South Korean Man’s Attempt To Commit Insurance Fraud Caught On Car’s Dashcam

Via a reader tip comes this story about a man in Korea trying to commit insurance fraud by running at a car and bashing his head into the windshield.  Unfortunately for him the driver had a dashcam installed:

When he reaches the car, he leaps onto the hood in a superhero-esque dive and bashes his head into the windscreen.

The glass smashes and the man collapses onto the road.

It appears the opportunist was attempting to get some sort of payout for his efforts, earning him the label of an ‘insurance scammer’ in the video description.

The bizarre act was caught on a video camera mounted on the dashboard of the car.

Insurance fraud is a growing problem in South Korea. According to a recent study from the Insurance Research Centre, an average of 156 people are caught in car insurance fraud schemes in South Korea every day, with the amount of money involved totalling KRW1.18 trillion (AU$1.8 billion) over the last five years. [Daily Mail]

You can read more and see the video of this incident at the link.  According to this Insurance Research Center link on average 156 people are caught a day trying to commit insurance fraud in South Korea.  For those driving in South Korea it appears installing a dashcam is a good idea.

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9 years ago

I wonder if the vehicle owner was a foreigner. They may have still found a way to charge him with some offense. Korea has some weird rules about video taping people. Apparently there must be a very visible notice of CCTV use before the video is legal or admissible.

9 years ago

The fraudster is a foreigner. He will claim for sure that it was racism that he was hurt by a Korean driver.

9 years ago

He should of just went to a busy intersection in Seoul and immediately walk in the crosswalk when the pedestrian walk light turns green, no need for fraud to get hit by a vehicle running red lights, lol.

9 years ago

Tom can explain those weird rules to us, plz go ahead and explain Tom

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