Taxi Cab Knifing in Waegwan
|This just goes to show once again, it isn’t just 2ID who has taxi cab related incidents:
Park, interviewed by phone on Monday, said he picked up the boys near the main gate of Camp Carroll at about 2 a.m. and took them to downtown Waegwan — about a $2.50 fare.
When they arrived, the teens bolted without paying, Park said. He gave chase and managed to catch them with the help of a bystander.
They began to scuffle and Park said he saw that one teen was wielding something in his hand before striking the driver in the stomach.
“At first I didn’t realize what happened,†said Park. He grabbed his midsection and his hands came away bloody.
“The blood was coming out of my jacket, it was dripping on the street,†he said. “It was then that I realized I had been stabbed with a knife.â€
This is actually one of the most vicious attacks on a cab driver yet in Korea. Truly despicable to stab some in the gut for a $2.50 taxi fare. It will be interesting to see how Korean law is applied to these two dependents of US servicemembers, but hopefully the new taxi cab law applies to them as well and they see some jail time.Â
Additionally, why were they out at 2AM to begin with? Their parents will probably have a lot of explaining to do this week.
You can read more over at Lost Nomad and the Marmot’s Hole.
[…] Drop: Taxi Cab Knifing in WaegwanPosted 8 hours agoThis just goes to show once again , it isn’t just 2ID who has taxi cab […]
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