Text of New USFK Policy Letter Banning Juicy Girls in Korea

Via the USFK website I was able to get a copy of the actual policy letter signed by USFK commander General Scaparrotti.  Here is the text of the policy letter:

usfk logo
UNIT #15237
APO AP 96205-5237
15 Oct 2014
SUBJECT: United States Forces Korea
(USFK) Command Policy Letter #12, Combating Prostitution and Trafficking in Persons (CTIP)
1. This policy applies to all military personnel assigned or attached permanently, on temporary duty, or on rotational duty in Korea, and to USFK units or organizations supported by USFK units. Department of Defense (DoD) Civilian Employees and DoD-invited contractors/technical representatives, family members of military, DoD civilians, DoD contractors, and visiting guests are encouraged to follow this order.
2. DoD policy condemns practices that subjugate, enslave, and demean individuals, including prostitution and human trafficking. Prostitution and the patronizing of a prostitute are crimes in the Republic of Korea (ROK) and are punishable under the UCMJ. Trafficking in Persons is also illegal under Korean and United States law.
3. There are establishments outside our installations that support human trafficking , usually of young women, many of whom are brought into the country under false pretenses as entertainers and forced to work in bars or other establishments in violation of their visas. They are subjected to debt bondage and made to sell themselves as companions, or forced into prostitution.
4. Service members are often encouraged to buy overpriced “juice” drinks in exchange for the company of these women, or to pay a fee to obtain the company of an employee who is then relieved of their work shift (commonly referred to as “bar-fining” or “buying a day off”). The governments of the Republic of Korea, the United States, and the Republic of the Philippines have linked these practices with prostitution and human trafficking.
5. Installation commanders have the authority to put off-limits those establishments that engage in activities detrimental to readiness, good order, and discipline and I expect them to exercise that authority, particularly as it applies to establishments that support prostitution and human trafficking. I also expect service members to respect the dignity of others at all times. Paying for companionship directly supports human trafficking and is a precursor to prostitution. This practice encourages the objectification of women, reinforces sexist attitudes, and is demeaning to all human beings. Preventing service members from supporting human trafficking and prostitution outside our installations helps ensure the highest levels of readiness, promotes good order and discipline, and provides for the health, welfare and safety of our personnel and community.
6. Military personnel subject to this order shall not provide money or anything of value to an employee or establishment for the primary purpose of obtaining an employee’s company or companionship, inside or outside a bar or establishment. This includes paying a fee to play darts, pool, or to engage in other entertainment with an employee, or buying a drink or souvenir in exchange for an employee’s company. Service members who fail to comply with the provisions of this paragraph may be subject to punishment under the UCMJ, adverse administrative personnel action, and/or other adverse actions authorized by applicable laws and regulations.
This paragraph supersedes USFK Regulation 27-5, paragraph 8-6, dated 7 July 2011, until amended to conform to this policy letter.
7. If any member of USFK observes this conduct or sees indicators of prostitution or human trafficking, they should immediately contact their local law enforcement desk or the USFK Prostitution and Human Trafficking Hotline at DSN 736-9333 or Comm 0505-336-9333.
8. Questions concerning this policy should be directed to your servicing legal office or USFK/JA at DSN 723-7349 or Commercial 050-5333-7349.
General, U.S. Army
A References.
a. DoD Instruction 2200.01, Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP), 15 September 2010
b. USFK Command Policy Letter #1, Zero Tolerence Policy, 2 January 2014
Fortunately General Scaparrotti did try and pull a LaPorte and make this policy applicable to DoD civilians, contractors, and dependents.  It only applies to soldiers. This does beg the question of how this will be enforced.  A juicy bar is still going to have a bunch of non-servicemembers buying drinks for juicy girls and some of them may look military.  So will the CPs demand ID of everyone they see that may look military?  That is asking for trouble to happen.  Fortunately the vast majority of soldiers being professionals will comply with the policy letter, but there will assuredly be those who will try and get around it.

The policy letter also tries to capture all the work-arounds the juicy bars might use to get around this policy.  For example the policy letter bans paying for darts and pool in exchange for time with juicy girls. A couple of work-arounds I do not see it covering would be a cover fee to enter the bar.  What if a bar owner charges servicemembers $50 to enter the bar that has juicy girls in it?  The job of the juicy girl would then be to wait outside the bar and try to get servicemembers to come inside.  Or how about the bar owner charging inflated drink fees for servicemembers?  So instead of the juicy girl trying to get the servicemember to buy her drinks, her job becomes to get the servicemember to buy drinks for himself.  If the servicemember does not buy a drink for himself then she moves on to the next customer.

This is just a couple of ways I could see the bar owners subverting the policy which they will assuredly try and do.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out, but I think USFK has effectively gotten out ahead of the special interest groups back in the US that were looking to use the juicy girl issue to bash the US military with.  This new policy letter pretty much prevents whatever sensationalism on this issue they had planned even if the bar owners try to implement work-arounds.
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10 years ago

What B/S! The Moralistic Minders out to change the world one Army at a time…These girls are signing up in droves to go to developed countries, especially with a U.S. military presence, IOT get away from their poverty stricken, abusive lifestyles in their own Third World Countries,& to hopefully snare them a Man…No one is pointing a gun at their head forcing them to travel to countries like Korea or Japan to sell their services for the betterment of mankind…one short time at a shot. The insanity of man is to think he can change the biological needs of human beings…

10 years ago

The juicy girl model has causes much emotional, financial, and professional turmoil while enriching the local “business leaders” and encouraging professional (and financial) corruption among USFK “leadership” to overlook it.

Good riddance.

One can make a good argument that GIs should not be protected from themselves… and that IS a good argument in a situation which is completely free…

…but juicybar-inspired corruption in USFK has insured that honest (and affordable) prostitution was off-limits and highly enforced… while dumping hundred (or thousands) of dollars into the pockets of “business leaders” was encouraged regardless of whatever tough talk was being given that week by “leadership”… as these same business leaders were on the golf course every weekend with that same “leadership”.

Closing the juicy bars is a decade overdue… as the juicy business takes all the worst parts of human trafficking-inspired prostitution (but without a happy ending) and all the worst parts of prohibition (encouraging guys to spend even MORE money “playin’ her ’cause she ain’t no ho” than if they had just bought her for short-time).

The GIs are the ones who have suffered… spending bigger money than with actual prostitution… but getting fewer happy ending… while investing much more time and emotion in chasing down the girls.

But, as young guys need an outlet that internet pr0n and XBox will only fill so much of, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Increased situational homosexuality, more sexual assaults, and Queens For a Year charging for their services are as good of solutions as any.

10 years ago

The juicy girls should protest outside the gates, lol.

GI Joe
GI Joe
10 years ago

All it will do is make juicys actually become prostitutes. The way it worked before actually provided incentives to stay clean or else be put off limits. So the most a soldier got was some talk and a kiss. Now they will make their deal in the bar and take it to the motel where she will earn her points.

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

“This new policy letter pretty much prevents whatever sensationalism on this issue they had planned…”
I do not believe so. Until the military is completely taken over by and ran by bull-dykes, there will be no relief. Straight males and the military culture are the targets here, not juicy’s.

GI Joes and CH: 100% correct. I wonder if Gen Scaparrotti will be around long enough to reap what he has sown.

“Look! I’m DOING something!”
– Gen Scaparrotti

10 years ago

Some CPT company CDR is gunna make hiz own personal CP patrol the the wrong bar and piss off the wrong dude and it will game over.

C Johnson
C Johnson
7 years ago

Strange that the former lead of the task force against human trafficking married one former prostitute and supported another one by renting her an apartment in Itaewon.

7 years ago

Do tell more. Seriously…

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