Camp Carroll Soldier Sentenced For Assaults

Hopefully hard labor for this guy really does mean hard labor:

A soldier convicted of assaulting two other soldiers in separate incidents at Camp Carroll in South Korea has been sentenced to 90 days of hard labor, the Army said Friday.

Pfc. Aaron Goodin was sentenced Thursday in a court-martial before military judge Lt. Col. Thomas Kulish at Camp Henry in Daegu. He’d opted to be tried by judge alone instead of a jury.

Goodin is assigned to the 75th Medical Company Area Support, 168th Multifunctional Medical Battalion. He and another soldier, Pfc. Matthew Shields, assigned to the same battalion, assaulted Pfc. Brandon Masingille on June 19 during an argument.

Masingille suffered a broken nose and other injuries, said Maj. LaTondra Kinley, spokeswoman for the 19th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary).

On Thursday, Goodin also was convicted of assaulting Shields during the same Aug. 11 fight for which Shields was convicted of assaulting Goodin. The incident occurred during an argument in a motor pool.  [Stars & Stripes]

I have seen soldiers get hard labor for punishment yet the definition of hard labor means different things to different Sergeant Majors who administer it.  I had a Sergeant Major put a guy who had hard labor pretty much on Staff Duty all the time to make his Staff Duty roster easier to manage.  That is easy work.  On the other hand I have seen Sergeant Majors make guys who have hard labor fill sand bags all day, pull weeds, cut grass, paint buildings, etc. from sun up to sunset all while wearing full battle rattle.  Now that is hard labor.

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