The Sliming of Soldiers Continues
|Just another example of the politicization of the military. Did this guy have to post the guy’s wedding pictures and slime his wife? That is pretty low.
Just another example of the politicization of the military. Did this guy have to post the guy’s wedding pictures and slime his wife? That is pretty low.
[…] Standing Up for 1LT Hegseth — [Forward Deployed] Published October 7, 2007 in Hating the Troops. I find it quite ironic how worked up the usual suspects from the left were when Rush Limbaugh made his comments about “phony soldiers”, yet they some how find it acceptable to call real soldiers that are actually serving in the military such as General Petraeus a phony. Well the depth they are willing to sink to has only grown as the Daily Kos has launched the lowest slime job I have seen yet on 1LT Peter Hegseth. …As usual with these people the diarist over there at Kos dlawbailey who has made an appearance before on this blog has no idea what he is talking about in regards to the military. I will quickly go through his claims. […]
thedailyblows is always warped when it comes to facts and truth
It is one thing to make crap up like the leftists like to do, but it is taking discourse to a whole new level when you post the guys wedding pictures and slime his wife.