No Gun-ri Misreporting Continues

UPDATE: The US media has once again joined the Korean media in the No Gun-ri myth making. Here is the headline on the front-page of Yahoo:

South Korea Plans No Gun-ri Massacre Memorial

Notice once again the word “massacre”. Remember what I said before that when reporting something untrue, that if you keep repeating it over and over again people will eventually believe it. That is why every No Gun-ri article contains the word “massacre” and “hundreds” killed though the evidence clearly shows that isn’t what happened.

To put the “massacre” debate to rest let me show everyone what the definition of “massacre” is from

the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder.

Read my series of postings and then ask your self if the soldiers planned an indiscriminate, barbarous act of revenge or plunder that day at No Gun-ri. It was a tragedy not a massacre.

Now let’s take a look at this article:

South Korea said Thursday it would build a park in memory of victims of the U.S. Army’s mass killing of South Korean refugees at the village of No Gun Ri.

The park will be built at the scene of the 1950 attack during the Korean War, said Choi Jeong-pil, an official with a government commission on the shootings.

The facility will be named “No Gun Ri History Park” and will include a memorial for the victims and a museum, Choi said.

Notice the article makes no mention that the US offered to build the memorial and had money set aside for scholarships for the children of No Gun-ri victim’s families, which they refused because they are still holding out for more money.

The No Gun Ri killings were documented in a Pulitzer Prize-winning story by The Associated Press in 1999, which prompted a 16-month Pentagon inquiry.

Notice the the mentioning of the Pulitzer Prize winning story and no mention of the debunking of that article that used fraudulent witnesses and information. Guess who wrote the article on the front page of Yahoo? The AP of course. Yahoo links only to AP News articles which means the AP is going to do everything possible to continue the myth making of No Gun-ri. Unfortunately the article does not show who the author is. Could the author of this article be one of the same authors of the original AP article tooting their own horn?

Estimates vary on the number of dead at No Gun Ri, 100 miles southeast of Seoul. U.S. soldiers’ estimates ranged from under 100 to “hundreds” dead. Korean survivors say about 400, mostly women and children, were killed. Hundreds more refugees were killed in later, similar episodes, survivors say.

Notice the body count mythology once again of “hundreds” killed. These two articles are perfect examples of the mythology that continues in both the US and Korean media over the No Gun-ri issue. What else I find interesting is that no park is being constructed for the Korean civilians killed by South Korean, North Korean, Chinese, or Allied soldiers during the war. Also notice no compensation claims are being made against these other countries either, only America. I wonder why?


The myth making over the No Gun-ri tragedy continues:

The South Korean government said Thursday it will soon begin construction of a park in memory of hundreds of Korean civilians killed by U.S. soldiers during the early stage of the 1950-53 Korean War.

The government has earmarked 19.1 billion won (US$20.3 million) for the construction, scheduled to begin in October for completion by the end of 2009, at the site of the massacre, according to officials.

I find it interesting that this park and monument is now going to be constructed after the US government offered to build the park and monument along with a scholarship fund for the children of No Gun-ri survivors, but the No Gun-ri victim’s families said they wanted more money and thus the monument was never built.

About a month after the war broke out in June 1950, a group of U.S. soldiers shot dead hundreds of Korean refugees in the small village of No Gun-ri, 230 kilometers south of Seoul, although they promised the refugees a safer hiding place, according to reports.

The South Korean government concluded 150 were killed, with 55 wounded and 13 missing. Thirty of the victims are still alive, claiming as many as 400 were killed in the massacre.

I find it also interesting that Yonhap reports “US soldiers shot dead hundreds of Korean refugees” and then in the very next paragraph says that the Korean government only concluded 150 people were killed. I may be a product of the US public education system, but in my book 150 does not equal “hundreds”. But really who cares when you are into myth making? You might as well say “thousands” were killed at No Gun-ri because that statement is just as true as saying “hundreds”. There is a whole lot of evidence that shows 150 people did not die under the Bridge at No Gun-ri. The lowest estimates are in the 20s, I tend to think about 50 maximum.

Here is a trivia question for everyone. Guess who started the mythology about 400 people dying at No Gun-ri? You will need to read fact #4 to find out, but it just goes to show that if you keep saying the same lie over and over again eventually people will believe it. The media wouldn’t lie would they?

Also I do not agree with the term “massacre” to describe what happened at No Gun-ri. I don’t consider No Gun-ri a “massacre”, I consider it a tragedy because the soldiers at No Gun-ri did not maliciously decide to kill civilians that day. There was a number of factors that led to this tragedy and using a term like a “massacre” only feeds into the anti-US mythology built around this issue.

What bothers me so much about the continuing No Gun-ri criticism in particular by the Korean media is the effort to down play the significance of the US military in the Korean War because some people feel the US did not have noble intentions in defending Korea during the war and should not feel a debt of gratitude to the US for saving Korea. Creating a stereotype of these veterans as war criminals is just another way to slowly degrade the Korean public’s image of America.

What is further troubling is that many of these veterans from the war are passing away and cannot defend themselves as this new revisionist history is being created about them. It is a shame and no one seems to be speaking out against it. That is why I found it so important to educate people about No Gun-ri and hopefully restore some honor to the Korean War veterans that have been tarnished by this tragedy by both the US and Korean media. I just hope that fair minded people will give Korean War veterans a chance to restore the honor they have lost by the unfair reporting, sensationalism, and politicization of this tragedy.

I highly recommend that everyone read my prior series of postings on No Gun-ri and draw your own conclusions before believing the myth making of the media.

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17 years ago

What bothered me most about the Nogunri item is how much the foreign press helped the anti-US NGOs and the Korean press out in making the myth mammoth. Perhaps some of the AP reporters were Koreans and that factored in the decisions made in reporting the story, but the bulk of the organizations were foriegn, and thus not wrapped up in issues of Korean nationalism and so on that internal Korean society has.

But, what were they wrapped up in? including the US media orgs who fell all over themsleves to jump on the Nogunri bandwagon…?

If you can't figure out what their motivations were – beyond selling copy — think about how much time and energy and money they put into jumping onto the bandwagon — things like Ted Koppel flying to Korea and setting up shot outside with the bridge at Nogunri as a backdrop…

and then notice how they simply fell silent when a small number of news orgs began finding major problems with the AP story as they backtracked by interviewing people the AP had used in the story and backtracked documentation.

The Nogunri AP story fell apart. You would think the press would have felt betrayed after being sucked in by a false story. You would think they would seek some revenge for being duped…

…instead, they just fell silent…….and now and again, they will simply mention Nogunri as a massacre and the AP story and omit reference to the contreversy….

….because they still favor one of their favorite targets and don't want the AP's journalistic ethics to get in the way of a good anti-US military story….one that still holds the Pulitzer despite the revelations of how shoddy the reporting was…

GI Korea
17 years ago

The media will not correct themselves because it then effects their creditability. So they will deny, cover up, and then attack anyone that challenges them. What the AP did to Bateman is a perfect example of this and yet where is the rest of the media jumping to defend Bateman's right to free speech which the AP wanted to deny? The rest of the media were silent.

It was really amazing that US News and the Stars and Stripes exposed the fraudulent witnesses to begin with. But the major media did very little to challenge the AP after the exposing and those reporters still have their Pulizer Prize for false reporting. The media to this day continues to promote the mythology of No Gun-ri.

mike mcstay
17 years ago

Please remember, in a few months, we will have to see the,"Fiction" film of this so called massacre. It is scheduled to be released in the summer 2007.

17 years ago

SBS or one of the 3 main networks did a TV "documentary" of it I heard about by 2002, I believe. But, I don't think it ever aired. I caught articles saying it was about to be released – 2 articles coming far apart – but both times it seems better minds prevailed.

At least one of the articles had some detailed items about it – including interviews with Russians living in Korea who got the acting role of playing US soldiers. They said that there was a lot of them running around with fixed bayonets charging at women and children and shooting. They said it was both hillarious but disturbing to shoot the scenes at the same time —- meaning it was gruesome depiction but so over the top – it was laughable like you get when you watch NK propaganda on You Tube…

GI Korea
17 years ago

Yes, the No Gun-ri movie; I can't wait to see that thing. I wonder if it will be considered a documentary or fiction when released?

17 years ago

There couldn't have possibly been a massacre.

Now if only I had been there with a platoon of quad-.50's, that would have been a massacre…. 😈

17 years ago

The Nogunri issue as preached in Korean society is bad enough.

What gets me — what pushes it to the point of being unbearable is — the cooresponding effort by Korean society to recooperate North Korea's image in the society.

Look at the string of popular movies over the past sevearl years (5-10 years perhaps) that have gone out of their way to distance hate from being attached to North Korea. Some combine anti-Americanism with a favorable to neutral portrayal of NK while others hit on the theme of NK and North Koreans being just more Koreans.

17 years ago

[…] [GI Korea] No Gun-ri Misreporting Continues Published: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:13:08 +0000 The myth making over the No Gun-ri tragedy continues: The South Korean government said Thursday it will soon begin construction of a park in memory of hundreds of Korean civilians killed by U.S. soldiers during the early stage of the 1950-53 Korean War. The government has earmarked 19.1 billion won (US$20.3 million) for the construction, scheduled to […] Read More… […]

17 years ago

[…] have still not received any apology or compensation from the US government.  Once again the AP is not telling the whole truth.  The victim families received an apology from President Clinton as well as an offer to build a […]

17 years ago

[…] No Gun-ri Misreporting Continues — [GI Korea] …I find it also interesting that Yonhap reports “US soldiers shot dead hundreds of Korean refugees” and then in the very next paragraph says that the Korean government only concluded 150 people were killed. I may be a product of the US public education system, but in my book 150 does not equal “hundreds”. But really who cares when you are into myth making? You might as well say “thousands” were killed at No Gun-ri because that statement is just as true as saying “hundreds”. There is a whole lot of evidence that shows 150 people did not die under the Bridge at No Gun-ri. The lowest estimates are in the 20s, I tend to think about 50 maximum. […]

cheap sneaker
13 years ago

Up until now, all I have read on this article is extremely boring, and seems to be written by writers that lack education. You’ve done a very good job conveying your passion with accurate information.

12 years ago

Great read, I’ve always been annoyed while reading all the bullshit spewed about this horrible event.

The media will never admit they did anything wrong, so the misconceptions will continue to grow.

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