Kim Yun-jin Discriminated Against in LOST


In the Chosun Ilbo today they have an interview with LOST actor Kim Yun-jin who answers a series of questions for the paper.  One of the questions and its answer caught my eye:

 In the first “Lost” advertising poster, the white actors were placed in the front and the actors of other races in the back row, right?

“I was so shocked, I couldn’t speak. I worked in Korea for about six years without being aware of the color of my skin, but I was stunned when it suddenly happened. After that, I object to whatever I feel is discrimination. If I accept it, there will be no change. When I speak out, the other side might think, ‘I never thought about it that way,’ and be more careful.”

It is times like these that I turn to the wisdom of the Party Pooper.  The overwhelming racism Kim feels is even more apparent after I read the answer to this question:

Money and fame follow from Hollywood. Do you earn a lot now?

“I earn a lot. I get US$100,000 per episode, and we shoot 24 episodes a year. ‘Lost’ is televised to 210 countries around the world.”

Yes, only in a racist country like America is a network willing to pay a supporting actress in their drama $100,000 an episode for a total $2.4 million bucks.  I want to be discriminated against like this.

I couldn’t find any similar comments from her in the US media so I have to wonder if Kim Yun-jin doing a Wie Byung-wook and telling the Korean media what they want to hear in order to promote herself and the Korean movie she is currently filming?

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17 years ago

I saw the same photo before, and I can not figure how she can claimed the discrimination on the cast location in this photo. I think she is makine some type of sensation for ROK media audience.

17 years ago

[…] [GI Korea] Kim Yun-jin Discriminated Against in LOST Published: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 18:54:09 +0000 In the Chosun Ilbo today they have an interview with LOST actor Kim Yun-jin who answers a series of questions for the paper.Â?* One of the questions and its answer caught my eye: Â?*In the first “Lost” advertising poster, the white actors were placed in the front and the actors of other races in the back […] Read More… […]

17 years ago

i guess as a supporting actress she thought she would be in the middle of the picture and put in place of the leading actors

17 years ago

I can only guess while she worked in Korea she did not think about the color of her skin is because everyone is Korean in the industry except for quirky Canadians once in a while

Her eyes are stronger then non-Koreans and certainly now that she is outside of Korea she has notice that Korea is the ONLY country in the world with four distinct Seasons…..but she knows in the photo she posed for she is the only true DECEDENT OF GOD

I feel terrible for her

17 years ago

"In the first "Lost" advertising poster, the white actors were placed in the front and the actors of other races in the back row, right?"

Actually is the Korean interview looking for the racist lean. I am certain in her desire to be loved in Korea by all of "different classes" she is certainly going to point out the arrangement in the photo as some racist plot to shun the Korean actress

17 years ago

"And what are your charms?"

I have no prejudices. Whoever I meet, whether he's old or young, whether he's of high status or low, I can communicate with him for a few hours. I'm open. I consider myself attractive on these points"

I think her prejudices are quite evident

17 years ago

"If you were to love an actor you worked with in Korea, who would you choose?"

"Choi Min-sik is kind and very friendly. He drinks a lot, too. Seol Kyung-goo is manly and strong. And he is warm. Han Suk-kyu is warm and also reasonable. If there is a man who is a combination of those three, I might give him a try, but not one of them individually (laughs)."

Yet another PR moment for the Korean media….Manly and Strong? Wow

17 years ago

hi i enjoyed the read

17 years ago

Actress Yunjin Kim 's story is exagerated comletely

distorted crap from the truth.

I don't believe her discrimination story.

Frankly, I think she is flat lier.

17 years ago

Yunjin Kim's True color reveals..

Her arrogant, bragging and phony character…

She is terribly confused as herself as something like an world star …

She is really funny!!!!

17 years ago

Yunjin Kim's false Claim of America's racist, discrimination Plot

is clealy to promote herself though nothing but lies.

17 years ago

Wasn't Yujin Kim raised in States? She is 1.5 Generation. She just realized about her being different in US just now?

17 years ago

[…] – June – Kim Yun-jin claims discrimination as part of the LOST […]

17 years ago

Hmmm… so you say, as long as a person gets paid good money in the US, he or she shouldn't be bitchin' about discrimination and racism even if it's obvious?

Do you people have anything better to do than make your racist remarks about Koreans all day long?

You people are like… creepy…

17 years ago

By the way… Kim Yun Jin… damn she is a good looking woman.

17 years ago

People love Korean and are not racist.

Kim Yunjin is the one actually started making remarks like

"Lost" TV discrimination, American Racist..

Mark S.
Mark S.
17 years ago

Right! Why Kim yunjin bitchin about Lost discrimination so much?

Kim yunjin is really Ungly inside and out…

That's True.

Steven W.
Steven W.
17 years ago

Kim yunjin is a Ugly woman.

She is filthy lier too.

Black Rain
Black Rain
17 years ago

Not as ugly as yo bitch ass hoe mamma!

16 years ago

I think she's making a exaggerated claim. I don't know which advertising poster she is talking about, but I've never felt racism seeing tens of pictures. Maybe it wasn't on the purpose or maybe because the actors of color are not very leading characters other than Sayid. Do you think Sun, Jin, Michael play as important role as Jack, Kate, Sawyer or John?

Willima S.
Willima S.
16 years ago

Kim Yunjin is not American Citizen.

So that maybe makes her feel discriminated by American.

She is very lucky though….because there are so many unemployed actors in America.

Korean government must be very happy about Yunjin Kim

bringing all those cash into to her country Korea..

16 years ago

Korean Kim Yunjin Is doing well showing up at tv shows lately…
Wearing her FAKE WIG at the view tv show…
late late show… Trying to be cute with her fake wig with plastic surgery face you knowww

16 years ago

Willima S.

So far, Kim Yunjin is American as far I am concern. She came to states when she was 10 years old and went back to Korea to work on the Korean movie production at age 23. There is no mentioning of her gaining US citizenship in the website. If she was US citizen, then she may have got work permit from ROKG while she was living and working in Korea. Also many of Korean American (US citizens) declared Dual citizenship to stay in Korea with out having to re-new it every year for work permit. (Some of the Males under 35 were drafted to ROK military when declared dual citizenship.)

16 years ago

Kim Yu Jin, is like all Koreans anywhere. Their loyalty is to the 'fatherland'. She hates America so much, she would happily lie about America. Koreans are 5th columnists.

16 years ago

Kim yunjin did stated that she is not American citize at the Late Late show…

and that she is Korean citizen holding green card staying in America…

She achieved successful career here in America

as an actress playing the role "Sun" on very popular American TV Show "Lost".

Actress "Sandra Oh"," Margaret Cho" are probably American.

16 years ago

Yunjin Kim definittely does have work permit

in America having the Green card…

but legally Yunjin kim is not American citizen

I mean not yet…unless she applies for naturalization.

The great "Lost" Tv show opened up door to success for Yunjin kim and She has to know she is very lucky !

16 years ago


Not only Sandra Oh is not an American, she is actually Canadian on work permit in US. The Big Maggie Moran Cho is American citizen. She is from SF.

Also, neither of these Comedianes and Actresses will never make it big in Korea. Some one who look like Yunjin Kim can make it in Korea.

Sandra Oh does not have pretty Korean face and Maggie Cho is too fat and too loud. No one in Korea will even look at them twice in the streets of Seoul. Also I don't any of them speaks Korean well enough to get any role in Korea like Yunjin Kim.

16 years ago

I for one…wouldn't look at Yunjin Kim TWICE

in the streets of Seoul! Yunjin Kim is just an average.

I believe America's favorite the "Lost" show provided Yunjin Kim way to achieve

successful career as an actress.

And I still believe Yunjin kin is just a lucky ,

I mean.. she is not an Ugly actress.

Yunjin Kim seems like an someone who can be able to often exagerate and lie ..

16 years ago


Many women are liers like YunJin Kim.

She is not the only one who exagerate

and lie just about everything

what ever it takes to make money.

I think Yunjin Kim is UGLY too.

She looks somewhat like man turned

into women by another plastic surgery

done every where..

16 years ago

Twice? Not even once!

I would rather visit a Zoo..look at gorillas

Yunjin kim's fame is all made up of

bunch of lies.

16 years ago

Ok, Who is then the most ugliest korean actress???

common..tell me!

You know..who right? Nope?

Yes, of course..

"It's.."YUNJIN KIN"!!!!!

Kim Leeyoung
Kim Leeyoung
16 years ago

I love korean.

There are many many beutiful korean actress.

I watch many korean movies and tv shows.

If you meet truely pretty koreans you would

understand why Yunjin Kim is one the

Uglies actress.

16 years ago

I'm a Korean-American born and raised in the US. My loyalty is to my country. My father served in the US armed forces, as did many of my Korean-Americian friends. Don't make claims about ethnic Koreans being only loyal to the Fatherland; first and foremost, we are American, no matter what country our parents emigrated from.

While we enjoy our Korean cultural heritage, Our nationality is American. The problem with many Korean communities is that they isolate themselves and get all affronted for being discriminated against after shoving Korean Pride and superiority in everyone's face. It's just embarrassing and unnecessary and it gives the rest of us Koreans a bad name.

It's not just Koreans, as every culture has their good points and bad points. But cultures after being defensive for thousands of years develop weird personality traits, they usually either become humble or try to overcompensate.

Please let me know if I'm wrong.

16 years ago

Kim, You are right!

God bless you!

14 years ago

Haha, author of article is a racist piece of shit. I hope you die.

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