Israel Upset About Nazi Bar in Seoul

I can’t believe it took Israel this long to find out about a Nazi themed bar in South Korea:

Israel’s envoy to South Korea expressed anger Monday over the reported existence of a Nazi-themed suburban Seoul bar.

“It’s really revolting,” Ambassador Yigal Caspi said of the drinking establishment reported Tuesday by the Korea Herald newspaper.

Along with its article about the bar, the English-language paper published a photo of a red Nazi swastika it said adorns the establishment’s entrance.

The paper, however, published neither the bar’s name nor the municipality where it is located, saying it did not want to “give them any publicity.”

It said only that the bar is in a “northern city of Seoul.” [AP]

I hope the Israeli embassy doesn’t think this is the only Nazi bar in Korea either. Their are Nazi bars across the country like this one in Pusan:


Even better take a look at the interior of this other Hitler Bar:


Heck the Hitler Bar in Shinchon was featured in TIME Magazine before:

A small photo of Adolf Hitler adorns the entrance to the Fifth Reich, an upscale watering hole in Seoul’s Shinchon university district. A larger picture of the Fuhrer hangs across from the bar, where waiters and waitresses with swastika arm badges mix drinks that have names like “Adolf Hitler”and “Dead.” Young people chat at booths surrounded by statues of golden eagles, romanesque columns and large glass display cases of SS insignia. Nazi pins and Iron Crosses are on sale beside the cash register. It almost looks like a quiet shrine to the man who sent 6 million Jews to their deaths in the Holocaust. But this isn’t a neo-Nazi hangout. Some of the patrons aren’t even quite sure who Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were. Others, like regular patron Chung Jae Kyung, 22, are aware of the evil the Nazis did but not especially moved by it. “I don’t hate them, I don’t like them,” says Chung, a neatly dressed English-lit student with an easy smile. “But at least they dressed well.”

You always hear about how great the Israeli intelligence agencies are, so how the heck does the Israeli embassy not know about Nazi bars in Korea especially when they are featured in TIME magazine? These bars are literally all over Korea.

While were on the topic of anti-semitism in South Korea, I wish the AP would have asked the Israeli envoy what he thought about this.  I’m sure these pictures would raise some eyebrows at the Israeli embassy as well.

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17 years ago

After thinking on this for a bit, could the Koreans be desensitized to Fascist thinking? Initially, the south Korean government, besides being a military dictatorship for about three decades, was full of former Japanese officers and collaborators. They know how to operate a police state. They lived in perpetual fear of North Korea for years, which was often used as an excuse by the government for political repression. There is also the cultural tendency to sacrifice the individual's needs in favor of the larger group. (Not to mention the Nazi worshiping temples all over the country!?!J/K)

Perhaps I am over analyzing this a bit but I would also add that east Asians tend to be more sensitive to Japanese atrocities than they are to the Nazis and the Holocaust. Maybe it is just the fact that it is easier for them to relate to east Asia than central Europe. I don't think it is unreasonable to say that the west is in general a little less sensitive to images representing imperial Japan than Nazi Germany as well.

17 years ago

Perhaps the Israeli should open up a 'comfort women' bar then just then Koreans might get it.

17 years ago


…not unlike… ah, I don't know… a Palestinian opening a bar called Sharon's Pub.

When Israeli cry "oppression", Al Sharpton cries "racism" or Koreans cry "comfort women", one could be inclined to turn a pretty deaf ear.

With all the genocide and oppression going on in the world, the name of a bar SHOULD rank pretty low on the Let's Make A Big Deal Of It Scale.


17 years ago

We have that sort of junk in Japan too, but not to that extent. And no bars as far as I know…

17 years ago

Am I the only one who looked at that last picture and first thought S&M Buddhist bar?

17 years ago

"Perhaps the Israeli should open up a ‘comfort women’ bar then just then Koreans might get it."

True !!!!

17 years ago

[…] picture of the Führer hangs across from the bar, where waiters and waitresses with swastika …… Read more…   […]

17 years ago

How about a "Yodok Bar" in honor of the North Korean gulag?

The cuisine would be empty plates of food, diseased water, and regular beatings.

17 years ago

We all ready have that KB it's called an entry level hogwan. Late pay (empty plates) diseased water (water cooler filled from the bathroom tap) and regular beatings (you class not fun, want fun fun engrishee)

17 years ago

If it doesn't have to do with the Koreans, Japanese, or Americans, they don't care. It doesn't register.

17 years ago

The only thing that registers to koreans is food. That's all they care about, talk about and live for. It really is a sad nation, not one thinker in the entire race. Only followers.

Yoo_De_In Killa A
17 years ago

This is ridiculous how many people are coming to the aid of this phoney israeli envoy, and jumping on the bandwagon to bash Korea. Yes, Korea has its problem with foreigners and how they view foreigners. But let me explain my point of view since I'm an Asian-American living in the US.

Does this israeli envoy know about jew racism himself? Does he know how Arabs are treated like shyte when it comes to the palestine conflict? How about the way jews tend to form their own "cliques" in the US and how they ostracize non-jews from mingling with them.

To me, jews like to pretend to be white people, yet when they are picked on, or when things don't go their way, they like to play the holocaust card and cry anti-semitism. you see Israel bombing the sh*t out of Syria and Lebanon, yet when Israel is attacked, they like to play victim.

To shorten what I have to say, I also find a trail of evidence that jews seem to have some kind of racism towards us East Asian people.

Remember how that israeli envoy to Australia talked about the "evil yellow people" with "slant eyes." No? Then read this article.
Hmmm…I guess a lot of you guys here who are shitting all over Korea, her government and the Korean citizens can't even write an explanation for what that israeli envoy to Australia said about "yellow people" ey?

I also read an article on how Chinese men living in Israel are forbidden to marry and isreali female, or even have sex with an isreali prostitute. Wow, I think that ultra racist! no? Sheesh. I don't see laws in Korea or Japan or other Asian countries forbidding males or other races from having sex with Asian prostitutes!

How about the jews in hollywood and their blatant racism towards Asians? Just look at all the movies depicting Asian people. The Asian is either depicted as a martial arts/kung-fu karate guy (i.e. Jackie Chan) who can't speak English. or, the Asian male is like a william hung who is small, dorky and an asexual person. Did you guys watch teh movie "The Departed"? See the scene where the jew named mark wahlberg makes fun of Asian penises? he even stabbed a Vietnamese guy in the eye long time ago. Shit.

And then for other movies in hollywood, the jews like to leave out the Asian guys, and mainly make movies with Asian girls whoring out to white or jew guys.

it's just a way for the jews to "secretly" wipe out the Asian race. It's to make more "hapas" so that they lose their Asian heritage, and the hapa kids know jack sh*t about their mother's background. jews see East Asians as a "threat" to their global dominance because us Asians are hardworking and stand in the way of jew domination.

So my two-cents on this broo-hah-hah? Tell that israeli envoy to chill out. Because in many cases when jews are racist against us Asians, we are told to chill out because making ching-chong jokes "is simply a joke that should be taken lightly."

17 years ago

[…] on many blogs related to this issue. Here’s another blog I recently posted my response on: See my long a** post at the way […]

17 years ago

The bar is a disgrace. So far, the only argument I've heard here is: "Other people are racist, so why not Koreans too? We would like the opportunity to be just as hateful as the rest of the world."

This is the argument of an idiot.

Why not aspire to be better than racists and bigots in other parts of the world?

Here's a thought: You should want the best for your country and not seek to emulate other country's problems.

Yoo_De_In Killa AngryAsianGuy
17 years ago

Why not tell that to the jews who are racist to other ey? Plus look at yourself dude. You said why don’t the Koreans make a “yodok” bar with diseased water. Think before you criticize me and other people.

17 years ago


So… someone please kindly explain to me how a Nazi-decorated bar in Korea is exactly racist?

Perhaps, in the same way a cowboy bar might be considered racist to American indians?

I'm going to have a rather hard time supporting the idea that a Korean bar owner is a true believer in the supremacy of the great Aryan master-race.


17 years ago


There you go with the "let's be racist too" argument.

I do not condone racism by anyone. Period.

My suggestion of a Yodok Bar was meant to make a point about how ridiculous this "theme" is for a bar. Since you're obviously not too swift, I'll be more explicit: Nazis are offensive just like Yodok is offensive. Neither is a good idea for a bar's theme. Both should be reviled.

Yoo_De_In Killa A
17 years ago

Amen chickenhead!!! Woot!

17 years ago


The bar owner is so ignorant that he doesn't know what the symbols mean.

There's a reason these kinds of displays are actually illegal throughout most of Europe: They're deeply offensive to decent people.

Yoo_De_In Killa A
17 years ago

To knicker:

Who cares? It's not like the bar owner is trying to promote nazi-ism in Korea. Koreans in general don't even know much about the damn nazis. So why make a big stink about this bar. Jews always seem to make big deals out of everything. Whenever people disagree with a jew, it's called anti-semitism. But vice-versa is okay for jews. I just don't understand that logic, and won't accept it too!

17 years ago


To me, this is not about Jews being upset. I'm not Jewish.

It's wrong to trivialize Nazism to a theme for a bar. It's an embarassment not just to the bar owner but to South Korea.

If the bar owner doesn't understand that, that's called ignorance. Ditto for the people reading this.

It would be like a Yodok Bar in the US. Again, that would be a bad idea that celebrates bad people. The bar owner's intentions do not matter.

But go ahead and be ignorant if you want. That's your right. And while you're at it, go ahead and justify being racist because there's scum on the planet already like that. If that's how high you want to set the bar, knock yourself out. See how far that gets you in life.

17 years ago


"The bar owner is so ignorant that he doesn’t know what the symbols mean."

I'm sure he has an idea what they mean: A unique way to get attention to what would normally be Just Another Bar in Korea. Featured in Time Magazine… you just can't buy advertising like that.

He might also have some vague idea that Nazis killed a lot of people a long time ago somewhere far away for reasons that have nothing to do with Korea…

…much in the way a Westerner might have a vague notion, when eating in a Chinese restaurant with a picture of Mao, that his Chinese communists put Hitler in a shamefully-distant 3rd place in the ranks of state-sponsored murder.

Sport a Che Guevara shirt? Drink a KGB Vodka with Lemon? Have some Christian cross jewelry? The list is endless… all symbols of terrible atrocities to the right group. Yep, all sorts of ways for someone to get offended out there if they go looking for it.

Your outrage is rather Judeo-centric.

Jews, like any religious, ethnic or national group, have their good and bad points. One of their bad points is that they are some of the biggest whiners… when they really don't need to be. Worse, they generally don't use it to achieve simple equality… but to gain an advantage or profit… with a fallback to vocal claims of antisemitism when things don't go their way.

"There’s a reason these kinds of displays are actually illegal throughout most of Europe: They’re deeply offensive to decent people."

That's exactly why I appear to be supporting this.

I am not a Nazi. I do not respect or approve of what the Nazis did. I hope Nazism and what it stands for does not make any kind of comeback.


I believe in freedom of expression, freedom of enterprise and freedom of action which does not overly affect others.

"Decent people" being offended at what someone does in a private place with willing participants is not reason enough to place controls on their actions. The easy solution is to NOT GO THERE. Offense at simply knowing it exists is not reason enough for restriction.

As the bar owner is not gassing Jews, it is pretty much nobody's business what the theme of his bar is. If society disapproves, he will go out of business. If he does well, than maybe his detractors don't represent the views of the People as much as they claim.

Any American who would advocate restricting freedom of expression is seemingly unfamiliar with the First Amendment and why it exists. Non-Americans are forgiven… as they must bare the burden of knowing that the First Amendment is one of the reasons America can stomp their nuts at any time.

Many would be greatly offended that someone would attempt to place restrictions on freedom of expression… and, arguably, this attitude toward restriction can have a much worse effect on current society than a Korean bar's interior…

…after all, restrictions on freedom of expression was one of the tools which the Nazis used to take power.


17 years ago


I said the bar was a disgrace, not that it should be outlawed.

I also said it's your right to do as you wish. (Although it's not viewed as a right in many European countries where they've outlawed Neo-Nazism.)

This is not a "Judeo-centric" attitude. Most Christian Germans today will express regret over the Holocaust. And most Americans will express outrage over Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denials.

And again, I'm not even remotely Jewish.

Let's not slip into the "other people are racist/genocidal/bigoted, so it should be okay" argument. I don't approve of Pol Pot, Stalin or Saddam either.

17 years ago

[…] The modern day Japanese have been equated to Nazis.  Here I was thinking the Nazis were in South Korea.-  Well now we know what happened to the USS Hello Kittyhawk.-  Just more evidence Greenpeace are […]

17 years ago

[…] flag.  Such complaints is quite ironic considering South Korea’s is home to nation wide Hitler Bars & anti-Semitic comic […]

Yosamite Sam
Yosamite Sam
17 years ago

"He might also have some vague idea that Nazis killed a lot of people a long time ago somewhere far away for reasons that have nothing to do with Korea…

…much in the way a Westerner might have a vague notion, when eating in a Chinese restaurant with a picture of Mao, that his Chinese communists put Hitler in a shamefully-distant 3rd place in the ranks of state-sponsored murder.

Sport a Che Guevara shirt? Drink a KGB Vodka with Lemon? Have some Christian cross jewelry? The list is endless… all symbols of terrible atrocities to the right group. Yep, all sorts of ways for someone to get offended out there if they go looking for it."

-Right on Chickenhead!

Sanctimonious deadshit lefties like Knickerbocker really would annoy me if I hadn't learned how to just ignore their plaintive cries for 'politically correct decency' a long long time ago!

Obviously knickerbocker hasn't heard of a little biological concept called inate primate aggression either…

As long as I'm on the winning side I don't really care what people are doing.Human primates are going to butcher each other and then celebrate it in various forms for a long time after we're all in the grave.Keep your outraged head down and get on with your life Knickerbocker! Rofl….

Respect to Angry Asian Guy too.

17 years ago

"Obviously knickerbocker hasn’t heard of a little biological concept called inate primate aggression either…"

I guess that's the Nazi perspective. Here in America, we celebrate the fact that we crushed the Nazis and everything they stood for.

17 years ago

"I guess that’s the Nazi perspective. Here in America, we celebrate the fact that we crushed the Nazis and everything they stood for."

Ah… you must be referring to America's stand against fascism, refusal to engage in foreign wars of aggression, denouncement of torture and indefinite confinement, avoidance of a militarized police force, unreliance on propaganda and manipulation of the media, aggressive separation of corporate and government interests, condemnation of using fear of terrorism as a tool to consolidate government power and increase controls on the population, etc.

Or, maybe, you just meant it is generally considered bad taste to display a swastika.

Not a lot of crushing going on here, Knickerbocker.

17 years ago

[…] more on the entry and a brief peek into the history of Slavery in Korea.Or, better yet, take the Hitler Bars, a series of Nazi themed bars sprinkled around Korea. An interview with an owner reveals that, like […]

17 years ago

[…] – October – The Jewish white bastards of Yong Yu Island.  Israel didn’ appreciate the Hitler Bars […]

Bob Walsh
Bob Walsh
17 years ago

My favorite bar in Sinchon back in the 80's was called "The Gestapo". I wonder if this is the same place.

17 years ago

[…] Japan Times pulls story on "Nazi" bar after Jewish protest Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 08:00 EST WASHINGTON — The Japan Times removed an article from its web site Tuesday about a Nazi-theme bar in Pusan, one of the South Korean cities scheduled to host the 2002 World Cup soccer finals, following a protest from a U.S.-based Jewish human rights group. ——————————————————————————– ——————————————————————————– Yoshikazu Ishizuka, editor-in-chief of the English-language daily, said in a statement replacing the article on the web site, "In view of the concerns expressed by Rabbi Cooper…The Japan Times has removed the reference on the Web site’s cover page as well as the photo of bar’s sign and has removed its review of the bar itself." Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, said in a protest to the daily, "I cannot believe it is the policy of the Japan Times to validate and market those who celebrate Nazism and/or denigrate the victims of history’s greatest evil." He called on the Japan Times to issue an apology to its readers and to the victims of Nazism and take steps to discipline those involved in writing and placing the article. "The Japan Times states unequivocally that neither it, nor its reporter…endorses, validates, markets or recommends the bar in question," Ishizuka said. "The Japan Times does not support nor does it condone racism, antisemitism or discrimination of any kind." On its 2002 World Cup web site, the Japan Times introduces eating and drinking establishments in the Japanese and South Korean cities that will host soccer matches during the May 31-June 30 event. In the part about Pusan, it introduced the bar "Rechts" as a "cool basement bar with a very stylish interior, great mood lighting, artistic use of motifs and a pleasant laid-back atmosphere." "So what’s the problem? Er, only one: Rechts’ motif is the Nazi swastika. It’s hard to dislike the place, but it’s still uncomfortable being there," the online article said. "The barmaid was clad in black leather and even had Aryan blue contacts. You’ve got little Nazi signs on the toilet doors, some well-placed Nazi neon lights, some understand black motifs, a pretty, velvety Nazi menu holder and cute little Nazi napkins." In a related development, the Simon Wiesenthal Center also urged Chung Mong Joon, chairman of the Korean World Cup Organization Committee, to "do everything in its power to have this establishment immediately closed or remodeled to remove all offensive symbols of genocide and hate." Here’s an article about a few other similar bars:…-bar-in-seoul/ […]

17 years ago

This is a well funny site. Top marks Jews for making me laugh so much. Bloody Israelis treat their neighbours with utter disregard, like dogs, and cannot take a bit of criticism, always moaning about the holocaust at slightest provocation – what about the poor Gypsies, disabled, retarded etc that were also butchered. Its all me, me, me with them folks.

I live in Sichon, and I cant wait to check it out – God bless freedom of Speech..

HIROO maruyama
16 years ago

CAN they be a 4th reich? can they be another holocaust?

HIROO maruyama
16 years ago

YOU gonna laugh they I said neo nazis in USA might seize power?

16 years ago


I have a hard time believing that any place with 'little knowledge of the nazis' would be sporting such an informed decor, with (this is speculation) blue contacts and gold eagles near the tables.

That is pretty low. I do not believe that an era of such blatant hate, which laid low so many millions of people and attempted to subjugate the world, should ever be used for commercial purposes.

Then again, it may be that the Koreans have no real understanding of how hated and reviled the Nazis are around Europe and North America.

All things considered though, you don't generally see Buddha bars, or Ghandi bars. MLK junior bars either, for that matter. Perhaps the future could be in the bar that promotes prominent peace figures of the world.


Anyhow, having been up and down all over Korea, loved it, and I'm glad I've never stumbled onto this before now. Koreans have their faults, but I'd rather this wasn't one of them.


16 years ago

I wonder if anyone will be offended at my recently-opened gentlemens' club…

The Buddha and Ghandi World Peace Snatch Factory.

Table dances half-off on lesbian night.

16 years ago

[…] wonder if Park Jin-hee, who looks hot in her Nazi SS uniform, is also a fan of Korea’s Hitler Bars?  Check out Brian’s posting which has YouTube video as well as OFK  who has a response from […]

16 years ago

[…] at April 05, 2008 02:58PM [IP Logged] Nazi appreciators in Korea no longer have to sulk in their bars, as Brian in Jeollanam-do has informed us, since cosmetics company Coreana is happy to bring us a […]

16 years ago

[…] Mongdori – Sat, 2008-04-05 14:58 Nazi appreciators in Korea no longer have to sulk in their bars, as Brian in Jeollanam-do has informed us, since cosmetics company Coreana is happy to bring us a […]

16 years ago

[…] wurden, und im Nightlife Viertel Hongdae gibts gar eine Bar die sich “Nazibar” nennt und dieser Blog hat weitere Bars/Discos gefunden, die sich im Nazi/Hitler-decor praesentieren. Man muss ja nicht […]

16 years ago

[…] as part of English practice. In their spare time you can find them downing a few cold ones at the Hitler Bar. __________________ How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles […]

Reply to  Yoo_De_In Killa A
16 years ago

Ahh….your jus sore cause u jeu ain'twish gals prefer larger sizes……..and Hollywood ain't chasin u fer a leading Dude role….lol

Reply to  skippy
15 years ago

Excellent idea

14 years ago

NAZIS in Seoul?!?

The next thing you know, there might be Nazis working for the U.S. Government. Oops! Too late! 🙂 Before the end of World War II, the U.S. Government started employing or using not just "former Nazis," but "former Italian Fascists," the Sicilian Mafia, and… perhaps more important to Koreans and other East Asians… former officials, officers, and soldiers of the Japanese Empire. Indeed, the ROK Army officer corps was primarily drawn from the ranks of those "treacherous" Koreans, who had collaborated with the Japanese Empire. Therefore, if anyone is going to accuse the Koreans of being "insensitive" towards anyone else for allowing some Korean bar owners to display Nazi symbols or whatever, perhaps they should view it in a realistic light: just because some ignorant person chooses to display Nazi symbols does not mean that they are going to get away with another Holocaust or "Showa." Indeed, in a way such "Nazi-idiots" are "good" for society because every time they surface, it gives "the good people of this planet" another opportunity to be reminded of what happened and thereby decrease the likelihood of a repeat of such events.

By the way, over thirty years ago I evidently forced one of my German professors into retirement by "harassing" her at almost every opportunity, causing her repeatedly to tell me that she would LOVE to FAIL me based upon my classroom behavior, however since she'd adopted the policy of grading us solely on the basis of test scores and I was by far her best student, unfortunately she could not fail me. 🙂 Why would any "nice" human being find it "fun" to harass and annoy a professor at every opportunity? Well, she made the "mistake" of telling us early in the year that – as a young Italian woman during World War II – she thought the German officers were "very handsome" in their black uniforms. She evidently dated Nazis. That's not something she should have told the teenage son of a former U.S. Army Platoon Sergeant, who'd helped "liberate" a couple of Nazi Death Camps. Quite frankly, I hated her with a passion even though she TRIED to teach me German and about the German culture.

And, oddly enough, having learned from my German professor to be a bit more "tolerant" of such people, I was perhaps better able to deal with the fact that – when I arrived in South Korea in 1981 – some of the ROK Army officers were still from that generation of officers, who had previously served the Japanese Empire. I met several retired ROK Army officers, who attested to this fact…. and, yet, to this day… it is still illegal to publish a list of Koreans, who collaborated with the Japanese Empire. In other words, yes, as some of "the slimey North Korean communist propaganda" claims after World War II the "pro-Japanese party" took over South Korea on the behalf of the United States with the help of many Imperial Japanese officials, who were kept on the payroll by the U.S. because it was just "that important" to keep the communists from taking over all of Korea.

Was it worth it? Was it worth over 50,000 American lives plus probably millions of Korean civilians? I'd like to think so, however… my mind is not so ossified (i.e. turned into stone) that I would insist it was totally worth it. Quite frankly, if I'd been in charge of KMAG (i.e. the U.S. Korean Military Assistance Group) prior to the Korean War, I would have (1) tried to keep Kim Gu alive or thoroughly investigate his assassination, (2) done more to get rid of the more hated officers from the Imperial Japanese Army, and (3) done more to ensure that the ROK Government and ROK Army actually had the "POPULAR SUPPORT" of the Korean people. Why? Because – despite all that's been said about the Army not being a democracy – war is largely about POPULAR SUPPORT and, yes, even if soldiers do not "vote" with "ballots," they do "vote" with "bullets," "grenades," and their "boots."

Yes, the Korean War could have been avoided and it'd have been much better if it had been avoided and if the Korean people had been allowed to remain under one government. No, I would not "trade" even just one million Korean lives for whatever strategic advantages South Korea and its TUNGSTEN gave the United States during the Cold War. The ROK had about 75% of the world's known Tungsten resources and, for those of you who do not know the strategic importance of Tungsten, Tungsten is the metallic element with the highest melting temperature, which was essential for making the high-speed, metal-cutting drills and saws, which are essential for making a lot of strategic weapons from jet-engines to anti-tank "bullets" (i.e. sabots before Depleted Uranium (DU) sabots).

Could Kim Il-sung have been detoured from his 1950 invasion of South Korea? Yes, I think so since his argument to "Uncle Joe" Stalin was that (1) the U.S. would not defend the ROK, (2) the war would be quick because the south Korean people would not put up much of a fight because they hated the "pro-Japan" side of the ROK, and… if I'm not mistaken… (3) the U.S. would not use WMDs (nukes) to defend the ROK despite claims that we would use them to stop communist aggression.

The third issue there is something that I do not think Kim Il-sung or "Joe" Stalin could've been convinced was "wrong" in that, both George Frost Kennan, Jr, and John Lewis Gaddis (two of the biggest U.S. experts on such matters) have noted that Stalin's viewpoint was that nukes and other WMDs were basically just useful for scaring weak-willed people, but were otherwise weapons of non-use. In case you should question me on this issue, I'd just refer you to their writings on this matter and note that Kennan was the American, who basically came up with the Cold War Policy of Containment back in 1945, and Gaddis was for many years the professor of Cold War History at the U.S. National Defense University, i.e. where military officers often go to get their masters and PhDs.

However, do I expect many people to understand such matters? Nope, not really. After all, in 1990 and 2003, both President Bushes were able to "fool" the majority of my fellow Americans by their words, which went something like, "Americans just don't remember HISTORY! They don't remember that Saddam Hussein is just like Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin! If he gets these WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction), he will use them!!!"


And, yet, nobody in the press anywhere that I saw on TV or heard on the radio or read in the newspapers or magazines… pointed out, "Excuse me, Mister President, but… your statement assumes that neither Hitler nor Stalin had WMDs… which – of course – they did and, no, Mister President, they did not use them… except to scare weak-willed people."

Pertinence to Korea?

The son of Kim Il-sung has a handful of nukes, but lacks missiles that can accurately deliver them. True, he could use a suitcase or an automobile to deliver them to any point in the world, however… while North Korea's "Great Leader" might have even as many as a dozen or even two dozen NUKES, my Uncle Sam has over 8,000! And, yes, he can deliver them anywhere in the world OVERNIGHT, faster than UPS!

. . . . . . . .

Think I'm afraid of some two-bit punk with a fistful of nukes?!?

Think you're lucky? Go ahead, Punk. Make my day!

By the way, if I took Kim Jung-il's nukes seriously, then I would be a lot more perturbed at Donald Rumsfeld for his businesses helping to get the technology to the Pakistanis, who evidently helped the North Koreans get it. However, as a conservative Republican I have a lot of "faith" in the Grand Old Party (GOP) and, thus, no, I was not too "frightened" when the so-called "Liberal Media" fed us the line about how "dangerous" Saddam Hussein's nonexistent nukes and other WMDs were. After all, the Reagan administration gave him anthrax.

Wow. It is a really AMUSING WORLD, ain't it. Donald Rumsfeld is basically the equivalent of a narcotics cop, who has a side-business of running weapons to the crack-addicts and pimps of this world, and, then, goes into an additional business for himself as a true capitalist by selling "protection" to the people, who are afraid of the "boogar-man" heavily-armed crack-addicts. It's sort of "the American Dream" to be like the U.S. Navy Admiral, who convinced the U.S. DoD (Department of Defense) to vaccinate all service personnel against (non-weaponized) Anthrax, which the Reagan administration had given Iraq, and then… turned right around – as soon as he retired – to go work for the manufacturer of said anthrax-vaccine in exchange for $30,000,000 in stocks and other considerations. Wow! The Big Bucks! And, all it cost the U.S. was a few Americans for every million, who were vaccinated against a form of Anthrax, which was not weaponized and probably would never be used against us… especially if we vaccinated against it… which only left… oh… about a MILLION MILLION other potential bio-weapons to vaccinate against.

Life is humorous at times!

People worried about some business owners in Korea, displaying Nazi symbols. Perhaps someone ought to start another club or bar that specializes in decorations celebrating the Japanese Empire's role in Korea. Display Imperial Japanese flags and pictures of all the great Koreans, who served the Japanese Empire. Then, perhaps more Koreans would understand why it's "a bad idea" to have a bar or whatever with a Nazi theme. Or, how about a bar called, "Fascinating Vacations," which would be decorated with all sorts of memorabilia from the wonderful years of the Chun Doo-hwan "presidency"? And, perhaps show all sorts of glorious pictures of "the Battle of Kwangju," in which the evil forces of communism were defeated with the assistance of the U.S. Army… Maybe someone in Korea might take offense to that? 😎


"The Arizona Cowboy,"

i.e. a nickname given to me by some Koreans back in 1982.

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

At least they aren't Illinois NAZI's. I really hate Illinois NAZI's. 😛

14 years ago

It's just now that I found out that there are two bars in Korea called Nazi (Hitler) bars. Even the Isreali embassy in Seoul doesn't know about it? I think diplomatic realtions between Isreal and South Korea must be cut off for good because of this.I used to work in Korea for 3 years, and I never knew that there are two bars in Korea called Nazi/Hitler bar.

The fact that these bars with that sourt of name exists tells you one thing. I am not racist against Koreans, but I think that Koreans are at fault for this because they are a very racially gullible and stupid people to bame a bar after a violent, fascist, racist organization. Not to mention the fact that Korea fell under Japanese rule 100 years ago. Later during that period going into WW II, there were Koreans who worked as Japanese collaborators who imposed facism against the Korean people. Some of these Japanese collaborators even had their links to the Japanese Nazi party (because Japan was an ally with Nazi Germany at that time).

I guess these Koreans today refuse to learn the truth. Can you imagine, there is a bar in Busan called Hitler, and they got swastikas in that bar, and at the same time Korean people in that neighborhood have never expressed outrage. What's even worse is that these bars are probably not even closed down for good. The Israeli envoy are the only foreigners who compalined about this vocally, but no other foreigners who teach English and live in that area never complained? If they did complain, they would be silenced.

If Korean people had no been so racially homogeneous and closed, they would never be so gullible to allow a bar with such an awful name to exist like this. Even if I saw that bar and I complained, they would never take me for real because in Korea, foreigners are treated as second class, and you cannot question authority in Korea, thanks to their die hard influence of Confucianism.

What the hell do these Koreans who run that bar know about Hitler? Did they know that Hitler killed 6 million Jews? It also comes to mind that there are a lot of Christians in Korea too, and most Korean Christians are the most intolerant group of people in Asia. Their intolerance would also have to include anti-semetism. That could have also been the cause of that stupid bar owner naming the bar after Hitler.

There are 1 million foreigners living in Korea. If these ethnocentric South Koreans do not learn from their bad habbits, Korea will be the first Asian nation to adapt racial aparthied laws, and even use violent approaches towards racial behavior. The Anti-English Spectrum is well and alive spreading their hate propaganda in Korea. If this keeps happening, Korea will turn out to be the Asian version of apartheid South Africa and Jim Crow Southern USA.

14 years ago

Good God, Sheldon…

From, not one, but TWO Nazi-themed bars in Korea, you have deducted that Korea is populated with 47 million Jew-hating fascists dreaming of the day when they can "adapt racial apartheid laws, and even use violent approaches towards racial behavior".

Hitler would be proud! Well, if they can figure out a way to lose that yellow skin and grow some blue eyes.

I'm curious to hear your views on the meaning of tens of thousands of ignorant hipster douchebag posers running around with Che Guevara shirts on in the West.

Explain why Soviet-themed bars and restaurants are OK to be in every major American city but Hitler-themed bars (which are actually all over Asia and other parts of the world) are not.

…and you do realize that the Soviet Union's murder and genocide statistics exceed Hitler's, don't you?

Does the existence of Soviet-themed businesses and Che Guevara shirts mean America is a totalitarian socialist nation on the brink of revolution…

…oh my God. You might be right!

Oh, well… moving on…

Does this mean all Americans are racist?

14 years ago

Good God, Sheldon…

From, not one, but TWO Nazi-themed bars in Korea, you have deducted that Korea is populated with 47 million Jew-hating fascists dreaming of the day when they can "adapt racial apartheid laws, and even use violent approaches towards racial behavior".

Hitler would be proud! Well, if they can figure out a way to lose that yellow skin and grow some blue eyes.

I'm curious to hear your views on the meaning of tens of thousands of ignorant hipster douchebag posers running around with Che Guevara shirts on in the West.

Explain why Soviet-themed bars and restaurants are OK to be in every major American city but Hitler-themed bars (which are actually all over Asia and other parts of the world) are not.

…and you do realize that the Soviet Union's murder and genocide statistics exceed Hitler's, don't you?

Does the existence of Soviet-themed businesses and Che Guevara shirts mean America is a totalitarian sociialist nation on the brink of revolution…

…oh my God. You might be right!

Oh, well… moving on…

Does this mean all Americans are racist?

14 years ago

That is Japan! Japan racist!

Vivek Golikeri
Vivek Golikeri
14 years ago

I not only know about white racism by Ashkenazi Jews, but have been branded an anti-semite for daring to speak out about it. But a Nazi-themed bar in Seoul doesn't represent protest against racism by Jews. It represents merely a capitalistic gutter attempt to milk profits out of humanity's darkest tendencies.

Other cultures cannot point moral fingers at the West while practising anti-human behavior of their own. The Israeli consul was right to protest.

14 years ago

🙄 ihave been in Seoul for 3 months,yes they are racists.esp.when it comes about black peoples. 🙄 i think these asian country are racists than any country on earth.i have been in Stockholm they are very nice peoples.i have been in USA they are very nice peoples too.except original from be honest we africans we are not racisits.we love everybody and we think every human being should be treated eaqual.we are black but we do love all human beings no matter what colour u they are.

Son Of Anarchy
Son Of Anarchy
14 years ago

Maybe the Israeli's should open a "Never-Reunification Bar". Every time a Korean citizen tries to enter the establishment peacefully you kick them out on their flat a$$e$!!! You know they say though, "Two wrongs don’t make a right." I say, “No Love for No Love!!!”

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

Mein Gott volks!

You shouldn't knock these places until you try them. Do you Not See this? The service is always timely, the drinks are made with precision and there is plenty of elbow room.

…and the drinks! Well look at part of the menu yourself:

The Goebbbels Goblet – it has a deaths head!

The Hittler Highball

The Screaming Wagner – makes you vant to fly

The Wilhelm Keitel Wallbanger

The Ribbentrop Rum and Coke

The Potent Poppendieck Popper – make sure you wear your helmut

The Donitz Blitzer – around the holidays

The Fritz Sloo-Fizz

A Kup of Krupp

The Skorzeny Mussolini – otto get your rocks off and free your inner Italian

I'll stop there for now, I'm getting thirsty.

Oh and the little lotkes they serve, fresh from the oven. They are to die, or kcill for depending…

…and remember, never forget, Werner at the bar makes shots for free. There's even a sign over the door that says as much.

Auf Wiedersehen

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

damn filter…

14 years ago

ChickenHead 52 and 53 says, “you do realize that the Soviet Union’s murder and genocide statistics exceed Hitler’s.” Timothy Snyder, author of “Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin”, discussed this subject recently at nybooks. He says:
“All in all, the Germans deliberately killed about 11 million noncombatants, a figure that rises to more than 12 million if foreseeable deaths from deportation, hunger, and sentences in concentration camps are included. For the Soviets during the Stalin period, the analogous figures are approximately six million and nine million.”

I recommend the entire article.
Who was worse?

Some day, I hope to get around to reading the book.

14 years ago


That is an interesting article.

His estimates really are the lowest around, though.

Others write just as convincingly for 60 million.

There is no real agreement among historians… and their numbers are too often shaded by their politics.

Fifteen to twenty million seems to be a reasonable estimate if you include the famine-on-purpose in Ukraine… and consider that, for political reasons, it is accepted that some records of deaths were intentionally not kept.

You my have noticed, however, that I hedged when I said, “you do realize that the SOVIET UNION'S murder and genocide statistics exceed Hitler’s.”

…once again proving that people think they read what they want to have read.

None-the-less, I hope you didn't post this to make the point that Soviet-theme bars and fashion are acceptable while Nazi-theme bars and fashion are not simply because Hitler killed a couple million people more.

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

one death is a tragedy a million is a statistic

14 years ago

ChickenHead 61, since this is a K blog, we should emphasize one point: the Union of Soviet Socialist "Republics", jointly with the "People's Republic" of China, approved the decision by the "Democratic People's Republic" of Korea to start the Korean War.

14 years ago

Did I say something bad? My comment got filtered. 😥

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

#63 Filter pwned! 😛

ALWAYS copy your comment before submitting. You might need to paste and edit it several times before you defeat the filter.

/PRO TIP: When my name is a link, it sometimes leads to an interesting or related subject about the post(s).

14 years ago

Leon LaPorte 65, I appreciate your support. Eventually my comment got through the filter unscathed. It was Glans 63, and it emerged with its correct timestamp, i.e. two minutes before Glans 64. Can you see any reason why the filter hesitated over Glans 63?

BTW, how do you make your name a link?

14 years ago

#51, South Korea and Israel are expanding their economic ties, not shutting them off. Recently, South Korea bought Israel's Green Pine radar system and is considering buying Israel's missiles. Israel is considering buying South Korea's fighter jets. Korean Air expanded service into Israel.

14 years ago

where is the times article on the rising sun shoes and other footwear from vans and the nike jordan 12 rising sun shoes or the random rising sun clothing you can find in a skateboard shops?

vans smartly never offered the shoes in korea but if you happened to purchase the shoes in the united states or europe you received your kicks in a box decorated with the japanese imperial flag. the shoes itself had the japanese imperial flag on the outside with the sun on the heel.

nike stupidly tried to release their shoes in korea. the outside was pretty ambiguous and one would have needed an imagination to link the japanese imperial flag with the shoes but the soles were a different story in that they were boldly decorated with the japanese imperial flag. korean shoe lovers quickly orgnaized a boycott against nike causing nike to pull the shoes and figure out what they did wrong. the shoes were pulled worldwide but not before several had already been sold. the shoes were rereleased a couple months later with a plain white sole. these are the air jordan 12 retro rising sun.

point? in asia the japanese imperial flag brings up such emotions as hatred, despair, anger, etc. the nazi flag brings about curiosity. in europe and north america the nazi flag brings up hatred, despair, anger, etc. the japanese imperial flag brings about curiosity. south america probably doesnt give a rats ass about either flag.

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
14 years ago

#65 just put a url under "website" when you submit a cooment.

12 years ago

‘NAZISM’ is an Aryanism. Are Koreans Aryans?

12 years ago


Germans aren’t Aryans. It’s BS Nazi mythology.

When the Nazi propagandists realized that the Roma’s ancestors were originally from India, and therefore true Aryans, they came up with an even more convoluted and preposterous mythology, claiming that the Romas were Aryan like the Nazis, but supposedly of a lower cast. They quickly began exterminating the Roma, a callous attempt to rid themselves of the inconvenient truth.

…And Hitler died like a coward with his dog and his bitch.

12 years ago

this doesn’t surprise me, sadly..

11 years ago

Fetish bar.

5 years ago

Sheesh people used to be so damn wordy when posting on here, look at some of those bad boys.

5 years ago

Kinda late to the party, Smokes.

My following 50 thousand word essay will explain why.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x