The "Phony Soldier" Controversy
|I have looked fully into the whole Rush Limbaugh "phony soldier" controversy today and surprise, surprise it was bogus. Seriously I’m beginning to think Korean journalism standards are becoming higher than American standards considering all the recent bogus media manufactured controversies.
The more outlets that have developed for the media people to expose themselves, the more the puss filled sacks under the skin have been exposed….I can remember back to a day in my area where we could only get three fuzzy main network stations……and the bias was easier to hide…..
I am hearing about this controversy all over the place. To me, it does not matter what Rush said. He has the right to say whatever he says because it is free speech. The same goes for the left pundits as well. I have no idea what the fuss is about, and if somebody does not like what somebody is saying, turn the dial.
That is not too hard.
I highly recommend everyone read the Newsbuster link at the bottom of the FD posting that shows the coordinated political strategy that Media Matters has with Hillary Clinton. Media Matters is filled with Clintonites backed with millions of dollars of Soros money.
This is all definitely a coordinated strategy to change the topic after the widespread condemnation of's attempts to slime Petraeus. will not be able to attack anybody for a while because they have been tainted by the Petraeus slime job. So Soros uses his other entity Media Matters to go on the offensive after Bush, O'reilly, and now Limbaugh in order to change the subject and bash conservatives.
You know the slime job is bad when Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have both come out to defend Bill O'reilly.
I used to read Media Matters regularly just as I read Newsbusters everyday, but I gave up on MM…
…because the vast majority of what I found there were items aimed at people who were clearly and openly conservative. They were also usually not Main Stream Media people.
What I go Newsbusters to read is the exposing of clear bias in the “objective” press.
I don’t pay much attention to the items about newspaper columnists — because those people are paid to express their opinion. I have also given up on reading much about what Keith Olbermann has to say, because even though he claims to be a member of the “objective” press, he is so outrageous, he can’t be taken seriously…
And the same goes for Limbaugh and to a lesser extent O’Reilly.
Those people clearly give their opinion day in and day out. They are not trying to “report the news”.
So, I agree with Jack.
And that is the big problem for Media Matters…
It set itself up to counter Newsbusters-Media Research Center, because that organization had grown a solid base of readers and influence by pointing out the liberal bias of the US main stream media.
But, because the media is so Democrat and left-of-center oriented, Media Matters has a much harder time finding useful targets —- while Newsbusters has a good fresh crop just about every week and often every day….
So media matters has to gin stuff up and attack non-journalists.
the issue is how a soldier who goes AWOL or flees to canada because he or she does not agree with the policies or war going on the media is all over it
when is the last time you saw a story on soldiers who do believe in the war and their mission on the Keith Olberman show
look cable news is different they are purposely sided to whatever their viewpoints are so thats fine with me
but mainstream network cable news is really really really left!!!!
they normally throw a hey sgt. so and so died last month in iraq
honoring the soldiers with a short story of who they were and their families but thats about it
I watched a PBS news segment on Iraq that was exactly like that. They were interviewing soldiers in Iraq who were re-uping their contracts with the military….
They chose two angles – both negative to the soldiers, the military, and the mission in Iraq.
1. The mercenary angle….They had one soldier say it was all about the money which fit with the stuff just before about how the military was having to hand out big bonuses to keep people or recruit new ones. They talked about how this was big money for most of the soldiers due to where they came from…
…which fits the overwhelming negative stereotype higher education indoctrinates us with in regards to GIs — that they are a bunch of uneducated, poverty stricken, ghetto thugs or rednecks who couldn't cut it in the real world…
2. They then interviewed a soldier who was not staying in the military. He said there was no way he would do it. And he added in negative tones that if someone could explain to him why the hell they were over there, he might consider it.
Now, perhaps some outfit that actually lived up to the bullshit journalistic code they profess they follow —- would have gone out of their way to find a soldier who would say they support the mission and believe in what they are doing in Iraq —– that would be balance…..
But, that was all we got from PBS……..mercenaries and disallusioned young men…..
I guess they couldn't find anybody in the hall that believed in the mission, no?….
[…] interesting question regarding if Iran can be resolved like North Korea. I have to say no. Also, ROK Drop asks about the current Rush Limbaugh controversy. This is getting a lot of press. I do not know why, it is pretty sill to me. Lastly, Both One Free […]