CNN Report Criticizes US Military’s Patronizing of Juicy Bars In Korea

Via a reader tip comes this CNN video about the alleged sexual slavery of ‘juicy girls’ in Korea:

Anyone who has spent time in Korea knows that this video report does not describe the whole issue with the juicy girls in Korea.  I am not going to speak to whether or not the woman in the video knew what she was getting herself into, but I am willing to bet the vast majority of the girls in the Philippines do know what they were getting themselves into coming to Korea.  Just Google “Philippines hostess Korea” and a number of articles about juicy girls comes up.  Additionally CNN made no mention of the fact that most of these girls go to work in Korean bars.  This is hardly just a US military issue that CNN chose to focus on.  Heck trafficking Filipinas is not even just a Korea issue.  So why did CNN focus on just the US military?  Could it be because just as I suspected they would the special interests using the juicy girls to push the military sexual assault issue?  That is why I believe USFK officials have been especially proactive about trying to change the juicy bar system this year.  However, I continue to maintain that USFK should just put clubs that hire third country nationals off limits which would largely end the criticism.

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