The Truth About Recruiting

From this Milblogs post is an excellent link to an Atlantic Monthly article that is the best reporting I have seen yet on the reality of US military recruiting.  The article tends to confirm my thesis that  fatter, momma’s boys are being allowed in the military compared to past years, not an influx of gang bangers as some want to believe

For additional reading I direct everyone to my prior post that lays to rest the other myth that the Army is recruiting uneducated low lives and exploiting minorities as conventional wisdom suggests.  In fact military recruits are smarter, increasingly middle class, (even the numbers of wealthy enlisting is up) and the number of poor and minority recruits are dropping with more whites joining and the overall numbers are nearing the make up of the average US population.

Facts are hard for the demagouges, the race baiters, and class warfare specialists to accept, but longer the War on Terror goes on, more the demographic make up of the US military is becoming a direct reflection of American society itself.  

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