Boobs for Sailors Down Under

The Israeli Defence Force may be using sexy former soldiers to promote their military, but the Royal Australian Navy appears to be using a different tactic, giving sailors breast implants:

THE Royal Australian Navy is paying for women sailors to have breast enlargements for purely cosmetic reasons, at a cost to taxpayers of $10,000 an operation.

Defence officials claim the surgery is justified because some servicewomen need bigger breasts to address "psychological issues".

Darling Point plastic surgeon Kourosh Tavakoli told The Sunday Telegraph the navy had paid for two officers, aged 25 and 32, to have breast-augmentation surgery at his private clinic.

Dr Tavakoli said the women had not been injured but claimed to suffer "psychological" problems.

"I’ve had two female officers who have got the navy to pay for breast augmentation for psychological reasons," he said.

"I know for a fact two patients claimed it back on the navy. They (the navy) knew it was breast augmentation and paid for it. [The Sunday Telegraph]

Maybe it is just me, but it seems like if you are having psychological issues due to your breasts maybe you shouldn’t be in the Navy in the first place?  I’m sure the male sailors aren’t complaining though.

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