Update On the Mapo GI Rape Case

It is looking more and more like the Mapo GI rape case doesn’t have much evidence to support it considering how long it is taking to get an indictment.  Here is an update on the case provided by the Marmot’s Hole:

According to the Herald Gyeongje, Women Corea released a statement today demanding that Seoul Seobu prosecutors quickly indict the GI accused of sexually assaulting a teenage girl in Mapo and steeling her notebook computer. They noted it’s been over half a month since police turned the case over to the prosecutors to decide whether to indict, but prosecutors have not indicted the GI. This means the prosecutors, who hold “absolute power,” is minding USFK.

They also warned—perhaps unaware of the impact such a warning could have on any future discussions over amending the SOFA—that if the prosecutors didn’t quickly indict the suspect, they would run up against public resistance.

In response, a high-ranking prosecutor said prosecutors will still conducting additional investigations, and that the indictment wasn’t coming any later than it would in other cases. He also stressed that the suspect and USFK was cooperating fully with the investigation and that he and his office were not carrying out a lazy investigation or minding USFK.  [Marmot’s Hole]

This case reminds me of the policewoman rape case where the evidence didn’t support what happened but the GI was indicted and convicted anyway likely due to public pressure at the time.  After the media sensationalism died down the GI appealed the sentence and his conviction was overturned by the appeals court.  I can see the same thing happening here.  The prosecutors may just be waiting to see if the media attention dies down or not before making a decision to indict him.  If the media attention doesn’t die down they will probably go ahead and indict and convict him despite the lack of evidence and then let the appeals court let him go after the media attention dies down.