A Profile of Korea’s Teokgeo-ri Ville


The city of Dongducheon is well known for being home to Camp Casey and soldiers from the 2nd Infantry Division.  This has made the Bosan-dong ville across the street from Camp Casey the main shopping and bar area for Soldiers stationed at the camp.  However, Bosan-dong isn’t the only ville in the Dongducheon area.  Camp Hovey is a smaller camp accessed from Camp Casey by a small valley known as the Hovey Cut between the two camps.  Just outside the gate of Camp Hovey is the small village of Teokgeo-ri:

Note that Teokgeo-ri has been spelled Toko-ri in the past.

At one time Teokgeo-ri was one of the sleaziest villes you could find in Korea since the clubs had to go out of their way to attract GI customers from the much larger and popular TDC Ville.  If you have ever watched the first Stars Wars movie and remember the bar with the space aliens in it in the city of Mos Eisley, that is what Teokgeo-ri was like a few years ago.

Obi-wan Kenobi once described Mos Eisley as a “wretched hive of scum and villainy”, Toko-ri wasn’t much different. However, instead of horned, green, or beady eyed aliens, Teokgeo-ri had Filipino and Russian juicy girls covered in chocolate and wax, a retarded barmaid, strippers that used to hold what was known as the P***y Olympics led by a Korean woman known as the Dragon Lady who did anatomy defying things with cigars and beer bottles, and to top it off there was even a midget. Before I had even ever stepped foot in Korea I had heard about the “Midget of Teokgeo-ri” from old crusty NCOs about how they used to “stick to the midget” especially on New Years; that is how well known she is in the US military. After seeing the midget for myself I can’t imagine why anyone would want to “stick it to the midget”, but hey to each their own.

Since I don’t have anything to do with the ville any more I’m not sure if any of this still goes on, but from what I hear Teokgeo-ri has really died down and even the midget has left the ville in recent years.  I hear that the clubs in an effort to stand out from their competition in the TDC ville are more active in prostitution.  Anyone know if this perception is true or not?

I started my walk around Teokgeo-ri from the main road that runs through the center of town.  From this road I noticed the first club I saw called the Black Jack:

As I continued to walk down the road I also saw the Fox Woods Club:

At the end of the street the road leads to Highway 364 which is a scenic drive up and over the mountains to Pocheon. I took a left and followed a small side road that leads to Camp Hovey:

The side road follows a creek on its eastern side and on the western side are more buildings from the village.  Here is the view looking across the creek towards the farm land from the side road:

Here is the view of the buildings I was approaching as I walked down the road:

This cluster of buildings were more clubs servicing Soldiers from Camp Hovey.  The first club with the Joy Club:

Next was Club Bounce and Club Hooah:

Here is the view looking back at these clubs:

Here is the view of the creek that runs through Teokgeo-ri and also flows through both Camp Hovey and Camp Casey:

This creek looks harmless enough now but when there is sustained rain this creek can really get swollen and flood which is something Camp Casey and Hovey experienced in recent years.

Here is view looking in the other direction across the rice paddies that border Teokgeo-ri:

As I walked further down the road I came upon this bridge that crosses the river:

Across the bridge there is a road that leads to Beaver’s.  Beaver’s is a BBQ restaurant frequented by US Soldiers that has been the subject of controversy in the past.  However, it was about this time that I started getting rained on pretty heavily and just decided to walk back to my car as quickly as possible instead:

As walked down the road Camp Hovey came into view:

The road in front me leads through this narrow ville, which I have had a few interesting times trying to drive a Humvee through before:

Instead of walking down the road towards Camp Hovey I took a left and headed back towards the downtown section of the city instead:

Along the way I walked by this US Army friendly hotel:

I then walked by the villages Post Office that appears to be having a problem with people leaving trash on their premises:

Here is a picture of a chicken and beer joint I passed as I walked through the ville:

Here is a side street in the middle of Teokgeo-ri I then followed where more clubs are located:

First is the DMZ Club:

Then there is the Grand Illusion:

Followed by Club NBA:

Here is the view looking back down the street at the clubs that I walked by:

From this street I then walked up a side alley to take me back to where I parked on the main road through town:

Along this road I saw few more clubs such as Club Obsession:

I then walked by the UN Club:

After coming back upon the main road through Teokgeo-ri I noticed a sign for the D&G Club:

Right next to the D&G Club was what was left of this burned down club:

Here is one final view of downtown Teokgeo-ri:


If it wasn’t for the fact that Teokgeo-ri is a sleazy ville it actually would be a nice place to live due to its scenic location.  The valley is quite beautiful and some people are starting to take notice of this fact as more and more large and expensive homes are being built along the hills around Teokgeo-ri.  I do have to say that in the past 10 years Teokgeo-ri has come a long ways and is not as sleazy as it once was.  Who knows maybe some day after the US military relocates from Dongducheon to Camp Humphreys further down south, maybe Teokgeo-ri will become an area more affluent people build their homes to take advantage of the village’s beautiful scenery?  With that said that concludes my walk around Teokgeo-ri.  If anyone has anything they want to add about the various clubs in the village and experiences they had in Teokgeo-ri in the past please share with everyone in the comments section.

Note: You can read more from the ROK Drop featured series “A Profile of USFK Bases” at the below link:


The flood in ’98 spawned most of the rebuilding you see today. While they have slightly polished the turd, it’s still a worthless cesspool of Horny GIs ,Flip whores, Soju laden Whiskey and Skunk OB.

I am wondering if there is any such thing as “skunk OB”.

In all the years of selling Korean beer, I never had a complaint about any of the beer tasting skunky.

Nor, outside of a GI ville, have I had strange-tasting Korean beer.

I suspect that “skunk OB” has more to do with the habit of GI bars refilling used bottles with draft beer and loosely recapping them by thumb in the afternoon.

Then, they go into the beer cooler where they loose much of their fizz and freshness after a day or three.

Ajuma brings them to the table with rapidly popped caps and nobody is the wiser.

Poor OB, which runs a squeaky-clean stainless steel and glass brewery where robots do most of the work, gets blamed for making skunky beer.

Some people deny this is possible. One guy wanted to argue that there was no way ajuma could serve him a refilled beer… he “would just know”. Besides, “I can hear the hiss when the cap comes off.” He denied my skepticism that anybody could here that in a noisy bar.

While he explained the intricacies of differentiating the nuances of opened and unopened beer, I kept eye contact, picked up an empty bottle off the bar, pressed a cap on it with my thumb… RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM… and said, “Gosh, dude. I guess you are right. Let me buy you a beer.” I popped the top with an opener.

His attitude changed. “Thanks, man!” He lifted it back for a swig… and, of course, nothing came out.

In the history of stupid looks, it was in the top ten.

I was just up in that area today…had a lot of flood damage to many of the clubs. The Americans helped out quite a bit cleaning out their own favorite watering holes though!

“Poor OB, which runs a squeaky-clean stainless steel and glass brewery where robots do most of the work, gets blamed for making skunky beer.”

Who gets the blame for their recipes?

“Who gets the blame for their recipes?”


Though this all looks scrubbed and clean compared to the Korea I remember from 1983 I sure do want to come back and take a tour. I really appreciate the photo journalism pages like this I’m finding on this site! Thanks

Just don’t make the mistake of going in December when it’s 14 below…

Note that the clubs are all several stories tall and windowless. All of the clubs are on the ground floor. What’s in the floors, above?

That is where the CSW’s are held (can’t escape if there are no windows….)


Directly or indirectly? And,while I’m at it since you know a thing or two about the booze business in Korea…Why are Korean breweries’ new products so bad?

A little useless Teokgeo-ri trivia that I learned from someone born and raised there.

The first syllable in the name is “tuk” (턱), which is the Korean word for “chin.” The second and third syllables are the word “geo-ri” (거리), which is the Korea word that has several related meanings, such as distance, range, an interval, a difference or a gap.

So…how/why did these two words get combined to make the name of a small mountainous village?

There are several trails up in the mountains, some of which are somewhat dangerous because one errant step and you could find yourself going down. So if someone took a wrong step, he/she could easily find him or herself falling into a cavity/depression of some sort and quickly be up to his/her chin in a hole. Thus, you fell to a depth (distance) “up to your chin.”

And so the name Teokgeo-ri was born.

Without giving it any thought – 99%+ of the people would guess the “ri” part of the name is the “ri” (리 里) that means village. But this is a rare case of a village name that ends with “ri” – and the “ri” means something other than village. Also, most Korean place names have Chinese characters behind the hangul spellings – but not this village. It’s name is pure Korean.


Have you not noticed that everybody is producing a “safe”, lowest-common-denominatior one-size-fits-all product?

This ranges from TV/movies/music to snacks/chain restaurants/beer to uninspired fashion/cars/consumer electronics.

Unique and appealing stuff is available… but it costs substantially more than the dreck passed off on the masses.

This is a side effect of the perverse form of macroeconomics currently being practiced and passed off as “capitalism”.

It would take pages and pages to explain… but some key points are… governments discourage small-scale innovation through over-regulation, employment law, and tax structure… large companies discourage anything but managed competition from their peers… the financial companies encourage stagnation through formula risk management… and short-term, golden parachute CEOs worrie about short-term gain at the expense of long-term failure, etc.

(Another interesting aspect is when this system fails, there will be many wagging their fingers and happily touting the “failure of capitalism”.)

So… with all this, every beer tastes like Budweiser… the lowest form of beer that is not exactly unpleasant… but certainly isn’t much more special than water.

Small companies interested in making great beer at a lower profit can’t get the approval or financing to get started and the big companies work together to keep it that way… and then they collectively try to shave pennies of cost off the thousand gallon tank by using inferior ingredients or faster processes which result in lower quality products across the board… but, with an army of focus groups, they are able to choose something the public will tolerate if they have no other choice… and then, after some time, the public forgets and the new crap becomes the new standard.

If all the contrived regulations and permits didn’t exist, any one of us could make fantastic beer out of our houses and sell it on the street at a reasonable price and make a reasonable profit… quickly becoming competition with the swill producers.

It can be done… but it requires big money. Gone are the days of Ma and Pa starting a big company out of their house and building the business one step at a time all on their own. Everyone from the big companies to the financial institutions to the government they control don’t want it to be that easy or that independent.

Actually, America has some great microbreweries but the big 3 (Bud, Miller, Coors) control distribution and lock them out best they can.

Prohibition killed many breweries and the small ones primarily came back because of one man… one kind of unexpected hero. While we love to make fun of him, we should probably always give him credit for this as we complain about him.


Anyway, that is a very babbling, unorganized, complex, and wide-ranging answer to why popular beer (and a lot of other things) suck… and seem to keep getting worse.

Hope it made sense.


I heard a slightly different story.

“Teokgeo-ri” does not really exist except as slang. It is not an official name… hence it is not a “ri”. It is a dong of Dongduchon. The official address is gwang-ahm-dong.

Teok-ga-ri came about because going over a hill in the area (possibly of the same name) caused one to be out of breath.

Korean slang for “out of breath” translates as “breath comes up to your chin”… which became, as you pointed out, “chin distance” or some similar idea.

I can’t vouch for my version being correct… but that’s what I heard.


With imports being increasingly popular, they could still produce a better quality product and charge a premium for it as they do in most countries. It would sell. But, as you were saying, they are shortsighted.

…The breweries are also owned by the same companies that produces and imports those imports…which makes me wonder what the markup is on imports.

  1. There are skunk beers. This happens because it is not stored properly.

A bar owner buys bulk and it sits in a non-climate controlled area; hot, cold, hot, cold…

It is exposed to the sun in summer in the back of a truck…

Expired beer.

Any combination of the above.

You get less skunks in the winter. Skunks have become more rare over the years but they most definitely exist.

Q: Why is Toko-ri CP worse than the Galactic Empire?

A: Spice isn’t the only load you have to dump before a patrol arrives.

To those of you who are interested in the concept of better beer in Korea, the following information is provided:


Some folks are trying to give people good beer options – either by opening a bar or making it themselves.

Also, there’s a Korean-American guy who is running an American Craft Beer importing company here that currently supplies Anderson Valley, Lost Coast, and Rogue Brewing Company beers. They’re pricey, but good.

I lived in the old apartment complex at the far left of that 3rd pic for a long time. It used to be a foreigners only complex, sold to private individuals during our stay there (many of the apartments were subsequently renovated). That part of TDC was a nice, quiet place to live (sleazy clubs down the street, which I never visited, notwithstanding). I’d go back in a minute. Last time I was there that apartment complex wasn’t looking too good anymore, though…

The new OB beer, called “OB Gold”, is not bad. Its at least as good or better than any US mass produced beer. And I agree that being in brown bottles, cans or kegs there is little chance of a truly “skunky” Korean beer (except I suppose, Cafri, in the clear “High Life” style bottles), as “Skunky” aroma is a result of sunlight acting on the beer.


I have heard the old “it sat around” used as an excuse… but I think it is just an excuse because nobody wants to believe they are drinking used beer.

Korean bar owners have not studied logistics nor do they speak of JIT… but they have neither the space nor the extra cash to keep weeks of unused beer lying around in a back room… so they rotate their entire supply in a week at most.

The distributors also rotate their supply quickly as storage space is expensive.

There never seems to be a skunky beer from a store, either… or Korean-only bars in non-GI areas.

I stand by my idea that skunky beer is due to the games GI bars play.

  1. Sorry CH. I personally know bar owners whose stock *might* have rotated, sitting in an (climate) uncontrolled area, for 5-6 months, maybe longer. I couldn’t believe how much beer they were buying versus how much they sold. Thinking of one owner in particular, I’m suspecting a huge bulk discount on nearly expired product. Possibly saving 3-5 cents a bottle! Oh, it’s worth it.

I know I never sold used beer in my bar but sometimes, but rarely, got a skunk.

As far as sunlight and brown bottles. Meh. Hauling brown bottles around on the back of an uncovered flatbed for a few days?…

oh man this brings back memories. was with the MP’s from 2004-2007 here. I remember the king club and mustang club the most. mustang for the crowd/music and king for the girls

I was in Camp Hovey – Toko-ri from 1966 to late 1968. I don’t know how it changed but then it was one of the most laid back places in Korea. The people were friendly and the food was great. The pot was cheap and it was mellow. The girls were all Korean, no foreign girls at all. There wasn’t a paved road anywhere to be seen, except in the camp. There were no buildings over one story that I can remember, even in camp. Most buildings were quonsets except for the mess hall and the officer’s quarters. The clubs were called the New Seoul Club and the Niagara Club, etc. A yobo (girlfriend) was $15.00 a month and it went up as you gained rank. We used to do field marches up to a place called Wang Bang Knee. If you wanted to go to TDC, you could take a Kimchi bus at the risk of your life. Going over the pass to TDC was always an adventure. The village was a floating mud puddle during monsoon season. I don’t think many of us wanted to go to TDC because we had our own little tucked away paradise. It was among the best times of my life. I would go back in a minute if it were still like that. Unfortunately it does seem to have changed a bit.

One of my buddies just returned from Hovey last week. He said Toko-ri is now Off Limits. He did say that since it is Off Limits, the MPs and the units patrols do not go there, it is a good get away.

  1. Is this an unofficial secret off-limits?

Re: OB and skunk beer – shit, when I was in Korea, I’d drink a semi-cold beer out of a homeless man’s shoe; In 1987 at 800 won, it was not a bad deal. When out and about, who cares about the beer?

As for Toko-ri: I lived a five minute walk from the main gate at Camp Casey. It was too easy just to go there. On 2 or 3 occasions, however, I wanted to see what Toko-ri might have to offer. While not dissapointed, I was not so impressed, either. I did meet one nice person at the Ace club, but not so nice that I went back. Honestly; why travel to go ride on a merry-go-round when you already live in Disneyland? I will admit that the cab rides were nice, especially if you told the adjushi to go fast; the ride through the mountains was nearly as fun as a roller coaster.

I was also stationed at Camp Hovey (1966-1968) where I met Steve Dudas and we became friends and still are. Tokori was a great little village back then. There was a road that went up behind the village along a stream – great place to stop and have a picnic – very scenic. I stayed overnight many times – returning back to base in the morning. We would buy a teapot full of Malkoli for about 40 won – drink that and smoke pot. I really had a great time there even extending my tour of duty for an additional year. Also had a great time touring much of South Korea. The people were very grateful for us being there and protecting them.

Looking at these pictures – I can’t believe how much everything has changed.

Toko-ri was a “ri” at one point. Mail to my hooch off base back in the 80′s was Kyonggi-do, Tongducheon-Shi, Kwang-am-dong, Toko-ri, and whatever the street address was.

I was stationed at Camp Hovey from 1989 -1990! I spent so much time “down range” in the ‘vill my buddies called me the Mayor of ToKoRi! You could usually find me at the Enjoy Club swilling something cold, hardly ever OB. I think they sold Bud there, can’t remember! Usually had a LBFM close by trying to hustle a drinky or a short time!! I was very glad to see the photos posted here but can only remember the “GI” Club and Jun Bar B Q! The Enjoy club was up that alley between the two in the pic! Tried to go by there the day before I PCS’ed but the place had been shut down for some reason. I’d like to go there again and see the place, but I am too old now to “Enjoy”!!!

I was stationed in Yongsan at the 121 Evac Hospital from 1979-1980. One of the few things that I didn’t like about Korea was that the beer sucked. There were 2 types, OB (OB is an appropriate name since it tasted like Obstetrical drainage) & Crown (less nasty in my opinion but not by much). I went back to Korea for a week after I retired in 1996 on the way to my wife’s home in Cambodia & they had Budweiser. It’s not great like Guinness, German, or Czech beers but it’s better than OB or Crown. I drank oceans full of soju, mokoli, & oscar when I was stationed there. The pot was just ok but you could get different pills or codeine cough syrup in the Korean pharmacies. For any law enforcement personnel reading this that is just what I heard. The year I spent in Korea was the best year of my life, it was one big party.

Perhaps drinking OB is just an acquired taste. I know that after several months in Korea, I acquired the taste quite nicely, thank you. Hell, I could even drink that wierd-ass “champagne”, Oscar, and not toss my biscuits. If one can tolerate (or even enjoy) soju or makkoli, one could certainly like OB!

Did anyone ever try kolyangju? It is a Chinese whiskey; that shit gave me a three day hangover. Never again!

Ahh Hovey ville! My first introduction to military night life in 1990. My first drink, my first time over seas, first time experiencing the “Drinky” culture…..the days. I love your comparison between the Casey ville and Hovey Ville…too accurate. I used to love going to Hovey Ville because I knew that all other G.I.’s were in Casey. But one time they shut Casey down and put it off limits, that night I think half of 2ID was in Hovey ville. I had never seen it so crowded. Thanks for the pics and memories.

Sorry for the double post – but this is a more appropriate place for this:

I went out the Camp Hovey gate and drove through Tokori last night. It was sometime between 9:00 and 10:00pm on a Saturday — and I literally did not see a single soldier.

My how things have changed . . .

Wow! I was stationed at Cp Hovey 69-71. I was a “Ville Rat” and actually married a girl from there, two sons, and doing well. It was a little broken down village and I can’t believe how it has changed. When you walk out the Hovey gate I actually bought the first building to the right, don’t know if it’s still there (if so I own it lol), it had been bought by a former MSG, two rooms and pretty snazzy for Tokori, I think I paid like $300, huge sum in those days…aaah they were good times….

I would love to go back and visit

I like Steve Dudas’s post, why go to TDC when we had a little bit of heaven on our front door. I also remember Steve, the New Seoul and Niagra Clubs.
True story…the little stream that floated thru Toko-ri and Camp Hovey. I had snuck out without a pass and somehow got thru the front gate…to get back I used an air mattress and floated right to my barracks which was just off the stream. I don’t think I was the first to do this, they always put up wire but somehow it always got torn down…great crazy memories…..

Interesting stories on how the name Tokori came about. You learn something new all the time. I’m wondering if there are still any references to Wang Bang Knee where we did our full pack marches back in 1966-68? It was uphill all the way out and uphill all the way back. Never figured out how they did that. I suspect the name ‘Wang Bang Knee’ is a G.I. given name but I’ll let you break it down. Obviously somebody with a tauxan chargee who was bragging about it.

By the way, Bill Coughlin, I was in HHC, 2/32nd. Which company were you in?

I was at Hovey in spring and summer of 1971.
HHC 1/23. We had just come off the DMZ over at Libby bridge. Brought my girl from Changpa ri down to Toko’ri. We had a hootch just out the back gate and up on the hill on the right.
It was cool. Work on base 8-5 then down to the vill for the night and all weekends.
No having to be back by midnight and only 25% of your unit able to be on pass like it was when we were across the river.
The vill was a bit of a mud hole though,but it was in that beautiful valley. It’s funny I just moved from Irvine Ca where I lived for 24 years and it now has a huge Korean population. In 2000 a Korean family bought the house next door and hearing Korean bought back lots of memories.When I tell the Koreans that I was there in the army they almost always say thanks to me for serving. I sold my house to a Korean family when I move here in Tulsa Ok. The family got $250,000 from their parents in Korea for the down payment. South Korea has come a long way.

Toko’ri was there from 84 to 86 good time had by all remember thunder runs and jungle juice thought i died and went to heaven lots of girls too hahahaha thanks for the memories do they still do the horn run on saterdays

What a deference. I was station at Hovey in 1966. What a rat hole then. Muddy streets 4 inches deep, shanty town at best. Mothers selling their daughters. I see it’s still Loaded with bars and whores. Had some fun though, culture shock back then for sure.

I was there in 1977…..mud streets, dirt roads (MSR 1 was barely paved then), tanks and 2/5 trucks on the main roads, that was To ko ri and TDC….

Then you can imagine what it was like in 1966. Same mud but probably more of it and that refreshing aroma from the rice paddies when the first spring thaw occurred. You remember that aroma, right? Straight from the hard work of the honeydippers. By the end of the first week, you didn’t even notice the smell anymore. Ah, what a place. I would go back in a minute if it still existed.

wow… is this really Tokori ? I was stationed at Hovey from oct 71 – Jan 73. I was a gate guard for some of that time, and the rest of the time I was in HHC 1/23 Inf commo, on the hill just above the Motor Pool.. or the commo chief of Combat support and spent some time on the Z. I was a 17 year old kid, and sure remember some of the best times I had in my life. I never looked at it as a bad place, I had so much fun how could I. It was a dirty mud hole that I do remember, but hell I still enjoyed my time there so much that if given the chance I would do it again…..

I was stationed at Camp Hovey from Oct 1966-1967. Met and married my first wife there. Three kids and four grandchildren later I still have mixed memories of the place. I long for the days when a dollar would buy just about anything.

Was with HHC 3/32 as Radar Operator from Jan 67 thru May 68. I totally agree with comments regarding “the time of our lives”. Toko-ri was a real eye opener for a 19 yr old. Like the old west. Spent all your money on beer in the clubs and to mamasan for the short time with the bar girls. The town was really nothing more than wooden shacks and some store fronts with dirt roads and an occassional town well. The bars and clubs were always packed with G.I.’s and the music blared in the streets from the time you walked through the Hovey gate. The surrounding rice paddies brought tears to your eyes during the spring thaws, and frozen toes when walking guard on the dikes in winter during alerts. Spent 3 months on the Z at GP Hendrix, and never regretted a day spent in Korea. It was great being 19 and innocent.

I was an 11 Bravo at Hovey in 1-503 Inf, 87-88. I raised a lot of hell that year. What sucked about Korea was that all of the NCOs and Officers lived cheek to jowl with you-no family to go home to, so they were more involved in a soldiers personal life more than at a typical stateside assignment. Also, they would pull your pass for the smallest of infractions or just for the hell of it. Having said that, outwitting NCOs and Officers was something I enjoyed doing. I had an overnight pass every night-even when I was restricted. I preferred Toko-Ri to TDC because I had my favorite bar and knew the owners and was treated pretty decently. I went back to Korea from 94-97. Things had really changed.

I was with CS 2bg 34inf in Nov1959-1960. Toki-ri was a primitive village through I drove my jeep on the way to my alert station. The streets were unpaved and often muddy. The stench from open sewers was worse than the rice paddies. When the Niagra Club opened it was a time for celebration, because it was the most substantial building in the village. There was a more convenient community north of Toki-ri that we used to village via a hole in the fence. It was necessary to traverse the rice paddies, because there was no road.

Just ran across a guy who was at Toko-Ri the same time I was there…it’s interesting that all of our memories are the same….it was a dirty little village, but it also had it’s good points, good times….I think Steve said it best, the smell was awful, but after a week you got used to it. I spent over two years there and would have spent the rest of my military career there if they let me…great crazy times

CHIPPERB… Was same unit & time as you .. 87-88. Look up Camp Hovey page on FB. What company were you with??
Tokori was THE BEST !! In 87-88 it was our ‘ville!! We loved it there!! Great clubs & places to eat once you got to know your way around. I’m not talking Vegas here but, for the time, place, & circumstances. If you’ve been there you know what I’m saying.

I was there in 91-92 as medic in the 1/5th. I can honestly say I had the time of my life down in Toko-Ri. All I can remember was the Grand Illusion and the Wild Rose or Yellow Rose. Looked a lot different 21 yrs ago. There was a lot of “juicey” girls then but you figured them out and they also figured you out. They would just await the next “Turtles” to show up. Poor girls…good times! How about that SoJu??!! Was kind of happy to throw my boots over that power line and fly outta that hole. What I really miss is the food! I’d like to get a group together and ride the train to Ouijambu(sp), take the subway to Iaetawon and party the weekend on HookerHill. Anyone remember the HeavyMetal Club or the King Club? How about drinking Kettles on the Hill when the clubs closed long enough to restock? The only place that stayed open really late or all night was that club on the top floor of the building at the bottom of Hooker Hill. I didn’t hit Seoul til I was in country for 7 months. Too much to do in TDC and Toko-Ri. “AlwaysReadySir”-Second to None

I lovedf Korea 1973-1976 Gun Fighter in Charge was with C co 1/9 inf KEEP UP THE FIRE mancho heavy dragons loved that PEACH Osker could find me at papa son club mosa>>>>11 C4 P and 95 B4 P mortors and Military Police

the club pictured that was burned out, looked like the old Olympus club….had a lot of Filipinas in there….great times!!!! HHC 1-9 1998-2000

I remember like it was yesterday, i spent my last weeks in 06 at casey,and tokori my club was the indian head. I was in search of the famous tokori midget. how i miss the cool fall, early winter nights waking in the cold with a nice soju buzz smoking a cheap Korean cigarette and watching the juicy girls tremble, wearing almost nothing…. one day i’ll go back

11B 1/38th in 77/78. I remember Toko-Ri as a great place. More class than that dump outside Fort Polk for sure. There was unofficial pressure to take up with a Yobo full time in the village to keep you away from the bar girls. I still remember the little hearts the “official” girls wore they got from their last medical checkup. Sort of a “Best used by” date.

With Charlie, 2/32, at Hovey in 1969-70. Toko-ri was always our choice…getting over to TDC took too much time and I ran into some problems there with slicky boys on a couple of occasions. Mostly hung out at the Niagara in Toko-ri with pal Sonny Koger. Yup, the place stunk to high heavens and the best part of winter was that the ville didn’t smell as bad. These pix show an entirely different place. Paved roads? Wow.

Still a little new to computers at 55, was at C 1/9th from 77 to 78. Never heard anyone mention the top 10 VD guide bill board at the Main gate at Camp Casey, have a photo of it. Tokori was mainly a week day thing when we weren,t in the field and you could hit the house boy Mr Cho up for a loan with interest, the New Seoul club was my favorite.TDC was mostly the payday weekend deal but one thing for sure I would not of traded that one year for the three spent in Germany.

1968-69 Tdc Was good for a17 year old to grow up

Served 11 months on Train Fire Range at Camp Casey from Aug. 64 to July 65. Worked at zero range where personnel learned how to set the sight on there rifle and how to use use there weapon. Served with a great group of men.

I’ve been serving in Yongsan for a couple of years now and I’m having a great time! Funny, we are on exercise in Daegu. We were talking about the midget of Tokori yesterday and if it was an urban legend. That’s how I stumbled onto this blog through a google search. I love hearing the old stories and have a few myself.

Not to disappoint but Teokgeori is almost about shutdown. There is only maybe 4 bars still open and yes, the prostitution is still prosperous, but you dont see hardly any GIs or CPs/MPs hanging around…they mostly go to the TDC Ville now. BUT, GIs looking for a quick lay you will see out in these few clubs and it isnt that they are there for drinks only! Anyone with a brain knows what their plan is, been there done that. The prostitution goes on in the TDC Ville as well though…its all who you know and if Ajima know you or not. Pay your $200 to $300 dollar barfine and the girl is yours for the night! Not like in the 90′s when you could go upstairs for a shortime for nearly nothing! but than again, I used to get laid in a dark corner with the girl riding me…no need to pay to take her out and MPs/CPs would just turn a blind eye back than anyways. Attempt at stopping Human Trafficking from the Philippines is a joke! Talk to most of them, they use Hong Kong as the “back door” to enter Korea to work in the clubs. The club burned down in teh picture, the fat Korean guy who used to own it married a juicy and now lives in the Philippines. The Midget from Teokgeori works in a Korean bar near Camp Red Cloud in Uijeongbu. The club system will never go away as long as there are foreigners in Korea spending money…the KTO has too much power! Now if the 2ID Commander had a pair like the Osan Commander, than that would make a HUGE difference in TDC with no Filipinas! But hey, I’d like to see the Koreans come back anyways, and they are slowly gaining ground with the bar “Beerland” being all Koreans, which is nice! But in typical Korean fashion, they will suck your wallet dry if you let em! There is a club owner that used to own Hans Club across from the Bosan-Dong train station and now owns a little bar called Hans in the TDC Ville. Notorious for having her girls runaway. She even tried to prevent it one by taking the Filipinas to Pocheon to prostitute out to Koreans, but that only lasted for about a year. I’ll end, I could write a book on TDC, been there so many years and know the system used in the bars! Oh and Yongsan…dont even waste my time going there. You gotta carry an “Off-Limits” list with you just to find a place to go in Itaewon…not worth my time. Waiting to see what happens outside the Camp Humphreys gate as it grows…a small club district right now, but I foresee it growing. Again, another place easy to get laid…been there recently, done that. Break curfew, it FUN! What’s the worst that could happen, they send me home to the States?? YIPPEE!

Funny, I was in Casey in 1999 in 2/72 Armor and me and my Filipino friend went to Tokori to see the midget. I’m pretty sure she worked at the bar that was shown as burned down. Anyway, we walk in and my friend isn’t much more than 4 1/2 feet tall and the midget walks up and he starts laughing. I look at him and I look at the midget and I look back at him and I couldn’t help but laugh, too.

I just dreamt about my experiences in 93/94 there in Tokiri… what a time I had. New Seoul Club was the name of the place and the girl I liked most was Sauni. I knew nothing about life and I was introduced to it from Korea, don’t know if that is good or bad. Thanks for posting all your stories. Maybe one day I will return, only reenlisted once but was for Hawaii. Got out and moved on with life. Stay out of trouble and enjoy your service gentlemen.

1968 was a good year

Glad to hear the New Seoul Club is still around. It was there when I was there in 1966. I think it was about half way down the road that went left when you entered Tokori – before the road went out into the countryside (rice paddies, along the river). The road that went straight was the road that the Kimchi buses took to get to TDC. There was also the Niagara Club and a few others that I can’t quite remember now. The word ‘concrete’ was unknown in Tokori as the roads – both of them – were muddy ditches that the deuce and a halfs lurched through during monsoon season. And occasionally some villager would pretend he was hit by one of the Army vehicles so he/she could collect a few bucks. When I saw that on a M.A.S.H episode, it took me back because it was so true. Earl, what company were you with? I was HHC, 2/32, 7th Inf. Company clerk (original Radar O’Reilly).

127 th sig battalion Korea 67/68 101st airborne nam 69/70

Is Toko-ri even worth going to? Itaewon seems more like a tourist trap. There’s got to be some old school clubs left out there.

Mike: depends on your definition of old school, but anything that an ‘old timer’ remembers from the pre-1990s – that kind of club scene completely disappeared by the early ’90s. And it ain’t been the same ever since.

I was there in 2002 and it was pretty tame even then. Didn’t see any women covered in chocolate or wax, maybe a few giving discreet handjobs in back booths, and alas we missed the midget as well. I think the main difference these days is that you’ll be unlikely to find any Russian women there. I was in the main ville up there five years ago and it was practically all Filipinas even then, with the odd Korean woman here and there.

There are still lots of Russian women working Texas Street in Busan these days. The older ones charge W10,000 for a lady drink at the little bars along the main drag, and the younger ones tend to work the noraebangs, where they can pull more coin from a Korean clientele. There are also a lot of Russian streetwalkers in the back alleys if that’s your thing, and some of them can be pretty freaky. The drunk Russian seamen wandering about also make things interesting — they’re a friendly bunch on the whole, but things can quickly turn ugly if you’re not careful, but that’s pretty much par for the course.

All the way to Busan for a Russian chick? Too far a weeknight.

Well, there’s always Rio in It’aewon. You won’t find too many “tourists” there.

King Baeksu: I hear you brother. I’ve never been to Rio, couldn’t even tell you where it’s located.

Guitard: For what it’s worth, my definition of old school would be clubs where political correctness and the morality police are extinct. About 3 years ago there was a lot more Russians frequenting the bars in Itaewon. They must have relocated somewhere else with more earning potential.

Jan 67 to Dec 68, got there the day that N Korea took the Pueblo….cant remember the unit anymore except that I was a mechanic in the motorpool for HQ company at Hovey when it was 7th Inf…. Hard to remember much of it but Toko-ri was all mud, narrow alleys, sweet young girls and the OB was better than the Schlitz they sent over. Now I find myself needing proof that I was rotated to the DMZ where we got the agent orange. VA doesn’t have records of it even though I went thru Libby bridge so many times I didn’t need clearance. It was good times..what I remember of it..

Im from bounce club. I miss korea. I worked there for 9months and our boss have to send us home becoz clubs are getting shut down. Im happy seeing these pictures it reminds me of the day that i met alot of new people army korean pilinos …. It brings back memories hope i can get a contact no. Of the owner of bounce club. I really miss them.


Don’t you know you were a victim. You were rescued from human trafficking.

Thanks GI Korea, you refreshed my memories. I was stationed on Hovey from 1998 to 1999. I just remember that I was in charge of the Warrior Passes, 2/17 FA HHB Unit, I was the king . I really had an excellent time in Tokori with my body Pedro. All those photos gave me a flash back.

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Ranger Bull
Ranger Bull
9 years ago

I was in CSC 1/38th from 85-86. I totally enjoyed the Ville. It was ours and rarely did we go into TDC. They had Heineken in bottles and was the only non Korean beer available there. Needless to say we drank it almost exclusively! We also drank a butt load of kettles sitting outside the store on a bench!
Awesome times, great clubs, and lots of pretty girls! $10 short time and $20 overnight! Sounds way different now!

Joe Mcdougald
Joe Mcdougald
9 years ago

..what changes….I was with 1/38 CSC scout platoon 1982-83. Camp greaves near DMZ 1/9 csc scout platoon 1980-82 to bad it changed and We had a blast and had good times then in Tokori and TDC….going to Seoul which had the best clubs. Dammitt wish I was back in the 80,s !

H. Skip Robinson
8 years ago

I was in the HQ company (radio teletype) at camp Hovey in March, 1973 through 74. It was a more modest village back then. Some paper huts still existed along the streets with not nearly as many clubs. Since prostitution was legal, they lined up at the bars for the choosing. I brought some American booze for the PX now and then to one bar. When I drank I usually stayed on compound. The Kempshi was fantastic as was the Korean mess hall and food in the village. I really likes the Korean people and got to work with the Katusa’s in my company. Kim He Sue and Kong. I don’t know if any of these words are correctly spelled but thanks for posting the pictures of the village. I was on the HQ team that won the Basketball and fastpitch softball championships that year. I remember buying one girl for a few months – she was the girl of an officer who was leaving. I had to wait until he left but it was well worth it. Judy-ah. I have no idea what her real name was. She told me the story of how she got into prostitution. She claimed to have been rapped by an relative and he lied about what happened. It somehow dishonored her family and she was kicked out on the streets. Who knows but what I did find out is that South Korea is also a military junta, a fascist oligarchy disguising themselves as a democracy. They reportedly had put some college students to death, when I had just arrived, for protesting against the government. My understand is that retired military officers still run the country.

Reply to  H. Skip Robinson
8 years ago

Thanks for sharing the pics of Teokgeo-ri. it brought back many memories, some good and some bad. In one of the pics i noticed the Jun BBQ. That restaurant had the best potato salad, and got me hooked on Korean pork BBQ. It was across from the old Sunshine Club, which may or may not still be there. Thanks again!

7 years ago

I can remember a charming little church, with an RKO style radio Antenna as it’s steeple. I also remember a bar called “Scotty’s” which had no bar maids or clubgirls.

J. Hartman
7 years ago

I was stationed at Camp Hovey 1965 to 1966. HQ Company motor pool. Had a good time, all though then I didn’t realize it. There weren’t any paved roads in the “ville” those days. The atmosphere in the ville was wide open. You could have about any girl in any club for 270 won. A young mans dream come true. When we went on alert I drove a deuce and a half. We always headed out over “pissed off pass”. Don’t know how it got named. In the field on alerts was ok, but winter was a drag. That innocent looking stream that ran through Hovey and toko-ri was a raging torrent during monsoon season 1965. I heard it was the 7th worst monsoon at that time. Sure glad I missed the #1 monsoon…I met a lot of good friends there, and still have some that keep in touch.

Brian Paden
Brian Paden
7 years ago

Thanks for the post s of Tokori. I miss the place. Was there 89-91. Used to DJ in the Arriang club but frequented the ENjoy and other clubs. All the clubs were Korean girls at that time. Arriang closed down and moved all girls and Mamason to a club in TDC. I hate seeing everything shut down. I am contemplating a trip back soon. Used to be a Ajima lady at a luggage shop right outside the Hovey gate who was a loan shark Really special lady to me…sure she has passed by now but she cried when I left country.

Ambrose Greenlee
Ambrose Greenlee
6 years ago

Was stationed at Camp Hovey 64 – 65 at that time there was some 700 registered prostitutes, no electric or indoor plumbing Toko-re for a young 17 years old pfc. What a world never enough money for the month.

K. Sung
K. Sung
6 years ago

I was a Medic stationed on Hovey from ’05 to ’07. First with 2/72 “Deuce Tank” until their inactivation and then transferred to 4/7 CAV. Teokgeo-ri was a shadow of it’s former self by the time I got there, but I will always remember the place for Beaver’s BBQ and cheap Soju at the little Ajumma convenience store just off post. Beaver’s was a cool place to hang out on the weekend, no “drinky girls” there to harass you for your money and their staff were very friendly and professional.

I will also never forget all the garbage and other crap that used to flow down Shit Creek during monsoon season as well as the horrid stench that often used to come in from the dog farm right next to the post.

Dave S.
Dave S.
5 years ago

102nd MI from 1989-1990. Many a night staggering down those streets, piss drunk. I had a girl in every club in that town. The Rose, the Ace, Arrirang, GI club, the one next to arrirang, can’t remember the name of it. ENjoy, such a great time. I see the GI is the only one still there. Jun BBQ, ate there many, many times. In fact, I crawled out of there one night on my hands and knees too drunk to walk. All the girls were Korean. Someone talked about the woman at the luggage store that was a loan shark, I knew her too. In fact, I still owe her 20 bucks. The town did smell and it was a different smell every damn day, but I had the time of my life there. I’ll never forget it either. I see people on here bashing OB beer, the kimchi Budweiser wasn’t much better and those were your only choices as far as beer.

Dave S.
Dave S.
5 years ago

I noticed they called them “Juicy girls”, I never heard that term. We called them “Buttwhores” because they were “nothing but whores”. That seems harsh, but that was the reality back then. $5-$8 bought them a glorified orange juice and you had to buy so many before you could get a short time or an overnight. I know, becuase I bought my fair share and then some. The girls were always nice to me, mainly because I was nice to them. It was funny how they were if they found out you were with another woman in a different club. I actually had one girl track me down in a different club. Lucky for me, or at least for my balls, I was just playing pool. Reading the article made it sound like a total and utter shit hole. That just wasn’t the case. TDC was much worse. At least in Tokori the girls were just in the clubs. In TDC I got propositioned on the friggin street. “Alley cats” they called them. $10 and up. Trust me, they weren’t worth that. I actually bargained 2 guys on one girl for $15.00 We were led up an alley to see these girls standing in doorways hooch after hooch. After about 7 girls, we still hadn’t seen what we wanted. One of us must have said the wrong thing because I remember a fight breaking out between all the girls. We didn’t stick around to see how it ended. Tokori was “Down Range” and where we went every night of the week. Pork chop sandwiches from Chicago pizza were my favorite food. They were friggin awesome. Fried shrimp, Jun BBQ had good chicken and potato salad. Buying a mixed drink from a club was an adventure. I drank screwdrivers and got everything from Vodka and OJ to Gin and peach juice. Whiskey and OJ was a popular fuck up, nasty as shit too. Anyway, aside from being escorted out of town by S5 a time or two, it was always a blast!!! Good fun, good friends and some seriously HOT chicks. What more could a guy want???

5 years ago

I was a infantry man in A Company 38th Infantry on Hovey from Jan of 76 to Aug of 77. From what I see here. The village I hung out in was MUCH different. Yeah there were clubs around. But most of us hung out in little store fronts that opened right onto the street. They were like a second home to us. The one I hung out at was named Carry Moms. Sure there were hookers around and was a bit sleazy. But nothing like you described with midgets and choclate covered Russians. In fact. We never saw an American girl. It was quite rare. All the girls we “dated” were Korean. Which was fine with me. All in all I have a lot of great memories of my time there.

Franklin Jerry Williams
Franklin Jerry Williams
5 years ago

I Was Station With HQ and HQ 1st Battalion 23rd Inf Camp Hovey 73-75 Commo Section RTO Spec.The Gunfighter MG Herny Emerson N Prolife Fit To Fight. I Remember Running The Horn From The Back Gate Of Hovey Teokgeo-ri To Camp Casey The Flag Pole,And Back To Camp Hovey 14.2 Miles Round Trip. Hump Up Casey 3 Niner.That Honey Wagon Smell Was Something Else.I Remember Combat Football,Combat Basketball And Combat Pushball.And Last But Not Less Combat Cross Country. I Remember The Dap And The Brothers Hang Down In The Crack At TDC.I Remember The New CSM.Robert J Berry Just Got Into Korea And Was Going On A Night Road March And I Was The RTO For Him And LTC Howard W.Clark.On My Second Tour At 6th Battalion 37th Field Artillery 2nd Infantry Division Big Guns Camp Essayon Korea Delta Battery 78-79.I Meet The New 2nd Inf Division That Surprise Me CSM Robert J.Berry My Old CSM From HQ and HQ 1st 23rd Inf Camp Hovey.I Enjoy My Time There On The ROK For 8 Years Back And Forward From Ft. Campbell Ky. With My Last Assignment Was Back To Camp Hovey CSC 1st 23rd Inf Motor Sergeant.I Went Back There To Visit My Inlaw July 2007 And Everything Changed.We Service Sir Tomahawk /G\ !!!

5 years ago

If anyone can help, I’m trying to get info on the drink, Oscsr -my father remembers drinking it in Okinawa and always says he’d love to get some now. I’d love it if anyone could describe the bottle to me, or better yet, share a photo of a bottle. It’ll make it easier for me trying to locate it

5 years ago

Sarah, is “Oscsr” perhaps “Oscer”?

Oscer is (was?) a Korean(?) “champagne”… perhaps made of sparkling water, lots of sugar, grain alcohol, and peach essence… other flavors may have been available… tasty, alcoholic, and CHEAP.

…the perfect drink for GIs (and middle school girls).

It may well be a crossover product with Japan, as many things like this are.

My last encounter with Oscar was New Year’s 2000… where I ordered 80 bottles and, at midnight, we hosed each other down… killed a TV and a camcorder… I cleaned for 8 hours and everyone walked home wet in freezing weather.

The handful of guys who chugged the remaining scattered half-bottles in celebration had hangovers measured in days.

I left an area of sugar stalactites on the ceiling in memory of one of the best parties EVAAAR.

So I did a quick search for “Oscar” “Korean champagne” and got only a few hits of westerners regretting their decision to drink it back in the day.

“오스카” “champagne” provides the hits, however. So does “오스카샴펜”.

I have not seen it in years… and it doesn’t seem to be for sale now. I did find an auction site selling two bottles as “old-time alcohol” but it was already sold.

…so it may not be available.

If you truly wish to recreate the experience, go to the worst neighborhood in your area, find a liquor store that caters to poor minorities, junkies who can’t afford their ket bump, and the underage… and buy bottles of any peach sparkling wine that is under $6… the type you find the empty bottles behind the gym the day after prom, see in the background of crime scene photos for drive-by shootings at hiphop themed street BBQs, and that homeless people drink to forget they are homeless.

“Amour de Paris Peach Sparkling Wine” is probably as good of choice as any… and likely uses the 50+ year-old industry standard for formulating this kind of thing… so it will taste pretty much like Oscar… though, due to trade agreements, “champagne” is replaced with “sparkling wine” and “wine” might be replaced with “liquor” or something in markets that have stricter state labeling laws for companies that try to call sugar-saturated carbonated fruit-flavored malt liquor as “wine”.

My suggestion is just to buy one of every bottle in every flavor in the $5 and less range… and make a tasting night of it.

Be sure dad’s will is in order.

5 years ago

I wonder if that’s where the Sesame Street garbage can character came from…

Charles De Rose
Charles De Rose
5 years ago

Was at Hovey 58-60…Quonset huts..no paved roads just endless mud..honey buckets….etc..bitter in winter..infantry…lots of field maneuvers …ugly ..difficult duty.

Joe larock
Joe larock
5 years ago

Was at hovey 79,80&,81. Jin roo hon cho. Honey wagons in front of pt formations. Running the horn. Casey 39er,pissed off pass.happy hill,where used to get high as f***. 5$ short time, 15$ overnite. Loved to ko ri. Sneaking back to hovey over pnoc pass Hoaah UN

4 years ago

I was at Casey with HQ 1/17 Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division in 1979 to 1980.
Have many fond memories from TDC and some of the open air markets.
Most of the food was really very good. Purchased a few satin comforters that are beautifully decorated. Loved the small 9 hole golf course.
Didn’t much care for the quancint hut loving quarters or the toilet/shower hut in the centre of the huts. Guess it was better then the GP medium tents we slept in while at Warrior base up near the JSA near the DMZ. Spent some very cold days there. Didn’t help that we were always short staffed.

4 years ago

I was stationed at Hovey (1/5 Infantry) from December 90 to 91. Back the place was a dump and I can still remember the smell. I don’t remember the club names but it seems like there were only 3 or 4 that I ever went to. There was no stripping at all, you had to go South of Seoul for that, around Osan airbase which I did one time without a pass and got in a heap of trouble. No filipinos or Russians either those were all down South as well.

frankie gilbert
frankie gilbert
4 years ago

Time sure flys looking back it has already been 7 years since I posted a comment on this site felt more like a couple. Was really proud of being a Manchu for that year of Jun 77 to Jun78. Would stay in 7 and 1/2 years after leaving always telling the guys at Campbell and Germany about Korea and how hard that we trained, Ft Campbell was close but don,t think that they could hang with the grunts at Hovey for the 1/9th 1/23rd and1/38th was some tough Battalions, from what I have read it looks like Hovey about has shut down, are there any straight leg Inf in Korea now? We flew in a lot of Hueys but hitting the ground and humping the yamas days and nights summer and winter. Toko ri as we called it then was really ran down nothing even close to todays photos on the internet, but still loved the memories of the New Seoul Club and I think the Pony Bar. At the New Seoul Club we all thought that we were pool sharks drinking beer and loud rock n roll, I,ve made comments before about the whores which there were plenty but I didn,t know what situation those young girls were in. Time to think on the past but I did meet a few over there I considered friends and felt that some was between a rock and a hard place and hope that things worked out for most of them. All military bases compounds kasernes what ever has the leaches sucking a buck from the GI at every turn didn,t see much different from there to Campbell just a lot more poorer people there back then, in the States it was the retired 1st Sergeants and Sergeant Majors that was the slum lords and such. As a whole I liked the Korean people, a culture like theirs had changed very little over the years or at least when I was there, now the world is crazy as hell and sure its changed for everybody, like to hear from any of you old ground pounders out there.

Kenneth Rothman
4 years ago

I was at camp hovey 77-78 C1/9th 11b m.o.s boy that place sure looks different
Remember me and my buddy “DOC” going to tokori all the time for cocktails (Jinro and coke) towards the end of our tour i remember setting on a bench with doc and sharing a gallon of jinro straight korean police told us we will go blind. Anyone remember the pony club. I remember the korean women washing clothes in the river rubbing them on rocks. starched uniforms you had to pry the legs apart they where so stiff. Remember being at guard post quallutte and collier on the dmz. It was really interesting reading all the stories.I’ll never forget my experience in korea

Keep up the fire

frankie gilbert
frankie gilbert
4 years ago

Was also in Charlie do you remember Capt Duncan? Our platoon referred to him as Doc Savage. A lot of the names I have forgotten but do remember Johnny Wise from Mississippi he was in my squad, cannot even remember what platoon. SSG Canada was the platoon sergeant. Met several years later at Ft Campbell Woolridge and Quasar and Glacier in Germany. You had to of known SSG Avery I think that he was there for 3 to 5 years and extended again before I left, he had married a gal outside the vill was pretty cool, not in my platoon. We all had our little clicks we most likely seen over two hundred soldiers come and go in Charlie Company in that one year there. What about the Manchu belt buckle? Ran into the 4/9th in Alaska on maneuvers a few years later in my little world was thinking what you guys wearing our buckles for. Was a little teed when I found out that they had retired their colors. I will also never forget my experience in Korea and Tokori Keep up the fire..

Kenneth Rothman
4 years ago

I do remember Capt Duncan and SSG Avery Do you remember Steve Rue and his pet rock Ralph The rock is even in the 1/9th year book i have I’ll have to look in it and see if i can find you.I hung out alot with my partner Pat miniter (DOC) He was in A co I was on the 2nd INF Rifle Team. And i fired the dragon wire guided missile when Pres Carter came. I remember they gave us all new gear then when he left we had to turn it in and get our old gear back.

Keep up the fire

frankie gilbert
frankie gilbert
4 years ago

I,am going to have to dig my year book out also, funny thing I was a Dragon Gunner also remember all the training we went thru, seems like most of it the paper work part was more in the 1/38th territory but want to think SSG Avery was involved. I also got to fire it no war head at a moving plywood silhouette that seemed a thousand miles away I hit it dead center the Gunner before me wire broke and the missile went straight up the other Gunner also hit ,I remember a lot of South Korean Generals there at the demo that we was putting on and getting a lot of slaps on the back. I would say that a lot of us put on those demo,s at different times and places looking back we were actually expert gunners . I humped that dummy Dragon a thousand miles over there, left in June got to Campbell around the end of July after leave, a lot of resentment already a Sp4 and most PFC,s at Campbell had more time in, if you recall Korea was the hardship tour with Vietnam over, I felt that they made me the M60 gunner more out of spite also with that extra tripod to carry the first field problem we forced marched 10 to 15 miles in the blistering heat to the field, soldiers dropping like flies along the way, kinda earned some respect, but you know that any grunt that was stationed at Hovey could hump period. We was not no supermen and had a bad apple here and there but overall tough Infantry and as much as we hated the 1/23rd and the 1/38th at that time they were just as tough and hated us more. I,am going to have to drag the old photo album out and post some pictures in the field and in the Vill, also funny about your gear kind of reminded me of the Rock in Germany a older Sergeant that was there on his second tour said that 6 years before President Ford had visited and that they had painted the sides of the barracks that he would view on the predetermine route, Ha Ha, KEEP UP THE FIRE

frankie gilbert
frankie gilbert
4 years ago

Finally found my year book, you and Rue must of been short when this was taken, I was E2 and left SP4, found you and Rue side by side and Ralph the rock on the last page, so now I know that I was in the 1st Platoon and SSG Avery was too, funny how you can remember some things and not the others. Somewhat remember you and him, also have a photo of me and Rue together with 3 others at the Pony Club or Bar but don,t remember hanging with him that much, will try to copy and post it some day. Most of my memories was on our side of the latrine in the barracks what little time we stayed in them, SP4 Thompson gone before the year book and Glacier across the hall with the cooks on the corner room. Old Chargin Charlie, Keep Up The Fire!

4 years ago

I was at Camp Hovey/Casey with 702nd MSB from April 1999-April 2000. Had a great time there except For the flood of 1999. We lived right on doodoo creek and our entire 1st Floor got flooded. We finally found infamous midget . I can tell some stories about Club NBA located in Teokgeo-ri , but the old saying is; “what happens in Korea/TDY stays in Korea/TDY”.

Franklin Jerry Williams
Franklin Jerry Williams
Reply to  Charles
4 years ago

I Did 3 Tours In Korea,73-75 Camp Hovey HHC 1st 23rd Inf Commo Section,78-79 Camp Essayon 6 /37 Field Artt Delta Battery And 81-83 CSC 1st 23rd Inf Motor Pool Sgt.We Ran The Horn From Toekgeo-ri Back Gate To Camp Casey Flag Pole Thru Casey Back To Camp Hovey 14.5 Miles Round Trip.I When Back In 2007 And Toekgeo-ri Canges From Rice Paddies To Modern Hotels And Many New Construction Projects. TOMAHAWK /G\ !!!

James Frank Presto
James Frank Presto
3 years ago

I was in the 23rd also in 75-76, loved running the horn, i would be one of the crazies running around the running formation carrying the standard. I did 78-79 on Casey. The previous story of To Ko Ri being sleezy pissed me off. I know people that are from there. The only reason the Koreans do what they do on the strip and, in any city by USA Military Bases is because thats what you have to provide for the Sleezy USA Military Guys or Gals to come spend the money doing Sleezy things!!!!!!!!!!

James Frank Presto
James Frank Presto
3 years ago

Sorry for the mis spells

1 year ago

The midget was a thing from ~92 onward. I was informally officially banned from the club after accidently hitting her right in the mouth w/the butt of the pool cue while playing. I didn’t realize she positioned herself behind me while she waited to rack the balls for the next game. I felt terrible. It was something right out of the movies. The music stopped and EVERYONE gave me the and my buds the evil eye. We left leaving unfinished beers.

1 year ago

Does anyone remember Crazy Susan 92-94 timeframe?

1 year ago

FrozenChosen2x- Great Ville story, I remember when the midget started working. While I can’t remember name of the club, I can picture how your story happened, shot many a game of pool there even though I was out of Cp Mobile. Why didn’t you just apologize and buy her a drink ?

1 year ago

Me and my fellow Deuce tank driver, PFC Guerrero- who’s not even five feet tall himself, went to Toko Ri to see the midget. We walked into the bar and she walks up to us. I looked at him and I looked at her and I looked back at him and said ‘bro, she’s taller than you!’. LOL, not everyone was bigger than the midget.

1 year ago

I was with B 5/20 at CP Casey 1992-93 for 18 months, and will never forget my first experience in Toko-Ri. It was my second week as a platoon leader and we marched by platoon from Casey through Hovey, through Toko-Ri, and out to a Korean training area about 4 miles beyond. As we marched out the Hovey gate and started down the main street of Toko-Ri (which at that time was barely two lanes of poor asphalt and one of the only paved streets in town) I was surprised at how friendly the residents were. All of the young girls were hanging out of 2d story windows waving and yelling! Then I realized they were calling my guys names – at that point the girls clearly knew my platoon better than I did! It wasn’t hard to figure out what that relationship was! Back then they were virtually all Korean, and like the girls in TDC ville would load up in busses and go get STD cards stamped “clean” a couple times a year – those were sad days for the troops. I mostly hung out in TDC, but my CO’s family owned the Moon Club both in Toko-Ri and TDC, and as he was changing command he took all of his LTs and also 3 West Point cadets that were with us at the time there and hooked us all up. I ended up with a rare non-Korean – a Japanese girl who was very pretty. The area around the village was very nice wooded hills. I wish I would have taken more pics of everything – most places were stuck in the 60s and 70s, but by 1992 big changes were in the air – some captains were being permitted accompanied tours, so things like $5 steam and cream at the on base barber shops were gone; Australian and Philippine girls were starting to show up in Seoul clubs and even TDC; we were no longer conducting the DMZ patrols; and change was in the air. But at that moment the on base clubs were still officer/enlisted, and so were some of the “down range” clubs, it was still ok to call people “turtles”; each unit still had an “ajima” from their preferred club who would go to the field with them in a little rice burner truck and serve hot ramien and cold cokes out of a tent (not long before girls would go to the field as well, but that had ended). Korea was a nostalgic, exotic, and slightly crazy place that left a big impression!

Shawn M
Shawn M
2 months ago

I stuck with DMZ at first then moved on to the UN club. This was before the Filipino and Russians came up. After they came I quit the TDC club scene altogether. They came to TDC first then moved to TKR after I had PCS’d.

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