery comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. Thanks again.

15 years ago

Lets face it, Asian people are rude. They would have to be some of the rudest people that I have ever met in my life, but guess what, I love it. It is refreshing to immerse yourelf in another culture and lose all your social etiquetes and take on theirs. Spent many wonderful years in Asia and left with many great memories. I hope they remain rude forever!

15 years ago

Calling Korea "Italy of Asia" is an insult to Italians.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  haughtaa
15 years ago

I saw you in Korea. You were my friend that hated Koreans no matter what. You even made Koreans hate Koreans. Your remark about where Korean people originated gave you away as you always were on the slow side of things. You still dont get it? Shese no way Im gonna try to help you as you will just find a reason to not be my friend anymore. Oh ya Im used to that! Welp see ya

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  GIKorea
15 years ago

GI, Didnt mean not to respond. I know where the article came from, I just dont know where or why it was started the way it was. No,, obviously it isnt Koreans being rude to each other. I guess my question is this: How can a country of so called rude people ask this question of themselves? I have never seen any other countries asking of themselves this question. And this is the whole thing. There are many people taking atvantage of the question or comment but not even thinking about what they deal with in their own country maybe because they used to their own customs but refuse to try to under stand Korea's. I have seen that junk all my life and despise it. Ignorance. I ask the question is it rude to take advantage of someone who is looking to see if their behavior in society is rude? I seen both side of the coin in Korea but one thing i never felt right about, was some of the rude behavior that was going down on Koreans from outsiders. Im not saying that I got along with every Korean. In fact I did not. But I will always remember the true nature of Korea as being kind and hospitable. Later

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  guitard
15 years ago


You are right. I appreciate you didnt push any personal Agenda's with that comment. But as you can see people are using your true comment to get their pound of flesh. Human nature at it's own best? not. Thanks anyway.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  Ozzie
15 years ago

Ya Ozzie, I know what ya mean but I dont believe Korean people should be catagorized rude. They are not rude the way I see it. I went wild in Korea. I read over some of my posts and it seems I left out some of the things that were so much fun for me in Korea. I have friends that went back to Korea for people they loved. I will admit the reason I went back was to get down and have fun. Though I did find My wife. Well that was fun to as well as miserable. Every time i tried to live without her I was miserable. Or was it her trying to live without me? Gets confusing after near being together 28 years. But I was wild when I was younger to say the least. I would have been fighting in ally with people who were saying this rude stuff about Koreans. But I also got in fights in those ally's with Koreans. I was an equal oppertunity fighter. Ya, I am no angel as my life goes but am trying to be truthfull and humane as I age. The teachings of old Korea are needed in the whole world, Not only old Korea but some other eastern cultures. I mean teaching one to learn how energy flows through the earth and spirit. These old learnings that have been overlooked by modern society are making their way back as they are natural to the growth of the human mind. Korea has arts that are incredible but they just now starting to reememrge. Anyway your post jogged my memory a bit. Dig in and enjoy your life as you never know whats coming next.

15 years ago

I used to tell my friends that if you get onto the subway and look up at the map with a dumb, perplexed look on your face (like this 😕 ), that someone will be kind enough to help you find your way (and maybe practice their English on you as well).

Reply to  WarblGarbl
15 years ago

Have you ever met an Italian?

I haven been to Italy once (Milan and Florence) and almost fought with an Italian guy in the street.

I was in Florence`s downtown admiring the old buildings when an Italian guy tried to seduce a Korean girl traveling with me. He tried to touch her hair and her body but when she reacted against him, this man insulted her calling her loud “putana”, which means “whore” in Italian, in the middle of the street.

He also raised his hand like he was preparing to beat her in the face. I put myself between her and him, staring him, and just waited for the first punch to fight him, but he left the place yelling “Putana” many times to her.

Ever since I feel offended when somebody compares Koreans to Italians.

But I have to admit, Italy is a fascinating place.

15 years ago

Koreans are the Jews of Asia. They have an us vs. the world mentality that allows them to follow their own rules even when traveling abroad. They spend much of their lives bitching about how others have stolen culture from them, enslaved them, disrespected them, and so much more. They talk about how good their kosher Korean food is and even take it along when they travel, untrusting of others' cuisines. When challenged on some of their behavior and mythical beliefs, they invariably become indignantly outraged because though they espouse racial superiority, they secretly feel rejected and unaccepted, and they are. They are not Irish or Italian. The Irish, though subjugated by Britain for 700 years, do not hate the English and instead look at them for their tourist dollars and are quite polite to them. Italians are generally gregarious and are regarded by many as sexy. Neither of these situations apply to Koreans. They are the Jews of Asia, beset upon througout history by bitter enemies and completely concerned with their pure ethnicity (though it's a lark).

Reply to  Mike
15 years ago

I sure would like to know the real, general sentiment of the Irish towards the Brits, but I would expect them to be polite to Brits or other foreigners in business for their financial gains.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  Mike
15 years ago

Mike, the best clear and concise statement yet.

Reply to  Mike
15 years ago


Your description on Koreans is so vain and poor that it only shows how intolerant and ignorant to Korea you are. Honestly, the characters presented by you can be applied to most people around the world making it hardly an offence to Korea. Look at this:

“They have an us vs. the world mentality” / “that allows them to follow their own rules even when traveling abroad”

Gosh, If you hadn’t mention Koreans in the beginning, people would have believe you was talking about Americans.

“They spend much of their lives bitching about how others have stolen culture from them, enslaved them, disrespected them, and so much more”

Didn’t occur you that that’s true, because after the WWII Japan and China have been consistently manipulating and distorting history to diminish Korean role in Asian history? As you said Jews do the same, and so do most oppressed countries around the world. Korea can’t just stay quiet while others are lying about Korea.

“They talk about how good their kosher Korean food is”

Are you sure?? I have never seen Jews boasting about their food, and I live in a Jewish town in Sao Paulo. Anyway Korean food is really good and most people acknowledge it. Look at the French and Italians for instance, they would fight you if you insult their food. Now look at the English and Americans, they simply can`t do the same because their food is not as attractive and captivating as others, so what`s wrong with being proud of something that your country is good in? I know that England and US can`t.

“even take it along when they travel, untrusting of others’ cuisines”

You got to be kidding. A large number of Koreans can’t tolerate foreign food so they have to take Korean food with them when go abroad or they will starve. In my case for instance, it took me about 10 years to learn to appreciate cheese. Many foreigners also can’t eat Korean food when in Korea, so taking food when traveling is not a privilege of Koreans nor is a sign of rudeness or ignorance. Go to any international airport and watch the custom officers seizing food from people traveling around the world.

“When challenged on some of their behavior and mythical beliefs, they invariably become indignantly outraged because though they espouse racial superiority, they secretly feel rejected and unaccepted, and they are”

That’s bullshit. Prove me that Koreans behave that way (or that only Koreans behave that way). Have you ever seen a English and faced their stubbornness ??? Try to tell them that what they say is wrong, and you will see them trying to correct you like a teacher tries to correct a dumb child, they are so irritating at that moments. And what about the Frenchs???

“The Irish, though subjugated by Britain for 700 years, do not hate the English and instead look at them for their tourist dollars and are quite polite to them. Italians are generally gregarious and are regarded by many as sexy. Neither of these situations apply to Koreans”

If you think those are good qualities teach them to your kids.

“They are the Jews of Asia, beset upon througout history by bitter enemies"

Thanks Lord, finally you are right about Korea.

“and completely concerned with their pure ethnicity (though it’s a lark).”

Koreans are concerned about race purity because of our confucian society, not because of racism or superiority complex (Oh yes, you find Koreans talking how Korean culture is superior, but you don’t see Koreans preaching hatred to foreigners based on this argument, but mostly on historical issues).

Reply to  Dr.Yu
15 years ago

I think American food has been accepted pretty well considering right outside my door in Korea there is a McDonalds, KFC, Hooters, Starbucks, Baskin Robbins, Coldstone creamery, outback steakhouse, burgerking, and a couple others… That rings true all over the world with American restaurants and fast food….is it the best tasting…no…but it is the most widely eaten food in the world…oh…and those places I mentioned are always packed with Koreans.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  Dr.Yu
15 years ago

Yu, (again, not a Dr. without creds)

You say: (“They spend much of their lives bitching about how others have stolen culture from them, enslaved them, disrespected them, and so much more”

Didn’t occur you that that’s true, because after the WWII Japan and China have been consistently manipulating and distorting history to diminish Korean role in Asian history? As you said Jews do the same, and so do most oppressed countries around the world. Korea can’t just stay quiet while others are lying about Korea.)

How about: No one respects you on this because Koreans didn't have the guts to NOT be taken over. Duh. The Korean war started right after the Americans LEFT. The North attacked, the South withered, the WORLD saved you, again. Give credit to Brits, Aussies, U.S., and others that participated. Without the rest of the world saving you from 40 years of occupation in the 40s, and then saving you from North Korea in the 50s, S. Koreans would have nothing and would be nothing. You know this, and THAT is why you work so hard to defend yourself. You would gain more respect by at least admitting this instead of being aloof about how great a race you are. You might have been great 1000 years ago, but without the rest of the world the Japs or North Koreans would OWN you. pwned.

Reply to  BMCOP
15 years ago

Yes. You are right. It didn't occur me that those food were really American food since you find them everywhere.

Reply to  Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago


You are right, Korea was weak so was invaded by Japan and NK, and because of the US and the UN coalition Modern Korea exist now. Thanks for the history lesson.

But why should this issue stop Korea from complaining about Japan and China's history distortion?

Reply to  Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

Let's get at the real heart of the issue: Koreans are manipulated into nationalism by their government, which is controlled by big business (much like the USA) who sees such control as a way to keep Korean won in the country. There is an average of 1000 protests per year. Typically they are not anti-Korea though they should be. They are anti-American, Anti-japanese, and anti-everyone that has slighted them, though the slights are normally a creation for purposes of controlling the people and their money. The BSE scare: US beef and Canadian have had some of the best safety precautions with regards to beef production, in the world. Korea had none,and now that they do, they remain unenforced. The Hanwoo beef industry paid people to start insurrections and to make up little slogans that do nothing but create mindless droids who really don't know what they're protesting against. the result was an illegal trade deficit with Hanwoo winning on all accounts. The same thing happened to Amway (who I have no respect for actually) when Korean manufacturers created lies about the products simply because they had taken the lion;s share of the market. I could list many more of these things. The point is, controls are in place that give an illusion of intellectual freedom while creating a Marxist ideological state for the lower echelons. We are all one, is the thinking. The educational system is run by conservative government officials and the agenda of education is a nationalist one. Liberal thought should be there to at least check the archaeological lies and the mythologies that Koreans are told is truth. Sadly, that doesn't happen in Korea. It does in Japan and it does everywhere else in the civilized world. Maybe the key word is 'civilized' here.


Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

But why should this issue stop Korea from complaining about Japan and China’s history distortion?

The point is not on the distortion. Korea has pretty good proof they had porcelain before the Japanese, yet the Japanese claim it.

The point is 'why are Koreans rude' and had progressed to the conclusion that misplaced pride by overbearing 'Koreans are better than everyone' which is the root cause of rudeness. Maybe, just maybe, if they weren't trying to play the victim or trying so hard to protect their nationalism we could all get along better. Repeat after me, "Korea isn't perfect and we are not the first in everything. Our demeanor and culture probably make other people feel we are rude. It's ok to call it the Sea of Japan. It's ok to not be the best." Once we start with some truth, then we can move on to discuss the transgressions throughout history, and then you can point out the great things which people will believe over the shrill 'everything is great' thing that has been going on.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  Mike
15 years ago

MIKE, You are plainly without a clue and in need of an awakening. My father was full blooded Irish. Hey smarty, He and his family hated the English for what they did, and are doing. I am not a hater. But fact is English still wont collect their digs, and get completely out of Ireland. What is the IRA smartness? Now for the heart of your non educated argument, and anyone else that will talk about Korean values and beliefs as you have. Are you so dense that you know nothing of the learnings of the flow of energy through body, mind, and spirit? (Very old learnings in Korea and now realized by intelligent peoples who wish to edify their lives through out the world). BTW Native Americans have these values also. Or are you one that try's to controll everything in confusion, and or anger? Europeans have colonialization with the use of religion to their account. After all they have taught the following: One is going to hell if one does not except things a certain way while they took the land and belongings of to many to mention in guise of religion. I bet Jesus Christ is tickled about their use of his awakening, and teachings NOT! The foods, Wow have you an Idea how these people care for their livestock, and produce? Not! They have been doing this in a manner much better than our Euro anscestry for eons. Does that make them better than others? No but more experienced and ready to go the extra mile. BTW Do you know where Korean red pepper originated? Probably Not so I will tell you. Japan did give something to Korea other than pure hell. A few hundred years ago the Japanese took red pepper to Korea not to eat but to put in their noses with water while they were upside down. This is fact smarty. Korean peoples survived this, and started using red pepper in their kimchi and other foods then many other kimchis evolved from this, as well as the hot pepper bean paste or Go chi gon. Why is it when someone is doing something smarter or more usefull than others, people with negative controlling Ideas stick their ignorant heads into the picture? FEAR! Your so afraid that others are doing better than you; you will not give credit where it is due so you start your misinformation campain. Spelled that way because you are a pain to yourself and to others. Pushing hard controlling untruths on the young and others. Bad thing is not all the young overcome the ignorance your smartness spreads. Anyone who talks about what is taught in Korean schools better take a look at what they learned in the class rooms where they grew up because they do not teach the truth in America. While glorifying the old west as well as the movement from Europe to America many most important things are left out. Like genicide upon a people who were said to be using the land incorrectly. Complete distruction of these peoples, religions, customs, and beliefs which if were indoctrinated into the collective we would be an awesome people now. Same with slavery. Same with the buffalo which native Americans depended on. Oh you cant get away from the truth if you are going to dog someones culture! You point your finger because you beleave you are so set in YOUR world that our anscesters secured for you and I, but you give no life to inteliigent thought or positive energy. I am not proud of this post as it is a bit angry. I am not angry as much as disapointed. Many of you would say I am a bad American because of my beliefs. Maybe you are right. But My kids think with open minds and hearts, and of that I am happy! I have no fear of religion as see it as controlling. You will most likely hate me now and oh well. I refuse to discount real and good ideas from old wisdom in man kind. The teachings of breathing, meditation, and reaching for a higher understanding of what and why we exist are the most valuable teachings of man kind. My days of fighting and struggle are past for now and hopefully I will not have to protect my right to love and live the way I want to in the future. No Blankets from the government for me and my family. Small pox still Kills. Wow biolocal war on people who had been given a promise. You just keep talking it up about the world around you that way you never will think of what needs to done in your own world and life. Peace

Reply to  GI 4 years Korea
15 years ago


This thread is about Korea. Your father is full-blooded Irish? No such thing. No one is full-blooded anything. It isn't possible. As for your skewed history, again, this is about Korea. You haven't a clue what I think about other countries. My contention is that any belief in one's country as being superior is messed up and only serves to keep everyone in the world separated. Koreans need to, like others, learn that they are a composite of all they've encountered and that there is nothing uniquely Korean. There is nothing uniquely Irish or French or Lithuanian. The only unique cultures are those that haven't been contacted by white man or anyone else.

Don't ever think about giving me a lesson in history.


GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  GI 4 years Korea
15 years ago

One more thing for racist Mike in the white suit no maybe it is a green Robe as you sound like the grand lizard leader. Your type of hatred and stupidity will be overcome. You are soon to be put in a museum so Hang onto that poison in your heart and mind you will be a fine spectical. At least you will have a Job in this current depressive climate. Yee ha

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
Reply to  Mike
15 years ago

Learn to read before you Jump to respond. I know no one is going to teach you anything so you need not tell me not to give you a lesson in history. I said my father WAS full blood Irish and look smartness that means my father no longer lives. You should know what one means when they say full blooded so dont mince words. It is a frame of mind. You now contend That South Koreans are in the belief they are superior to other places in the world. I dont believe you are talking about North Korea. If so you would be correct but only about the people in power. Your words reak of racism and if that is not your idea you should not come across that way. I do not believe I am better than you. We as Human Kind are individuals. That is my issue with you making negative statements about whole peoples. Peace

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
15 years ago

Mike, I will Try this again as my reply to modified post of yours is not showing up. I know better than to try to give you a lesson smartness. Also I said my father WAS full blooded Irish. Meaning he no longer lives. You know what it means when one says full blooded so dont mince words. It is a state of mind. You are not so smart as to be the only one that would know there are no "pure blooded" folks other than those in some remote region that may or may not exist anymore. If your contention is South Korea is in a mindset that they are superior to rest of the world why say so many things about other countries and make comments like you do about other races? Ya I get it this is about South Korea, and my referances to other countries are purely to point out who really had and has superior attitudes just like you use other countries in what seems to be a racist manner to make a point about South Koreans thinking they are superior to the world. We are all individuals and You lump South Korea into one person. That is why I find you arrogant. You would tell one how to write their post and give them a lesson on what to say to stay on track but you want no teaching from others yourself. You are coming off racist so if that is not your intention then dont do it. And man did you ever make the biggest foot in mouth statement when you said Korean Folks are not sexy. You no nothing about Korean people as that statement makes it as clear as it gets. Huh huh Wow I met some of the sexiest woman in my life in Korea and they are Korean woman. Not only that I have been around many Korean people and that statement is just crazy. You really should stop. Now Im not sure if Korean men are sexy but have been told by a few woman they found them very attractive. I am speaking truth from experience not ideas from what seems like a solid agenda. This is all I have to say to you. I am now done with your mean agenda. Your transparant

Reply to  BMCOP
15 years ago

Yes, and thanks to the proliferation of those fast-food joints, obesity and diseases related to it has been increasing in Korea, as in America.

Reply to  BMCOP
15 years ago

Yea, I agree with that…I didn't say it was healthy just said it was eaten world wide. You can't deny how goooooooooood a scoop of coldstone icecream tastes…

15 years ago

What it all comes down to, in the end, especially for the Westerners, is how a country ranks economically in order to show interest in or respect for its culture. As far as I'm concerned, America lacks its own unique traditions due to its short history, compared to most other countries. The most unique American culture is its pop culture which is, indeed, very popular in the world and adopted. But, that has a lot more to do with its status as the economic and military superpower and less to do with the inherently higher quality of its pop culture to the traditional cultures of other much older countries.

On the other hand, Korea is far lower in its economic ranking, so its much older culture nevertheless recieves much less interest or respect by the outsiders. I would venture to guess that there are some wonderful, unique, cultural aspects of other countries, with their economic ranks similar or lower than that of Korea, which are not given exposures or attentions that those deserve, also, let alone adoptations by the ousiders and particularly by those in advanced economies.

15 years ago

Mike and Marcus,

Your comments are laughable because if you switch “Korea” to any other country name, it still makes sense. 😆 😆

Reply to  Dr.Yu
15 years ago

Only laughable if you're a gibbering idiot. Korea isn't a laughing matter.


Reply to  Mike
15 years ago

Mike you must be a Korean because you are being rude now. 😯

Reply to  Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

Hahaha !!!!

You are funny man. 😆 😆 😆

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  Dr.Yu
15 years ago

Really? So if I say "Zimbabwe has pretty good proof they had porcelain before the Japanese, yet the Japanese claim it. " Does that make sense? Do you think people in Spain give a crap if it's the Sea of Japan or not? You are losing the argument, so now you are trying to lessen the sting of truth with flippant comments. Thanks for the victory, I think I'll have an ice cream cone to celebrate.

GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
15 years ago

Marcus, Someone has got to point out that you are without a clue. Who cares if people in Spain care about what folks call the SEA OF JAPAN. This Kind of crap makes you a wiener? Get a clue. People in Spain dont care about this because they have their own issues to deal with. And they care about those issues; Just like Korean people care about being percieved as folks who are Rude. Don't Forget it was Korean people asking this question of themselves thus this blog on internet for all to see and comment. Could you do that? Your statement "repeat after me" gives one an Idea of how you believe. Think very highly of yourself? Wow, Maybe even superior? Sounds like you argue for the sake of arguing as you have no real points, and nothing original. Now like an unruly child you boast you have won. What did you win? I would think nothing if your exchange on this Blog did not edify yourself or someone else. There is no winning or losing here if we are trying to understand Folks for individuality and try this question for truth as you say your truth stings. Or the truth has stung an individual. Hu Huh. Just remember when a bee stings it dies shortly there after. I dont appreciate this question and beieve there is more to this than what the news article offers or asks. Only one country asked themselves this question and it has opened itself up to anyone who would take Pot shots or throw rotten eggs as well as those of us who would defend it. Peace

15 years ago

[…] conclusion, it’s not that Korean people are more rude than other group of people (although some still question this) it’s just that Korean cultural expectations are different. That’s all. I personally […]

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

Indeed GI, you are clueless, or stupid. The comment I made was in response to a comment made by Yu. Try to read a thread before jumping in.

Let me try to be concise and summarize this for you (use a dictionary for the big words if you need to):

There are 2 points to this.

1) Korea does indeed have a history that should be respected and defended as unique and something Koreans can believe in.

2) Koreans tend to take it overboard and exaggerate when they shouldn't. They also worry about issue that I feel aren't important and hurt the overall message. That's right, 'I feel', implying it is my opinion which is why I wrote it.

Once you get more than 4 years here, and have say…17 years then you can speak. Have you visited Kyongju with the huge tombs? They have one you can go to. Then you can go to Pulgoksa. In fact, I have been all around Korea, and only after that do you really realize that there truly is 5,000 years of history here. Compared to the puny 200 or 300 years of U.S. history then it really is amazing. But you also see that when a Korean-American wins a sports even it is front page news, as if Korea has won a war. You see that Koreans get very upset at the most perceived sleight, including calling the Sea of Japan by its international name, including their poor little ice skater that got beat by Ohno, etc etc. If you had been here, and speak and read and write the language like I do, then perhaps you would be able to understand the culture.

During this entire thread I try to point out the good parts of Korea, and what I feel are the bad parts.

BTW, don't give me the 'peace' crap you end your statement with after calling me clueless. That is called hypocrisy when you have 'peace' along with a personal attack.

Reply to  Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago


Again, switch Korea to any country name and you will see no difference. You are pathetic. Finish your contract in Korea and get out. Go back to your wonderland and leave Koreans alone.

Get down from your pedestal.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

Good name calling Yu. How many times should I point out the good things and the bad things? You just can't accept it with your blinders.

Here I am on your side of this argument, but apparently in this forum there is no middle room. You either have to be against or for Korea, but not point out good and bad.

I am in my wonderland, in Asia.

What pedestal? I never said Korea was worse or better than another country. I point out differences in areas that are better or worse, but I have never said "the U.S. is the greatest country in the world over Korea". Duh, you are the one saying it.

Open your mind. The whole point of a forum would be to hear different opinions and consider them. Some are right, some are wrong, all are biased based on a persons experiences in life.

And again, you have the quote "switch Korea to any country name and you will see no difference". Ok, let me rephrase this sentence: "In fact, I have been all around Korea, and only after that do you really realize that there truly is 5,000 years of history here." Instead I will say "In fact, I have been all around Canada, and only after that do you really realize that there truly is 5,000 years of history here." Oops, doesn't make sense, does it? Idiot.

Reply to  Les mots de tout le
15 years ago

what a jackass!!!!

15 years ago


GI 4 years Korea
GI 4 years Korea
15 years ago

Marcus, I will respond to your last post to me only to offer you some truth the way I see it from my view point. You say that my wanting peace is hypocrytical because I say you are without a clue. You also say I am without a clue or stupid, and go on to tell about how long you have been in Korea, and some of the places you have been.

First let me tell you I do not feel that telling one they are clueless is a personal attack. Sorry you feel this way. I do however feel telling one they are stupid, and are a Hypocrite is a personal attack. Clueless is knowledge based but Hypocrite is an opinion of ones personal nature.

It seems to me you are trying to win an argument. I said in my post to you "There is no winning or losing here if we are trying to understand Folks for individuality and try this question for truth". I also told you "Don’t Forget it was Korean people asking this question of themselves thus this blog on internet for all to see and comment".

I am expressing my opinion, and I dont feel you are for Korea at all as in your argument you say "During this entire thread I try to point out the good parts of Korea, and what I feel are the bad parts". If that were the case you would not be telling a whole people they "tend to take it overboard and exaggerate when they shouldn’t". You are talking about the good things when you say this. Who is to judge how much people are to celebrate their victories? Especially when their recent past has had many downfalls? You have visited many neat places in Korea. Places my wife and intend to go to in the next couple years. Marcus, we could get into a discussion about the history of Korea but it goes back farther than 5000 years. People were in the mountains of Korea studying forms of philosophy for well more than the 5000 years. That isnt the point though as we both have pointed out it is about this question "why are Korean people rude"? The question sucks, as it starts out assuming it is right. You say have you close to seventeen years in Korea. So what? You also assumed I do not read or write Hangul and speak Korean. Wrong! And if you had read some of my earlier posts you would know I do read and speak Korean. You know nothing about me in fact. But you say I am a hypocrite. Though I did not see as many historical sites as you I spent much time in villages way off the beaten path. In the seventies. I got a real feel of the Korean people's heartbeat. That is where my love for Korea comes from, and maybe I am biased because I love Korea. But I have seen some things I didn't like in Korea also. I just dont think Korean people are rude as a whole or even in large part. I will not tell about the things I do not like as they do not contribute to this idiodical question. Since you feel my saying peace is hypocrytical I wont offer peace to you. It is only an exstension of my hand to yours after an argument. You see it as hypocrytical. I see it as a way of telling one that even though I may have said some things in my argument that might have been pointed or abrasive, I actually have no problem with you in person. No dictionary needed.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

Good point. Which is what I though I was saying. Good things here, bad things here. Pointing out good things in Korea may help those that read here or the barracks rats to understand this can be a good place. Pointing out bad things may help Koreans understand how others see them. This doesn't mean they need to change, it just offers an understanding. So, peace out! 😆

15 years ago

I just stumbled upon this website and I must say it is quite shocking.

I am what people will label me as 1.5 generation Korean american who has spent about equal years living in both Seoul and US. Thats 12 years each. You want to know what I think about the bashers here? You guys are culturally ignorant close minded whiners – to define a specific culture, regardless of how majority of the world perceives it, with preconceived context is stupid and arrogant to say the least. I seriously have to question who these haters socialize with and how well they understand the socio-cultural fabric of Korea.

Hey, I was born in soutern California, went to first grade, then went to elementary school in Seoul. Experienced alot of crap that all of the haters did, EVEN when I was a Korean. I was called 'the Yank', shunned me because I was doing bad at scohol, and had no friends. Air was dirtier, people are generally indifferent and seemed to lack sense of humor. You know how I adjusted? 1) Learned the language 2) Followed the rules of what is natural and abnormal. 3) Didnt make judgements.

Do you ever notice that Koreans are generally rude? Too bad that I have seen and experienced MANY times an Anglo american treating Koreans as if they were low lives but I simply labeled them as degernates. Japanese being the most polite ? Please. There has been countles cases of racial discrimination at schools. Guess what? It happens in EVERY PART OF THE WORLD. We Koreans are humans, aka social animals. If we sense that your behavior is abnormal we can be rude, but most of us will have common courtesy to point that out or try to ignore it. This is partly because most of the Koreans do not have experience in dealing with foreigners or very new at it, and it could be a little awkward. Some will confront it and rub it on you, and you will start to generalize all that negativity and blow it out of proportion. When we see retarded stuff like cutting in lines or speaking loud at public spaces we loathe the mother lovers. Dont group us into a particular class

One last thing. If your occpuation is low paying job or temprarory, guess what? You are on the bottom of the social rank. Expect rude treatment. Thats how the world works.

15 years ago

I am deeply grieved by the expressed blind hatred I have discovered on this site. I only clicked on the link because I was so surprised to see that any one could think the Koreans are rude. I live here with my husband and daughter, and have been treated with the utmost respect since day one.

We live in Pyongtaek but frequently take the train to Seoul, and are always befriended by whoever happens to ride next to us – and they are always extremely forgiving with respect to our clumsy attempts at speaking Hangul. Every where we go, people offer to share their food with us, include us, even give us directions (going out of their way to walk us to the right exit of the subway). I have been thoroughly enchanted with the genuine generosity of spirit we have encountered here.

Oh, and everyone from the grocery store clerks to the Paris Baguette girls to the dry cleaners, to the clothing ladies at LotteMart have been nothing but helpful and friendly.

Yes, there are people who "cut in line," but I always give way to the eldest person, so it doesn't bother me. Why shouldn't I wait longer? I am younger and stronger than they are. A REALLY polite person would observe when someone else should go first and let them pass graciously. Driving here is scary. I'm not sure that makes them rude – just terrifying drivers.

All in all, I have been treated graciously by every Korean I've met, and haven't been bothered by jostling from strangers in a crowd – that's just the way it is. I've found that my manners are poor in comparison and have been self-conscious about seeming boorish around my more refined companions. It seems that they are very conscientious about taking care of any beads of sweat with a dainty handkerchief, for example, while I don't even own a dainty handkerchief and still am mystified by how they look so cool and composed when I am melting. Sigh. And they always bring extra food to share and I always forget. I am trying to do better, Korea.

15 years ago

this article is another prove of generalization of certain group of people. you have rude people everywhere. but if you compare with the westerners in general, they are not rude. as an asian living europe (been in different countries like holland, belgium, france, spain, uk and korea) i think europeans are rude! most of all, they are racist!

the worst part is europeans gawk at your ass! and not keep their own business!

And europeans are rude without knowing the person but at sight!!!!

And i really don't understand the comparison with italians? like that supposed be a good thing. 2 different races of people in different continent! and i'm pretty sure no european country compare them being the korea of europe. because they all think asians are chinese! sideways racism at the highest form!

GI 4 Years Korea
GI 4 Years Korea
Reply to  Heather
15 years ago


THANK YOU!! You make my heart feel great as now I see their are Folks like you that can see the truth, and are truely decent. Those of you who read this that hate or bash, dont get me wrong. Im saying anyone is better than you. I am saying this ladies words of truth, respect, and understanding lift the human spirit and give much power to good energy.

Your going to have a good life as you are trying to. I know what you mean about the kindness in Korean people. That ia what helped ne to love korea and Korean people and my heart goes out to those who livew under the crushing dictatorshio in North Korea.

15 years ago

I'm sure this has been said before, but I will say it again. I think the reason most people have this generalization of Koreans is because most of their interaction comes with the characters you encounter in the villes surrounding U.S. installations. It is like the same people in every ville, the crooked landlords, junk shop ajushis, taxi drivers, and the occasional rude employee on base. If you are able to get out of the ville you will generally meet some nice people. Then again, you will typically encounter these kinds of people anywhere. I cannot stand even walking out in Songtan, but I dont mind heading to Seoul or other places away from Osan/Songtan.

GI 4 Years Korea
GI 4 Years Korea
15 years ago

Darn it my above post was not edited or finished but I hit enter to lower the line of speech and you see what happened. Sorry Folks.

I must be carefull for that not to happen again. Anyway please excuse my spelling in above post as was not finished. BTW Marcus, Peace. LOL

Heather and folks, I had gotten lost several times while traveling when first went to Korea. That was my learning time as after letting people know I was lost someone would take me into a bus station and help me buy a ticket to the correct destination. Many times people helped me not to get lost also. This gave me the interest to learn to speak Korean, and of course read and write. Now being young, and full of party spirit I wasn't always so nice to be around. When by myself this could be dangerous in a foreign country but invariably a wiser person than myself would tell me what not to do; to continue to make people angry or to alienate myself. That was of course Korean people, as said I was by myself. But Not really. The korean people made me feel like I was amongst freinds. I started taking more trips, and immersing myself deeper into Korean culture. Went to country villages where people would look at me because some had never seen an American. That was cool. This was the 70's. I quickly learned how to fit in with Korean people and was treated good everywhere. By time my wife, and me met I was good at getting around Korea which was very useful as fate would have it. Fate was I would use all things Korean people had taught me, and all learned on my own to find my wifes heart. That was 1981. We are still together. Now we are preparing to return to Korea for the first time since 83. There were things I did not like in Korea but nothing pertains to this idiotical question. "Are Korean people rude" The answer is absolutely Not. Peace

15 years ago

Every day someone yells to me from a car window or kids swarm me because I am a foreigner. As that doesn't happen to Koreans, it is racist. It may be ignorant racism, but it's racism nevertheless. It happened 5 times today alone. Korean girls tend to be enamored of many of us because we're foreigners. That also causes problems with Korean men who look at us as unfair competition, but also look at women who have been with foreign men as, somehow tainted. Foreigners who are married with foreign wives don't see this. They think, "Oh how friendly everyone is." That friendliness is also racism because it doesn't apply to their fellow man. Give it time. That friendliness doesn't last. When it goes away and I can dwell in obscurity, I am much happier than when a pack of ignoramuses run up to me and try every single phrase of English they know, often obstructing my path and interrupting my conversations. The first 3 months this happens, it's cute, like monkeys looking for bananas. After that it's "Get the hell away from me."

Does it happen elsewhere? Not in the 27 other countries I've visited. In Ethiopia, one time.



Reply to  Mike
15 years ago

As a Korean American and a college student in the United States, and having a complete understanding of both worlds, including how Korean both women and men think, you are truly delusional, ignorant, and full of contradictions. Your statement of Korean women being attracted to “Anglos” does show our view of ideal appearances, but those natures only strongly pertain to those who are one-dimensional and thoughtless, like yourself. We call those people sluts in the States, or Sang-nom in Korean. As for pointing out that we are ignorant racists, I am just baffled how you contradicted yourself by generalizing and denouncing Koreans collectively. If anything, you are just as racist as us. As for the comment of feeling like a test subject – I was first going explain that they were very curious and exciting at the same, to meet an American for the first time in their life, and they were being playful and see if you would play along with them. But seeing as you perceive yourself as a Hollywood movie star with a killer look, fainting Korean women with a single glimpse, it makes me comfortable inside knowing that deep down inside your world is a living hell, hence all the “you Koreans are annoying racists” rant. Now you know how we felt in America when people would give us a cold angry face and yell “I can’t understand a word coming out of your mouth. Speak English!”. As for the alpha male syndrome-esque comment about Korean males being incompetent – Flip through the K pop channels and see if girls prefer girly looking boys or hairy blue eyed and cheese-scented American. Yes, that’s how all Korean girls look at you. Only the promiscuous ones will get past all that just so they can compare how it tastes like with the dozens of Korean men they already slept with. But what do I know about Koreans? I have only lived there for 12 years, talked fluent Korean, socialized with countless native Koreans, and have had friends in both countries. You’re probably right about us being barbaric assholes with microscopic penis, always being dumped on because we look like monkeys. I mean, all the Korean girls that I know in So.Cal are ditching us lonely gooks and are simply enamored by the sheer handsomeness of Anglos . As a food for thought I would leave you with a saying that you will never figure out. 뭐에는 뭐만 보인다.

15 years ago

Where did I say that anglos are good-looking? I stated a fact that many Koreans are enamored of us because we are foreign and not for any aesthetic reason. That is racism. I'm completely against that kind of thing. People need to look at each other as individuals and not as different. Unfortunately, it is all too obvious via behavior, that we are perceived as different, and uncomfortably so. This thread is about Korean rudeness and I find preferential treatment because of race or gender, as well as ill-treatment for the same factors, rude. If you want to start a thread about Albanian rudeness, I would have comments there as well.


GI 4 Years Korea
GI 4 Years Korea
15 years ago


You are at it again, but this time reference humans to monkeys. Though you are not predjudiced? Hmm, What is predjudiced then? You will be told again whether you like it or not. My children who are half Caucasion, and half Korean are beautiful to me, but were refered to as monkeys in school here in the USA. My kids are American by birth, but were told to "go back to ching chong land" on a daily basis. Where do kids get that kind of "we own everything" attitude? The teachers called my Kids by the name of Liaocean childrens and other Asian chidren names because they failed to percieve them as Individuals. To bad that wasn't the worst of it. You are the one who does not want a history lesson so look on what I tell you as fact. During the Korean war; Korean folks would greet Americans with bow, and use the words Megook Sadum. It means American person. These Koreans were called monkeys and guess where the word gook came from. Hangkook means Korean person. But when the word Megook was used some soldiers, marines, and whatever said; "ya, you a gook all right, and you look like monkeys". Korean people went on smiling as most did not understand English especially farmers, and other country folk. But they were so happy to see American troops after the landing at Incheon they expressed it with smiles and tried to communicate with these people who had and would continue to help them. There is never a shortage of people who are so bold as to call folks names, and be angry because someone notices their differences. Like I said in other posts. I thought it was cool that i was noticed as different than a korean person but I have to say I find korean people clean and effectively attractive. And after allll I do look different than the korean people I was learning to commnicate with. I wasnt treated bad for this just inspected, and not untill I felt comfortable would allow someone to comment on our differences. How does one who is so wordly become so incomplete with their self? I am asking you because you say you have been all around the world. Well 27 countries you have visited. You are wrong to say those foreignors of Korea who are married to Korean people dont see what goes on with the people in Korea. I said so many times there were things I did not like in Korea but they do not pertain to this question "Are Korean People rude". And the answer is still NO. I also made it clear that I ran around Korea for two years before meeting my wife. Do you not think I seen some of the things you think are so horrible? Maybe more because I was right in the stew of Korean society. You have now generalized on folks foreign to Korea who have married Korean people. I see you as one who allows hatred into the very fabric of your life, and as a result you are reaching for anything to prove a point that does not exist for many folks. To bad you cant let go, and enjoy the differences more. Im not saying you completely don't but can't see you really getting into the Korean experience with your inability to adapt. Man it is unique and once in a world place so loosen up. Folks are just folks. Why hang onto things that will only slow you down in enjoying your time there? Will you be one to teach children to do as some of the children did to my kids or will you get past this ignorant question and dig into the pie of life? How about some peace?

15 years ago


I was referring to married foreigners, not to one Korean one foreigner marriages. I love kids, but I don't like middle school kids yelling at me in the street and swearing in Korean (yes I understand some). Nor do I like little kids pointing at me in stores and saying, "Waegookin saram imnidda". As I said, it was cute at first, but now I just want to be left alone as I would be in many other countries. If you don't think it's odd that someone can come up to you out of the blue and start talking to you in a coffee shop while you are reading a book, and just because you look different, than you're from a different world than I am. Never happens in Japan or in China or in Europe ( unless someone is trying to hustle me of course). It just gets old fast. It's racist. Any different treatment, positive or negative, because of ethnicity or race (which I don't believe in, is racism, plain and simple. I love teaching and I change simple attitudes about foreigners every day, but it is an uphill battle because TV and government does nothing to combat ignorance, and neither do parents, it seems. One on one, I like all people. It's group mentalities I hate.

I have adapted to Korea, but I'm still not drinking a lot, I'm still not meal-sharing, and I still dislike nationalism of any kind or any nation. i wish Korea would adapt a bit to me, because I am a human being, and they should see that.



GI 4 Years Korea
GI 4 Years Korea
Reply to  Mike
15 years ago


I get what your saying a bit better now, and understand you are experiencing some things I did not. I used to correct kids on occasion to, but it wasnt something that needed to be done very often 30 years ago. In fact Korean kids were cool and well mannered back then. Parents were receptive to any attention one gave their children and if the child needed correction they were happy it was done. I would be very sad to find Korea changed so much now. I will think about what you have said in this last post. Later, Duffy

Reply to  Mike
15 years ago

I can guarantee that every living human on this earth is a racist. That’s how our mind works, plain and simple. But here is the thing. If you are always trying to be an American you will not get used to all the name calling. That is what I realized when I went to Korea fairly recently. I took my friend to Korea who never left the U.S, didn’t speak any Korean, but he was pumped to experience a whole new world. He blended in as if he lived there for decades. He didn’t mind the stares, and didn’t mind to haggle at a retail store. He loved the food and how others treated him, though he was complaining Seoul was too damn crowded and the bus drivers were ridiculous. When we were traveling around the city, though, there wasn’t much staring going on. No one cared that he looked different. No one cared if we spoke English in the subway. And none of my relatives were reluctant to ask questions about his life. He loved all that experience because he wanted to become one of us. All the strangers he met probably appreciated him for being a peppy guy. If you lived in Korea long enough, you know we are known for enjoying bagging on someone. That’s how we socialize. Teens will be teens though; it is a universal fact they are morons. Happened to me in U.S as well, like being numerously asked if I came from North or South. But when you compare our culture to others, you are comparing apples to oranges. My only recommendation to you is to master Korean because language is what defines a particular culture. Learn our sense of humor, bag on the idiots and so on.

15 years ago


People make choices for many reasons. That doesn't make everyone a racist. I'm not a teenager to be bagged on (whatever that means). Korean culture doesn't apply to foreigners for the most part. I don't know of any foreign professor or teacher who is treated with the same fear and respect as Korean professors and teachers are. It isn't possible to accept a culture that practices skewed Confucianism that isn't applied to all.

Face it. This place isn't for everyone. It works well for people who haven't really been anywhere before coming here. It is a freer society than many with regards to noise, excessive drinking, wild driving, and other things. That may be enjoyable for teens or folks fresh out of college. For the rest of us, it is somewhat insane and disordered and especially when lack of rules is the rule. I enjoy many days here and many individuals. Maybe all individuals have been really cool if less than worldly. It's as a whole that I see problems. the same applies to all countries. this thread is about Korean rudeness. It exists, and in abundance.

Reply to  Mike
15 years ago


So that’s the problem: that you have been treated like a foreigner in a foreign country? Grow up.

I have been facing the same “problems” you mentioned since I`m six year old, like kids from the school bus yelling to me “chinese” when passing by me in the street, people asking me if I`m Japanese or Chinese in the metro, bus, street, restaurant, and when I answer them that I`m from Korea some never heard about Korea before and others what to know if I’m from South or North Korea. Some people ask me where Korea is (if digging a hole they can go to Korea). They give me stupid names like ching or chung, and ask me if I fight kung fu or other martial art and they provoke in the street to make me fight with them, and they keep asking me the same repetitive and boring question “do you like my country”?

Depending on the mood of the day I just ignore them or give them short answers or talk to them and try to give them as much attention as I can.

Believe me, you are just paying the price of living in a foreign country with people with innocent ignorance and awe for foreign people.

Oh yes, there are racist people in Korea as well, but here I ignore those people and stick with those who treat me well, and guess what, because of them I’m loving the place I’m living now.

15 years ago

"people asking me if I`m Japanese or Chinese in the metro, bus, street, restaurant, and when I answer them that I`m from Korea some never heard about Korea before and others what to know if I’m from South or North Korea."

Calling you Chinese or Japanese is a complement. Koreans will call anything that is less then worship racism.

Every person who I have EVER met that has been to Korea hates it. Everyone who has ever had to deal with Korean companies hated them. Sorry buddy, but that is the effect that Korea has on people.

Reply to  Takeshima!
15 years ago

Using your conventions of logic, or lack thereof, we’re actually proud that we are not poor, smelly, cheap, and rude like the Chinese, nor we have a moral decay of having the highest incest born babies in the world. Not to mention Japanese girls are the easiest to get into bed. At least that we haven’t invaded a country, coerced woman into mass rape, had human experiments then said “my bad, but we are proud of what we have done nonetheless”. Nor do we copy and admire everything that is from Western world and pass it as if was your own culture. I am pretty sure you and your friends are mad because you couldn’t sleep with a Korean. You see what I did here? But I reserve from spinning rumors and jumping into conclusions like you, because racial generalization always has many exceptions.

Too many culturally deficient trolls in the Internet. This thread should be best discussed in Korean to filter out the self described victims who have no idea about Korea.

한 나라의 문화를 직접 인간대 인간으로서 체험도 하지않고 소수의 불친절한 경험을 자기 멋대로 이해하는 무지랭이 여기에 다 모였네요. 여기서 한국 사람들이 무례하다고 불평하는 사람들 중 한글을 제대로 아는 사람이 몇 있을까요? 막말로 한국에서 외국인 고용 하는 분들에 의하면 여기와서 취업 하는 외국인들이 자기 국가에서 능력이 없어 여기로 온다고 합니다. 그러면서 여기오면 영어를 한다는 이유 하나만으로 대접을 받아야 마땅하다고 주장하니 한심한 생각이 듭니다. 자기의 부족함 점을 조금도 인정 안하고, 무조건 한국인들이 무례하다는 건 억지고 자기 정당화의 궤변으로 밖엔 안 보입니다. 과연 외국인이란 것 하나만으로 무시 할까요? 세계 어디든 그 나라에 문화와 언어를 모르는 자는 무시를 당합니다. 자기가 지금 껏 살아온 환경과 문화가 틀리다고 무례하고 천박하다고 우기는 사람들… 왜 굳이 한국에 있는지 이해가 안 되는군요.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago


Afraid of real debate you are trying to mask the argument. John is only interested in what other Koreans thinks? Then why are you on an English speaking forum?

In Hangul you ask why am I in Korea? Because it's a job. And I soundly reject your criticism, in Hangul, that I shouldn't be here or I should work in my own country. Korea needs outside workers. It needs protection militarily. It needs honest workers too. Without outside help you have things like SamPoong Department store, the SeongSu bridge, and many other problems. For example, Korea had to hire a foreign firm to inspect the KTX because of issues, be it low quality or low ethical values.

Speak Korean on a Korean board. You obviously speak English well enough to debate the topic here, don't hide.

15 years ago

LOL John, I don't care what you are proud of. The fact is that China and Japan are better then Korea. Better in everything and in everyway. Calling a dog-eater Chinese is a complement. Koreans have nothing to be honestly to be proud of, so they lie about their history and spend all day promoting and bragging about their culture. All of which is copied from other cultures. Koreans themselves have nothing to brag about but rotten veggies and dogs to eat.

LOL John, go back to the caves.

15 years ago

I've been all over Asia, living and travelling for the last tens years, and Koreans are by far the rudest of Asians. A close second would have to be the Chinese. Sorry Koreans, I know it hurts, but it true. Are there a lot of nice Koreans? Yes, but in general they are rude.

You don't have to like it or accept it, but that's the way it is.

GI 4 Years Korea
GI 4 Years Korea
15 years ago

I have thought about all things considered in my posts, and all other posts for, and against "Are Korean people rude" and all I keep coming up with is Hell No.

I have been reminded by my children of how they were treated in America by the kids at the schools they attended and my own family. Ya my kids cousins who are white. Not all but some of them ignored their own blood because they were not " pure " whatever they are. That shit hurts a child, and hurts Parent's of these children. You haters dont care about caused pain though because your hatred blinds you to others feelings. I have actually had folks tell me if I didnt like it my Korean wife and I should not have had children! Good thing the world only holds so many of those types. This did not make us hard but it sure as hell enlightened me and my wife.

No damn it, I am not excepting Racism in any form. You say it isnt racism. BS When you say a whole or most the people of one race is rude you are Racist. And ya point fingers from countries that have done nothing great in the past. Colonizing, Genicide and on and on. Those people should be humble but nope they are to great to be humble, and guess what; you learned nothing from your anscetstors mistakes that is why colonization continues. Less animals ,trees and never making amends to the peoples left over from past endeavors. And that is the tip of the Ice.

I will point out again it was Korean people asking this question of themselves for all to comment. I ask "Are American people rude?" Not why are American people rude because that defeats the question before it is asked. That invite's all Kinds of folks who harbour resentment for something trivial or otherwise, a platform to say yup, uh huh; I been through this and that with those rude People. Not Going there, and am not putting up with it. Have seen the pot call the kettle burnt all my life and damn sick of people who just dont have enough heart to overcome the things they dont like thus dropping a label on a whole people. Get a life. How about your own? It is there for you.

My answer to my own question "Are American People rude"? is ya allot of them are but allot are Kind an considerate. Those of you who see things through your eyelids can KMA. This blog is wrong, and it has been tried long enough: no to damn long, and to no avail. One more thing those of you who say this and that is true wouldnt know the truth if Truth was shot into you with an arrow.

This blog is going No where. We have some serious issues in America and it looks like none of it will get settled because so many want to point fingers at folks who are doing different. Cmon Folks Find light for dark spots, and let it through.

It is up to adults to teach children. We dont have to like that but we do have to accept it as it will effect all Humans. I feel that is true.

15 years ago

The very context of rudeness is a subjective and culturally sensitive matter. If people perceive a particular culture based on their personal opinion of what it should be, misinterpretation is bound to happen. What clarifies such discrepancy is through verbal communication. Case in point – when I attended an American high school for the first time, there was this Latino who went to me with a serious face and said “What’s up fool?” I took that as a very rude behavior and ignored him. I honestly believed that he was trying to insult me. When I when made nice jump shots in PE class, one guy said to me “That’s my nigger!” again I thought he was referring to me as a black slave. When I told a fellow student that I got 95% in math he said “Shut the hell up!”. You get the idea. My argument for discussing in Korean was the fact that language is what constitutes a culture. Therefore, without fully understanding the language there is no way of understanding the context of the culture. I am pretty confident that not a single one of you were capable of translating my statement above, and it was done intentionally to portray that you guys were so quick to judge 70 million people without knowing how we express ourselves. I will admit that we can be proud of ourselves, and we have no reason why we shouldn’t be. We were constantly invaded, pillaged, raped, and literally taken over by many countries. We were poor as dirt. Now we became one of the most economically developed nations in the world, which does not produce a drop of oil, or have much land to begin with. Not to mention that we are now cut into half. But it is also true that blind patriotism and racial prejudice pertains only to those who lack education (e.g. smellykimchi). As for rudeness in general, I don’t know what part of hellhole in Korea you guys are living in. Having been to countless restaurants in virtually every part of Korea, the constant complaints of bad service is unconvincing. If anything, majority of the Koreans are actually more cautious to foreigners than to natives so we won’t be known for being rude. If you expected a treatment like from waiter/waitress in America, you have a long way to go. Keep in mind that they get paid to be nice to you, especially when most restaurants are easily crowded.

Regardless, I am done defending this issue to people who can’t figure out what the problem is. I will be surprised if all the Korean haters here even attempted to be immersed in the Korean culture. One evidence is that you haters don’t know what we’re talking about or how we are thinking, and second, you would collectively categorize a mass population of possessing a universal trait. In fact, this whole topic is garbage. Why? According to American Anthropological Association, the differences between individuals in the same ethnicity are greater than the differences between “races”. Good luck with generalization.

GI 4 Years Korea
GI 4 Years Korea
Reply to  Takeshima!
15 years ago


You are plain arent you? Racist to the bone but on top of that a liar. Well that comes with Hatred. Every person you met hates Korea? You know what Japanese did to Koreans/ in t history dont you? How about the many times before the last time? Or are you like many people that do not admit halocausts? Talking always of the one to come but never looking at the ones taking place, and allready happened. And I know about te bombings in Japan and am You think the native Americans had a halocaust? Oh lets not discuss that because they were " Red Devils. You know where the name Redskin comes from? Well when the Europeans first went to America the king paid a bounty for skinned natives thus the term Redskin. People dont know that. Just like they dont know many other things but run their mouths about races other than their own. How about the koreans that were taken from their homeland not allowed to speak Korean by the Japanese? So many Women raped to death but they always bounce back even when taking hits on a stupid web site like this. That scares the Japanese. The japanese so wanted everything in Korea including the woman but dont let me limit the Japanese experience. You really should hear from an Older Korean Person that went through it. Many of the korean people are still missplaced Living in Japan. BTW I have many friends that spent years in Korea and they all want to go back but I dont have one friend that spent time in Japan that wants to go back including me. That is not a fun place. especially when ya know a just a little of the past of theses folks. The Japanese have very little original culture. Most art is stolen from Korea. Including Martial arts. And wow Talk about stubborn. The whole world knows what Japan does to whales but they dont stop because they dont care. After all its Research. Ya, That feeds a large part of the population. If You and I had met in Korea many years ago I would have Kicked your ass. Maybe not smart but effective. And thats how I handled folks like you when I was younger. You really neeed that.

15 years ago


Don't denigrate Japan please. Certain army officers did conscript Korean and Chinese comfort women when their own became scarce. Some of them were willingly given by Korean families that had too many daughters. There is no evidence that it was a government program, but that it was left up to generals and officers in the field to make such decisions. Certainly it was a terrible time for women, partially from the Japanese maltreatment and partially because their own people gave them up for money and just to get rid of them. This is much like slavery in America. There was demand, but there were always willing salesmen as well. No one is blameless.

As for martial arts, Japanese created Kendo and Koreans took to it under occupation. It is only a later distortion without historical basis or records, that allows Koreans to claim their own gumdo as something ancient and Korean. The truth is completely different from that. Korea never had real martial arts before the 20th century except that which they got from being part of China for so long. Taekwondo is circa 1950 and hapkido is as well.

You can defend Korea all you want, but Japan is a great place with great people and doesn't need to be denigrated in order to build up Korea.



Reply to  GI 4 Years Korea
15 years ago

GI 4 Years Korea

You sound like an uneducated fool. You are a scatterbrain. I hope you are not American, because you bring shame to the USA. Go back to Korea and get spit on like you deserve.

Who cares what an old useless idiot like you thinks. Go eat some dogs.

15 years ago

It's clear by some of these posters from the West and Japan that they want to bash Koreans out of contempt and their sense of superiority as people based on their material wealth. Really, talk about utter hypocrisy, that not too long ago they committed hideous crimes against others, that go far beyond rudeness, to enrich themselves and, now, act as though they are so much more civil and sophisticated than Koreans. They are no different from the mafia who live high life with the spoils of their crimes and taunt those who have less than them from being less criminal than them. And, if you are an American who hates on Koreans because of their rudeness, kindly stfu, as some social rudeness is nothing, compared the invasion and occupation of Iraq, which you probably support with an overblown pride.

Reply to  Mike
15 years ago

Let me guess, either you are a Japanese or a pro-Japanese Westerner, because your post is very typical of a typical, arrogant Japanese who does not hesitate to distort or fabricate history to glorify Japan while belittle Korea, without blinking an eye. Oh, yeah, America and Japan created everything from scratch and never borrowed or copied anything from other cultures. Oh, yeah, Japan was the real originator of everything Asia and actually even the Chinese culture was a copied modification of the Japanese culture. And, yeah, Japan had to start war with the U.S. because the rude Koreans urged them to and the U.S. dropped the atomic bombs on Japan, by mistake, when those were intended for Korea but the bombers mistook Japan for korea. There, you happy now, Jap or Jap-lover? It's just like how you like it, isn't it?

Reply to  SmellyKimchi
15 years ago

smelly, I'm reminded of a saying that a fool does not realize that he's a fool, when I read your own ignorant and hateful posts about Koreans here.

15 years ago

Who's Japanese? Not I. Pro-Japan? Of course. It is a great place to visit. I don't want to live there… well, maybe for a while. Ireland would be my choice of places to live, but Japan does everything right and efficiently. Gotta respect them for that. Not a fan of their history, but love modern japan. Going there in a week. It's only a boat ride from Pusan. That ferry terminal is my favorite place in Korea. Korea isn't bad. It just isn't Japan. Facts are facts.



15 years ago

I love this tread. It’s the right place to see some “decent” foreigners voicing their frustration on Korea. Honestly I don’t mind being called rude by rude people, it simply has no logic.

Regarding China and Japan, I agree with you, they are lovely countries so go there and don’t waste your time in Korea anymore.

When in Japan please say hello to my friends in the black vans and in Yakusuni, and please don’t forget about the rightwing gentlemen that deny war atrocities and claims that attacking Pear Harbor was a legitimate move against American imperialist ambition.

Oh, they also believe that attacking Asian countries during the WW2 was their mission to rescue Asia from the bastard westerners. (BTY, don’t forget to apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki nukes, because they think it was a mass murder committed by criminal Americans. Oh yes, they don’t tell you in your face, but that’s what they are waiting for)

I understand why some people here love the Japanese. They are wise people and know how to cultivate a harmonious and peaceful life with their neighbors. Their philosophy of life is perfect and leads one to the highest level of moral and physical standard. Look how they took take care of their body practicing sport during the WW2, when they held behaving contest to see who behaved more war prisoners in a day. Impressive people. And their concern for hygiene and health care lead their scientist to conduct vivification and human experiment with their loving neighbors, and for respect for family values they turned into reproduction machines with Asian “chicks” and Dutch as well.

Their bushido code, the samurai code, is a bible for good manners and a honorable life, they even teach them to pursue the truth and compassion to the enemy, but since such a wonderful nation had only friends around them compassion and truth did not apply to them, right? Yes China, Korea, Russia, Philippines, none of them were worthy of Japanese mercy because they were all friends of Japan. If only they were enemies, they would have been treated with respect and mercy, but since they were friendly nations ….

To all Japanese worshipers: Thanks God people call me rude but no one call me assassin.

Finally: You don't have to saty in Korea if you don't want. But if you stay here, it's because you have no better option in your own country, so …. you are not better than Koreans.

Reply to  Dr.Yu
15 years ago

True dat, Dr. Yu! I suppose that, in the eyes of the Westerners, a country with better technology and more wealth is by default more civilized and its people are also more civil. The Nazis and Japanese Imperialists were very civil among themselves and they lived in very modernized and high cultured Germany or Japan. But, should that make their barbaric acts any less hideous or more acceptable? Apparently so, it seems, by some posters here. I suppose it's a carried over tradition from the Roman Empire when the supposedly most advanced and civilised people of the Western Hemisphere, at the time, also regularly enjoyed watching the slave-gladiators fight to death or when the slaves had to fight with hungry lions, inside an stadium, in bloody agong and bloody bath.

15 years ago

Thanks Expat,

Most Korea mockers here suffer from inferiority complex because they had to come to Korea to find a decent job. In their mind they are some form of superior being that came to Korea as a punishment for not being properly acknowledged in their country and are facing an exile in Korea.

Only it is not true, since if you have a good job and work hard for the money it does not matter where you are, it is a decent job and you can help many people around you.

It is not my intention to insult foreign people working in Korea but some people here are frankly delusional about their situation in Korea, believing that they are gods watching poor humans (Koreans) from the heaven. Get down from the pedestal.

Korea is not the best country in the world so yes, we have rude people here, but if they don’t expect to find only well mannered people in their own country, why do they expect to find them here? Because we are superiors? But during the whole tread they have been insisting how Korea is inferior, than why they expect to find only “nice” people here? It does not make sense.

I have nothing against foreigners complaining about Koreans, but classifying us as a human sub specimen just because their incapacity to tolerate cultural difference and insulting our national memory and pride by praising those who we deem as our enemies, is simply attesting their stupidity and wickedness.

Finally, I don’t know why they are bringing Japan to discussion here. We have historical issues with them but it has nothing to do with the subject here. Although I brought to memory some of the atrocities they committed during the war, I hope that at the end we can settle or differences and become good neighbors (it will take a long time and dialogue).

The Expat
Reply to  Dr.Yu
15 years ago

I don't think it's an inferiority complex in the least. I think it's the nasty tendency to put the word "Korean" in front of everything or end sentences with "in Korea." For instance, "Old people are so rude IN KOREA." Rather, they should say these rude old people in front of me are rude.

I think Expat (I'm "The Expat") has a common case of trying to put everything in perspective. That doesn't cut it and comes across as cheerleading. We know what the West did. Save us the stale history lessons.

People just need to stop thinking in terms of "Korea" and look at rude people for what they are: rude.

Reply to  Sheldon Walters
15 years ago

My first thought after reading your post is …what the? Have you really been to all those other countries that you state and never been pointed at or stared at? I really doubt your story. When I was in China it happened every time I walked outside into a supermarket, restaurant or just anywhere. At first we joked that we felt like monkeys in a zoo, but like anything you get use to it. One time a number of years ago now I walked into a noisy and very crowded Beijing train station that suddenly went eerily quiet as people stared when I entered. Are they racist? No. Just curious. If an alien ship hovered above your house, would you stare? Bloody oath I would out of curiosity. Once was eating at a restaurant in China and this old man saw us and walked on over and started staring at us and our food. He had never seen a foreigner eat before and was curious to what type of food we would order and how we would eat it. Well that lunch turned into dinner as well after we shouted him a drink and he invited us to drink and eat at his table with his friends.

Reply to  The Expat
15 years ago

The Expat,

I chose my words carefully to avoid making general assumption on expats in Korea, that’s why I said ”Korea mockers here”, but if my words were somehow offensive to you, I hope you may forgive me.

Korean Rum Diary
15 years ago

Dumb post… Koreans are the rudest people. Open your eyes.

Reply to  Korean Rum Diary
15 years ago

Sorry, but my eyes aren't jaundiced like yours. :mrgreen:

15 years ago

The "expat" sounds just like a gyopo apologist. I always wonder why so many Koeran's get out of Korea if its such a wonderful place. LOL. If you wonder that too, I suggest you ask somebody who has been to Korea what they think of it. LOL What a DUMP!So full of pushy greedy rude people.

GI 4 Years Korea
GI 4 Years Korea
15 years ago

One of you and you know who you are is trying to say Japanese arts came about being before Korean. And especially Martial arts. You are so f89king out of your mid on this one its really a laugh. Have you no true understanding of Korean History? You led on like you knew some history but now I think not. Do you know what Gi Chon is and How old it is? I would name many more martial arts from only Korea that are so much older than anything found in Japan, if i thought you would care to check it out but you would rather argue something that is false. I find it makes no difference with someone who actually does not seek the truth. Like I said this blog is going no where in a hurry. Those that want to compare cultures either overlook certain truths or seem to be to stubborn to allow truth. I would rather fist fight you that keep putting Korea down for untruths than try to make sense with you as I know i would succeed there. Wow, another has a very distorted version of what Korean people's role was during WWII. This person said some Korean families sold their daughters to the Japanese war Machine. You are something. You dont get it still? The Japanese were not paying for anything in Korea. They were taking. But then this same soul has it that slavery was also because people were sold into it! Share the guilt, huh? Well where ever you create an evil Market you will find evil participants. But slaves were treated good though huh??? And you are not spiritually lost either. Just find someone to assign some of this blame onto. Because you know what? You didnt do it anyway. That is true. So why the BS? You think your color carries guilt by association? Let it go. We will never change unless we learn to be honest, and humble ourselves just a little bit throughout our lives. Then when we get to an age where its time to pass on something good we might have something good to pass on. (OFF topic)About four days ago a young Coyote got ahold of a mom opossum with a clutch of young ones on her back in my neihborhood. The coyote succeeded in either eating, killing, or seperating the family, and when I came down this dirt road I happened across one baby opossum that was frantickly trying to reach the woods. They first call for their moms before doing this at that size (fits in palm). I looked the situation over and was fairly certain this opossum was going to die. I mean it wasnt even playing possum anymore, just trying to self preserve. Grabbed it up said you wont die today. Brought it to my daughter who is living at home now. She gets on I-net studies opossums for couple hours then decides this is now her baby. (Back on Topic) We have had one freind say I would have ran that ugly SOB over. Another said how can you Keep that ugly rat, rodent thing in your home. No choice folks it was an orphan many of you would have done exactly the same. Nature doesnt see ugly, smart, better. Nope that's man's BS. Ya man is civilized. Some of us know that a whole people are rude and without achievements when it may be one of the most acheived societies in this world. If you can not immerse in another society your missing out and so may be others. BTW the opossum baby doesnt seem ugly to us.

15 years ago

You are a real dummy "GI 4 Years Korea". Try reading something other then Korean propaganda.

"I would name many more martial arts from only Korea that are so much older than anything found in Japan, if i thought you would care to check it out but you would rather argue something that is false"

Name them you liar. Dude, you have been drinking the koolaid for too long. Its sad really, when I see losers like you get on their knees and start giving a Korea a BJ. Sad. But I don't feel sorry for you. You make me sick.

GI 4 Years Korea
GI 4 Years Korea
Reply to  youdummy
15 years ago

You Challenged the right person IDIOT! Sun Mu Do (ancient korean zen martial arts), Taekkyon, Gicheon, Gak Gung, and many other fighting and mind-body-spirit training disciplines. Considering that all korean martial arts and forms of cultural expression (including simple possession of the flag, or even building a jango drum, were punishable by death during the latest japanese occupation), it is amazing that ANY indigenous arts of korea were preserved. Now the facts are also the wonderful Japanese Raiders also burned many records from Korea. Japanese claim to have given culture and arts to Korea and China when all they really did was steal after they had been brought out of caves by koreans. The Japanes claim they are descended from the sun Goddess (who BTW was a KOrean queen from the PUYO people way back. The imperial family made lies about their korean ancestors and made them divine descendant of a sun goddess in order to make Japan's Shintoism out of Korea's ancient Mu-ism. But the truth, is when the ancient koreans arrived on the island the japanese were still inbreeding and stuck in the stone age. The puyo came and mixed with them, and for a period of time japan was evenpart of korea's paekche kingdom. The skills the japanese later came to be known for, whether it be their pottery kilns, or metalworking, are all skills that are descended from learning from koreans. This is why Japan shows such a resistance to archaeology in their country, especially with their tombs of supposedly divine ancesotr-gods which would be found to be filled with anceint korean artifacts. Koreans learned alot of their skills from the Chinese, but also learned on their own and progressed on what they learned and made such progress in metalworking and bronzework and pottery that people came from all around to study with them.

The amount of culture taken from korea and china by the japanese cannot be entirely found in records, though crtain very important points still surviv. But one thing to keep in mind, is that the japanese made it this way by burning scrolls. In ancient times, regardelss of the lies of JAPANESE PROPAGANDA, the japanese could not go to China straight across the sea. They had not the boats to do this, so they would skirt along the shores of korea, pirating their way (as far as the center of the peninsula), pillaging monastaries, killing families, raping buddhist nuns, etc. Then in later times the imperial family and the rest of the JAPANESE PROPAGANDISTS rewrote history for the sake of nationalism and shintoism (which is simply japanese propagana nationalism posing as a spirituality).

Next time, when challenged, dont be so filthy.

15 years ago

Another korean is here who speech "Korean invented all things! Korean is superior! Evidence? Japanese burned everything! " haha

GI 4 Years Korea
GI 4 Years Korea
15 years ago

Told you before I am an American White boy and there are many facts to last post All things are resurfacing. But you will focus on one sentence which is true. Like I said, haters tend to see only what they want to see.

As far as evidence goes, it would take many discussions/books to address each issue of korea's forgotten or stolen heritage. In martial arts, it is known that Taekkyon is ancient martial art of korea according to writings. Also, there is a chinese document called Sagi, wrote by an ancient chinese historian a couple hundred years bc. It document how the forefather of china went to baekdusan mountain in Korea to study mind-body training martial arts, which he then took back to china and taught to chinese, and influence certain chinese martial arts. Korea's ancient influence on Asia's martial arts has scattered written references such as this, but more ancient writing are lost throughout the pirated history. And korean tradition has that Korea's unique influence is korean were the first martial arts masters to apply understanding of Ki energy and such spiritual principles to martial arts study. Korean heritage was spread to other nations, especially japan, who for much of its history was only linked to the rest of Asia through Korea. These issues should be cause for the overly-nationalistic Japanese to humble and quit hating Korea. It is Korean people who brought them so much knowledge and opened them up to the rest of the East's influence. It cannot be denied that the Japanese, especially the imperial family, actually have part korean blood in their veins, and korean culture influencing their daily life habits, customs, and culture.

If terms of superior and inferior are going to be used here, the converstation is reduced to racism. but if you insist, consider what nation has been so nationalistic and racist as to bear a history of being the colonialists, murders, and bigots of Asia: Japan. By Contrast, Korea, has not colonized and tortured, or attempted genocide on other nations throughout history, even though they have been the victim of such. So Korean nationalism obviously has not reached the deadly heights of ugly bigotry that certain other nations have insisted upon for far too long.

Reply to  !!
15 years ago

Look, @sshole, whether you're a Westerner or a Jap or whatever (but, I'm sure you're no Korean), if you know anything about anthropology or archaeology (and you probably don't), the prevailing theory based on the physical evidence, including genetics, implicates that people and culture migrated from the continents to islands – not the other way around. And, naturally, the migration or transfer occurs most frequently across the smallest body of water separating the two lands that makes it easiest, safest, and quickest to do so. Now, look at the damned map and notice that the Korean peninsula is the closest extension of the Asian continent to the Japanese island through which the Chinese culture could be transferred. Sure, there is the northern part of Japan which is also close to the continent, but that part is lot colder and rockier for people and their culture to be transferred, so that is not the easiest path. So, as verified by science and history, far more migration of people from the continent and the transfer of Chinese or Korean culture to Japan ocurred through Korea. In short, if not the primary source of people, then, certainly, Korea has been the primary path and source of culture and knowledge to Japan, for centuries. And that's the fact, as in indisputable truth, whether most Japanese accept it or not!

Reply to  Expat
15 years ago

In the Korean culture the right way to deal the criticize as rude from others is to attack them with @sshole or another nasty words and shout hundreds of times loudly how Korea is great at 1000 years ago. I think this is a great way to become the most respected and loved people as Koreans are hoping.

I really wonder why Korean people don't think to improve their behaver and educate their next generation to be nice and polite instead of such stupid reactions. 😐

15 years ago

"Sun Mu Do (ancient korean zen martial arts), Taekkyon, Gicheon, Gak Gung, and many other fighting and mind-body-spirit training disciplines."

Sun Mu Do? You have been listening to too much Korean propaganda. Koreans will tell you they invented the sun and moon, you nitwit. But dim people like you belive anything. But as you said, it copies JAPANESE ZEN Martial Arts. LOL. The rest came long after Chinese and Japanese martial arts. Dude, face it, your dream of Korean superiority is a failure. Now get back on your knees and go finish licking the balls of Korean men. LOL

GI 4 Years Korea
GI 4 Years Korea
Reply to  youdummy
15 years ago

YOUDUMMY, Have it your way or no way is your motto. Now you lie about what I say. Your filthy mouth, and tactics are very much like the same NAZI, and Japanese tactics during WWII. If it dosn’t fit your ideas change it. We are speaking English not Korean. Sun in Korean means Zen. And Zen is a commonly used word That come’s from the Chinese word Chan. Nothing to do with Japanese lanquage. Never did I dis on Japan, unless you feel talking history is disrespect. Dont even try to tell yourself you are open to truth or reality, and certainly not respect. Your brain seems to be in shut down and offend mode. So good luck with that. Tried to give you insight but you wont have it. No amount of facts or truth will be recognized by you. Thats to bad for you. You have a longgggg ways to go. I am not the only one that has given irrefutable facts. Look at what Expat tries to show you. BTW I dont dream about Korea or other countries. I do dream that all people would learn to understand truth is not going to hurt them. And I hope the truth becomes more clear to all people including myself. Prove me wrong enlightened one. I would like that as that is more knowledge for me. You can’t have hate from me, as I feel sorry for you now. Not That I would have hated you anyway.

15 years ago

Because Korea was part of China, it is possible that Chinese martial arts were transmitted to Korea at an early period. After all, China considered it part of their empire much as they still think of Taiwan as such. During these times there was much commerce between the nations and much intermarrying and sharing of culture and bloodlines, so why not martial arts?



Reply to  Mike
15 years ago

There you go, again, exposing your utter ignorance of Korean history – and by history, I'm referring to the most unbiased version accepted by most historians of the world. Yes, unfortunately Korea lost its vast Manchurian territory to China in the first century of last millenium, but the Korean peninsula, where the overwhelming majority of Korean people, culture, commerse, and politics were concentrated, was never a part of China by anexxation or otherwise. Neither did the Chinese back then, as now, ever consider Korea as its territory like Taiwan. Even the reputable Chinese historians would support this fact. As for the cultural exchange or transmission, what you stated is quite obvious and applies to most, if not all, cultures of the world. However, it is also true that, in Korea, as elsewhere, the adopted original cultures get modified or evolve over time to be distinct. If the argument of the originality of customs or knowledge, which is already controversial, is applied, then practically no nation could claim originality for any of its culture. Furthermore, lest you probably and ignorantly assume or insist that everything in Korea was and is adopted from China or elsewhere, I cite our Korean alphabets or scripts as a clear example of uniquely Korean inventions. Pleae do yourself a favor and do some unbiased research and study of Korean history, if you want to be taken seriously as anyone resembling intelligent.

15 years ago


You are joking right? There is no coherent history of Korea from before Sejeong, and even his history is suspect. So, ca. 1440, Korea has its own alphabet and begins to write down its retrospective history. What about the previous 4500 years? What was written? It's all recreated history. Some may be accurate, but where's the proof? It certainly doesn't lie with modern historians who create BS about how Korea was beset upon on all sides by enemies, so they had to ensure the purity of their women by not allowing them to leave their camps and be defiled by Chinese and other, more abominable creatures. How can anyone with an inkling of a cerebellum believe such nonsense?

Get a grip on reality and realize that what you say is garbage.



Reply to  mike
15 years ago

I can’t help but suspect that you are a proud Chinese nationalist. Speaking of propaganda here is your dose of reality, and go troll around in extreme nationalistic Chinese forums where you are welcomed. Take note where these people work.



Reply to  john
15 years ago

Or, very likely a Japanese ultra-nationalist, also.

Reply to  !!
15 years ago

Look, I'm not trying to portray ancient Korea as like the Mongolian or Roman Empire, but just trying to set the historical record straight with those who try to belittle its historical accomplishments or contributions to the Japanese culture, out of their own ignorance, refusal, or hostilitiy. As for being nice and polite, it's quite hypocritical and ridiculous for the bashers of any culture to expect such reaction by the people of that culture. Whatever culture you come from, I'm sure it's not perfect and has its own faults, like any other culture, but to those who constantly only pick its shortcomings you would not be nice or polite to them, either.

15 years ago

Korean rudeness.

ht tp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK7KRRKFCNM

What exactly did Korea invent "expat"? Not hangul. They copied that too.

ht tp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_hangul

Reply to  Expat
15 years ago

"Expat" is a gyopo. Only a korean or gyopo would spew such nationalistic BS.

How to spot a gyopo or real korean.

1) Spewss ultra nationalistic propaganda on how Korea invented everything.

2) Claims that Takeshima (dokdo) is Korean and the Sea of Japan should be called east sea.

3) Calls anybody who disagrees with him a dirty jap or dirty chinaman.

4) Claims that wife beating and dog eating are actually civilized.

5) Claims all things from China and Japan really come from Korea.

5) Hates the USA, Japan and China and is a racist towards all other Asians.

If you look at the "expats" comments and KoreaGI4 years, you will see all of these things.

Reply to  GI 4 Years Korea
15 years ago

you sure are rude GI4YEAERSKorea. But then you are korean right. Koreans netizens always pretend to be non korean online to add to their credibilty. Also, Koreans are ashamed to be called Korean. I don't blame them.

Reply to  RudeKoreans
15 years ago

Another ultra nationalist coming out of the woodwork. We have a saying here in America, in the words of Ron White “You can’t fix stupid”. From now on every time I go outside I am gonna say English does not belonged to England because it was copied from German, and that English people are bunch of sexaholics, and post a link to youtube of Prince Charles and his horsefaced mistress. But besides the obvious fact that you are being rude by pointing out that we are rude, let us google what Unit 731 is. Or, this interesting article written by your fellow Japanese, Michio Kitahara, “Incest-Japanese Style.” the Journal of Psychohistory 17(1989): 445-50. Dare I say to search Comfort Women? You guys have no problem of generalizing Korean as a whole, but when your pride is involved, you give terrible excuses saying that it was officer’s decision to rape and kill women alive, not higher ups ordering to do so. Talk about racism and hypocrisy. I am done enlightening brainwashed morons. No more posts from me.

15 years ago


So now you Kindly grant questionable credit to Korea's history books for 640 years. Who's history is not some what questionable? With your way of thinking the Korean people designed and put into effect the most easily learned alphabet so they could lie. Factually it was so all or most Korean people could learn to read. To read is to learn. Why do you stay in Korea? It is easy to see why you recieve little respect in Korean society. You must exude this attitude that you know all Korean people are suspect. This seems to be your energy. Would you try to explain yourself and your history to someone who insists you are a liar and are suspect of creating false history? But then you come from a country who's history is taught to a T in the class room right? I was never told how the country of America came to belong to European blooded folks. I was never told in the class room that a whole people were killed, or set in small places where food could not be grown. I wasnt told that the buffalo had been killed by the millions so certain peoples way of life would be destroyed, and another peoples way of life would come into power. Why must you question others history when so much of the world doesnt teach their children the history of how things came to be the way they are?. Im not saying this is good or bad just asking why single a country out? Are you thinking because this isnt about other countries or people, it is about Korea? I have to say this: Anyone who is judging Korea good or bad is doing so with comparison of what they have been exposed to, and chose to believe in their life. If you didnt think you know what rude is, How would you come to think Korea is rude? I have heard people say some pretty bad things about Korea on this blog but i invite all that feel so powerfull as to judge a country to think about the history of their own country and the next time you are enjoying a Thanks giving meal just remember that many native's around the world are not. The picture created for us is BS and you have to have a desire for truth to see what is or could be false, and what is or could the truth. Then you go on to look for facts. Oh ya you can say I am non American. It doesnt matter what you think of me. I served my country for actually most of my life as I am 100% service Connected Veteran with at least 8 years active duty. Ive seen stupidity from many different sources but it is the racism that gets my back up which is a product of stupidity and it matters not how much education a person has if they choose to be stupid. AS for this site. There is no more to say. The racism is showing its face far to large now. When a person who is using idiotic handles to post changes to the things others say because hatred runs so deep you can have it. You will be at each other in the real world for one reason or another as hatred never gets its fill. This is time I can be playing guitar or something else. I hope this site is shut down soon. If it is here in a month it will be the same. There is nothing else to say as anything pointed out gets ridicule without fact's or the desire for fact. Again Racism.

Reply to  Riena
15 years ago


15 years ago


15 years ago

kyopo john and his propaganda of hate.

John did you ever hear about brainwashing? Korean invented that.

ht tp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_War#War_crimes

And don't make me laugh about comfort women. If Korean women were not allowed to sell their bodies they would protest. The Japanese were helping them make good money.

ht tp://www.atimes.com/atimes/Korea/FL22Dg01.html

The kyopos are coming out of the woodwork. Don't pretend that you are leaving kyopo mike. Rude Koreans never learn anything.

15 years ago


15 years ago


Reply to  RudeKoreans
15 years ago


Reply to  RudeKoreans
15 years ago


Reply to  Expat
15 years ago


Reply to  Expat
15 years ago


15 years ago


15 years ago

Well, for being "the most uncreative copycats of the world", the Koreans aren't doing too bad for themselves, actually. But, the question is why America which claims itself to be so creative is doing so badly now. Oh, right, it's because of its financial geniuses with their creative accounting.

15 years ago

Guys Guys, Come on! This conversation is digressing into one ups and derogatory racist terms I dont even know the meaning of. Lets stick to the facts.

We all know that Korea is a mixed bag of cultures, martial arts, and languages. Can we get that far???

Now after all this is the ROKDROP website. So if you came here to argue that Dok Do belongs to another nameless country you came to the wrong website. I'm not sure which but I assure you there is a forum for pro-Japan side of the argument and it is not called the ROKDROP.

Secondly, I am white as can be and take great pride in saying classic lines like "Hangul is the best language in the world, I learned it in two hours", "Kimchi is the healthiest food in the world", and "everyone knows Dok Do is Korean". I say this knowing that I sound like the Nationalist patriot that I am. But at the end of the day does it matter. NO! It's kinda like telling a kid his macaronni art picture looks good. If it makes him feel good then GREAT. Why hurt his feelings. Yes, Ojima sometimes sacks me on the subway. Yes, sometimes I dont get served in resteraunts because I don't yell and grab the waitress. Yes, sometimes it pains me to go to a National Park and see Soju cups in the waterfall. But thats what kids do. But you have to be understanding. Maybe Ojima was here when the North Koreans came through Seoul like crap through a Goose and likes to be at the front of the line. Maybe getting that next Soju bottle for the business men is more important then my order. And hey, they prob wont visit this park again so does it really matter if you throw your trash in it??? Koreans are great people, they just think different and you have to understand that. Thank you and will all the following critics please refrain from derogatory terms I have to GOOGLE.

15 years ago

[DELETED BY ADMIN – See the comments policy]

15 years ago

[DELETED BY ADMIN – Take your personal attacks elsewhere.]

15 years ago


Reply to  Expat
15 years ago


15 years ago


15 years ago

Redneck is an understatement. This person is so hateful they are doing this strictly for pleasure. If this person has a family I feel sorry for them exception of those that helped make the person this way. Probably self inflicted mental illness though. I was going to stay away but dropped by this morning to see this person still spouting the same ignorance. I think this person got dumped by a Korean person because they could not love the way they had promised. References to Korean food and other filthy remarks bear a dead give away. This person is a classic bitch complaining constantly until everyone around gets sick of it, then leaves. But this person is so hard wired he/she can not learn from their own mistakes, thus blundering through life like a lost fool. There is nothing to argue about with a person like this as even a poster who comes in, and points out good and otherwise gets attacked for the truthful things they say. BTW Ask any doctor about Kimchi, and they will tell you it's very healthy as it has the probiotics needed for the human gut. Helping natural flora to grow more healthy in the gut and allowing all foods to digest better. So poster was correct.

Using odd handles, and acting like a child is a way of life for this person. Making them more selfish and blind. Using the same filthy language on any persons saying anything they find slightly against their beliefs is the norm. Intimidation is the true way of a hard wired idiot. They are beyond learning, and there is no reason to argue or point out anything to a person who does this insane behavior. This is how this person Vacations.

15 years ago

Just got back from Japan. Anyone making a visa run or a fun run, should go to Kumamoto and to Oden German Restaurant. The German beer list is a page long, and the Belgian ales are just as varied. There are even real trappist ales! I loved it there. No one was rude for 5 days. There is nowhere in Korea where one can get these beers. I was in heaven. In Korea I don't drink because there's no beer here, but there, it was incredible.


15 years ago

It was really too bad Japan started WW2 and the USA had to kick some butt, otherwise, the Japanese would have made Koera such a beautiful place. Woulda coulda shoulda.. I guess.

15 years ago


Korea is beautiful in a way. Over 6 million overseas tourists come here every year. They must see something good about it. Of course Japan gets about 30 million visitors, but it's a bigger place and more comfortable. One interesting statistic is that in 2005 there were 5 million tourists to Korea and in 2007, 4.99 million international tourists went to Seoul. Does that mean everyone just goes to Seoul? I don't know. Personally, I hate Seoul… too many tourists there.


Danger Mouse
Danger Mouse
15 years ago

I have a feeling these tourist are either very well traveled and come here because they have already been everywhere else or they have a friend/relative here. Before I moved here I was so pissed when I first found out we were moving to Korea. I was not interested in Korea at all. This is a common attitude about Korea. People know nothing about it and are simply not interested. When I first moved here I told everyone how cool it was here but the longer I am here the more cynical I become. My husband and I came home from the commissary today with our hand overfilled with groceries. This Korean lady holding her four year old got to the door about 1/2 a second before us. Naturally, we thought she was going to hold the door open for us but nooooo. She walked right through as if she didn't even see us. After we struggled to get in the door we found her standing at the elevator with her huge kid who, evidently, could walk after all. I said, "Thanks for holding the door! It was kind of you!" This is not an uncommon attitude amongst Koreans. I am having a harder and harder time not saying I hate Koreans. I try to refrain from having that attitude because the Koreans that I do know are such great people but it's hard not to think it. Koreans, as a whole, have no class. Until they do they will remain a secondary country to me. Oh, and I love it when they cough in my face. That is always a treat.

Japan is so awesome! Clean, classy, and a wonderful place to be. The Japanese are superior in so many ways.

15 years ago

Now I can't prove this to be true…and I'm not here to sell you Snake Oil. But I have heard that if you go to this so called "Japan", that the local nationals will start lines for everything. Go to get on the subway, LINE, go to get some food, LINE, maybe buy a ticket, LINE. The person said that it was easy to do everything. Whereas in Seoul everything is the Mass of Humanity and headache that goes with it.

Well I doubt that's true but its nice to dream about a place like that while living in Seoul…

Reply to  Danger Mouse
15 years ago

“Koreans, as a whole, have no class.”

Living in the shady part of the country and making fallacious remark about an arbitrary and superficial trait based on trivial experience makes me wonder if you ever questioned that you have a problem, not the Koreans. It is obvious that the lady is not courteous, but not opening the door for you is not being rude. They are not required to, and they obviously don’t care about you. If they slammed the door on your face, then that would be a different matter. The fact that you were pissed about being transferred to Korea even if “you know nothing about it” gives right away that you chose to establish a negative opinion regardless. Why do you think that we wear masks in public when we are sick? Conceding seats to elders? Using honorifics to strangers regardless of age? Insist on paying the entire tab? Taking care of old parents? In fact, when was the last time you had a real conversation with a native Korean? Why is it that Korean immigrants are shunned, beaten, discriminated in the supposedly perfect world of Japan? Would it be perfectly acceptable if I lived in Alabama and said Americans are bunch of gun-firing, cousin-marrying, nigger-killing rednecks?

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  mike
15 years ago

Did it occur to you that the statistic for tourist is actually a count of "non-Korean" passports? Maybe, and likely, a lot of those are Koreans going home for a week.

Reply to  Marcus Ambrose
15 years ago

Well, I know that there are a lot of Japanese coming to Korea. The Won is kept intentionally low so that that will continue. Ships from Busan are always full, and there are so many cheap package deals from Japan to Seoul via airplane (naturally). I imagine the stats are mostly Japanese tourists doing such things. It's all about shopping and eating cheap meals. The low value of the won hurts we foreigners who work here and want to travel. It doesn't hurt if one only wants to stay in Korea, but no one does. It's all part of the idea of keeping all trade within the country, and I don't see the government changing that policy any time soon. With the money they keep here, they can afford to keep the in-country tourism propaganda going. Remember that Jeju is Asia's Hawaii? Jeju is really exactly the same as everywhere else in Korea. Same food, same prices, same pretend beer, same nothing to do. We foreigners see that, but we foreigners also avoid the propaganda.


Reply to  Fish_Paste
15 years ago


It's true, all of it. People form lines and answer questions with a smile. The food won't make you sick. The noise is minimal. Robots walk around (Canal City, Fukuoka) to assist people with questions. One can get real pizza there too, and Belgian ales (not Leffe shite). It's real my friend, and it's close. Just a ferry ride from Pusan and you are there. Go. Spend every penny you have, but go. I have. 8 times in 1 1/2 years. It doesn't wear out. There are even women there who don't whine. I'm not kidding.


Reply to  john
15 years ago

Firing guns to you is equal to marrying cousins and killing (expletive for blacks)?

You have no idea how many open minded, hospitable, responsible, and generally courteous American citizens you alienated with that totally irresponsible comment.

Reply to  junior
15 years ago

He's the racist we all fight against. Why did he choose Alabama to disparage against is another question.


Reply to  Danger Mouse
15 years ago


They are superior to all of us in many ways. The most notable way is their humility regarding their superiority. I love it there.


Danger Mouse
Danger Mouse
Reply to  john
15 years ago

Hey John, you are correct in that the Korean did not care about me. That is the problem with them. If they don't know you then they don't give a crap. I didn't say they were a**holes. I said they were rude. You just cannot argue with that. Why the hell do you think this single posting has so many comments and still receives comments despite the fact it was posted in March? I was pissed about moving here because I wanted to move to Japan which is probably the choice between the two of most non-Korean's and those not married to Koreans. The ratio of people that wear mask vs. the amount of people who cough in everyone's face doesn't even come close. When is the last time I had a "real" conversation with a Korean? I work and live with native Koreans, you douche. I made it clear in my posting that the Koreans I do know make it harder for me to dislike Koreans as a whole. As for your last comment… I will not comment on because you have already proven yourself to be the ultimate douche.

Danger Mouse
Danger Mouse
Reply to  Fish_Paste
15 years ago

Fish Paste, it's true that the Japanese are very orderly, organized, clean, polite, fashionable, and expensive! I cannot wait to go there again!!! You should definitely check it out.

Reply to  KindJapan
15 years ago

No thanks, Koreans would much rather stay rude and proudly independent than to be subjugated by Japs. However, seeing how even Americans are less orderly than the Japs, perhaps the Japs would have made America such a beautiful place, too. Yeah, another woulda coulda shoulda… I guess.

Reply to  Danger Mouse
15 years ago

After I read your previous post it became apparent that you are one of the many pro-Japan/anti-Korean culturally narrow-minded loner. I suppose slamming judgment on the entire population of a country isn’t douchey at all, right? If you trace back all the comments here from the beginning you will notice that the same people are consistently spewing unfiltered hate, including the occasional nut jobs saying the retreat of Japanese military in WW2 was the worst thing that happened to Korea LOL. The poster “Mike” in particular doesn’t know a single thing about Korea or Korean history, and it has been proved that he is just a bitter person who can’t afford to live in Japan (see the comment on him stating that Koreans invented history before 14th century, copied everything from china and Japan, always including something great about Japan, and Korean girls being enamored by foreigners). Many of the posters pointed out that people like you are, ironically, racists (“Koreans, as a whole, have no class.”). And no, you didn’t have a real conversation with a Korean. At all. Otherwise, you would have never said such things as “The Japanese are superior in so many ways.”. You can’t comment on my take on the HYPOTHETICAL, but relevant example of negative portrayal of a certain population, because I just gave you a mirror to reflect on how ignorant you are. You’re going to be very lonely.

Reply to  Jason
15 years ago

Well…I know Jason who has the same name with yours.

He has very antisocial disposition and belives marxism.He is still in

Korea.I really don't mind him at all..but U!!

Have you ever been to Korea?

I don't know where you are now, but if you are in Korea and think that way,why don't you go back to your county?Then you don't have to see barbaric people(u wrote like this).I really want to see how you act well!!

Reply to  Danger Mouse
15 years ago

What a relief to hear this!

This is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise negative forum.

I think we all need go to Japan. I hope to now at least to converse with the Robots, learn something from them. Remember Robots aren't racist like we sometimes are.

And let us remember no matter what country you come from. You can't talk crap about a country whose Robots serve Beer, Pizza, and answer questions politely. Unless, in fact, your own country has Robots that can do better things.**

**Chinese people-no need to comment, we already know

Reply to  Fish_Paste
15 years ago

Fish Paste,

One more thing: The Japanese robots don't care about Takeshima. They don't even know about it. The learned ones realize that the whole thing is a nationalistic Korean scam to increase in-house tourist dollars. the idea is to create such xenophobia that Korean won won't be spent in Japan. That is what the learned ones tell me. It seems to be the case.

Also, in Fukuoka there are small robots that stroll around the mall helping people in many languages (real robots). They are nearly as polite as the regular, two-legged robots. Go my friend and you will see.


Reply to  Danger Mouse
15 years ago

Danger Mouse,

I also wish you would have went to Japan, as you wouldnt be on this thread complaining about someone who didnt hold the door for you in Korea. Please do not get me wrong. I dont believe you made this up, and I do believe you when you say you were treated rudely. Though you are also judging the person for how they raise their child. You did do that even if you tell yourself differently. You also said you were disapointed when your orders for Korea came down. Preoccupied with garbage talk. But you know what? I was also disapointed when I got orders for Korea. But as a soldier that volunteered for service I excepted this fate just as your family did. And Fate it was for me, as I found Korea to be the place I had wanted all my life. If I had kept the idea's in my head that some folks had wanted me to believe, I would never have seen Korea. I have stayed away from blog for a couple weeks as it was going in a bad direction. The Blog master cleaned up some of the real bad attacks. I thought maybe fresh air would come to this blog but actually the same people are saying the same things with exception of new poster who starts out against Korea before they even arrived in country then starts in with rude lady who did not hold the door open. This is classic. I have had many folks not hold a door for me right here in America, then glare at my Korean wife and me after we get through the door. Yes I wish you would have went to Japan also. You could have seen so many Korean arts in Japaneese museums. You would have been one of those million's of tourist that believe that stuff actually originated in Japan. What is it you expect from Koreans that you get at home? Some folks just have certain idea's and expectation's. This leaves them short on acceptance of things that are different than what they expect. Is Korea different than many or all other countries. Absolutly. Can you enjoy the differences and realize that sometimes folks will be rude wherever you are? If so you are on your way to seeing some cool things. If not you will gain nothing from being in one of the oldest cultures in this world.

Craig Rivet
Craig Rivet
15 years ago

I have been reading this thread for a while and the rudeness and racist comments on this site are shameful. For a bunch of people who wish to complain about other people's behavior, yours is pretty crass. Every group of people has its good and bad members. However, I've only seen a few people who've made comments that were informed and not naive. I certainly don't discount that people have experienced what they've felt, but I've spent a lot of time in Korea and know many Koreans personally. I've seen many rude things, but also many good things. Korea is a Confucian society and if you are not part of the group, then you don't get the same treatment, it's just that simple. However, Koreans do say hello, goodby, please and thank you to a fault. They just don't do it on the street with people they don't know. They are a lot like Eastern US people (I'm from NY). There is not enough room in Korea for them to honor your notions of space (remember to walk on the left and things will be better, they learned this by force from the Japanese) and being a homogeneous people, they just don't get that bigotry is wrong – though they are learning.

Actually read some history while you're at it. Korea has been invaded literally hundreds of times by its neighbors. Japan and China have fought each other more than once on Korean soil (read about the Imjin War in 1592, a war fought with muskets and cannon). And culture flowed from China to Korea to Japan, that's documented in history. Korea referred to China as the big brother, this is no secret. However, Korea took Confucianism to a higher place and made its fair share of inventions before other countries, including movable type. And they invented their own written language to get out from under the yoke of China.

Give some respect and you'll get some. Act distainful and who'll like you?

Reply to  Craig Rivet
15 years ago

Korea took Confucianism to a higher place? No. Confucianism became a twisted joke that placed men above women and kept old people and rulers in power. It hasn't changed and should be condemned. I agree, however that Korea has been invaded many times and that is why there is no such thing as a pure Korean culture or blood line. That can be said for all mankind and is not by any means an attack on Korea. Shared blood is a positive thing. It means that the gene pool is broad.

Most of us respect Koreans as individuals. I am here in Korea to help them with English. In the meantime, I'm working on helping with that Confucianist nonsense as well. It seems to be working.


Craig Rivet
Craig Rivet
Reply to  RudeKoreans
15 years ago

As usual your own comment idicts you as what you are complaining about others doing. The truth is not the black/white creation you claim it to be. Koreans were heavinly influenced by the Chinese and in the Japanese were influenced by China/Korea. The Koreans didn't invent everything they claim to, but more of it is true than you give them credit for. And they really did invent their own alphabet, even the article someone cited as the Koreans copying their alphabet from the Mongols claims no more than Sejong just took some good ideas from that alphabet. Just look at a map while considering the state of each region in a given time and its clear to see that the flow was west to east and not the other way around. The number of conflicts fought on Korean soil is not made up either and a number of those fights were between the Chinese and Japanese with the Koreans caught in the middle. The Comfort Women issue is something else entirely. This is like saying that a rape victim is the cause of the crime committed on her. The Japanese took advantage of an ethnically different group within territory they controlled and nothing more sinister than that. Koreans kept slaves as most cultures did until until the 1800s, this had more to do with a caste/class system than anything else. Compare this to the US system which was based on going to another country and abducting people for sale back home. All peoples see others as different and don't hold them in the same regard as they do themselves. Koreans are very homogeneous and have been in "bunker mentality" mode for a millenium, takes a while to get out of that. They have a historical inferiority complex based on their powerful neighbors.

Reply to  mike
15 years ago

I have read nothing on this thread and don't plan to. I did catch the first part of this comment and just wanted to add a historical note: Korean Confucianism remained more conservative – more in contact with the roots of Confucianism – than what evolved in China: Specifically, Korean Confucianism in large measure rejected the reforms of Wang Yang Ming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_Yangming To me, this speaks to the idea that you hear some Koreans say, and some foreign scholars repeat, that Korea was like a "colony" to China for centuries. It shows Korea did import "technologies" from China, like Neo-Confucianism, but it made it Korean. Some Chosun scholar-officials openly criticized Chinese scholar-officials for accepting later reforms in Confucian doctrine which the Koreans argued had strayed from the true path.

Craig Rivet
Craig Rivet
Reply to  mike
15 years ago

I am not an expert on Confucianism (really Neo-Confuciansim), but my comment was meant to say that they extended this line of thinking past Chinese thought, I don't know if it is "nonsense" or not I haven't judged it. Since it is the underlying base of their etiquette and social system, it must be understood and accepted. I don't know of too many people that study Confucianism directly.

I don't agree that there's no such thing as a pure Korean. There is definitely a distinct Korean race separate from Chinese and Japanese, though they are decended from Manchurians apparently (more Koreans have Chinese blood than they'll admit out loud). In order to survive they had to culturally "circle the wagons" and this (along with Confucianism) has lead to the primacy of the group over the individual and the members of the group over those not in the group. The ultimate expression of this is the family, which is the most important group. This is also seen on the streets of Seoul, where strangers don't look out for each other and just try to get to where they're going in the most expeditious manner. This makes sense to them, though it is rude and fustrating to Americans. However, once part of the group you are entitled to the support of the entire group, as you should help anyone else in the group.

I live in Korea too. I have almost seven years time in country along with having been married to a Korean woman for over 16 years. I speak some Korean as well.

Reply to  Craig Rivet
15 years ago

The only pure Korean is in the psyche. You can disagree all you want, but the facts are that we are all mixed blood and therefore, race and ethnicity are concepts created in order to separate a group from another and thereby, give it license to dominate and control. All 'groups' have done that. "They are different, and must be inferior, so it's okay to take what we want." Every society has done that. If not at a national level, then surely at the tribal level. In Korea and everywhere else (I'm only using Korea as an example because it is a Korean thread), there is animosity between cities, provinces, and towns. Such things disturb me because it shows that there is no real group concept until an individual's needs are satisfied. I'm working on putting that into some documented format because I think it's the root of all world problems. Who knows.


Reply to  Danger Mouse
15 years ago

Danger Mouse,

I would be happier if you went to Japan also. Then you wouldn’t have been able to post about the rude Korean women that did not hold the door for you. BTW that happens everywhere. I am not here to say are your wrong. I just wonder why you would think that would matter to anyone but those who look to find Korean people rude. Also it seems you have an opinion about this lady, and her need to carry her large child. But as you said you were angry when your family got orders to go to Korea so your expectations start low.

In truth I was very disappointed when I got orders for Korea also but as a soldier who volunteered for active duty I accepted my fate as you, and your family did. I was not in Korea very long before I realized this was the place I had longed to be maybe all my life, so fate is the correct word for me.

I want you to know that many people have not been kind enough to open a door for my wife and me; then when we have gotten through the door folks that would not help have glared at us. My wife is Korean. I spent two years in Korea before I met her. That was 28 years ago. Yes, I wish you had gone to Japan where you would have seen much art in the museums that is in truth Korean.

The Japanese are classy? I am not going to bash anyone but you’re really clueless and quite prejudiced sadly. I ask you; what do expect from Korean people that you don’t get from people where you come from? I have not posted for a couple weeks but will tell you it is the same people here that have been diligently bashing Korea for months. You are just a new one.

You said something like if Korean people were not rude why would people be posting. The same goes for the ones that give positive energy to Korea, and Korean people. I ask you why people have to try to take what belongs to some people and give it to others? That is ridiculous. I am talking about the people who pledge allegence to Japan and Japanese people; going so far as to say they are superior. That is so ridiculous. No one is superior.

If you let go of your predestined ideas and expectation’s you will have a great time in a place where the culture is one of the oldest cultures since man has been civilized. If you give a bit of yourself you gain so much from others. This is time for you and your family to grow and learn much. If you continue the way you are going you will only have wasted precious time that could have been spent in an awesome place having a time you could never forget.

It takes a little time whenever one is new to a place to acclaim their place in society. If you insist on this pathway you will lose out on much good knowledge and friendship. We are individuals. Korean people are mostly kind and considerate. But you have to see past the fog that is created by negative power.

PS I wrote a post similiar to this several hours ago but for some reason it went unposted

Reply to  GI KOREA 4 YEARS
15 years ago

I am very sorry that my post was put in twice, It is slightly different, I did not see the first one get posted until the second one posted which was several hours later. Please remove first reply to Danger mose from me.

Reply to  mike
15 years ago

“Most of us respect Koreans as individuals. I am here in Korea to help them with English. In the meantime, I’m working on helping with that Confucianist nonsense as well. It seems to be working.”

Confucianism nonsense? Who says so, you?? You’ve got to be kidding.

Who are you to say that it is nonsense and what’s your credentials to aspire to such a noble job.

I’m not going defend Confucianism superiority here because that would be a real nonsense, but calling it nonsense just because of your ignorance and incapacity to understand it without pre-conceived bias, is just proof of your intolerance and “insufficient” intellectual level. Why don’t you choose to talk about something that you really understand? (BYT, is there anything that you really understand?)

For each ignorant like you that mock eastern philosophy there are others westerners that praise it as an alternative to western individuality and liberalism.

Obviously Confucianism has some flaws, but western philosophy is not free from criticism as well, and that’s because thousand of years of intellectual production, from Socrates to today (in the west or east), was unable to create a perfect and definitive philosophical and social system that would be perfect for every society, regardless of their culture and traditions. That means that there is no perfect social and philosophical system in the world (even in the west, Ohhhhh).

Do you see the Korean economic recovery from the war? Well that’s thanks to Confucianism and Korean philosophy Silhak. If you don’t understand what I mean read some books before you decide to keep playing the intellectual here.

Do you see the insane and irrational opposition Obama is facing in the USA with his health care reform plan? Do you know why Americans banks and car manufacturers almost collapsed this year? Say hello to liberalism and read something about it if you want to understand better your own country.

In the mean time give thanks to God that there are no morons like you from Asia in a crusade to save the west from their ignorance and nonsense.

Reply to  Dr.Yu
15 years ago

>Do you see the insane and irrational opposition Obama is facing in the USA with his health care reform plan? <

No, Herr Doktor. I see a hell of a lot of people tired of a bigger government taking more out of their wallets to give to people who are too damn stupid or lazy to make good life decisions.

Go sell crazy somewhere else. We have enough retards in America who have bought that and traded their independence for it, and turned into looters and moochers. P!ss on them.

I think freedom, liberty, and independence are worth fighting for, but most Koreans like you seem happy to go though life with someone else telling them what to do at every level. Being a perpetual dependent of Big Sweet Daddy Gov so much easier than freedom and liberty.

Reply to  Dr.Yu
15 years ago

"I’m not going defend Confucianism superiority here because that would be a real nonsense"

Yes it would be nonsense YooHoo. Instead of defending the indefensible, you go on the offense, attacking western values. Instead of debating, you insult others. You must think that I hold western culture in high esteem. I don't value any culture that puts older people before younger or men before women. That's Confucianism. Defend it, but don't attack those people here who have connections to the West. I don't, so you've insulted many others. You can't insult me because you have no power over me. I, on the other hand, can easily get a rise out of you. Who is superior? I hate to think along those lines, but if push comes to shove… no, I'm not going there. Have a nice day, and take those meds please.


15 years ago

I have a good news for you Junior.

Your government is looking at Korean health insurance system to learn from it.


Funny that you did not complain about your precious taxpayer money spent in controversial wars and to save incompetent banks and companies (up to 1 trillion), but you seem to be extremely offended because it will give some dignity to unprivileged American citizens.

Freedom, liberty, independence … you can pack a …. in a box an label it these words that americans will buy it without hesitation. Grow up, don't trust everything you see in the movies.

15 years ago

Our government is now controlled by leftist radicals. How wonderful.

Don't confuse Americans with the US Government.

Self esteem is a product of achievement. It isn't handed out by The Government. Our Gov was not set up by the original constitution as a nanny like yours seems to be.

What the HELL would YOU know about freedom? What you have was purchased by the lives of better men than you will ever understand. One of those "questionable wars" you refer to was the Korean War- my entire family, both Mum and Dad's side, was involved in both the US and Commonwealth units, with more than one of us killed here. I came here as US soldier many moons ago.

Your culture couldn't hack it until better men than you showed your people how to sack up and face the Bad Man. Until you grow some sack, you need to eat your dinner around the camp fire with the little girls where you belong. I haven't met too many of your people who have counted coup on ANYONE, so that is pretty much where you sit as a people. But you never seem to lack the ability to criticize those who have done more than you have.

Sorry about your Japanese occupation. If your people weren't actively collaborating and weren't divided and weak in the first place you might have stood a man's chance.

15 years ago

Well I think we are all very flattered with Dr. Yu's commentary.

And maybe Doctor Yu is right.

Maybe we should say "Hello to Liberalism", because giving all your money to the governement to take care of you has worked so well for the North Koreans. And don't worry, the govt will take care of all your physical needs such as food and medical care. You guys really need to quit questioning everything and "step in line". Its much easier and the govt wouldn't lie.

15 years ago

Hey Junior,

Ya Just had to do it didnt you. First off I will tell you I love my country because when Im done with this you and others are no doubt going to throw your stuff at me. You really go to far! Your Righteous attitude took you right past the point of stupidity into the land of those without a clue.

Who are you to say; who knows what freedom is, and who would not fight for it? Do you have clue as to number of communist soldiers from China That were also trying to take south Korea in the early fifties? Do you think our country and others went to aid of South Korea because they were pansies? That is your mouth running off at its best?

Damn it I dont like this but you leave me no choice. Because you have gotten angry with someone you yourself have become rude. You have totally shown yourself to be ignorant of just how many free people there were on this land in America who there is now little to no trace of. And if you want to tell me the natives of this land were weak or gutless I have a bridge to sell you. Man Kinds big mistake is getting angry for no good reason then just taking what he wants from those in less numbers, or less inclined to believe people could do such horrid things. So here we are again another crossroads where fellow Humans refuse to be humble to each long enough to read what is written. Adding to the persons posts your fears, then using intimidation to try to hurt the other person so they will see things your way. And your not really sure how you see things. We Americans especially need to get our shite together right now or we will not have a country. The people in Washington are burning down the house man. If we do not pull together and salvage what we can now there will be nothing to salvage. These arguments are just side tracking us from the real issues.. I really did not want to say this but the subject is right here in front of us. Do not allow anyone to taunt you into anger. We are going to have a time when anger will used to advantage! Right now we just need to regognize the issues. Kprtean people are not a problem to us, and they certainly are not rude as a whole people. Some of the best times of my life were in Korea. Other times have been with Korean people here in America. I do not expect that to be the same for other folks. Later

15 years ago

• Hey Junior,

Ya Just had to do it didnt you. First off I will tell you I love my country because when Im done with this you and others are no doubt going to throw your stuff at me. You really go to far!

o You wouldn’t be the first to tell me that.

• Your Righteous attitude took you right past the point of stupidity into the land of those without a clue.

o Actually- I have more than a clue. I have had it with these pseudo-yangban types and THEIR attitudes

• Who are you to say; who knows what freedom is, and who would not fight for it?

o Maybe someone who HAS fought for it

• Do you have clue as to number of communist soldiers from China That were also trying to take south Korea in the early fifties?

o Yes, I am keenly aware of the Chinese who infiltrated, and how the Indian government, acting as an intermediary, warned us.

• Do you think our country and others went to aid of South Korea because they were pansies? That is your mouth running off at its best?

o Not at all- not sure where you got that from.

• Damn it I dont like this but you leave me no choice. Because you have gotten angry with someone you yourself have become rude.

o The Doktor ran his man-pleaser like a d!ck. I have no problem with being rude to such people. Ran into one this weekend who criticized the US military leadership for not getting involved in the Korean barbarian-child antics of their government and military establishment in the early 1960s. He was not amused and his mouth was wide open, stammering, when I was done. BTW- I wasn’t angry- I was just rubbing his face in it.

• You have totally shown yourself to be ignorant of just how many free people there were on this land in America who there is now little to no trace of.

oNot really- don’t know where you are getting that. I am keenly aware of the dumbing down of America, and I weep for our future.

• And if you want to tell me the natives of this land were weak or gutless I have a bridge to sell you.

o Which land? Korea? Any people who find themselves in a position to be enslaved have to accept the fact that they are vulnerable, or do something about it. Too many of these people choose to blame others. The results of being weak are death for your culture, and your sons being slaves and your daughters concubines of a stronger people- in time, such people pass into history, into the mists of the forgotten, into irrelevance.

• Man Kinds big mistake is getting angry for no good reason then just taking what he wants from those in less numbers, or less inclined to believe people could do such horrid things. So here we are again another crossroads where fellow Humans refuse to be humble to each long enough to read what is written. Adding to the persons posts your fears, then using intimidation to try to hurt the other person so they will see things your way. And your not really sure how you see things.

o Intimidation? I am sincerely sorry if I intimidated anyone. I am really a pretty book-worm-ish kind of fellow.

• We Americans especially need to get our shite together right now or we will not have a country.

o You are VERY correct.

• The people in Washington are burning down the house man.

o Indeed you are again quite correct.

• If we do not pull together and salvage what we can now there will be nothing to salvage.

o No argument here.

• These arguments are just side tracking us from the real issues.

o Perhaps- a real possibility

• I really did not want to say this but the subject is right here in front of us. Do not allow anyone to taunt you into anger. We are going to have a time when anger will used to advantage! Right now we just need to recognize the issues. Korean people are not a problem to us, and they certainly are not rude as a whole people.

o Perhaps- but they will have to recognize their collective faults as a people or others will taunt them when they pull out the superiority card.

• Some of the best times of my life were in Korea. Other times have been with Korean people here in America. I do not expect that to be the same for other folks. Later

o Same here. I just don’t like faux-yangban jerks.

15 years ago

• Hey Junior,

Ya Just had to do it didnt you. First off I will tell you I love my country because when Im done with this you and others are no doubt going to throw your stuff at me. You really go to far!

o You wouldn’t be the first to tell me that.

• Your Righteous attitude took you right past the point of stupidity into the land of those without a clue.

o Actually- I have more than a clue. I have had it with these pseudo-yangban types and THEIR attitudes

• Who are you to say; who knows what freedom is, and who would not fight for it?

o Maybe someone who HAS fought for it

• Do you have clue as to number of communist soldiers from China That were also trying to take south Korea in the early fifties?

o Yes, I am keenly aware of the Chinese who infiltrated, and how the Indian government, acting as an intermediary, warned us.

• Do you think our country and others went to aid of South Korea because they were pansies? That is your mouth running off at its best?

o Not at all- not sure where you got that from.

• Damn it I dont like this but you leave me no choice. Because you have gotten angry with someone you yourself have become rude.

o The Doktor ran his man-pleaser like a d!ck. I have no problem with being rude to such people. Ran into one this weekend who criticized the US military leadership for not getting involved in the Korean barbarian-child antics of their government and military establishment in the early 1960s. He was not amused and his mouth was wide open, stammering, when I was done. BTW- I wasn’t angry- I was just rubbing his face in it.

• You have totally shown yourself to be ignorant of just how many free people there were on this land in America who there is now little to no trace of.

o Not really- don’t know where you are getting that. I am keenly aware of the dumbing down of America, and I weep for our future.

• And if you want to tell me the natives of this land were weak or gutless I have a bridge to sell you.

o Which land? Korea? Any people who find themselves in a position to be enslaved have to accept the fact that they are vulnerable, or do something about it. Too many of these people choose to blame others. The results of being weak are death for your culture, and your sons being slaves and your daughters concubines of a stronger people- in time, such people pass into history, into the mists of the forgotten, into irrelevance.

• Man Kinds big mistake is getting angry for no good reason then just taking what he wants from those in less numbers, or less inclined to believe people could do such horrid things. So here we are again another crossroads where fellow Humans refuse to be humble to each long enough to read what is written. Adding to the persons posts your fears, then using intimidation to try to hurt the other person so they will see things your way. And your not really sure how you see things.

o Intimidation? I am sincerely sorry if I intimidated anyone. I am really a pretty book-worm-ish kind of fellow.

• We Americans especially need to get our shite together right now or we will not have a country.

o You are VERY correct.

• The people in Washington are burning down the house man.

o Indeed you are again quite correct.

• If we do not pull together and salvage what we can now there will be nothing to salvage.

o No argument here.

• These arguments are just side tracking us from the real issues.

o Perhaps- a real possibility

• I really did not want to say this but the subject is right here in front of us. Do not allow anyone to taunt you into anger. We are going to have a time when anger will used to advantage! Right now we just need to recognize the issues. Korean people are not a problem to us, and they certainly are not rude as a whole people.

o Perhaps- but they will have to recognize their collective faults as a people or others will taunt them when they pull out the superiority card.

• Some of the best times of my life were in Korea. Other times have been with Korean people here in America. I do not expect that to be the same for other folks. Later

o Same here. I just don’t like faux-yangban jerks.

Reply to  Junior
15 years ago

I'm not the first to tell you? When will you listen?

"Maybe a person that has fought for freedom has the right to say; who has a right to freedom, and who would fight for it"? Your words.

I find them idiotic especially if you really fought! Are you sure you were fighting for freedom? I mean as a soldier who has been in, and seen some fighting I wonder what and whose freedom was being fought for. Allot of the last many wars have had not to with Freedom. My brother was in Viet Nam front lines and worse 1967 and 68. He did not view the world like you do. In fact the fighting made him despise war, and powerful people pushing their agenda's. He was a truely solemn wise man about that subject, because of the fighting.

Your words follow:

"Any people who find themselves in a position to be enslaved have to accept the fact that they are vulnerable, or do something about it. Too many of these people choose to blame others. The results of being weak are death for your culture, and your sons being slaves and your daughters concubines of a stronger people- in time, such people pass into history, into the mists of the forgotten, into irrelevance."

There are your might makes right ignorant ideas, and the reason I feel time is wasted with a person such as yourself. Also it really makes me doubt you have seen war. People do not pass away into history. They try to pick up the pieces!!! The ones that are wiped out leave pieces of themselves for others to pick up. There will always be people to take advantage of the weak or turn their heads when the weak or down trodden are getting there asses kicked instead of a hand up. BTW Bookworm, many great books have been burnt because of that idea, and insight you think is true. It only takes one person with that kind of mentality in a powerful position to destroy whole cultures, and documented histories. No need to tell me you don't care as I get that with this paragraph you wrote in your smug world, and your need to rub someones face in what you think is something like shite. Not only that you have a need to call people names. Your way of labeling certain people?

Times might get better in the human world then again we may have learned nothing from our mistakes. One thing is certain some folks never will see the light.

Reply to  GI KOREA 4 YEARS
15 years ago

Thanks for your views. Appreciate it.

Reply to  junior
15 years ago

Hey Junior,

I appreciate what you said in your last post. Also aplogize if I was to pushy. Stay cool!

Reply to  junior
15 years ago

It's all good, GI!

15 years ago

Long running thread here, huh?

Aside from living here and thinking how nice of a gig I have, and how perfect it would be if just walking a couple of blocks didn't totally piss me off, I don't know why I (we) care so much.

I will say there must actually be something wrong just by the very existence of writings such as these. As a previous poster put it, 'where there is smoke there must be fire.' About the most objective way I can think of to compare different places in this manner would be to take a look at the 'Rants and Raves' in Craigslist. Compare the other Asian countries and you will see just how much more negative Korea's RnR is.

So, I would say to all the politically correct apologists out there, the very existence of complaints about Korean behavior points out a certain truth – and there is a lot of complaining.

Perhaps at some level we wish to understand why. Although my personal theories haven't changed much I will add that any nation that has had so many invaders would develop deep anti-foreigner sentiments that run too deep to distinguish between the new concept of foreigners coming not by way of invasion. A by-product of this, I believe, is passive aggressiveness – acceptable as full-on machismo. You see, any Korean who directly stood up to his occupiers would have been killed. Anyone who has been around a passive aggressive person knows that the basic idea is to be as obnoxious as possible until they get their way. Their way, for so many years has been, 'foreigner go home.'

There are other elements, of course. For example, Confucianistic-rurality-based-isolationism (yes, all kinds of wrong, but I think you get the gist) that discounts anyone you have no relationship with to the extent that you do not feel shame in front of strangers.

So, basically, I really only care to make my own life more pleasant – to be honest. Will Korean's change? – not in this lifetime, so none of this matters to me. But if anyone does really care about Korea and its future, they have to see that their outmoded ways are not conducive to a modern world where most people you meet are strangers. I believe that in two or three more generations the degree of lawlessness to have sprung from the seeds of complacency will make Korea unlivable. They can make little changes now and possibly stem the tide, but I imagine prideful stubbornness will disallow such a thing. And besides, they will always be able to point their fingers at evil America for causing all their problems anyway.

Like I said, all of the is moot because nothing will change here fast enough to make a difference for me.

Reply to  TGV
15 years ago

Assuming that you are a teacher, perhaps wrongly, I will suggest that you and I and many other foreigners are changing things by our presence in Korea. Things such as manners, customs, mores, and world knowledge are changing, though it is all so incrementally slow that it is nearly intolerable. Still, we are doing it, you and I. Soon (in a different era, maybe beyond our lives), Korea will be a melting pot and will realize that what was their past, or what they perceive to have been their past, will be nothing but a whisper of a memory. They will be concerned with real things like getting along with others and playing in the sandbox with different nations. There will be no homogeneity (though there really isn't now) and their language will probably be gone, replaced by English or Chinese. English may be unimportant by then too. Still, that is what happens. Societies are born, change, and die. Korea will be no different. It's all how it's supposed to be.



15 years ago

if they are "rude" in their country, I dont care.. but if they bring that same attitude in my our country I'll be pissed.

It's not about rude thing, but it's about knowing where you actually are. Learn that you should adjust to the country's culture. It's not the country that should adjust to you.

A korean
A korean
Reply to  TGV
15 years ago

One of the many possible reasons is the honorifics that is embedded in the Korean language, which sometimes gives a sense of empowerment and authority to an individual. Such linguistic establishment often dictates the social role and some inevitably demand submission and respect from supposedly lesser beings. The theory of deep seeded hatred towards foreigner is outdated since the new millennia, and only pertains to a small fraction of the population. What the society continues to lack is the time family spend together; dad is insisted to work late and drink everyday; kids are caged at academies; moms are now forced to work. Children become numb to the whole idea of manners and respect, and academic success is perceived to be highly rewarding in a materialistic sense which overshadows the notion of ethics. However, all the tales that contrasts Korea with Western countries, or Japan, are blown out of proportion simply because I have met more Koreans in various places with different social contexts than 99% of the people here. And I can attest that with 15 years dealing with Koreans, from shady businessmen to obnoxious ajumas, rudeness is subjective matter especially one does not have a full understanding of the particular culture. One common pattern in this hate spewing thread is the constant association of materialistic convenience to rudeness, which I take tons (not grain)of salt of their intellectual validity.

Reply to  April
15 years ago

[DELETED BY ADMIN – Personal Attack]

Reply to  April
15 years ago


I was just re-reading your posts from a while back. You spoke of U.S. dollars rebuilding Korea, and in a bit of a snotty way. To be fair, it was the Japanese yen that rebuilt Korea in about 1965 to the tune of 300 million (in dollars) in grants and another 500 million in as-needed loans. It was an act of war reparations that the Koreans have forgotten about as they continue to teach everyone that Japan owes them an apology again, and again, and again. So one might suggest that the inability to accept an apology and to continue the hatred is an act of rudeness on a huge scale. I'm not arguing it. I just say that one might.



15 years ago

Many Koreans but not all are here in Philippines and they are very rude here. 🙁 They thought they were better people in our country.

Reply to  A korean
15 years ago

I will post by my name from now on instead of "GI korea 4 years" who most of you know me by. I agree with some of what you say, "A KOREAN". But I will also point out that the lanquage with its tangles also makes some feel inferior. It depends on the person and who they are talking to, or being spoken to, so we are always back to that. Some folks will be rude or overbearing in any country or society. Responding to many of the folks on this blog is futile as they WANT to say Koreans are rude. They only see that in Koreans. Unable to get past surface issues.

To any who will listen, The fact is many people do not understand the way Korean people communicate. I am now seeing this as comicle, after many months of trying to explain what I see as truth's about Korea and Korean folks. It isnt going to change the way Korean people are, and that's fine. Oh, and it will not change the way some people view Koreans either. "It" being this Blog. I still see these folks with claims about Japan, folks who really dont care about the truth also. It has me almost in an unbelieving state of mind when people bring up these trivial amounts of money they say Japan LOANED Korea. My GOD, what Japan took from Korea is a thousand fold this measly "LOAN". And what is so bad with Japan apologizing? After all they do still have most of Koreas antiquities, and older artifacts. HUH HUH People are amazing. We know appr. 25 million Chinese tortured to death by the Japanese, and How many Koreans? That was just between 1910 and 1945. But You know what? Japan was hit with nukes. So whether I or someone else like's Japan's History, THEY PAYED a hell of a price also. WAR sucks folks. Humans do mean, and filthy things during it.

In America we have a president that is apologizing to EUROPE for our arrogance. IN the many different countries in EUROPE there are war cemetaries for American soldiers and personel. There are 105,000 Americans buried throughout Europe that died for helping different EURO countries in war times. Those are the dead that were not shipped home or are missing in Europe. We do not owe them an apology but they got one anyway. Whats so bad about Japan apologizing for WHAT THEY DID? I want to make it clear I am not predujiced. I believe all people are individuals untill they get into a croud then some become part of a whole thing be it good or bad. The changes Korea is going through are fast and abrupt. BTW I do not totally disagree that this has caused some deep seeded issues but the Korean people will overcome IMO. HUH HUH "if not they have the evil Americans to blame" Thats a good one. Hey, it has worked for other's. Only when the paties over, and it has been over in Korea for a long time. They have been trying to work themselves to fricken hard leaving little room for mistakes.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  Apple
15 years ago

You nailed it on the head. Yes, Koreans can do what they want in their country, and others should adapt. The measure of rudeness is what you do in other countries. IMO, Koreans are the least likely to adapt to anyone else's country. They prove it time and time again with their own churches, groceries, work places, and even security both in the U.S. and Philippines (probably elsewhere but I haven't seen it).

Reply to  Yaba
15 years ago

Ya and what is American culture? We have folks from all over the world in America. Native Americans are treated like they are lucky to have any Reservations, and the land they have sucks. You want truth you get it so back up. Europe is not American culture! And buy that I mean Euro idea's.

Now on Utube there is a white American woman singing that English is the American language. I beg to differ with this ignorant idea as she tells people not to speak Latin, and many other languages she is forgetting that English is NOT the native American language spoken in America. It is however a forced language.

But folks are supposed to check there language at the door like dirty shoes when this lady probably speaks one language, and spills red neck idea's from her mouth like the queen she is not. Who is really rude?

Open your eyes, and your minds. You might see rude comes in all colors, and shapes but sadly my own white ancestors, and peer's seem they think they are the best, and will point fingers everywhere but never think one bit about what they were taught. Never question the ideas handed to them as children, and sadly never edify their own spirituality. Whose rude folks? And I shouldn't have used the dirty shoe's as an example because most Americans wear them right into the house. Another Euro tradition. When you say our country you mean your country, because not all of us fit your idea of what your country is or should be even though it is our country. So now tell me I don't fit and all the other things that have stuck in your head like fly's to fly paper. Just don't assume your idea's of what our country is are the only idea's that have importance. Be pissed at me to.

15 years ago

So… I'm walking back from a foreign bar at about 11pm after having had 2 pints of Guinness. My friend and i are standing on the corner waiting for the light to change. An ajossi, drunk (of course), stops by my friend and puts his face 6 inches away and just stares at him as if he is looking at ET. But that's just culture. It's not rude. I restrained my friend from yelling at the man because Americans are polite and we should just accept that developing countries who believe in purity of blood (ha ha) and ethnic superiority, sometimes look at others the way they might inspect their dogs before beating them to death and then eating them.

I smiled at the man and we went on our way, smug in our superiority of politeness. The only country I've ever been where I feel vastly superior as much as I fight the feeling.



15 years ago


We call that Mean Mugging where I'm from. I dont think it had anything to do with a nationalist movement as much as he just wanted to punk you.

Hopefully you didn't BLINK!

Odishi's need fun too, and besides he's older.


Or get the Mean Mugging…

Reply to  Mike
15 years ago

Hey Mike,

Reply to  Mike
15 years ago

Hey Mike, Damn it I wasn't done and this thing posted when I hit enter. Anyway I just wanted to say, You lucky person they didn't have Guinness when I was there but the OB was real Good back in those days. You are a character. Man that happened to me when I was in Korea many years ago. And as I have said you find rude everywhere. But I have to tell you I found more good than rude in Korea. In honesty I did get into a couple fist fights over that in the face thing, but it wasn't with odyshee it was with younger Korean men. Odyshee never did that to me. There are some things that some folks can't put up with no matter how much you love the place and people. Same right here at home. I hate it when someone says "if you don't love it here then leave". This is my home and just because I love some other place or don't agree with some of the shite taking place at home does not mean I don't love it. Beside that even if I didn't love no one has a right to tell me to leave unless I'm in their face. Then I say they have a right to say get out of my face at least. Hang in there Mike you will see the cool Korea. Later Duffy

15 years ago

Definitely there is more good than rude in Korea. No doubt about that. But coupled with unavailability of western things, much more so than in many Asian countries, and the me first attitude and the huge drinking problem (and I mean huge), along with the horrible education system of which I am a part, though I do my best to combat it; all this together makes a little rudeness, especially the variety I have never seen in my travels, a little bit unbearable. One on one, I haven't had a problem, but then again, I keep clean-shaven and am fit. Anything else tends to be a laughing at or staring at opportunity, and is devastatingly boorish.



Reply to  GI 4 years Korea
15 years ago

The word is "Entertainment" not "Intertainment" 😆

Reply to  GI 4 years Korea
15 years ago

A couple more…Language not lanquage. Restaurant not restauraunt.Isn't not isnt. 😳

Reply to  Tom Cruise
15 years ago

The blog it's about rudness not crime…genius! 😆

What the hell?
What the hell?
15 years ago

It upsets me that these people who are practically non-existent to us Koreans act like as if they figured out everything about Korea and Koreans. I've never read so many ignorant comments in my life even if I include youtube. People like Marcus and April shouldn't be allowed to comment in the first place. One last thing, do you ignorant red necks really think Koreans give a shit about what foreigners think about us? I bet avereage Korean doesn't spend 1 second of his time thinking about foreigners unless he has to deal with them in any shape or form. I suggest you do the same.

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  What the hell?
15 years ago

Thank you! You made the point exactly! All of these comments say 'go to Korea and fit in', but Koreans won't try to fit in anywhere else. And your comment just proves it. Stick your head where the sun doesn't shine and act as if the rest of the world doesn't exists. That's the arrogance everyone here is addressing.

Thank you for the perfect example.

15 years ago

Rude?,yes! Is it weird?, I guess not!. Rudeness can be found anywhere on this planet, it is just a matter of cultural distinction. So just bare with it, we are surrounded by various kinds of people in the society. Yes I know Korean can be super rude and selfish at times, because I am studying here right now. i think Japan and Korea are quite similar in a way of being a “homogeneous ” country. And I can sense the act of superiority and extreme patriotism from these two countries. Maybe because they think that they are the leading Asian countries. I dated a Korean girl once, and you guys know this can be a very big foolish issue sometime for the Korean people. She had gone through quite a tough time with all the criticism from complete, STRANGERS? Yeah, Korean way I guess. So to all the people out there who face the same challenge here in Korea, I guess there is not much that we can do to change it, we just have to suck it up and live with it. Sometimes we face good people, and some other times we face bad people, it is just that simple.

15 years ago

Wow, this topic has some staying power!

Are Koreans rude? By "The Rules" I live under as an American, yes! They are profoundly rude. However, I don't see why my rules should apply in Korea. As I see it Korean etiquette conventions make perfect sense in Korea.

Now it does bother me somewhat to see Koreans in America not follow our rules. But even here, I think they sincerely try to fit in. And those that have trouble tend to stay within their little communities. That is much more than I can say about the typical European who is in the States. Just about every Euro I have come into significant contact with has at least once started a conversation with "You Americans are stupid. Why do you……". I have never had this happen with a Korean.

su mi
su mi
15 years ago

I know this is a Korea related post but it's also about racism so I am going to put in my two cents worth. People from the north-east region of India look nothing like mainland Indians. Looks wise and culture wise, we share more similarities with South-east Asians than with Indians. The only reason we're Indians is because we hold Indian passports. I am a female student living in Delhi for 5 years now and I will tell you this, as will thousands of other northeasterners, the majority of Indians are bigoted, racist pigs. Not to mention, the male population is the most sexually frustrated than anywhere in the world. They will ogle, make disgusting kiss noises, pass lewd comments, touch their crotch and even grab you. Any female tourist will have most likely experienced the combo of the 'stare, push, grab'. Not surprising that Delhi has one of the highest crime rates against women in the country. The females are no better. Couple of weeks back, in a coffee shop, two middle aged women sitting next to my friend and I carried on a 15 minute long conversation about their dislike for 'chinkys'. Girls tend to just point and laugh. Also, they will keep looking over their shoulders and burst out in a collective giggle like they've just seen a funny looking person. Which I'm not. Househunting is a nightmare. Landlords tell us outright that they don't want 'chinkys' as tenants. While walking on the roadside, passing motorists will slow down and shout 'chinky' and speed off.

Indians can outstare and outsmell Koreans by a mile. I can't say the same for rudeness because most Indians are rude only to 'chinks'(northeasterners). They're nice to Whites because they're rich and well, they're white~. By default, white people will almost always get the 'VIP' treatment or preferential racist treatment. If you're Black and not surrounded by White friends, you're a shady drug dealer. Very often, I get mistaken for an East Asian because of my fair skin and if I explain that I'm so and so, their attitude towards me immediately changes. Its funny.

The general consensus is that people from the north-east are drug-crazed, party-loving people of loose character with no moral values.

I've noticed that some Whites who mingle a lot with Indians also share the same mindset. I don't understand why they treat us this way. Koreans act the way they do because they truly think they're 'number one' but the random Indian who says 'chinky' and then follows it up with some lewd comment to my face really seems to enjoy the moment. Even little kids act like the adults towards us. But of course, they're following their parents' examples.

I'm pretty sure that anywhere in the world I go, Korea included, I won't be treated worse than I am in India.

15 years ago

Was shopping with my wife in Large Korean store in Portland OR just yesterday the 27th of October 09. Remembering the many posts on this web site I have made as GI 4 Years KOREA, and the many other posts from other folks I decided to really just observe. So watched my wife, and other folks go about there business. What I saw, and felt the whole time was a friendly cooperative environment. A younger couple with two small children. The man was Caucasian and the lady was Korean. They were excellent with their kids. And the Kids were cute. The boy trying to be mischievous but dad having no part of it, and mom seemed very comfortable that dad was handling this. Saw a black lady ask for some kind of vegetable she couldn't find at her local store I knew what she wanted but I let it go, anyway that was figured out with smiles within a couple minutes. For most of the rest the time things just went this way. People respecting people. No bigotry and no better than though. Employees I saw were mainly Mexican and Korean. Which isn't unusual Portland in that area. There was a Caucasian butcher, I believe he may have been married to Korean woman as spoke Korean fairly well. I was sort of laughing when it came to my wife as she was having conversation with lady at counter about her job. both of them were basically telling each other how hard they worked in their menial jobs but how gratifying the hard work was to them,, could be seen in their smiles and eyes. I have no problems to report. Everything was fine. If you get to Portland shop the Korean markets and get treated just like you are a customer. Korean folks from this area fine but I never seen or felt any overwhelming Korean bigotry in 32 years of being around Korean folks. I don't expect I ever will and I suspect I will be happy around Korean people the remainder of my life. I get it that some of you feel different. It just keep coming back to me that this is personal likes, and dislikes. And I believe if you expect bad behavior you will find it anywhere. We went to Safeway after finishing Korean shopping. Remember I am in a Korean dominant neighbor hood. But there is well less Korean Folks here at Safeway than other folks. Again no problems. Boring story, huh? Go figure

Sheldon Walters
Sheldon Walters
15 years ago

I have worked in Korea for 3 years. I am a teacher by profession teaching conversational English. Where am I now? Not in Korea. I am now in Taiwan.

I've had good experiences living and working in a public school in Korea and traveling around the peninsula. I even went to North Korea by crossing the DMZ in and out of North Korea, no shots fired!

I am telling you good things here about my 3 years in Korea, but you may wonder to yourselves, why did I leave Korea?

The reasons are:

1. Koreans are not a very open minded people.

2. Korean kids (including some that I taught) are not very polite to

their foreign visitors thanks to their useless parents who teach them to be rude to foreigners.

3. The legislation for English teachers and the over-scrutinization of English teachers is causing many English teachers to be driven out of the country when they are still in need English teachers.

4. The majority of Koreans are the most racist people in Asia.

5. Too many Korean men and boys are violent minded.

6. Korea is not a happy country.

7. Koreans are so damned stuck up that they don't have the mannerisms to smile and make a foreigner feel welcomed, unlike Thailand where people smiled at me and made me feel so happy.

Yes, there are a few good people I have met in Korea and I miss them. There are lots of things to see and do in Korea that I also miss. I even miss the superior quality public transportation system, plus the Korean language is easy to read.

But since I came to Taiwan, my transportation situation has not been as efficient as it was when I was in Korea (not to mention Korea has better rural public transit service than Taiwan), however when it comes to people, I still think that Koreans really have a whole lot of sharpening to do.

Here in this small town of Houlong here in Taiwan, I have come across nicer people. They're still not as open as those in southeast Asia but Taiwanese are sure more open than Koreans. The two schools where I teach at have a higher percentage of teachers who can speak English, that beats the hell out of Korean public schools.

Somehow I feel more at peace here than I did in Korea. People here are not so egocentric as Koreans, they are also more relaxed, not to mention the nice weather in Taiwan.

I also mention that most Koreans are the most racist people in Asia. That is true because Koreans are homogenious. Taiwanese are not because they comprise of Han Chinese, Hakka Chinese, and aboriginals. Even the Han Chinese who make the majority cannot boast about homogeniality because they have aboriginal and Hakka in their bloodlines. That is why Taiwanese are less racist than Koreans. On that note, I read in a previous comment that the root of racism in Korea is also the cause of philisophical teachings from Confucianism. One of the teachings of Confucianism is that one must be true to cultural heritage and not mix in with others. A doctrine like that is a doctrine that justifies racism.

Knowing the fact that Koreans are die-hard on Confucianism, I believe very strongly that if the majority of non-whites who lived in the southern USA were Korean, Jim Crow Laws (racial segregation laws) would still be in place today. No explanation needed.

Wherever you go in the world, there is no angelic society. Korea may look angelic in appearance but because of Confucianism, they cannot be honest about the ugliness they display about themselves. I have seen that ugliness in Korea, that is why I realize that after 3 years of living and working in Korea, I can conclude that too many Koreans are messed up, no matter how hard they work.

To all English teacher on commenting on this website, if you want to enjoy teaching English in Asia some more, come to Taiwan, or go for broke and teach in Thailand. Japan is good too but too expensive.

15 years ago

I have only found a few Koreans to be rude… 99.44% are actually quite likable… My MIL actually likes me… Koreans in restaurants and stores I visit with the wife are pleasantly surprised at my use of chopsticks and my amateurish attempts at Korean language…

I'm sorry for those of you with other experiences…

15 years ago

(old handle GI 4 years Korea)This to Sheldon Walters, Every time a read a post like yours and there are many almost word for word; I think wow, how can this person sit there, and put off this judgment about another country and whole people. Confucianism never played a role in my life in Korea for 4 years and still does not after 32 years of being with and around Korean People.

I don't have much to say teacher NOT. Except that it would be so cool if teachers of this world would grow in their own spirituality so they could pass that on to their students. How? I don't know but I'm not a teacher. I only listen to, and express opinions. I have written factual findings about Koreas history in this forum but now find allot of people like you comical in your hatred, and expression of it. I am also sorry you are so lost. But hey that's what life is about IMO. One finding their way. I have found in trying to find my way it is much better not to put myself above others. If you think you haven't done that then read your post again.

Anyway whatever I say it seems your mind is set so I will not try to unset it. Only hope others can see not to take stock in your prejudice as you seem to be sticky with it. You have many reasons listed for being all knowing about these sad Korean people. You really are a cry for a world that needs a laugh. And for all of humankind who need to stop being so all knowing about one another. If one look's through all the posts on this board they would find a few Korean folks trying to explain their visions and opinions of Korea. One thing You will find very little of is Korean people listing out the faults and reasons why others are Rude even though they are taking it hard on the chin by posters like this. A post like that is audacious and rude IMO. I could be wrong and truly do not feel arrogant towards your ignorance.

Sheldon Walters
Sheldon Walters
Reply to  Duffy
15 years ago

Let me tell you this Duffy, I have been around good Korean people. They are so positive that because I hung around them, I was able to survive in Korea for 3 years, not one day did I get sick nor homesick. I was well adjusted.

What you don't realize is the fact that I have the right to criticize Koreans for their bad habits. When I criticize people here in Taiwan for their bad habits such as the way some people drive, they take that criticism, but when I criticized Koreans for their bad habits, they get defensive. For instance I remember one I made a critical statement about one of my student's parents for causing him to behave very bad in my English class. When he heard that criticism, he could not take it. Why? Because most Koreans cannot take criticism.

If you think I am ignorant and prejudice, think again. You fail to realize Duffy that I am the type of person who like to tell the truth. And it seems to me that you can't handle the truth.

And you read about how I describe Koreans as sad? Well, that is the truth too. In the last week of July I spent a week long vacation in Thailand. When I was there, I was very happy. But I remember when I was at the Suvarabhumi Airport in Bangkok waiting at the gate to fly back to Seoul, I saw all these Koreans waiting at the gate with their faces so straight and looking so stuck up. I talked to an American fellow and he told me, "I really don't want to go back there myself either." I even sat beside a Korea passenger on that plane and he was so stuck up that he never even said hello after he took his seat beside me. Why? Because I am black or because he is just stuck up?

Now here is your truth. Confucianism teaches that one must not show face. That is no wonder why Koreans do not show their feelings most of the time, just look at their faces on the subway. Not all of them are like that, most of them are like that.

And speaking of Korea not being a happy country, just watch their dramas and films and see for yourself. Watching Korean dramas is like listening to American country music.

You see Duffy, I criticize Koreans because I love them. Tough love is good, that way it can help people make a better improvement of themselves. So your comment about me being ignorant and prejudice is wrong. If I hated Koreans, I would not have worked there in the first place. But you know I am not that kind of person. If I ever have to chance to go back there and work I will.

Reply to  Sheldon Walters
15 years ago


If you say you are not prejudiced I have no reason to doubt you. Though your tough love criticism is pretty harsh. You are saying you are telling "what you feel is true" I can deal with the truth Sheldon; but your Idea, and my idea of the truth are quite different. I spoke what I felt, and that is my truth. Your truth is not the only truth in this world. I did not think you were lying ever. I believe you see Korea as you have explained your vision of Korea. Now you have corrected me in two areas. You are not prejudiced and you do not hate Koreans. Also you say you love them and your criticism is "tough love". The Confucianism is still out the window with me as I just never have had these problems that folks who bring it up have had, and if you read many of my posts you would know I understand the philosophy full well. You say you love Korea as you "criticize" Koreans. I could have given that thought. But not by any of your words because you did not say anything about loving Korea or caring about Korea/Koreans until after I wrote a rebuttal to your first post. You said you had a good time traveling around Korea, going in and out of North Korea, and maybe one more partially Positive remark then set out to burn it to the ground. You even told other teachers to go to your other places of choice.

You are something as you tell me you have a right to criticize Korea because you love it. Look at that post where you numbered the faults of Korea and Korean folks, and tell yourself how you could say that if you love Korea!! As I said our way of loving Korea is very different.

Has Korea changed so much since I was there is a question on my mind. I was there 78 to 83. Many problems in Korea but the kindness and good nature made me feel better about my life. Maybe things were different in Korea then. Maybe allot different.

Sheldon, we have parents in the USA also who believe their Kids do no wrong. These parents have children that are disrespectful with filthy language at very young ages. Are we so different? One thing that is a bit hard for me to understand is why teachers have such a problem in this world in general. Maybe because allot of the books that are given to our children are so incomplete of factual history. I wouldn't think a teacher with a solid view of the world and the history of the world would be real pleased with what they have to work with, and maybe kids are figuring out it's mostly lies or bits and pieces of what happened with many truths left out. Also maybe allot of Kids just don't want to learn English. I told my children from the time they could read what was true about American History. Being half Korean half Caucasian they were not treated well in this town they grew up in but they are solidly grounded.

Last thing I want to address is your defense about my comment that "I would hope not to be arrogant toward your ignorance". I do not mean you are an ignorant person and in the future I will use a different word. In truth I was trying to say my feelings are this; I got past many surface issues that so many people do not get past in Korea. I was feeling that your post showed ignorance in the face of what Korean people are really like IMO. Now having said that I now have to tell you this. I am white American who has seen prejudice way worse on folks here in America than in Korea. I felt prejudice was pretty even handed in Korea. You find good and bad wherever you go.

So it is your contention that Korean people are unhappy either by nature or design. Be it history, nationalistic, or philosophical. I believe there are miserable people everywhere in this world.

Not once did I say I think you are bad. I am now saying make up your mind. You tell people not to choose Korea as a place to teach and give them the places you find better. Then you brag about surviving three years in Korea, and say it gives you the right to criticize "because after all you love Korea". Yes you have a right to criticize but expect my feelings about your criticisms as I have a right to defend Korea from people that would love Korea and or Korean people the way you do.


15 years ago

Okay, I was told before I came here that Koreans are rude. I haven’t seen that much rudeness but a couple of times I got on the bus I noticed that the Koreans would change seats if I sat near them. Now, I didn’t just come up and sit right next to them, I sit across the aisle on the same row as them. It’s not my imagination either. Someone please explain this to me, I’m not the ugliest 42 year old in the world but I ain’t the handsomest. Would it matter if I’m younger? better looking? Better dressed?

Reply to  rookkor
15 years ago


For the most part, Koreans aren't sure about what lies outside their borders. Since the government controls media, and because many Koreans won't surf the net in English, their knowledge of things outside Korea is very limited. This brings a fear of strangers to many. You can't equate Korea with Japan, China, or Europe because the general knowledge here is incredibly ethnocentric. Simply put, some people are afraid of you because you are different. In Korea, fans kill and dog meat increases virility if the dogs are tortured to death. That's the mentality you have to deal with. You can't figure them out because they are so alien in their reasoning to us. Just as we are to them, I suppose. Don't get me wrong. Foreigners aren't always so kind to their animals, but at least the medical beliefs are up to date. Ignore everyone and things get much better.


Post 487
Post 487
15 years ago

S. Walters seems to have a chip on his shoulder. Two comments make me think he was forced to leave korea and this may be the reason he has this attitude.

"The legislation for English teachers and the over-scrutinization of English teachers is causing many English teachers to be driven out of the country when they are still in need English teachers."

"…if I ever have to chance to go back there and work I will."

Reply to  Post 487
15 years ago

Or he just may have forgotten how bad it is here. People generally look back on things with a pleasant nostalgic feeling… just like older folks talking about the good old days that probably weren't so good except in hindsight.

The attempted legislation against English teachers may be a way to purge the old and hire the new Philippine, Indian, and Singaporean teachers who will no doubt, work for less money and may even, as Uzbekis have, become exempt from receiving retirement benefits. That's my suspicion anyway. The facade of having real English being taught will be dropped for the reality of saving money and enslaving workers via abysmal contracts that are only legally binding from one group's side.

To the poster: Don't come back. There's still no cheese or real food outside of Seoul, and even there one has to search. Try Ethiopia. The food is great and the people are more worldly, honest, and civil.


15 years ago


You know that uncomfortable feeling you get when you are at a urinal and some dude strolls up and uses the one right next to you?

Then, out of peripheral vision, you notice that he turned his head slightly toward you and kinda gave you the once-over.

You are just minding your own business yet you have come to this stranger's notice for no reason… you are the focus of his attention and are being actively concentrated on… and, as you stand there, side-by-side with cacks in hand, you nervously wonder what kind of unreasonable thoughts about you he is having… and what kind of perverse plots he is hatching.

…and you can't wait to get the hell out of there.

Of course the whole thing is probably in your head and the guy was just being quickly curious of his surroundings… and you will be forgotten seconds later… oe maybe not. Who really knows?

Yet even if they are fully aware of this, most guys still feel a little less comfortable than if they had the whole place to themselves and they could give it a thorough shaking without being judged.

Now, a guy taking a pee is not a very alien concept to another guy taking a pee… yet it still breeds uncomfortable feelings for many.

Now imagine a big, hairy, creepy-looking round-eye lurking across the aisle and, real or imagined, focusing attention.

Theeeeey're gone.

15 years ago

Hey Mike,

How ya doin? You probably knew I would have something to say about these ideas here of yours. Hu Hu. Nostalgia? LOL I have wanted to go back to Korea every since I got on the plane to leave. In fact I had anxiety about leaving.There ya go again Generalizing. And isn't that Dell computer, Sony, Acer, ETC. you are talking about that are hiring folks to work for lower costs and with less coverage? Especially some of those countries you mentioned. Shite I'm thinking the next time I ask for information on the telephone I may be routed through India. LOL. Fact is Allot of people do that. Money makes the world turn after all. Maybe that was why I had so much fun in Korea. I didn't save a penny the whole time I was there.

It is easy to see that Korea has changed some since I left. Hearing Rooker talk about the bus incident is sobering. It wasn't like that at all when I was in Korea. Korean people were in general happy to have conversations with Americans. I meant to post this earlier today but got side tracked.

Sounds like Korea is going through some identity issues from all that I have read and written. Cant drink like I did when I was younger so may not have as much fun in Korea. But that wasn't all of it. When I was in Korea, Korean women dated American men, and as a result my wife and I have had 28 years of good marriage but not only that we are best friends. I had allot of Korean friends when I was there. Busses were a trip then, cuz ya had to share your seating. Wow now that there are more busses, and folks driving there own cars its dawning on me that a change has taken place. People are becoming more westernized? So I can expect to be treated more like I am in the states now? LOL. Watching who I sit next to and speak to. Wow That really sucks. Don't get me wrong folks I am a happy American and so are my wife and kids. I'm just trying to get a feel for what is changing. I'm probably way off track and may need to go and see for myself. Hey Mike, do you think My wife and I will get treated bad because we are mixed marriage? That's a serious question. It was never on our minds back in 81.

Sometimes folks do things for fear of unknown. Watching Korean TV I see Korean farmers having tough time finding Korean women to marry them. They are actually importing girls from Cambodia and Laos for marriage in farming communities. And these are guys that are like mid 40s. Hell I'm 52 and have 28 years with my wife.They now have a sitcom where three Korean brothers all college trained are going to the country to become farmers because the farmers kids don't want to do it anymore. This is really making me wonder what is up with the average Korean mindset.

15 years ago


Don't think for a minute your comment about fans, and dogs are going without comment. Truth is fans can Kill in self defense martial arts. My daughter is adept at defending herself with a fan but the fan is no regular fan. Its metal for the most part and it was developed as a defense weapon for people who were not allowed to defend themselves. When it snaps open correctly believe me an attacker will think the situation over because in the right hands these fans make a very distinct popping sound when put into defense mode. And that in itself takes mucho practice. I cant do it. It is the first warning for an attacker. I'm not going all into that. Look it up if you are interested. Besides that it just like any defense weapon. The weapon isn't what kills it is the person holding it, and we have people killed with just about everything a person can get into there hands in the world of humans.

Now the dogs. Your not completely wrong but you are exploiting something that very few people do. Eat dogs that is. More clearly it was done much more during, and after the war in Korea. That has slowly come close to an end. Now do you want to get into who first bred fighting dogs and had huge feasts while these dogs fought to death? Do you have an idea of how many people still fight dogs to death right here in the US? Do you have an idea of how many countries folks eat dogs? Shite some eat monkeys also. Its a disgusting thing to do wherever you do it. Killing the dogs that lose or are severely injured is another disgusting practice. Anywhere in the world. And for most Americans mistreating a dog is not cool at all. Even though some idiots breed them to fight to the death it is a very small part of our population.

Man I don't get you Mike, for the amount of time you have spent in Korea you would think you would have something more accurate. Like the fact that consuming dogs is not an accepted practice anymore, and the dogs that were eaten were of a specific breed. That doesn't make it any more palatable though. And I agree that it is wrong. And I personally believe civilized folks should not do that at all anywhere but what ya gonna do? Look if your gonna dis on Koreans use factual info Mike. And keep it up to date.LOL Now I am not saying that it doesn't happen anymore. I'm saying it is not an accepted practice. We have knuckleheads with ignorant ideas everywhere. Wow look at the critters that get eaten where Sheldon went. Thailand. Is there anything they wont eat?

Mike, you just don't have much fun in Korea. Man, I hope you can go somewhere else soon where you like things more. Then maybe you will have a good nostalgic feeling about Korea when you look back on your time spent there. Sounds good to me. Later

Reply to  rookkor
15 years ago

Rookkor, it's not you or your fault, this happens all the time. You just happen to be one of the few who probably are observant enough to notice. Now, as to why this happens its hard for me to explain. I guess the first thing to say is "hey, look at this freaking thread!" it's been around for almost 3 years and is still gaining steam. Foreigners in Korean undergo a whole slew of rudeness/discrimination/ridicule etc. For you, it could be that even though your middle aged the guy changes his seat because he's lucky if he makes a million won a month and he THINKS you make 3 times that. Plus, he THINKS your old ass gets more chicks than he ever could possibly imagine. And you probably do get more chicks than he does; or at least you can if you tried. The Korean men really hate that more than anything; it's called jealousy with a dose of xenophobia. There's been a lot of anti-Americanism in the last ten years; mostly because of US military accidents or crimes. The Korean media amplify this so much that it's a surprise to me that it's not worse than it already is. ALso, it's glaringly obvious that since Korea has moved up economically they now shun the people responsible for their existence.

This is just a taste; there are dozens of reasons on this board why Koreans do the things they do. Yes, if you get on a bus noone wants to sit next to you; especially if you're male. Yes, if you go to a restaurant they will sit you in a corner' especially if you're male. Yes, if you get on Korean Air you will have a great chance to have an empty seat next to you; especially if you're male. I knew a couple of guys that went to the original Dr. Fish pool and when they went in the pool every Korean quietly got out.

Trust me, all these things have happened to me and it's a blessing in disguise. I've told other people about this and they usually are shocked BUT IT'S TRUE! they just never get out or they just don't notice as it usually is SUBTLE. I ask you; why would you want to be near someone who dislikes you without knowing who you anyway? It's mostly the male Koreans anyway as they do the most freaked up things ever to happen on this planet. There is absolutely NO THOUGHT PROCESS about many of the irrational things they do. Don't even worry about these assclowns; there are good things in Korea (if you play your cards right, your love life can be better than practically anywhere else in the world!).

The best thing you can do is understand these things happen in Korea all the time, they're basically harmless things anyway right? A great way to get revenge is to get a Korean girlfriend and treat her really well. The Korean guys will hate you but they can't do nothing to you lol! They're not going to confront you because they're afraid of you, they don't speak your language, and you're bigger than their scrawny asses!! You can have your cake and eat it too; you've got a pretty girl and you get to sit with her in peace in quiet. In other words, Korea can be a paradise.

15 years ago

Sorry Mike,

Didnt realize you were talking about a fan myth that looks like may have been started by government to save power. Hell I dont why they did that but my daughter told me I was wrong, and owed you an apology because I was off track then proceeded to correct me. We let the fans fly back when I was there. Things have changed, no doubt.

A korean
A korean
15 years ago

It is really the older Koreans who never dealt with foreigners that have an ethnocentric mind. You can’t blame someone for being hostile and defensive when they are exposed to something completely different. By the way, a lot of people accuse Confucianism to how Koreans in general behave, which I believe is a very outdated view that foreigners readily use because everyone else does it. However, I am going to assert that the rude treatment was mostly caused by the inability to speak Korean. How do I know this? If someone can’t speak the language, you are going to get ridiculed no matter how well you speak your mother tongue, and I have the first hand experience when I first came to California. You should have seen all the Anglos and blacks giving me a cold angry look when I tried to explain something. Also, there were some white high school kids who smashed leftovers at the front door in weekly basis because they thought it was amusing to tease foreigners. Called the cops, talked to their parents, never happened again. My point is, if you can’t deal with Koreans by speaking Korean you are likely to be alienated and ridiculed. Just think of how native speaking Americans deal with thick accented Latinos in US, and that says a lot provided that the country is known for its diversity for many years. Have you ever seen the faces when bunch of Chinese started talking in a public place in LA? And here, people come to bash on how we treat foreigners and have the nerve to say we are ignorant racists. No one is going to ridicule you if you went straight up and flawlessly speak up your mind in Korean, but some of you go to Korea thinking that you get a free pass because you speak English? Get the Fk out. Count how many foreigners in Korea who speak fluent Korean then tell me we are still rude. No one is gonna FK with you if you have a sharp mind & tounge reglardless of what part of the world you are in. Also, there is a saying in America that Anglos are the most polite, most easily offended, and most rudest of all.

Reply to  A korean
15 years ago


For me, learning the language has become something I'm not interested in. Why? Everyone that has promised to help me learn the language has failed to comethrough on their promise. In the meantime, I flounder through the rude behavior that I see on a daily basis. When I ask someone about such things as spitting or public drunkenness, I get a BS cultural story. I am used to a world where women are treated as equals and not primarily as objects. That isn't just a Korean issue. There is no doubt that by most world standards, Koreans men are rude. The women aren't, aside from the cellphones everywhere without regard for anyone around them.

Now, let's talk about rude foreigners, specifically, westerners. I've been here two year and it is only recently that I've been going to a westerner's bar. I have to say that westerners in Korea, or at least the ones who drink, tend to be far more extreme in behavior than they are in their own countries. They are young men (and women) who have come to a society where rules are lax, and not only have they embraced the looseness, but they have exceeded somewhat what the locals are even capable of. When I was on my own, without more than 1 or 2 foreign friends, I saw a generally subdued lifestyle and approach to Korean rulelessness. Nowadays, I find myself apologizing for obnoxious foreigners, of which there are plenty. We foreigners commit less crimes, sexually and otherwise than Korean, per capita, but that doesn't mean we aren't guilty of stupidity and rudeness. We most certainly are. I'm excited about going to China in a few months where I will be able to make ex-pat comparisons. I imagine the foreigners will by less wild, but will be somewhat ruder than the Chinese. I don't know exactly. I do know that no one (of the foreigners) would get away with 90% of what they do in Korea. We should all set examples for behavior so that Korea may see what we are really like back home instead of following in local footsteps, treading with even bigger feet at times.


15 years ago

Even though it is clear for me to see that things have changed since I was in Korea I have to agree if you speak fluent Korean you are nearly as good as being Korean in Korea. Korean People appreciate foreigners speaking proper Korean. I was excepted into many situations and treated almost like one of the crowd when I was the only one not Korean. As far as learning.Very simple; Learn to read Korean then just take trips. Immerse yourself, and in no time you will speak Korean Fluent if you enjoy it. I loved Korea so after I learned to read Korean I was in. Oh, you have to learn the different number systems also as there are a couple used in telling time and different ones are used different ways. Easy enough though.

I have to agree about Korean women being more kind, and friendly than Korean Men. Korea would be so lost without their woman . They are the Jewels of this world. Sorry ladies of other cultures. JMO. These ladies actually keep Korea on an even Keel and I will go as far as to say Korea is really a Matriarch society but the men don't know it. Some Korean Men are cool folks also but I think the women just have it figured out. I wish more Korean men would treat them better. It will happen when they see their woman doing other things in life. When I was there the women were not treated as well by Korean Men than say men from places that really appreciated their wonder. It was the women that were responsible for just about all important decision and the dirty work. Sorry. That's the way I saw it. I still love Korea no Country is perfect. And even though most my friends were female I knew a few Korean men that could see the truth and treated their wife's well. Treat A Korean women that has given you her trust, and love as good as she treats you and you will be in heaven on Earth. Be honest with Korean women and you will have solid friends. I could go on and on but it would be boring for you all. later

15 years ago

I see many Koreans where I live and work. I hate them. I hate all of them. My fried was raped by a Korea Man two year ago. That is not the only reason why I hate them. They are so dirty and rude.

GOD will have justice with them and they will all go to hell.

I see many foreigner every day. Some American German Japanese and some Korean and other foreigner. Only Korean are always dirty and rude.

Sometime they try and be nice but they are just an act. I can tell many story about many different Korean. They are like dogs.

15 years ago


Leon LaPorte
15 years ago


Sheldon Walters
Sheldon Walters
Reply to  Duffy
15 years ago

Well, I agree with you on some things you said when it comes to racial hatred. It is worse in America than it is in Korea. But I can still say that most Koreans don't like black people as much as they like white people. You probably never noticed that did you?

I had just spent one weekend in Korea, and it felt nice to have been in my former home away from home, no culture shock because I knew my way around anyway. As I told you before, the public transit system in Korea is so darn good and very cheap that even Canada should adapt ideas from the public transit system in Korea.

But when it comes to people, like I said I love Korean people, but the ones I hung around with are the ones that gave me the piece of mind to be able to survive there for 3 years. However when I was flying on the plane back to Seoul that weekend in November, I sat beside Korean passengers and yes I can still say that they were pretty well stuck up. But at least I had a good time watching a NANTA performance because they selected me to be on the stage to do a dumpling making game.

And you mention how you wonder how I can say I love Korea but recommend people to teach English elsewhere in Asia? Well, in my experience, Korea is just a starting ground. Go elsewhere like Taiwan or anywhere and it's better. That is just the truth. You also mention that kids in Korea don't want to learn English, well that's a sign of the Korean attitude. Here in Taiwan it's different because English in Taiwan is more popular than in Korea.

Everywhere in the world there is good and bad. But Koreans need to stop wearing this idealistic mask and start being more honest.

By the way you mentioned that you have kids who are half Korean? You are married to a Korean. Well, I'll tell you this. I never stood the chance of having a Korean girlfriend. So where in Asia are my girlfriends? Thailand and Singapore, Korea, definately not. But I did have lustful affairs with Korean women. Korean women are pretty, North Korean women are prettier, but women here in Taiwan have more shape and more tan.

There are Korean women who found me charming and attractive more than their Korean men, I guess we can end that on a good note.

15 years ago

Amazing how this thread keeps going strong 🙄

15 years ago

The fact that it is till going strong is a testament to the validity of this thread. As I have said before, take a look at 'craigslist' Rants and Raves for a pretty objective comparison of Korea to other countries. I really don't have much of a problem actually, just irritation at most. But it gets to you, and that, I believe, is the idea — 9 months and counting (not a reference to the latest 1.1 birth rate which continues Korea's number one status as the lowest birth rate in the world)

Leon LaPorte
Reply to  TGV
15 years ago

See, they can't even stand each other. 😆

15 years ago

Hey, Sheldon,

I wanted to address your comment first. Man I gotta tell ya things have changed with Korean women since I was there. One of the best friends I will remember in my life is a black man and he showed me around Korea first. He was tall, and the woman loved him. He married a Korean lady in Seoul. He did a long stay in Korea.

After three years of marriage to a Korean lady she died of brain cancer. He missed her but after a year he had girlfriends again.. I will tell you one thing for sure Sheldon, some Korean women are favorable to black western men and some are scared of the old rumor. LOL. Sorry man that is just a fact. But I am speaking from many years ago when there were thousands of girls that would date only black men and others only white, and some both. Had a girlfriend in 79 that had no prejudice in her. She showed me around Korea allot. But she was fickle and always wanting to see different pastures. Get my meaning. I still think of her though. If things have changed that much I would say Korea is going to a funky place in time. But at the same time this is news that makes me sad. It wasn't like when I was there, and that is another reason I have such a deep love for Korea.

Korean men didn't pay much attention to the Korean women that dated westerners back then so if they decided to do so, and many did they also made the decision that they would not marry Korean men in those days. I bet Korean men are putting some pressure on them now. I don't have allot to say about intelligence of Korean men though knew a few that were cool but just not very out going. And only can say out of all I knew only maybe one I think of as a good friend. Sorry Korean dudes. That is JMO. Still though I was given respect, and gave respect to Korean men if situation called for it. In other words even though I wasn't overly excepted by Korean dudes I still enjoyed being in company of Korean families and usually after a bit of ice was broke we would come to understand each other but that was like a ritual that took on a shape of its own. It was fun . I always made things worse by having a Korean woman with me. I had so many Korean girlfriends I can actually brag about it honestly . wish I could see or just talk to them now. miss them all so much. My wife knows this I have told her. She understands.

Sheldon you and I aren't so far in disagreement as it looked like before. . We just have had different experiences at different times. Listening to your last post made me understand where you are coming from. Albright man I hope you get a Beautiful Korean lady to date you as you will love her no doubt. But sounds like you are having no trouble in the other places and seems like you enjoy those ladies allot so good luck.

A korean
A korean
Reply to  TGV
15 years ago

It gives a good estimate of how naive or how thick-headed you are provided that you take racist flamewars as undeniable truths. Maybe you should take look around how foreigners get away with shit in Korea that gets them behind bars for years in their country, then come back and say we have a problem.

This thread screams for mandating listing poster's occupation. Probably most of the "victims" are borderline poverty, then come to bitch how bad they are treated. FYI now institutions reconsider hiring non Asians because of the persistent troubles such as drugs and unprofessional conduct, and there was recently a statistic showing that half of the foreigners failed to meet the conditions in the contract which some resulted in deportation…and now you know the other side of the coin.

Mike Ebertz
Mike Ebertz
Reply to  A korean
15 years ago

First, I want you to post a link to that statistic about foreigners and contracts. Second, if you've never had a contract with a Korean, you have no idea. They are similar to indentured servant contracts circa 1685 in that they can find any reason to break one, and we, the slave, cannot. Why would they break a contract? Simple, to cheat foreigners out of money because there is absolutely no legal protection for them, and the contract holders know that. Why is foreigner crime so low compared with Korean crime, and especially violent crime and sexual crimes? Because we tread lightly so that our contracts can't be broken. Yet, they still are. The western world has protection for immigrant workers. They are treated as residents. Immigrants can have government jobs. Immigrants can hold public office. Show me in Korea where that is possible for someone who isn't married to a Korean to do. It isn't. Back off.


15 years ago

OMG, I just found this thread after taking a tour of asia. This exact subject was on my mind because the only bad experiences I had were in Korea. What the hell is wrong with these people? As I was walking around Seoul in a daze I couldn’t understand why I was getting treated so badly. I had a friend with me who is of Asian extraction and after awhile even she couldn’t explain Korean people away. During my trip I visited Japan, Thailand, Vietnam and China and I didn’t experience anything like the pushes, shrugs, vile comments, and head shaking that I did in Korea. The only places I visited were Incheon, Seoul, DMZ, and Chuncheon.

Hopefully not all foreigners have the horrible experience I had while in Korea but judging by this thread I guess it’s quite common.

Reply to  niccoppola
15 years ago

Yeah, they're rude no matter what the reason. I'm here in Thailand on vacation and I thought I ran into a couple of Koreans today. I then realized how much of a fish out of water they are whenever they travel. I guess being from up North in the colder parts of asia makes them colder people. Plus even in Korea they treat each other rudely, only family matters and nowadays that's crumbling.

Koreans are insular and xenophobic. And very greedy too. They've made a lot of progress but I seriously doubt they'll ever adapt to the ever shrinking world as well as other cultures. Their treatment of foreigners is absolutely unforgivable and abysmal.

15 years ago

Well, never a shortage of those of you who feel so mistreated by Koreans and wow Koreans are out of place when not in Korea, and even the family structure is crumbling? OH Nell, what to do? Some of you sound like you get information from Korean Soap Opera. So now what has happened in your own country is now happening in Korea. MAYBE! I am really finding this sentence about Koreans adapting to the rest of the world a fine example of arrogance. Just what the heck have they been doing for the past 60 years? You must mean North Korea, and in that case you have a point. Folks are doing very well in South Korea. They still have some adjustments to go through but they are just okay. Look how far Korean woman have come. Wow they are something to be. They brought money flowing back into South Korea with Their grace. Now they have many more choices of what they can do. That is direct result of their ability to adapt at crucial times in the rebuilding of South Korea. Dont even make me point out what China,,, Oh hell they did it here it is!! 40 million girls gone. Not missing but gone since they passed the 1 child law in the eighties. You cynical people OPEN YOUR EYES. STop look whats thats sound? Everybody look whats going down. Now I have a BIG question for you know it alls. How are people in America going to adjust to the horrid changes the current administration is putting into effect? I would bet,, many of you haters are so blind to the world you dont even see what I am talking about and I am not going to argue with idiots. I see Korea adapting very well. Wow sure has changed since I was there and its for the better of the people.

Racial blindness or what you think is insight is rediculous. You do not have the ability to see any way but your own! It's like many people I have met that believe their religion is the only way one will get to paradise. And we know terrorist believe the same thing. These existers skip the spirit world completely so why would they edify their personal spirit in their short time on earth?. Don't need none of that cuz they followed the rules of their religion. And that isn't even true! This is a cry because people sit and listen to others preach the religions they follow when all they would need to do is read the book, then they might see that it is written by man. I mean God didn't sit there and write these books just to have them be so confusing that people would build many different Religions. If God wrote a book it would be imposable to misunderstand, and there would be no arguing about its contents. No grown babies demanding attention

Get over yourselves. As far as the one that said Koreans will get theirs when they die and all go to,,, Well you know what came out of your insecure mind then onto the screen. It is painfully obvious you are either a citizen of Korea's neighboring country. The country that is an island, or you are someone who has loved a Korean and that failed. What ever your issue is your belief that a whole people are evil is so ridiculous and sad for you. You truly are racist to very marrow of your bone. You say your friend was raped by a Korean. I say well rape is a crime that is in every country . Some more prominent per capita, and S Korea certainly does not hold a high number there. You will have another chance to get yourself together. I suggest you do it. I am not making light of rape, it is disgusting though we all know what happened to Korean woman 1910 to 1945 from Island neighbor, to East, when they felt they were the Gods of east Asia.

From what I have learned when that happens in Korea the offender goes to prison like right now. If you / your friend did not report this and point out offender how would the person get their just dues? Hope this was done in timely fashion.

Speak sensibly with information instead of blubbering. If you have time listen to the song One part. Get to your heart and stop this beating up of other's way's. One piece of a song we have all heard many times.

"And as we wind on down the road

Our shadows taller than our soul

There walks a lady we all know

Who shines white light and wants to show

How everything still turns to gold

And if you listen very hard

The truth will come to you at last

When all are one and one is all

To be a rock and not to roll "

15 years ago

Yes, the Koreans are the worst of Asia. When I travel in other Asian countries besides Korea I cringe when I see an actual Korean. They usually stick out like sore thumbs, they very rarely smile and they always seem nervous and so out of place.

Koreans are definitely the most fish out of water people on the planet.

I feel very sorry for their culture, they simply cannot adapt hardly at all. When I'm in Korea it can be a nightmare, they have the least manners of any culture I've ever seen.

I can see why this website brings so many negative issues about Korea and Koreans to light. There's so much to discuss, that's why this thread just won't end.

15 years ago

Dufy you and "a Korean" are douche bags.

15 years ago

Call me and others names but offer no wisdom. 😀 You got it goin Not. Your a very caring soul. 🙄 Living with yourself must be a daily chore. I mean your so wise. Wow, you believe that. And that handle suggests a bit of Narcisism. Have you not the integrity to use your own name while you call other folks idiotic names? You will go far in current political environment. I will not argue with idiot's. I dont care how many of you say "this is a long thread so must be true". Whats true? What you choose to be true? There is as much or more feelings to the contrary of your negativety towards a whole people. You are to the bone racists and that can not be dealt with by me. It is ignorance at the deapths of mans heart and as old as mans first step on Earth. So Keep it going you are still on a roll. I know you by your words your hateful Ideas are looming over the future of mans growth. But you will never see my words so color me how ever you would but Im done with you for now.

15 years ago

I feel bad for Koreans. They've been screwed over throughout the millenia and now they can't adapt to the ever changing global world. Yes, there are a lot of rude Koreans but many times I run into a family and they are just very close-knit and afraid of ANY outsiders. A lot of the northern, cold countries have rude people.

Now the rudest people I've ever run into were the Germans. I lived in Germany for a few years and the German man that lived next to me was unbelievably rude. His son tried to apologize for him but he couldn't do anything about it.

I'd rather put up with the Korean rudeness compared to the shit I put up with in Germany. They murdered over a million Jewish children you know?

15 years ago

Koreans are flat out rude. You can rationalize it any way you like, but they are selfish and inconsiderate.

Korea was the first Asian country I visited so I just accepted the rudeness and the occasional racism. But after traveling around Asia, I realized Korea was different, and not in a good way.

I could give hundreds upon hundreds of examples. But why bother?

15 years ago

Why did you Bother? You have to because you can not say anything good. I see you are back to taking your misery out on other people again. Join the crowd of angry people who are really calling the kettle burned, when they are burning up

others who see Korean people the way you think they are. Ya thats liberating huh? Join the crowd of haters and follow their lead. I believe it is damn rude to say a whole people are rude. But you dont care what I believe as I dont agree with you. Cmon people get off your soap boxes and find something else to find wrong. I hate fighting you people but see no other choice. Damn Korean lover that I am. This is an old story, and nothing has changed. You haters think soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan find the people comforting? My point is why didnt you go to one of those places? After all if your in the military they will let you go without an argument and if you are not what ever you are doing in Korea probably can be done in these places by you also. The beauty is you may be right when you find folks rude Oh but you wouldnt see them rude folks there cuz there just in Korea.

15 years ago

I am THAI people. We hate all Koreans.

Reply to  EatTheDog
15 years ago

Hey,eat the dog,

You are saying all Thai people hate all Korean People. Aren't you a typical Hater!! Your going to speak for a whole nation of people of who have their share of trouble in history, and know what it's like to be misunderstood. Now you start with a handle like you have when Thailand accounts for the death of many exotic creatures in the world because of superstitions of health and vitality. You sound like a redneck hater from the world who will not take the log out of his back yard but complains about some kids throwing their ball over his/her fence. Of course these kids are a different race than his or her own kids. The Redneck hater, hates them for that and will try to enlist people of his/her similar color/race to hate also thus using the phrase "We hate". When in fact not all rednecks are haters no less the folks that are the color as the redneck that does hate. This redneck hates because his /her internal feelings about their own self. I really don't mean this next statement so don't do it but please. (use for example). Hey Thai person, sounds like you need to drink a glass of cobra blood and have a slice of endangered species, say like Tiger or maybe even turtle from Madagascar! Oh hey, I know house cat may hit the spot, and afterwards you could go to a certain part of town and have your pleasure with whatever you fantasize about. We know a high percentage of your own critters are on endangered list. BTW I haven't seen many awesome products that are made in this modern world with the stamp of Made in Thailand on it, Now I have seen some Junk.Guess what!! News flash. You are an individual with individuals you know! You are not (we the Thai people). That is wonderful for the Thai people. Not so great for Korean people who keep taking hits on this blog. I will continue to fight as see no choice. One must defend the true beliefs in their heart. You really want to tell it like it is? I see you as an ignorant hater. Your probably not even Thai just one of the people that does whatever they can to add negativity to this blog which is only serving a purpose for haters to vent on Korean's?.

Birth Control
Birth Control
15 years ago

Another thing that may be the reason why Koreans are rude and have the rude driving is because the country is overpopulated. People are stressed out. South Korea has a population of 48,000,000 people. The population of Canada is 33,000,000. There are some states in the U.S.A. that are larger then South Korea. For example, the state of Utah has a population of 2,000,000 and the state is larger than South Korea. South Koreans are too cramped up living in high rise housing complexes. Koreans need to really work on SEX EDUCATION, family planning, proper use of condoms, and have easy access to contraceptives like Plan B and birth control pills. Koreans don't need to have many kids. Why should they? Korea still has high emigration still. What's the use of increasing family size if Koreans themselves will emigrate anyway? So what Koreans need to do is to control their population. They need to be more civilized and make their country clean. Korea is still too dirty. People of ages can be seen littering all the time.

15 years ago

I just discover this site and I almost read all the comments. I took masters in Language Education. So, I am a freelance English tutor for foreigners specially Koreans ON LINE / one-on-one and I am involve http://www.untvweb.com. as talent. For more than 2 years of teaching them…I would say that there are few who are rude but most of them that I handled are very nice. As a matter of fact, few of them treated and call me 2nd mommy or lovely teacher. We should first entrench why they behave like that. Perhaps, because of ignorance, stress, immaturity or precipitate reaction. It happens too to some of us. So why not, take a broader view. Korea is just small like other Asian countries, wise and there are lots of them who are wonderful like my Korean classmate, students and their family. kkkkkkk 😆

As we were taught by our church leader:

All creatures great and small; All things wise and wonderful; The Best Lord made them all!



Mike Ebertz
Mike Ebertz
Reply to  MAESTRA VIAJES- www.
15 years ago

Of course you would say that. You are Korean. I can tell by your weak English and your use of kkkkkk. Only Koreans use that to represent laughter. You also mention church leader. That sounds like mindless Korean Christianity sect stuff to me. Your opinion is invalid. Sorry.


Reply to  Mike Ebertz
15 years ago

C'mon you can not invalidate this persons opinion any more than I can validate yours, and you can only guess what race they are even if it did matter. It is to the individual to reveal their race if they care to. Personally I don't see what it matters what race this person is anyway. After all we are all human with exception of those who feel they are not. Wow now we have God telling someone their opinion is unimportant, and then telling the same what race they are. Good news, narcissistic behavior can be cured with much inner thought and meditation.

Chris In Dallas
Chris In Dallas
15 years ago

Okay, here is my second crack at this topic. I just want to hit one facet of this debate, that being language.

Korean language has some very rigid conventions when it comes to conveying politeness. Koreans know these rules and can quickly choose the appropriate level to use when conversing with another Korean. English has politeness conventions but they are not well structured and not formally taught. Never the less, they exist.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the vast majority of Americans come into contact with Koreans in America while transacting business in a Korean owned store. An American customer expects some level of deference from a vendor. Hearing a store owner or staff saying "Yeh, yeh", "What you want?", "Ughhh", "Huh??" can be a major turn off.

Not to say this is anyone's fault. The American customer has legitimate expectations. The Koreans operating the store likely have little idea of the nuances of English.

Mike Ebertz
Mike Ebertz
Reply to  Chris In Dallas
15 years ago

I've been here for more than 2 years. I never met a Korean in America. It isn't rudeness as much as it a no coherent system of manners except in a formal dining setting, which is so rarely an event, that most Koreans know less about the manners there than I do.

Koreans, for the most part, are oblivious of anyone else around them that isn't in their immediate group. It shows in the noise levels and the constant bumping into people and almost driving over them on the road.

Individually, I like them all except drunken ajossis who i avoid like the plague. I avoid all drunks as a rule, regardless of nationality, but these guys think drinking gives them an excuse to start trouble. You can't defend yourself because if you fight back, you go to jail and are forced to pay blood money to your assailant because he is Korean and you aren't. This happens daily.

If a Korean man rapes someone and has been drinking, the charges are lowered because he wasn't in his right mind. This is an absolute truth and the mentality behind such things is so far from the western mindset, as messed up as we might be, that I cannot fathom it. It is a country that has 3000 times the amount of fraud cases as Japan because lying to get what one wants is as part of their lives as breathing. It is vastly different and cultural. I deal with it and I have a good time, but I watch myself every minute of every day.


15 years ago

• MikeEbertz

January 17th, 2010 at 12:24 am

• Of course you would say that. You are Korean. I can tell by your weak English and your use of kkkkkk. Only Koreans use that to represent laughter. You also mention church leader. That sounds like mindless Korean Christianity sect stuff to me. Your opinion is invalid. Sorry.



Yes,MIke of course, I will say it. Whatever nationality or country they belong and are being attack negatively,unfairly and defenseless. I will care for…even European, African, Chinese, Japanese,Mexican, Arabian, Filipino …etc , you name it. Because it is my faith that we just came from one parent; therefore, we are brothers and sisters that should understand, respect, support and love each other regardless of nationality. Unless, you are an enemy of truth and friend of Satan…I will not care even you set off to where you belong…hell.

As it was explained by: ( Bro. Eli Soriano in his blog – http://esoriano.wordpress.com/2007/08/10/my-god-i… : ….God is not a respecter of persons, but also ‘not a respecter of colors’ — or of human skin. Actually, if we are going to peel off our skin, there is a glaring truth that we will discover under our skin: We, the entire human race (black, white, yellow, red, and brown), are all biological brothers and sisters. We all have the same chemical and biological components that make us human.) http://www.theindependent-bd.com/details.php?nid=

You stated that, “…sounds mindless Korean Christianity to me…” You mean that if a person believes in God it sounds mindless to you? Who created you? Ah, most probably, Satan. Because only an evil mind will and your kind will say that.

You are commenting that my English is week and I am Korean because I used “kkkkkkk”.????

I sent an email to abroad and my opening is, “Bonjour. Comment vas-tu?”

I chat with brethren in another country and I said, “Buenos dias. Como le va? Habla usted Ingles?

And I greeted one of our professors, and I responded when she asked me about…and I said, “Ja Professor. Aber ich vergaß die meisten Ausdrücke. Ist das richtig?

I am a frelance tourguide too so; I mingled and traveled to a lot of foreigners in my own country.

Then, because I just used the expression, kkkkkk??? You already concluded that I am Korean?


And what strong English is for you? Posting like a nobel? Or using bad words like, shit?

What kind of animal dung your brain composed of?

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  MAESTRA VIAJES- www.
15 years ago

Mike, Good job. It looks like you got it right.

Reply to  Mike Ebertz
15 years ago

Ye ha doggies, Watch out Here goes Mike again with his troops Ambrose and whoever else will ride out hunting down mankind again. You talk of folks doing this and that in Korea when they drink. Where did this behavior start you may ask but you dont. South Korea was a play ground for the Soldiers Post war and those soldiers got away with many atrocities up into the 80's. Big companies from America pushed Black marketing and drinking because they wanted to Westernize these people. Not being particularly religous I can not say you are evil Mike but I sure as heck cant understand why you can not get along with Korean folks after two years of being there. But you and I have been through that. The hours getting late. So lets stop talking Bullshit now. Ya, the wise people that have lived on this planet were not prejudiced and understood the human condition. Be it Christ, Buddha, Bob, Jimi or Mary, and Im am not comparing them as they all had different pathways and things to say. How close are the things they said. We are taught Christ asked us to love each other, and not have wars, also the ability to be humble. Pretty good idea. I believe this person loved everybody even me and you before we were even born to this current life. Buddha talked about patience, kindness, and simple lifestyles. Sounds like good idea's. The others all philosophers and or prophets that passed on good messages to human kind. Folks have been twisting the words of two oldest and the one that drew much attention in whole world last two millenniums to get their own ways. Mans nature again. None told us to find rudeness in a whole race. So that come's from ones own nature. I guess you get what you see. Why constantly compare these people with Japanese? If you are correct about the lies and bribery think about how and why it started. As a slave nation to Japan for 35 years that answers it. I know people in Korea are desperate to get ahead of the game because this is the first time they all get to play. These folks want to get ahead before it is two late. I believe many of the Korean people really have a bit of PTSD. What was happening with drunken rapist's right here in our country say before 25 years ago. They got away with allot because of alcohol and folks didn't just get away with rape. There was many more things. Take the log out of your eye before trying to point out a speck in another peoples eye. We have so many serial Murderer's in America it is out of hand over 250 active serial Killers at all time's and many more budding.

Chris in Dallas really has a good point. If one understands Korean language and culture they will have a much easier time with Korean people. Yes it has been a while since I was there but I remember the people and still meet Korean people here in the states. I have no problem. The only question left for this blog is: Should Korean people change their ways to better fit with other folks. My feeling is this: When the rest of the world changes then maybe Korea should also. No offense Mike JMO. Later

Mike Ebertz
Mike Ebertz
Reply to  Duffy
15 years ago


I merely have stated what I see. Mostly, it isn't the women I am talking about. The women are a product of Confucianism as much as the arrogance of the layers of men.

Every day I teach students and I like them. The women are genuinely curious about the world and most want to visit lands where they could be equals to men. Of course that isn't always the case in the west, but it's very close to being so and in some cities, it is so.

Korean men who are individualistic, have the same curiosity. The older guys know that if they go elsewhere, they won't be kings of the castle any longer. They only go to places like the Philippines and Thailand where they can still lord it over people. Ask anyone from one of those nations. They'll tell you.

This idea of rising to levels that place you above the rabble is rampant and tough too deal with. Do I care what they do in their country? Yes, because I'm here. I have no problems because I keep to myself.

I haven't joined the drinking culture, and I teach and drink coffee with locals (Koreans) far more than I hang out with foreigners. Nothing I have said is made up. It isn't negative unless someone thinks it is, and then they are racist, not I. I am only observing in a cultural-anthropological way.



15 years ago

• Marcus Ambrose

January 17th, 2010 at 2:56 pm

Mike, Good job. It looks like you got it right.



What is right about his statement? He about koreans, “It is a country that has 3000 times the amount of fraud cases as Japan because lying to get what one wants is as part of their lives as breathing or because I believe in God and that we belong to one family from the beginning? ” That I am Korean because I used,” kkkkkkk”?

How if I use yours like: Hey, Marcus…for the gazillionth time you said a lot of “yackety schmackety, blah, blah, blah”, before and GOOD. And now I found zilch, zero, zippo, nil, nada and null. Sheesh! It’s a big whoopdedoo when you can’t even remember where the gosh diddly darned your head now, whaddyacallit is! Read my lips, “Tell Mike, DON’T GENERALIZED”!!!!. It also happened anywhere!

Now, perhaps, he will think I ‘m American. Huh!!!

Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  MAESTRA VIAJES- www.
15 years ago

That you are full of crap and your comments are to be disregarded.

15 years ago

As I read in BRO. ELI SORIANO's BLOG :


My God is a God for All Colors

2007 August 10

"But it is an undeniable fact that God uses colors, and there is wisdom behind it. The colors of flowers attract bees and butterflies to help in the process of pollination.

But the color of human skin has nothing to do with the perceived superiority of one race above another. What matters most is their fear of God."


MR. MARCUS, MR. MIKE and the rest posting negative against other countries:

Throwing out of mud with each other doesn't help anybody!

Therefore, stop your nonses empty crap remarks too.

15 years ago

The difference between a bad day and a good day is ATTITUDE…

I know for a fact that this site mainly discusses language issues…but it appears that culture and nationality become crucial issues here…

Pointing out what's wrong in a country or in a race won't help that much if this correction is being done on a rude manner..

Also, none of us could ever have the right to discriminate any person or nation because we are all equal…

If you claim to be superior, then you have to create your own world where your rules and opinions would be the ONLY things to matter…

We are all different and that's a fact…

All we can do is accept this and live our lives with positive view…

If you could only see the glass half-emptied and not half-filled, then you'll live a sad life…

No one could ever make you happy and feel fine except yourself…

Please always remember…our significance is not measured by what we achieved but what we shared…

not by our educational degree but by our charitable heart..

And for the teachers…'teaching chooses no one.It's a noble profession where our goal is to teach anyone no matter how good or bad is our student. If they (our students) are already perfect, then they don't need us, right?"

At times, we experience bad things with them…with our students…


' Experience, whether good or bad will always make us learn..and that is the important thing…'

Those challenges shape who we are now…

I just hope..you could answer definite 'YES' to the following questions…

1. Are you happy with what you are doing?

2. Do your actions help others to improve their lives?

3. Are you the person that when I meet. 'I'll tell myself, I'm blessed I met you'?

Folks…'Love the life you live and live the life you love..'

Come'on… Our journey in this life and our fellows who are with us in this challenging world aren't that bad as we are thinking…you can make the difference…!

15 years ago


There are places on earth which can be considered hostile to live in, physically and spiritually: Physically, because they are plagued with crime and moral decadence; and spiritually because … ( read more… http://esoriano.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/where-ca

To: Mr. Marcus,

Even in the country where Mr. Marcus, Mr. Mike and the rest of judgemental, racist and with the attitude of generalizing people, there are good and evil!!! Nail that to your head.


Mike Ebertz
Mike Ebertz
Reply to  MAESTRA VIAJES- www.
15 years ago

Wow! You are so Christ-like. I wonder how often Jesus called people names and wanted things nailed to their heads. Let me know when I DO say something racist. I'd love to be able to correct my behavior.



15 years ago

Mike felt… ouch!!! Are you racist? Why are you reacting to the word? kkkkkkkkk

Mike Ebertz
Mike Ebertz
15 years ago

Racist? No. I never label people. kkkkkkk. Sorry about that noise. I had some kimchi stuck to my palette.


Marcus Ambrose
Marcus Ambrose
Reply to  MAESTRA VIAJES- www.
15 years ago

I leave it to you 'true' christians to nail things to your body. However, if you have a cute cousin or sister I'd be willing to get into the nailing business.

April S.
April S.
15 years ago

Whoa. I think the rudest culture in the world is the internet culture. I was in Korea for almost 2 years with my husband and children. I noticed a lot of things everyone is saying but overall I have to say that I don't think Koreans are more rude than Americans, they are just a different kind of rude. I also think much of the perceived rudeness is just nuances being lost in translation-if you only know one way to say something it can be hard to be tactful. Also, Koreans use different cadences and tones of voice and when they use the same cadence or tones in English it can come across as rude. I noticed the Koreans who worked on post and were more used to being around Americans spoke differently. Someone earlier mentined how the shop owners in Korea say things like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah," and I found that to be a huge turn-off too but it probably was just a translation problem, not intentional rudeness.

I thought it was amazing that almost everywhere you go in Korea you can find people who speak English and signs in English. We did get cheated some and had a few bad experiences but I don't think the people who tried to cheat us did it because they were Korean. Greed is found everywhere. The people who cheated us and overcharged were just trying to get over on the American government. Also, many of the shops used a haggling system that I think lot of Americans, including me, are uncomfortable with.

I have a lot of tattoos and some visible piercings and some Koreans looked at me askance, but mostly they were nice and seemed amused by them. They chuckled but they weren't being mean about it, which is more than I can say for some of the Americans who saw me on post and felt the need to give me their unsolicited opinions about my appearance.

The Koreans I worked with on post were wonderful to me and were nice to everyone else too. Actually the Koreans I worked with were nicer than most of the American civilians on post. 90% of the bad experiences we had in Korea were dealing with American civilian employees.

I don't consider not being friendly the same as being rude. Korea is crowded so they deal with strangers in public differently. I found the line cutting and pushing rude, but I also realize that it is just how they do things and they don't mean anything personal by it.

I agree with the poople who mentioned how gross and stinky the food is, but I don't understand why anyone would be angry at the people because they don't like the food. And yes, kimchi is a pervasive stench, but if you go in an American's house who fries chicken or fish a lot, it stinks. It's just that people live so closely in Korea, you can smell what they are eating at home. Smelly food does not equal rudeness.

People have been asking me how Korea was and I tell the truth: there were good aspects and bad aspects. There are things I miss about Korea, like cheap taxis, a terrific train system, being able to walk anywhere, and the overall safety. I don't know if there are as many Korans at all bases as are at Carson, but generally the Koreans here who work on post are very friendly and polite.

April S.
April S.
15 years ago

Ha. poople. I meant people, ovbiously.

April S.
April S.
15 years ago

It's late. I'm tired. I can't type. obviously.

15 years ago

Koreans are known as "Japs with Attitude" in some business circles in Australia…

Reply to  April S.
15 years ago

Wow allot of people are called allot of different things. I could tell you what Ive heard people say about folks from your part also. Wow wow wow! There is ignorance, then there is copying ignorance.

Reply to  pronto
15 years ago

Sorry April I meant to put this on this very smart individuals post. Not Yours Got in a hurry.

Hey Pronto,

This is for you enlightened one. Wow allot of people are called allot of different things. I could tell you what Ive heard people say about folks from your part also. Wow wow wow! There is ignorance, then there is copying ignorance.


15 years ago

Wow some interesting posts tonight. April, wow insight with truth of unbiased opinion is valuable. Thank you. I feel from your words that you want to speak honestly about all folks. I can only hope that is what I do. MIKE, I meant to respond to you a several days ago but didn't have time. Yes you have a point about SOME Korean men having the idea to go with the ingrained Confucianism mindset. Boys tend to get different attention, and treated better than girls growing up in many Korean Families. I would hope that is changing also. Sorry folks that is what I have seen. And one of the rare things my wife and argued about when our kids were growing up. My wife didn't even realize this was happening its was so natural. But many Korean men will have to change now because,, well they just don't have a choice. Korean women want an equal loving, and understanding relationship with their spouses though they still probably receive pressure from their families to allow their husbands the upper hand it isn't working so well anymore. I just hope the modern Korean women know what their older sisters, aunts, and grand mas, did for them to change life as it was in Korea post Korean War up into the 90s. That should be taught in school but will be swept under the carpet like something dirty. All Korean women that served in the military Ville's who were not able to get a successful marriage or good life with GI or Korean man should receive honors. It was those women that brought the economy back and got the people many western foods, and items from PX. It was natural to take all you rations to the Ville's back then. I believe the Korean women to be one of the most honorable humans on earth, collectively and singularly. They can hold on to a ton of bull shit for sake of bettering the lives of their fellow people's. Whoever they are! I was in Korea during a time when the woman had it real hard (literally). Their capacity to love and make the best of the situation at hand taught me just how selfish I could be. To bad I didn't learn that earlier as wouldn't have hurt those that I did hurt. And it is just a fact that was what happened. My slate is far from clean. And this is the main reason I will fight for Korea forever. But moving on, life has been good for me because my wife, and me have such a good life together. Yes being honest I can see what you are saying about the men wanting to live in places that would allow them a higher stature in life and have dominance over folks in their lives, and families. But Mike, I know folks here that would do the same. Your point is taken though. This is something that cant just be wiped out overnight. It took much time for it to get that way and will take much time for it to slow down. From what I have read this was worst during the Josean period which I stand corrected from earlier post as this actually was a dynasty. Anyway during that time what 1600 to 1910 after which Korea was occupied by Japan. They were pushing Confucian ideas on the people hard core, even killing Buddhist monks. I believe the three nation period started by Silla was a bit different but I was not there and Confucianism is older than this. I also know older Korean men that have came to the states only to be let down a notch status wise, so some get it some don't. Going back again to when I was in Korea have to say maybe because it was only 20 to 25 years post war most folks had the ability to be humble. It looks like folks that had been from the poor classes got into the higher classes and Visa versa. And I have read about allot of folks going bankrupt and having to start over. That must humble a family all the way through. So Maybe you are referring to the men whose families have had a higher status for many years like before WWII and the Korean war. Maybe it is just something that some men do as they like the power and if can get away with being top dog will in a heart beat. Don't sound like much fun either way. Yes we see this partly the same but I still have to tell you I do not believe Korean folks to be rude. I am not saying folks that claim they have been treated rudely are liars. My ability to speak Korean, and understand the customs came fast. Also I drank like a fish when I was there. Don't drink anymore so am curious to see how my visit to Korea works out. Later

Reply to  Birth Control
15 years ago


As opposed to where? 🙄 Plan B that pill is used like Candy right here in the USA. Its really slowing down the rate of teenagers having babies too. 😉 WOW and we don't even have teachings on the pluses of staying a virgin until you find your true love at the family level much anymore. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that works but it is a good thing. Some people let go of their beliefs or values when their beliefs or values are not being used anymore.

Your right about over population. But its the whole human race. There are 6.7 billion of us. That is allot of this planets resources. 48 million isn't as large when taking that into consideration, and realize that Korea was once Manchuria as well as the peninsula.

Your point about the 48 million in that small area is well taken, though doesn't hardly seem like it could be huh? It most certainly is though and South Korea is the third most densely populated Area in the world. But then New york city is near 9 million. The whole state is near 20 million. We get so used to seeing the word million these days some may get desensitized to it but if we have 1 tenth of that many people killed in a horrid disaster the numbers come to mind very quickly.

I'm not saying your wrong but Korea has been cleaning up every since the war went cold in 1955. Wow from what I have seen Korea has came a long ways in that time. Your point is duly noted about the size of Korea and population. Oh and I know its sucks to see some uncaring person just tossing garbage as if it is their world and no one else lives in it. Happens everywhere, and someone has to clean it up.

The population of South Korea was 21 million give or take at the beginning of cold war or in early 1956. So it doesn't look like those families are having as many kids as one may have thought. You may want to check on the number of people that actually emigrate from South Korea also. That number in total is around 5 million. One last thing for thought. Wonder what the population of the America's was say around 1490. Then I also wonder how many of those native folks managed to continue their lineage. Wow we humans do go through some extreme changes huh? We are incredible. What will happen to us?

Mike Ebertz
Mike Ebertz
15 years ago


Hate to burst your bubble, but Manchuria was not part of Korea. Never. It is just propaganda. There is Korean blood there, but only because there were Korean tribes (linguistically we don't know) that loved alongside and fought alongside Han Chinese everywhere in China.


Reply to  Mike Ebertz
15 years ago

Mike Ebertz,

You have not broken any bubble's with your ill informed post teacher. Are you so full of hate you wont even give to those what was theirs? You continually show dislike in your heart for Korea in your posts. I think this sort proves your attitude in Korea towards Korean people. Your posts reek of Japanese partiality. I admit I am partial to Korea over Japan but do not hate the Japanese. It is sad you are spreading your opinion when you are a teacher. There are so many ignorant teachers that would say what you just said, and not really know the truth. But what you said is what you want to believe. Modern Korea was never part of Manchuria but it is commonly excepted that Goguryo, Silla, and Bakje were and before they were unified. I don't recall who of them were in and maintained part of Manchuria but don't care either at this point. If you want an all out debate I will site facts, Not opinions or propaganda. I have read enough of the history to believe this factual information. You are one the worlds teachers so teach fact not opinion. BTW Propaganda for who? What good would it be to have lost part of the land you once had? Other folks don't feel so great about that. Now that taming the west story. Well there ya go teacher there's your propaganda. Would you teach it as such? Really I don't believe anyone feels good about losing something and especially a people losing part of their nations lands. Wow as for me I would really enjoy being able to trust more of the worlds teacher's as they are in a position to tell the truth but you talk opinions. Hope that is not the way you teach. Dosen't matter what subject a teacher teaches. All are in positions to impress good or bad ideas to their students. If you don't know the truth don't make something up. Just blow up a balloon and teach about contained air.

14 years ago

Wow so much ignorance displayed here. This is what happens when English teachers and G.I.s debate, both low class red neck white trash hill billies who failed at their lives. It's ridiculous they have the nerve to judge a country when they are nothing more than losers who came to Korea because they didn't work at McDonald flipping burgers. These people have no shame.

Reply to  Orbit
14 years ago

We call that an ad hominem. The funny things is while I don't condone some of the comments here, I can understand where they are coming from.


i wrote a follow-up to to this post a while back.

Jasmine Corr Lee
Jasmine Corr Lee
14 years ago

I am living here in Korea and I am a foreigner. It was my 4th visit in Seoul. Me and my friend took a subway. We were sitting when an old man get in. We didn't noticed that there were no vacant seat inside because we are busy chatting. Without saying any word, the old man went straight to me and pointed his finger at me. I was surprised. Suddenly, I realised what he meant when he signaled his finger to me to stand up because he will sit down. So, me and my friend stood up and gave our seats to him. He sat down with a straight face and did not even say 'thank you'. Me and my friend are both female and we are on our 30's. There are teenage Korean males sitting next to us. So I was asking why did the old man chose me to stand up. I felt humiliated with what the old man did. The people inside the train were just looking. He acted like it was his seat. And shouldn't he be a little polite with a foreigner? Or is he a racist? I understand that he is an old man but for me it was an act of being rude. I have also experienced an act of rudeness from an old woman inside the subway on my 3rd visit that's why I had an impression that most elder koreans are rude. Also, inside the bus when you offer your seat to them, they will not say 'thank you'. Some do but most don't.

Chris In Dallas
Chris In Dallas
14 years ago

Jasmine, I can understand your feelings. However, the old man was doing what is the norm in Korean culture. Younger people are to give up their seats in public transportation settings for older people. Generally, when its a choice between a younger male or female, the female is the one to surrender the seat. I know, its not our norm. But it is theirs and it happened in their country.

I would say it is strange he would go to you as Koreans normally give foreigners a pass on such things. As to why he didn't say thank you, he may very well have not known how to say thank you in English or just not felt comfortable with our language.

14 years ago


He was being rude and was rewarded. The other Koreans took note. You can make up all the PC BS you want if it makes you feel better – very easy to do if you don't live here. I recommend not rewarding rude behavior next time.

Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

Next time you are on the subway, when it comes to a stop and people are boarding, fold your arms across your chest and close your eyes as if sleeping. After the train starts moving and everyone has gotten settled, go on about your previous activities. 😈

The reason he picked on you and not the young males is that many of the younger Koreans do not play that shiat anymore. If they were going to give up their seat, they would have automatically stood and offered their seat.

14 years ago

Koreans are rude?

What cave does one have to grow up in to not automatically give their seat to an old man, old woman, pregnant woman, woman with kids, person with crutches, etc.

If a 30 year-old can't stand for 30 minutes but expect an old man to, they should just be put to sleep.

I always make a big show of giving up my seat to the old person… or even the young girl who looks like she is having a bad day.

Not only is it the right thing to do, it leaves a good impression on everyone watching the situation… and it keep Koreans from posting on blogs about Fat Lazy Inconsiderate Foreigners With Their Asses Parked On Seats Unnecessarily.

Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

It seems there has been a shift. I haven't been on the subway or a bus in years but apparently it's more common for foreigners, like Chickenhead, to give up their seat than it is for younger Koreans. Interesting. Perhaps this was always the case; it's simply not codified in our culture, we just do it out of compassion. Perhaps Koreans are rude after all.

Leaving Korea for Go
Leaving Korea for Go
14 years ago

I have been coming back and forth to Korea since 1991 and I have long thought they were the rudest people in the world. I don't know why but they just are. If you go into their business and don't buy anything they curse you, they stare at you in public like they have never seen a non-Korean, they over charge non-Koreans, they heard together and all laugh at non-Koreans, they never say sorry regardless, they cough on you, they sneeze on you, they spit in public, they urinate in public, they drive wrecklessly, and they change English words to weird sounds and insist you say it their way. Koreans are totally different from any other Asian country and any other country in the world for that matter.

14 years ago

During my time in Korea, I was treated well by many Koreans, so I can't say that Koreans are rude. However, I can say that Korean Bus Drivers are rude. Get in, keep your mouth shut (you better have correct change, if you don't have a T-Money Card), and hang on for dear life. Think quick, or you'll be stumbling down the aisle. They don't care, if old ladies are in the aisle. Before that door gets closed it's pedal to the medal, and you in someone's lap, if you're not holding on to something.

And don't think, because you're standing at a bus stop, that it will be assumed that you want to ride the bus. You better make it known that you want to ride the bus. Move towards the bus, stick your hand out, anything, but don't just stand there, or the bus will roll on by without you.

I'll also suggest you take something for motion sickness. The Bus Drivers drive as if they're carrying stacks of wood, instead of people, and they have to deliver you across town in 2 minutes, or the world will end.

maestra viajes
maestra viajes
14 years ago

To Jasmine:

You are a foreigner so, you should act like one. Be sensitive to your environment since you are not in your own country. When the subway stop and the door open, you should stop chatting for a while to be aware, because, you don’t know if there is an ignominy coming.

I’m a Filipino and I also experienced that I seated in a wrong side ( for elders) inside a subway. And my Korean companion noticed that I’m seated by mistake, so she sarcastically let me knows it; laughing. Because, the old guy is looking disapprovingly, so instead of feeling for contention … I immediately stand and asked the old guy to take my seat and apologized while bowing. And I said, “Oh, I’m sorry, sorry… I didn’t know”. And he also didn’t say anything but just mockingly smiling. I should not expect from him to say “thank you”, because that is his right.

To Jhear:

You’re expecting and comparing other people to your people. We have our own culture and up bringing. When the bus driver demands for an exact change or payment /T money card…just understand their situation , because they are just alone attending to all responsibilities inside the bus. Unlike here in the other country each bus driver has a partner to deal with payment and passengers concern.

And here in the Phils , particularly in the national capitol regions most bus drivers step on the gas and “fly”, even though you are not yet properly seated! But, for us it is not rudeness but an acceptable actions and usual conduct.

Never compare nor expect but to understand and have sharp-eyed to look the beautiful side, not generalizing and pointing out only the negative.

“God’s wondrous creation…people”!

14 years ago

This thread is never going to die. I don't think I've been anywhere in the world where people didn't complain about Korea. A reputation they work hard at keeping.

Jasmine Corr Lee
Jasmine Corr Lee
14 years ago


When I'm inside the bus I always offer my seat to the elders and I stand up for 1 hour.

Jasmine Corr Lee
Jasmine Corr Lee
14 years ago

To Meastra:

I was not sitting on seats for elders.

Leaving Korea for Go
Leaving Korea for Go
14 years ago

If you really want to meet nice Asian people with a rich culture and warm hearts you should visit Thailand. The food is great, the weather is nice, people are friendly, and the dollar goes a long way. You will love it.

14 years ago

Jasmine Corr Lee,

If it wasn't a seat reserved for elderly, then the old man was being an a$$hole for picking on you. Especially, when it was obvious there were younger people seated nearby. He could have said thank you in Korean. Koreans know most foreigners understand that at least.

If your friend were Korean and bolder, she might have said something. If it were me, I would have said to him in my most sarcastic voice loud enough so that others would hear, "Cheon man e yo." "You're welcome."

14 years ago

Its Cha mon nayo or Jo seem ha sao. If you really want someone to uderstand but believe she knows that. You all have a book going because of this older man who obviously was in the wrong. The kids should have given the girls their seats also IMO. You will find rude people everywhere in the world. Are ya all going to start in on Korea again? I appreciate JCL's explanation of what happened. I HAVE DEFENDED kOREA BECAUSE I LOVED KOREA AND THE PEOPLE IN THE TIME I WAS THERE WHICH WAS 30 YEARS AGO. Thats all I have to say for now. Good luck on future endeavors JCL.

Jasmine Corr Lee
Jasmine Corr Lee
14 years ago

Thank you the good comments and the bad ones. A Big THANK YOU for those who understood what I was tying to point out here and how I feel (it made me feel better). I posted this comment because I really feel bad after it happened. I was just looking for ways how would I feel better. Also, trying to balance things out. So, all comments were appreciated.


That was actually I was thinking…before I get off the train, I will say "KUMAPSUMNIDA" in a little loud voice so every one can hear. And then I will bow at him to show A LOT OF RESPECT and at the same time to teach him how to say thank you and show respect to other people older than him. But I didn't do it because I'm a foreigner and just understand that he is an old man. But I was really hurted.

Now, I feel a little better and learned my lesson to be VERY AWARE OF OLD PEOPLE here in korea.

May God bless us all!

14 years ago

What the hell is cha mon nayo? and Jo seem ha sao??

14 years ago

I have two Korean Ladies sitting beside me Both beautiful. One is my wife the other is my wifes sister. We have known each other for thirty years. Anyway They both agree that chamanayo means "YOUR WELCOME" but for you remember this Chomp on my navel . Most Korea people will not assume your being rude, and will accept that for "your welcome". Dont take my word for it. Try it. Joseem ha sayo or choseemhasayo mean's take it easy or be careful. Good luck to you. I hope this answers your question. No hell in these words either so if your looking for it I suggest you get on back to the church. Folks there will tell what the hell is in something. Choseemhasayo

14 years ago

We Koreans do care about what foreigners think about us. This is why some of Koreans here worked so hard defending themselves. I actually spent days reading all the comments posted here although it was sometimes so unbearable to continue reading. Some harsh comments from both sides brought me tears and kept me awake at night.Then again, they were not made for no reason.

There certainly are many social issues that Koreans need to work on. I used be very angry and grieved because after spending sometime in the United States I began to compare the two countries and became critical of many Koreans who were deemed "uncivilized" in my eyes. However, since I have gotten matured a little bit, I have realized that a change always takes time, and that it is not fair to expect Koreans to behave like westerners, Japanese or even like those in Southeast Asia overnight considering their past tragedies with non-Koreans and the current issues that are still unsolved. Besides, it has only passed a few decades since they settled hunger and starving in their country.

I feel especially grateful to those who have posted multiple precious comments in this forum, such as Mike, Duffy, John, Marcus to name a few. Despite a number of faults we Koreans have, I still love my nation and the people very dearly and hope that someday my people can make great contribution to battling world problems in poorer parts of the world. I believe that from the God's perspective weak and small nations like Korea stand as much chance in being used as His tool. So I will keep dreaming such great dreams for my people. When I see them come to pass in the future I will remember that there were contributions made from people like you, most of who are non-Korean!

Many blessings to you all,


PS My apologies to those in Southeast Asia or China (wherever Koreans displayed their rude manners), if I am entitled to offer an apology to you.. I have really good friends from those countries, so it hurts more when I hear about "ugly Koreans" there..

14 years ago

The Spanish came to the philipines and murdered and killed the filipinos!

the Americans came during world war 2 and acted arrogant and rude and looked down on the locals!

now the Koreans!

Problem is Koreans get away with racism in their own country! and they get away with segregation in North America.. they do a lot of illegal things in AMerican for pure entertainment purposes for Korean businessmen!

they exploit their own people as well as other for a buck!

yes they are rude also.. but then again.. so is every race.. its not a race things.. but more of an individual thing..

some are cunts! some are not!

3 years ago

My experience in Seoul in 2020 was a shock. It’s a sad and frightening cultural dystopia. I saw and experienced 10x more evil, backhanded insults and hateful behavior than anywhere I’ve ever traveled. I had no idea people could be such savages. I now have a lifelong divestment policy for anything Korean.

korean guy
korean guy
3 years ago

fuck off you all of you sick bastards

3 years ago

Well… I still don’t know why.

But I am giving him +1 for giving us an example we can point to.

Korean guy
Korean guy
2 years ago

I should have discovered this site much earlier. I deeply regret I’ve just found this thread. If so,I could have dropped all the bombs on these savages. But even if I comment here now, no one would ever watch my comment.
If several planes were able to crash into high-rise buildings in the U.S., there was no reason to read comments from these plague-like plague-like idiots.

2 years ago

This must be what Korean Guy is complaining about:

Say yes to white genocide
Say yes to white genocide
2 years ago

This thread actually brought me the reason why white genocide should be essential. What is quite fascinating is these ones showed their true characters because the internet guarantees anonymous. Despite their propaganda for over 70 years to brainwash rest of the world with their superiority and so called ”We are not racists” altruism, these comments easily blow away the chance to do that. The most barbaric ones are now complaining about our rudeness.
How hard you push ”koreans are worst or hated all over the world” crap, actually no one ever gives a fxxk to you animals babble. Still there are massive idiotic white asses who can’t even point south korea in the globe. Koreans are becoming loved more and more by their soft powers. And I’ve been searching for korean-hate sites all around. And no thread was so stupid as near as this one. Even in youtube there were many who complained their nightmares in korea but never displayed their blind hatred on there. They at least showed neutral. Same as stormfront which debates about white race survival. This remains the only thread only savages like these can post. If this thread really never ends, how did this thread stop for 10 years since 2011?
What happened in 2010s? Since the 2010s, the number of English instructors has decreased sharply. It easily reflects most these animals below comment section are from english instructors and pest-like GIs. Even though this thread more likely attracts negativity because of the title, there are also korea-lovers as well.
Is korea the most fish out of water coubut america. No one loves america except for themselves. I’m allegic to bullshit from the most hated country on the earth. The US has never been pushed out of the list most hated countries top 5. When the US confronts its extinction, how many countries will weep for them? Almost everyone will celebrate their death. Can’t wait until white genocide agenda comes true!! Hahaha
It’s much better for koreans to stay rude. It distinguishes koreans and outsiders very easily.
Oh wait, I had much more to write but I forgot oh no. I should scribble more when i finally recall it

2 years ago

Don’t worry. I am for racial genocide as well.

Is stupid a race?

Say yes to white genocide
Say yes to white genocide
2 years ago

What part of my post make you butthurt, chickenhead? Did I say something wrong? Why are Koreans hated all over the world meanwhile this thread stopped since 2011?
Why do these scumbags determined to stay commenting here if they couldn’t overcome korean rudeness?
Why did these so called racially tolerant whites have to be racists?
Why did these white race survivalists looking- like people ask for Koreans to be more open-minded?
Why does this thread remain so stupidly while most of other Korean threads left positive comments?
I detest white race as a whole. Whether they are Americans or Europeans. I only revealed my true character. I found this site since January this year. I was searching for why Koreans can be such rude. So I could find this.
I’m a korean guy. Supporting white genocide is morally acceptable. If their satanic countries persist to exist, humanity will confront the extinction due to their destructive agendas.
I had to find this site because I also found Koreans to be quite different from the rest of the world. the more I go abroad, I feel that strongly. I used to be once extreme Korean hater. But after hearing many Koreans are racially abused in the west, I attempted to be ultranationalistic.
But it’s much better for Koreans to remain as rude. To protect Koreans from your snake-like agenda.

2 years ago

I don’t think someone is watching the right movie over there in Beijing… All of the actual Koreans I know are decent hard-working people who love their families and pretty much don’t hate anyone…

Maybe don’t hang out with communists so much and find out the world is not like the inside of a public toilet in Xinjiang?

2 years ago


I am not butthurt. I really do believe in genocide… white, Asian, black, Denisovan… anybody who wants to insert themselves into my life… and stupid people who bring all this upon us by going along with the demands of smart but evil people.

So that comment wasn’t targeted at you… except in agreement.


I find it amusing this post sat dormant for 11 years and then two comments by Koreans being rude.

That’s not the best look.

Korean guy
Korean guy
2 years ago

Dear GI Korea, can we make this thread so popular again? I mean, I wish this thread can gather people from all over the world so we can discuss about korean rudeness. I bet there are still thousands of people who got hurt by korean rudeness.

2 years ago

You’re right, GI. I have not heard about Koreans welding people into apartments because of a suspected case of sniffles, starving a city like Shanghai, or committing genocide against Tibetans, Uighurs, or various minor religious groups like the despotic Xi regime.

In fact, Koreans are, on the whole, really nice people in my experience.

Every country has a few xenophobic asshats who act like they have no family; but those tend to be few and far between in South Korea, if one follows basic manners.

Last edited 2 years ago by setnaffa
Korean guy
Korean guy
2 years ago

Thank you so much for your kindness, GI Korea. It’s been almost 7 months since I found this site. I clicked on this site in anticipation of a constructive and serious discussion of Korean social norms. Unlike here, most threads on Korean social norms have been constructive forums, not indiscriminate hatred of Korea. The reason why I found this site was also my dislike of Koreans. Unlike other threads, I tried to find several sites to see comments that criticize Korea. But the moment I read all the comments here, it gave me the anger and acceptance I had never experienced.
I have helped to detest these respondents even more, in conjunction with my hatred of the West, and their arrogance. However, as time passed after reading these comments, I read the comments again and were angry at the sympathy they had to endure and the cruelty of Koreans who drove them this far. No matter how severe these comments are, they cannot keep up with the level of hate speech of Koreans. Given that you love Korea and can read Korean, I’m sure you know how insensitive Korea is to hate and how exposed it is to the nation as a whole. It’s never meaningless that they were able to do so much hate. You can imagine how painful it must have been to encounter Koreans.
During my english academy’s time in the Philippines and exchange student’s status in china, I’ve been treated with great hospitality and kindness. After that, I compared them with Koreans and getting more and more critical to koreans. Of course, Koreans have their own social norms. So it’s unfair to expect Koreans to be polite in Filipino or chinese mannerisms. But Koreans never have mannerism to be considered as a culture. Koreans are plain rude. Not because of their so-called culture. I can’t stand here and wanna go to overseas ASAP. I can’t guarantee that foreigners will be more polite, but based on the ratio, there are still more good people than Koreans.
What I think of Koreans are
Extremely sensitive,
Too noisy,
Spit too much,
Too violent,
Always be angry,
And just plain rude!!

I would like to express my biggest gratitude to Duffy, who was the best korean apologist. But it has already surpassed 11 years. I know he wouldn’t see my post. Also to thetruthhurts, tom cruise, heather, and Angel G etc. And to Koreans who are Dr.yu, expat, john, jkl, A korean etc. Even though Mike, marcus Ambrose, April were in the side of anti-korea, I also appreciate their comments too.
I have to say sorry to you for my previous posts that showed blind hatred against the US and white race. At that time, I couldn’t withstand continuing to keep calm.

Korean guy
Korean guy
2 years ago

And sorry for long absence

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x