Latest 2007 Recruiting Numbers Announced

What you won’t see in the MSM:




Here is something else that relates back to my prior posting about blacks and US military recruiting. Here are some samples of more of the myths of the “conventional wisdom” out there about the US military:

This stat just confirms my prior hypothesis that the military is not getting dumber as some people have claimed. Here is another popular myth:

Notice in the graph above that there is now more wealthy recruits than poor recruits and growing while poor recruits and decreasing. There is something you will not see in the MSM or a documentary by Michael Moore on anytime soon. Make sure you read the rest because the report dispels more myths with some great hard data.

The reason these facts will not make it into the MSM or ever be uttered by Michael Moore or any of the other race and class demagogues out there, is because it goes against the current effort to paint soldiers as uneducated low lives that are committing war crimes all over Iraq. I’m sure if you ask them though, they will tell you they support the troops; their actions say other wise.

HT: Greyhawk

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17 years ago

Nice post GI. It's funny how the civilian world doesn't understand that the military, being all volunteer, is a direct representation of our society.

17 years ago

[…] committing war crimes all over Iraq and are not worthy of the nation’s respect.  Of course none of this is true, but this perception is slowly being created by the […]

17 years ago

[…] keeping in tune with this leftist narrative.  The only thing wrong with this narrative is that it is not true, but since when has the media been concerned about facts?  Perception is all that matters and this […]

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