Promoting the Haditha Storyline

Here is another article from the media with no mention of the acquittal of US Marines in the Haditha incident. 

A major general and two senior officers have been disciplined for their roles in investigating the deaths of 24 Iraqi civilians in the town of Haditha in 2005, the Marine Corps said Wednesday.

Maj. Gen. Richard A. Huck, former commanding general of the 2nd Marine Division, has received a letter of censure from the secretary of the Navy for the "actions he took and failed to take" in response to the killings.

The statement from the Marine Corps does not elaborate.

Col. Stephen W. Davis and Col. Robert G. Sokoloski also received letters of censure.

Davis was cited for failure to take action when informed about the slayings. Sokoloski was cited for unsatisfactory performance of his duties. [Elliot Spagat, AP]

The article only mentions the censure of senior officers over the handling of the incident and the last remaining court martial of the Marine involved in the incident.  All of the other Marines have been acquitted, which probably means this last Marine faces a good chance at being acquitted as well.  However you would not know such key facts from reading the AP article because they are totally ignored. 

Then again when has the media ever been concerned about simply reporting facts?  They are about promoting storylines and they did everything they could to promote their storyline of heartless Marines killing poor innocent Iraqis in Haditha for no reason.  Now that the storyline has been shattered it is best not to mention the acquittals in order to keep the storyline alive in the minds of the general public who are not closely following the case. 

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