The False Recruiting Crisis
|I have long chronicled the misinformation campaign being waged by the media in regards to US military recruiting and today the Associated Press has again offered another dubious article about recruiting. To be fair this article is by far not the worst I have seen, but it is still pretty bad. Check out how this article begins:
Need a down-payment for your home? Seed money to start a business? The Army wants to help — if you’re willing to join up. Despite spending nearly $1 billion last year on recruiting bonuses and ads, Army leaders say an even bolder approach is needed to fill wartime ranks. […]
An Associated Press review of the increasingly aggressive recruiting offerings found the Army is not only dangling more sign up rewards – its loosening rules on age and weight limits, education, and drug and criminal records.
But, the media supports our troops!!
I was curious seeing an item at about how Hillary tried to ban military uniforms in the White House when she and Bill first moved in.
But they support the troops…
No latent (or overt) anti-military intellectualism so common in the humanities in higher education. Nope. None at all….
So, I guess the only way to support the troops is to blindly follow "King George", don't question the Pentagon, in fact don't question anything. Any less than marching lockstep with far right wackjobs and you are a communist who wishes the demise of the US? This is the typical mantra of the Neocons. Question the so-called truth from the pentagon and by god you are not for the troops. Also, villify all those who disagree with policy. Just more Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity style of cherry picking statistics and twisting the truth to attack anything left of the current ongoing facism of the current administration. I can't wait to hear Gen Petraeus' assesment of the Iraq war in the coming weeks. Considering all of the generals that were dismissed or retired for not giving the expected favorable info to GWB, I assume all is good in Iraq and everything is working just peachy.
What in the world are you talking about? Did you even read the posting? If you are going to make claims that statistics are cherry picked prove it. I offer links to all of my facts where are yours?
Your mockery without any substance may be welcome with the Daily Kos crowd, but here you appear to be spiteful, know nothing about what you are talking about, and way over your head.
Maybe you are not the same person as "Forward Deployed" website – I don't know. In that case, you did not cherry pick the AP article, "Forward deployed" (FD) did. I did not see anything in the AP article that was derogatory toward the military. The reporter reported statistics given by the pentagon. But, as most hard core right wingers will do, FD took each part of the article that did not meet his criteria of "flattering one and all" and bashed it as the author was "Sneering" etc. You see, I listen/read many, many news sources (Including FOX and talking heads from the right) and the one thing that is common with all of them, is that if anyone criticizes the current administration or any part of the military, the label of "Anti-American or against the troops" comes out faster than the guns of quick-draw-McGraw. Just to clarify my position. I'm retired military, have a son in the military in the Mideast, and absolutely agree with what we are doing in Afghanistan (Not in Iraq's civil war). I believe we should build up the military, but I don't like the constant hype that "everything is going great", when I hear different from within the military. However, nobody has the balls to pipe up and tell those calling the shots at the top, "Things ain't-a-goin-so-good". To top it all off, the MAJORITY of American people want us out of Iraq, as do I. But, the person who has the power to make it happen has basically flipped the bird to the wishes of the MAJORITY. As far as your reference to the Daily Kos crowd, I can only surmise that you are an avid Rush fan and are just repeating what he said after dedicating almost a week of his show to bashing the Daily Kos but never said a word about the same type of inflammatory statements made by Ann Coulter. As far as me being spiteful, I'm not. In order for me to be spiteful I'd have to have Ill will or hatred toward something. I don't. I think we need to have a right wing to keep the left from becoming too powerful and to keep them in check and vise-versa, which is why the pendulum started to swing to the right in 1994. But as the left screwed up previously, so has the right presently and I'm thankful the pendulum is swinging back toward the left. Also, No mockery intended by me – I just like political discussion/debate.
I am the same person that wrote the FD article and you have yet to prove that my statistics are incorrect as you alleged in your prior comment.
Also I never said the AP article was derogatory, I said it was dubious which was evident by the author saying the Army " apparently met its goal". How come the AP writer did not clearly say the Army met its recruiting goal? Other articles like the one I pointed out from ABC clearly said the Army met its recruiting goals.
Additionally the article is dubious because from the very beginning it begins with the old and tired claim that the war is effecting recruiting and numbers. The strong economy is what is causing the recruiters to have to offer bonuses and other options. A perfect example of this was that in the late 1990's the US military had a massive recruiting crisis where for example in 1999 the Army fell 6,300 recruits short of making a mission of only 75,000. Now compare to the Army of today where since the Army is expanding has been making a mission of 80,000 recruits for the past 3 years during a time of war and a strong economy.…
The recruiting crisis in the late 90's was not because of Bosnia and Kosovo it was because of the military being unable to compete with a strong economy. If you read the link above you can see the recruiting crisis of the 90's is what led to the beginning of new bonus and benefits system to compete for recruits from the private sector.
The creative system of bonuses being offered today is to directly compete against the private sector but the very first and last paragraphs of the AP article dwell on the Iraq War causing a perceived recruiting crisis which is not true because the US Army is on pace to make mission this year anyway.
Than the claim in the AP article about low income and minorities is totally untrue. Why didn't the AP writer include statistics that show that minorities are joining even less while whites are joining even more? Why didn't the AP writer include statistics that show the poor are joining less and less while the middle class and wealthy are joining at an increasing rate? This is why the article is dubious.
If you are going to make claims against my statistics than they need to be supported by facts. I have thrown a bunch of stats to support my views while you have provided none.
Also I have commenters on this site that are against the war such as Sonagi but at least she provides facts and statistics instead of innuendo and name calling to prove or clarify points.
I also find the claim I am for continuing the war in Afghanistan but no the one in Iraq quite interesting. If the US withdraws from Iraq the jihadis will have one a tremendous victory and will be emboldened to increase their operations in Afghanistan after their victory in Iraq. Violence in Afghanistan will increase with the redeployment of terrorists operatives from Iraq to Afghanistan plus the massive recruiting boom they will have to send more fighters to Afghanistan. The casualty rate in Afghanistan has been similar per capita or even greater to the casualties in Iraq:
However, with the smaller number of troops in Afghanistan and the focus on Iraq nobody realizes the per capita rate of casualties in Afghanistan. These casualties would increase dramatically if the US retreats from Iraq especially considering the terrain in Afghanistan is more conducive to guerrilla warfare.
So I have long advocated on this blog that if the US military withdraws from Iraq than we might as well withdraw from Afghanistan as well because the US does not have the will to fight a long guerrilla war there either.
Also I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh and I can't even if I wanted to since I am overseas. I don't find rhetoric useful and the Limbaugh, Coulter, and Daily Kos crowd is all rhetoric with little facts. Unfortunately rhetoric is what most people hear and thus such things as poor minorities or elderly, or stupid criminals filling the ranks of our military is believed.
So are the statistics and facts in that article wrong? I looked at your posted statistics and yes there is a rise in middle-class recruits, still the bulk is coming from lower-middle class families. Also, those were all inclusive recruiting statistics they were not broken down by branch. The Navy and Air Force are downsizing and as a result the have the option to be more selective in who they recruit which means more middle-class recruits. The Army and Marines are expanding which means they have to be less selective in who they recruit if they want to make the numbers.
The Army is trying to bribe people to join. Retention bonuses, signing bonuses, and other monitary means to attract enlistees as well as basic amenities that are not offered in the civlian world such as health care. If the Army wasn't hurting for people then why would they have to offer so many recruitment tools to bring in more people.
I like reading your site because for the most part you are pretty non-biased, but when it comes to this issue, you seem to not want to look at it from an objective view point. Instead you only want to promote how great the current level of enlistees are. Sadly, they still aren't that great. Most people still view the military as a last resort for a better life, or because, they aren't capable of making something of themselves in the civilian world, but they know they can join the military.
I never said that statistics in the AP article were wrong I have clearly argued the writer is trying to say the Iraq War is causing a recruiting crisis that is causing the army to primarily enlist, old, uneducated criminals which is not true.
The only difference in recruits that I have seen from 10 years ago before 9/11 are more fatter mamas boys are joining. On the rare occassion I have seen guys in there late 30's enlist who were prior service and wanted to reenlist for three years in order to say they did their part during the GWOT. I have not seen any increase in thugs what so ever.
There was just as many thugs 10 years ago in the Army as there is now; the only difference is that when the thugs get in trouble it is publicized in the Stars and Stripes and places like this blog so more people read about it. So when people read about the thugs the usual response is the Army is recruiting thugs which statistics show is not true. In fact USFK crime is less per capita than the general Korean population and crime is down from 10 years ago.
The army has to offer higher bonuses because of the strong economy. Do you really think recruiting would be hard if tomorrow the economy collapsed and unemployment sky rocketed? The last time the economy was surging was in the late 90's and the Army was drastically missing their recruiting mission. Then the bubble burst in 2000 and guess what, the Army had another recruiting surge and recruited above their mission. The Army has to offer more to potential recruits to compete with private industry. I don't hear anyone complaining with private businesses offering bonuses to secure top talent but when the Army offers a bonus you say it is a bribe and I am the bias one?
Posters like "Goout" says he likes debate, but he strikes me as a selective thinker favoring the left. The list of conservative politicians and activists (who he clearly detests) rolls from his tongue and he subscribes to liberal assumptions.
Leftists will commonly deride those who support / defend conservative causes (I suppose the military and recruiting policies is one of them) as "blindly following George Bush" and playing stooge to the establishment. They demonize their conservative counterparts as narrow minded bigots who FOAMS at the mouth everytime someone is even slightly against "America" or the "Bush administration" Goout was clearly ready with this line of attack, and when confronted, he played the expected role as a patriot who stands up to the government. Same old, same old.
Of course, you only have to read a few of his blogs to realize that GI Korea is pro military, and mostly on the "Red" side on certain issues. He has lashed out at leftists before. But he's not Michael Savage or Limbaugh. Believe you me, I know Neo cons can be just UNPLEASANT as their leftist foes. Generally speaking I find that his defense of the miliatry is fair and his criticism to be on point. The army definitely gets the "Michael Moore" treatment from media sometimes.
As for the recruiting practices, I'll fault the army if they commit any of these following –
If they pay non whites less.
If they fail to properly inform the minority recruit of the risks involved.
IF they purposely romanticize the war experience to minorities to attract them, but NOT to whites.
IF they're selective in their deployment or treatment based on race(Like sending minorities to dangerous areas but not white)
If you deny anyone based on race.
Sure, we'd all like big corporations to target poor Latinos for 50 thou a job openings. Ain't gonna happen. If I were army recruiter I'd look to the poor and desperate, why not? It's not unethical to offer extravagant incentive to join, as long as it's for everyone and you admit QUALIFIED soldiers. If the army selectively recruits 20 year old Latino punks from the ghetto, duped into thinking the joining army is good way to make a quick buck, yeah, THAT would be bad. In fact, the military is under heat from recruiting GANG members from LA.
As a Korean, I actually find GI Korea to be voice of reason. Far from a closed minded right wing zealot. The only difference between him and Metropolitician is that the former tends to be conservative and the latter liberal (And GI Korea recommends Michael's links in many of his blogs). Otherwise these bloggers makes dead on observations through the Korean problems and utterly obssessive culture. (foreigner phobia, anti Japan sentiment, Dokdo, on) You'll probably find more relevant information about North Korea, US Korea relations, and ROK soldiers here than eleswhere.
Anyhoo, political polarization in America – NOT a good thing. I fancy myself as a conservative, but I'm turned off by hardcore right pundits who says things like "Deport all illegals" and "Guns for all". Not real keen on the death penalty either. But I'm also skeptical on people like Goout, for reasons explained. Independent thinkers might be against the Iraq war, butmay raise questions about the validity global warming. They might be for gay marriages but against socialized medicine. They may indict Bush for his mistakes, but defend him from ridiclous accusations. They follow no masters, toe no party line, and think for themselves.
You see so little of that in America, probably MUCH less in Korea. The Korean Netizens would CRUCIFY Goout if he said anything remotely negative about, let's say, their soccer team.
There is no reason to be skeptical of me, Surabol. I didn't try to hide the fact that I'm a progressive or liberal, whichever you prefer. The following is slightly off-point of the start of this string, but to make myself perfectly clear I'll explain. In my younger years in the military I was easily impressed by the constant barrage of conservatism from higher ranks who were not suppose to prosthelize a political opinion to the troops (However, it was not only practiced but, encouraged). As time went on I began to think for myself and slowly migrated to the left. Believe me, it's not easy being a political minority in the military. However, lip firmly bitten while serving my country, I waited until my retirement to vocalize my beliefs. You see, I didn't think it was proper for me to voice my left-leaning politics any more than those that readily voiced their right-leaning politics while in uniform or at military events. Now a civilian, I hold no reserve. So, if my retort to what I perceive as yet-again liberal bashing from the right appears unfair. Then, I think you need to read from the beginning of the thread including the article and realize that I was RESPONDING to what has become the common thread of the right: "If it doesn't fit our conservative agenda to the tee, vilify it as another wrong-headed bash by a liberal journalist, politician, talk-show, organization, and infinitum.” Yes, I lean left but not so far as to believe in all left ideology. That’s why I read this blog quite often and many, many other right wing papers, blogs, news programs. I don't always agree, but then again I don't always comment on the blog entries. I think this is only my second (Maybe third time). So, I'll continue to read and quit this diatribe for now. You go ahead and comment further, I'm done with this string. Maybe I'll comment in the future and expect the same reactions from people that don’t agree with me. Ain’t this country great. Have a fantastic “Pyongtaek Super” day.
I don't serve in the military, so I don't if they nurture a dominantly conservative environment. Although, from what I've read and heard, the army marching more to the progressive beat nowadays. But I must defer to your opinion on the military on certain issues, because you were there, and I wasn't.
You mention right leaning threads, maybe I'm missing something. Usinkorea bashed Clinton in the first post, other than that, this is about the media's perception of the army. Perhaps you were involved with flame wars with neocons in some other site?
I usually don't approach or label any issue as "conservative or liberal" per se. When discussing abortion or other hot button topics, I don't jump into an ideology that qualifies as "my side of the ring" to square off with the other side. There are always some gray areas, intersecting points, and relevant positions that defy arbitrary political or persona lines. Problem is, most Americans are increasingly polarized to the far left and the right, and ironically enough, they each believe that they're "open minded"
John Stossel (the abc news anchorman) says he believes homosexuality is natural and prostitution should be legal. Two consenting adults are free to do whatever they want. He exposed schools that punished students that ate "hot dogs in an obscene gesture". But he's a outspoken advocate of free market and government deregulation, so liberals often label him as "right wing" and criticize him as such. You can expect the same treatment for the right if they found him advocating gay rights.
The military is full of opinions but is primarily conservative because most of the people who serve are from conservative states especially the South. However, I have never had a superior tell me who to vote for and generally politics are not even talked about much.
This blog is not pro-Republican or conservative or Neo-con or whatever label people want to use. This blog is pro-military and I will stand up for soldiers from unfair attacks from people that want to label them as uneducated, low life war criminals.
Getting back to the subject at hand, the claim that the war is making the military recruit elderly, uneducated criminals is a faith based claim from people who so desperately want to believe it is true. When you look at it with facts it is not true and the war is actually causing the military's demographics to come into even closer balance with the general US population.
[…] compare this passage to the attitude today pushed by some on the left that the army is filled with low life, uneducated, criminals. This author was writing about this same perception from the 1950’s as well. It is […]
GI Korea said:
"If the US withdraws from Iraq the jihadis will have one a tremendous victory and will be emboldened to increase their operations in Afghanistan after their victory in Iraq"
That is your OPINION. It may be wrong. Do you have the humility to concede those two points? Or will it be the venomous arrogance of Coulter and Rush?
Another opinion is "if the US withdraws from Iraq the jihadis will turn on each other inside Iraq along sectarian lines and start the Iraqi civil war in earnest. Fighting would continue for 5-8 years and in that time all parties inside would concentrate on victory over their enemies in Iraq and ignore outside conflicts such as Afghanistan or attacking European or American targets."
That's my opinion. It may be wrong. But it seems to me as likely or more than yours.
"Another opinion is “if the US withdraws from Iraq the jihadis will turn on each other inside Iraq along sectarian lines and start the Iraqi civil war in earnest. Fighting would continue for 5-8 years and in that time all parties inside would concentrate on victory over their enemies in Iraq and ignore outside conflicts such as Afghanistan or attacking European or American targets.”
That’s my opinion. It may be wrong. But it seems to me as likely or more than yours."
Everyone has opinion. That it might be wrong or right is almost a given. What matters is whether it's persuasive and plausible. Following your kind of logic I could ignore ALL your own opinions since I'm entitled to my own.
Yes, Jihadis will probably turn on each other when the US withdraws. But to me, there's no incentive to operate within a vaccum in Iraq where they're forced to consolidate all their powers and abandon their agendas abroad. If waging civil war was an uphill battle that required a total effort and resources, you'd probably ignore operations abroad. But if you could control Iraq more easily without American interference, why would suddenly give up AFG and other targets?
From what I understand, many terrorists cells are autonomous, indepently ran organizations that carry out their distinct agendas. IF you're terror cell in LA and your objective is to blow up a mall, you'll plan and execute that no matter what happens anywhere. They probably (?) won't rush to Iraq to sustain their civil war efforts.
If jihadists leave the rest of the world alone so they win Iraq, that might be good news for us. Without domestic terror threat as deterant(or them kidnapping our citizens to discourage military intervention), we could even back the Iraqi government more than before. Your scenario strikes me as counterintuitive.
While the war in Iraq is not affecting recruiting as some would like to think – and GI Korea points out and backs up with links/facts/analysis, which is evidently more than the naysayers can do – the war is indeed changing who volunteers; more genuine patriots.
I joined the Air Force in 1991. When people asked why, the reasons I usually gave were the GI Bill and to see the world, which were both true. But the underlying reason that went unstated was service to country (left unsaid but assumed, like many parts of Korean language if you’re familiar with that). Of course it wasn’t that way for many, as I later found out.
Multiple and long-term deployments were virtually unheard of when I got out in 1995; now they are the norm, and any soldier, airman, seaman, or Marine who signs up knows that deployment is, for most occupations, going to happen.
That we still have the kind of recruitment rates we do under such circumstances says a lot about the individuals joining.
On social class and service; of course there will be more from the lower-classes than the middle classes; if you go by education, income, and position, about 60-65 percent of Americans are in the lower-classes (as I was when I joined), while about 30-35 are in the middle classes. Whatever one might say, the military is an excellent place to move up.
On Monday morning I will take the oath as an O-1 in the reserves via a direct commissioning program. I would have done so years ago, and even now it’s not going to be a cakewalk. My wife isn’t real happy about it, and I have a son who is a month old. The competition for these programs is extreme, and I’m told that people who would easily have made it five years ago aren’t even getting packages through the door.
Yes, the war has affected recruiting, but not in the way some think.