Character Assassination of General Petraeus Begins

You will be seeing a whole lot more of this in the coming weeks:

Headline: Poll Majority Mistrustful of Upcoming Iraq Report

A majority of Americans don’t trust the upcoming report by the Army’s top commander in Iraq on the progress of the war and even if they did, it wouldn’t change their mind, according to a new poll.

President Bush frequently has asked Congress — and the American people — to withhold judgment on his so-called troop surge in Iraq until Gen. David Petraeus, the commander in Iraq, and Ryan Crocker, U.S. ambassador to Iraq, issue their progress report in September.

But according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Thursday, 53 percent of people polled said they suspect that the military assessment of the situation will try to make it sound better than it actually is. Forty-three percent said they do trust the report. [CNN]

I have talked about this before, but as the September progress reports come nearer expect the attacks on General Petraeus’ creditability to increase.  Senator Reid began the personal attacks on General Petraeus all the way back in June

Some of you may remember that the last time Petraeus testified before Congress the Democrats used this article from LTC Paul Yingling to try and discredit General Petraeus and the new commanders in Iraq as incompetent even though if you actually read the whole article it has nothing to do about the current leadership in Iraq.  This didn’t stop politicians and the media from claiming that it is a scathing indictment of US leadership in Iraq.  This is just the beginning there will be a whole lot more attacks to come.

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