"Survive, Thrive, & Alive!"
|Leave it to the Army to put a happy spin on traumatic brain injuries:
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can happen anytime, anywhere, and to anyone.
Each year TBI contributes to a substantial number of deaths and cases of permanent disability. This fact sheet was developed to accompany the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center’s (DVBIC) “Survive, Thrive, and Alive!” brain injury awareness and prevention video.* It provides: (a) a general overview of TBI, (b) prevention tips to help you and your family reduce the risk of TBI, and (c) a list of organizations that can provide you with additional resources and information on TBI.
Now would you want your buddy diagnosing you with a brain injury?
Not taking anything away from the seriousness of TBI, but I think a fact sheet entitled H^3WGB: How to Hire a Hooker Without Getting Busted, would be much more practical!