ROK Drop Open Thread – November 2, 2014

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10 years ago

The “ROK Drop Open Threat” eh?

At least let it sit for a little while before it devolves into CH and T-Bone threatening each other sheesh. 😮

10 years ago

The rivers will run red with your blood.

10 years ago

I’d like to point out the last sentence “Empty rhetoric need not apply,” yes that means you no math and no common sense Chickenhead. Another accomplishment(s) that Maher forgot was the kept promise of the Iraq war exit AND no new wars. The best news of all is that Obama still has time to accomplish more.
“Bill Maher acknowledges the reality that the Republicans are not running on anything. Democrats are throwing both their people and achievements under the bus. He asked how effective was Al Gore’s dissing President Clinton during his run for the presidency.

Maher then goes on to enumerate real quantifiable Democratic successes.

63 straight months of economic expansion.
A depression averted.
A deficit reduced by two thirds.
A healthcare law that’s working and lowering healthcare cost.
Two women on the Supreme Court.
Bin Laden is dead.
Stock Market at record heights
Unemployment down from 10.2 to 5.9%.
Gas prices are down.

“One of the most important statements Bill Maher made was to urge Democrats to stop chasing polls. They should move them. In effect that is what Republicans did. They moved the polls by being forceful in deceiving Americans on both the economic realities and the genesis of the failures that prevented even better results for the middle class.

There are three days left for Democrats to make a case. While it may be difficult, it is not impossible. Politicians must be held accountable for their real achievements. Empty rhetoric need not apply.”

10 years ago

We shouldn’t stop there or with only about 9-11 accomplishments because that’s just a bad number anyway so stuff these in all your functioning body holes and close them…It’s a bit dated(April/2012) so there are even more than only fifty.
March/ April 2012 Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

10 years ago

Oh fer f’ks sake man, I’d call you g4y but it’d be an insult to g4ys…

“63 straight months of economic expansion.”
How could that be any more vague? Expansion in what? At what cost? The numbers used to calculate such a thing are more prone to molestation than a drunk tranny is as last call in CH’es basement.

“A depression averted.”
You know who else can claim that? Every administration that’s been in office since the end of the last depression. Oh hey you know Reagan averted 14 alien invasions? Carter averted several mole man attacks too, prove me wrong. No aliens or mole men invaded.

“A deficit reduced by two thirds.”
Way to pick n choose those numbers, let’s use a straight up comparison of 2003 and 2014 since they’re the most recent ones that were budgeted for 1 war. Oh look dems spent more by over 100bill, big surprise.

“A healthcare law that’s working and lowering healthcare cost.”
Uh yeah there’s no proof of that and anyone who thinks this was a good idea is a moron.

“Two women on the Supreme Court.”
What kinda BS claim to success is this? F–king sexist s–t.

“Bin Laden is dead.”
Hmm yeah US intelligence and military personnel did that, not some fat a55e5 on cap hill. F you and Maher for stealing credit.

“Stock Market at record heights”
And add business to the list of things you and Bill don’t understand if you think cap hill fat a5e5 get credit for how the stock market performs.

“Unemployment down from 10.2 to 5.9%.”
Been debunked as a success long ago by people who revealed this claim is based mainly on the fact that the number of people reporting shrunk. Been this way for a while both you and your boyfriend Bob know this so again FU for trying to snooker us with that crap.

“Gas prices are down.”
Yeah I could go pee on a fence in Kuwait and it’d cause gas prices to shift one way or the other by dollars on the barrel so shove this along with all the other crap you’re pushing our way because that’s where it came from, your a55e5.

10 years ago

Tbone is not allowed to talk about social studies until he has finished his math homework.

10 years ago

That’s why I don’t post during the day (KST) anymore, since is blocked on NIPR for some unknown ambiguous reason I’d have to post via my phone and I have caveman fingers. Guess I should be doing work anyway…

10 years ago

Open Threat should be a weekly post.

I was just getting my threat mojo built up.

If anybody disagrees, I will tear off their scrotum, turn it inside out, and use it as a condom to fukk their mom.

10 years ago

“F you and Maher for stealing credit.”

Ewww, turning all Chickenhead nonsense(duhhh…1+1=3) on us now aye? I copied/pasted a link, how is that trying to “steal credit?” Smokes is full of Chickenhead-type-non-common-sense.

I should add that Obama accomplished everything he has despite the astounding record number of GOP filibusters.

Smokes you ain’t done yet, there are about 50 more at the Washingtonmonthly link.

A timely thought…remember how Foxnews tried to predict the 2012 presidential election? Well, they’ve been predicting the future GOP house and senate landslide for weeks now.

At least I now know where Chickenhead learned his math…from Karl Rove and Foxnews…—america-takes-a-shower—karl-rove-s-math

Another link to the same video above…

10 years ago

“If anybody disagrees, I will tear off their scrotum, turn it inside out, and use it as a condom to fukk their mom.”

As a petulant child how will you do this?

10 years ago

The title was “Open Threat” not “Improbable Criminal Act”.

What is wrong with you, Tbone?

…still waiting for you to show your math answer with work.

No? Well then… off you go, little man.

10 years ago

UN climate report offers stark warnings, hope
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Climate change is happening, it’s almost entirely man’s fault and limiting its impacts may require reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero this century, the U.N.’s panel on climate science said Sunday.

Some impacts are already being observed, including rising sea levels, a warmer and more acidic ocean, melting glaciers and Arctic sea ice and more frequent and intense heat waves.

“Science has spoken. There is no ambiguity in their message. Leaders must act. Time is not on our side,” U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said at the report’s launch in Copenhagen.

“This report makes it clear that if you are serious about the 2-degree goal … there is nowhere to hide,” said Alden Meyer of the Union of Concerned Scientists, an advocacy group. “You can’t wait several decades to address this issue.”

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called the report “another canary in the coal mine.”

“The bottom line is that our planet is warming due to human actions, the damage is already visible, and the challenge requires ambitious, decisive and immediate action,” Kerry said in a statement. “Those who choose to ignore or dispute the science so clearly laid out in this report do so at great risk for all of us and for our kids and grandkids.”

Pointing to the solution, the IPCC said the costs associated with mitigation action such as shifting the energy system to solar and wind power and other renewable sources and improving energy efficiency would reduce economic growth only by 0.06 percent annually.

And Pachauri said that cost should be measured against the implications of doing nothing, putting “all species that live on this planet” at peril.

The IPCC carefully avoided taking sides in that discussion, saying the risks of climate change “are generally greater for disadvantaged people and communities in countries at all levels of development.”

10 years ago

“…still waiting for you to show your math answer with work.”

Megyn Kelly to Karl Rove ~ “Is this just math you do as a republican to make youself feel better or is this real?”

We all know the answer, it’s Chickenhead/Karl Rove “make me feel better” math.—america-takes-a-shower—karl-rove-s-math

10 years ago

If we are going to turn the U.S. into an auxiliary Latin America ethnically, we may as well go ahead and do it climate-wise as well.

What’s wrong with having Topeka turn into Little Havana?

10 years ago

What’s really sad is expecting that a whole lot will change when one party or the other takes office. Neither one seems to care about what the average American wants for the country any more.

10 years ago

Johnnyboy, you are wrong.

Much will change when the Republicans take control.

All of this amnesty for illegal aliens to be future Democratic voters will vanish and be replaced by amnesty for illegal aliens to be cheap labor for big business.

Sociialist big government stealing from the productive middle class to support the nonproductive poor will be replaced with fascist big government stealing from the productive middle class to support big business.

Government policies that push the multicultural idea that Islamic culture is equally valid and just as good as any other culture and accommodations for its acceptance should be made in everyone’s lifestyle will be replaced with policies that remind everyone conservative Christianity is the only option or you are going to hell.

Minorities will no longer riot and loot because the government keeps telling them they are right to be angry even when they are obviously wrong… but will riot and loot when the government tells them they are wrong even when they might be right.

I bet there is a hundred more things that will change.

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

CH. You nailed it.

10 years ago

Not being able to post during the day is causing me to lag behind the mayhem…

I wonder with so many people spotlighting how the two big parties are just playing a game of political ping-pong is getting us nowhere how it is that they keep getting elected?

10 years ago

Other parties run flakes…

…or, more likely, the media manufactures their degree of flakiness…

…while gleefully reporting Republican flakiness and minimizing Democrat flakiness.

…and, of course, those who are serious about getting elected pretty much have to join one of the two parties.

It might be nice to see someone get elected through the two parties and then go independent… but I suppose to get elected, one becomes so owned that is hardly possible.

Taking off my tinfoil hat for a moment, I would also suggest the NSA has been spying on politicians just as much as regular citizens and unconnected companies… so all politicians can be controlled… which really explains why some of them do things really out of character and then give thin excuses.

America is no longer a place thst is looking for everyone to succeed. It is now a place that is looking for the elite to succeed even more… on the backs of everyone.

Getting “in” is a much better strategy than getting angry.

…and, when you think about it, many Americans do not deserve success… due to their values, their behavior, their intentional lack of education, their drug use, their political beliefs, etc.

Many Americans deserve a life of delivering pizza to my gated community.

This is not a nice America to live in… as it starts looking like the Philippines… but it is the America that is being engineered.

Perhaps it’s best to prepare for it to be sure you wind up on the right side of the community gate.

10 years ago

Because the average American probably still votes down party lines or by whose commercial they liked better. Independent, libertarian, or any other alternatives never have enough money to advertise heavily. The exception may be in situations like Missouri where one party pulls out their candidate and backs the independent.

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

Gerrymandering is a big part of it. Many are running unopposed…

10 years ago

Gerrymandering(or redistricting) in Austin, TX(one of the most liberal cities/parts of TX) somehow has 5 of 6 republicans representing it. The lines reach to the southern part of Dallas(214 miles away/district 25) and eastern part of Houston(district 10) and the redistricting lines will stay that way for about 8 more years. Austin is the largest city in American without an anchor district. It’s representation that doesn’t represent.
See the lines explained in this funny video(CH cannot watch for he is humorless).

The Daily Show 2014- South by South Mess: Austin’s Real Weirdness
“The Daily Show seems to be weakly pandering to Austin’s self-conscious hipster-ism) but it does bring out the absurdity of redistricting in the Lone (Red) Star State. But check it out…”

Some details(too much for CH) behind what they’re talking about…

10 years ago

tbone conveniently leaves out the \bit where Democrat-appointed Federal Judges designed that particular district… 😉

10 years ago

I provided two links so please show me where/how I “left out the bit where…?”

How about you show me your own link that supports your claim. Just because I don’t include a link that you want doesn’t mean I “left out” anything. Sheesh! Do you have any common sense?

10 years ago

Korean male to Guam tourists need to be checked Ebola Style upon returning to S. Korea since cannabis is now legally sold/distributed. Pluck strands of hair out of their heads, draw blood from their veins, etc…for the sake of S. Korean children.
“The U.S. territory of Guam is poised to legalize medical marijuana on Tuesday, according to preliminary poll results. More than 56 percent of voters in Guam approved a ballot initiative that would make it legal for patients with “debilitating medical conditions” to buy and consume marijuana, the Pacific Daily News reported. Fifty six of Guam’s 58 precincts have been accounted for.”

Update: It passed!

10 years ago

GOP’s first order of business is immigration reform

GOP’s John Cornyn Eyes Immigration Reform ‘After We Get Majority’

Mitt Romney: GOP Senate Will Put Immigration Reform On President’s Desk

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

tbonetylr: They also will need to be checked upon return from Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Colorado or WASHINGTON DC! LOL

These other countries who caved to US pressure in the WAR ON DRUGS are likely feeling a bit foolish right now…

10 years ago

Leon, the scary thing is “other countries” are caving in to US pressure on a whole bunch of stuff.

– banking monitoring
– law enforcement jurisdiction
– international travel monitoring and controls
– customs inspection monitoring
– telecommunications monitoring
– control over foreign citizens in a third country

…and many, many others.

Much of this sounds like is for a good reason… except much of this is targeted at medium and small fish while the multinationals openly go around it all… an example being international banks being forced to give customer information to America so they can catch American citizens who avoid a few tens of thousands of dollars in tax… while Apple avoids millions (billions?).

10 years ago

CH, as Instapundit puts it, “insufficient opportunity for graft” influences a lot of punishing regulations…

tbone, the statewide redistricting in Texas has been under the control of Democrat judges since the Ninteenth Century. You should know why…

MTB Rider
10 years ago

And we have some convictions in the Sewol disaster!

Tubby and arrogant looking son Yoo Dae-gyun has been sentenced to 3 years for embezzlement and breach-of-trust, while Yoo’s brothers received a 2 and 1 year sentences. (the 1 year sentence was suspended for 2 years.)

Ten others have also been convicted. They have a week to file an appeal.

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

Ssetnaffa, you’re right.

As far as gerrymandering, it is wrong no matter which party is doing it.

10 years ago

Boston Radio station censors Korean pop song, “Naega” too close to “N—a”

10 years ago

Texas Radio station censors Honky Tonk Blues, “Honky” too close to “honky”

…or maybe they didn’t.

…because white people don’t burn down radio stations after working themselves up over imaginary offenses.

Obama could have had a statue next to Martin Luther King if he had spoken out against all this manufactured one-sided fake racism.

Instead, he encouraged it.

He further divided a nation along racial lines that he could have united… SHOULD have united. His mixed racial background was the ONLY thing he had going for him as a potential leader…

He will only be remembered for being the first not fully white president… and his name will come up when they do one of those Worst Presidents in American History lists.

10 years ago

Rev. Jesse Jackson calls on Silicon Valley to hire more blacks, less Asians

10 years ago

Just a general question I’d like to throw out…

What do you think is meant when people say the United States needs “Immigration Reform”?

(CH for Santa’s sake keep it under 11 paragraphs.)

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
10 years ago

Drunken Irishmen Need Not Apply:

In a reply that would make Tom proud, Ms. Katie Mulrennan was preemptively rejected from a teaching position because of the “alcoholism nature of her kind.”

I think her potential future boss was afraid a little slip of an Irish girl would have drank him under the table.

10 years ago

The whole argument of Silicon Valley not hiring enough women or blacks is BS in my opinion. What are the statistics on how many blacks or women are qualified and apply for positions in various tech fields?

There are very few of either taking IT courses at my college. I would presume that may be where the true problem lies, if you want to call it a problem.

What about the percentage of whites attending traditionally black colleges and universities? I haven’t seen the numbers but I am guessing they are “under represented” in those schools. Is there some plot to keep them out or are there just not that many applying?

What difference does it make anyways? Everyone is free to pursue whatever field they want.

If the good reverend is interested in having more blacks in Silicon Valley, maybe he should start an initiative to get more blacks interested in the tech field at an early age. I am positive that would be more effective (but would bring less attention to him and his movement) than begging (or demanding) tech companies to alter their hiring practices to make the numbers seem more balanced.

I bet CH could dig up some hard numbers that would back my rant up. I would but I have to get back to my studies. It seems like I’m going to have to work extra hard to beat out the wave of AA’s and women that will be hired in the near future to appease the rev. and his flock.

10 years ago


“What do you think is meant when people say the United States needs “Immigration Reform”?”

If Democrats say it, it means giving amnesty to illegal aliens so they will vote Democratic in the future.

If Republicans say it, it means giving guest worker visas so Big Business can hire low-paid skilled workers from developing countries to replace high-paid skilled workers from America.

If American citizens say it, it means strengthening ways of keeping non-citizens out of America so unemployment doesn’t go up for unskilled laborers (many of which are black and Hispanic) or skilled laborers (many of which are white and Asian).

If I say it, it means immigrants that have something to offer and are willing to become as American as possible (as opposed to demanding America accommodate them), they are welcome to America. If they are without skills, America already has an underclass of the unskilled. If they are criminals, America already has too many. If they are filthy, diseased, shabby, uncaring… well, America doesn’t need more of that. If they want to force America to become the shythole they left, well… die in a fire.

Korea has managed its exposure to foreigners rather well. It has opened itself up to Americans (and Canadians) and taken many of the best parts of North American culture while having no shame in rejecting the worst parts. That has strengthened Korea.

As a near-immigrant, I have felt very welcomed in Korea… but I have assimilated. I work hard to demonstrate the best parts of Korean culture while maintaining the best parts of American culture. I don’t demand anything be done American style… but I am not afraid to do something American style if it is obviously superior within the framework of Korean and American manners.

I am also a productive member of Korean society… not taking a Korean job… but creating my own job that benefits Korea.

That could be a goal of “immigration reform”.


MTB Rider

The email reads: “I am sorry to inform you that my client does not hire Irish people due to the alcoholism nature of your kind.”

Anybody who thinks this is unreasonable has never met any of the Irish girls who teach English in Korea. I have not met them all… but EVERY ONE I ever met was a raging alcoholic… and a bit irritating after drinking, as well.

…just calling ’em like I see ’em.

10 years ago


President Obama assassinated by Navy SEAL… as reported on CNN!

comment image

In other, less exciting news, CNN is hiring a new graphic artist.

10 years ago
10 years ago

Army apologizes for policy approving use of word ‘Negro’

Maybe the United Negro College Fund should change their name to the United African American College Fund also.

10 years ago

Andy is right about “United Negro College Fund”. Playing the race card ought to involve actual racism, not some sort of twisted “it’s okay when we say it but not for you” schtick.

JoeC, The bit about MacArthur given in the article is debatable; but they leave out how the pompous fellow lost his whole air force on the ground eight hours AFTER being notified of the attacks on Pearl Harbor. And a friend’s father was S2 for 7th Infantry Regt and said (after several were captured and sent back) Mac gave orders not to send captured Chinese back to Corps for questioning as the Red Army was not going to get involved…

10 years ago

Breaking News
Chickenhead’s boyfriend is happy that they live in a GOP state so that he doesn’t have to listen to Chickenhead beg him everyday to marry him.

@ Andy,
Bae’s family lied to the American gov’t saying he was in ill health but he seemed to be in perfect health getting off the plane. Who’d a thunk it?

10 years ago

Kenneth Bae is “standing strong” and walking/talking perfectly fine already so what is he “recovering” from? He and/or his family are a bunch of liars. If it’s a mental thing then maybe I can understand like Chickenhead mentally thinks about me and researches me on his Rokdrop off time.

10 years ago

Tom spoiled Act II of the Tbone Show.

Maybe we should go directly to Act III where we watch a video of Tbone indignantly picketing the hogwon that fired him…

…and, of course, he looks pretty much as you would expect…

…like someone who needs to be fired.

Tbone, do you want to star in your own reality show?

10 years ago

Link please or it never happened……and I’m almost positive it did happen……

MTB Rider
10 years ago

I remember when tbone posted those videos.
What I don’t understand is why tbone keeps hanging around at this forum. He hated Korea, and bragged about how much better his life would be once he left the Land of the Morning Clam, yet when he got to the States he kept coming back to this page to be slapped around by a bunch of guys who can smell bull sh!t from a mile away.

Why are you here, tbone? You sometimes post Leftists/Democrat propaganda, but you don’t seem like you even believe it yourself, it’s just what you do to try and get a reaction out of people.
Little secret tbone? Let it go. I had a really bad command when I was in the Navy. They treated me like crap, and I was so frustrated every day. So I quit even trying to get them to like me, and went off in pursuit of my degree, and the perfect wave. Got both.

After I left there, my next command recommended me for an Officer’s program. Meanwhile, the “Golden Children” from my previous command were caught giving knobbers behind the Post Office, or hiding cameras in the female locker room, or boinking the junior enlisted… Guess who got the last laugh?

Some folks hang onto the bitterness, or transfer it to something else, like you have appear to have done here. Let it go, and move on. And don’t do that thing again, OK?

10 years ago

Hey, that’s a decent thing for you to say MTB Rider. As much as I disagree with Tbone on almost everything and think his manner of posting is atrocious, I would still hope he could let go of his hangups and move on to a successful, less confrontational life. I sincerely mean it.

Even if I truly hated someone -which is hard to do having never met them- it doesn’t improve my lot in life if bad things happen to them.

If you are determined enough, there is almost nothing in this life that you can’t rebound from. I hope that he can.

10 years ago

” it doesn’t improve my lot in life if bad things happen to them.”

That is not entirely true.

Sometimes bad things result in behavior modification… and when those behaviors were disruptive, their modification has a positive result for everyone around.

Examples (in order of real to theoretical)

– The general flow of uninterrupted thoughtful and clever conversation here has been much higher when everyone is intelligently discussing issues rather than responding to Tom/Teadrinker/Tbone/Glans intentional nonsense.

While I would never support censorship or ban of these individuals, they can frequently be driven to self-exile simply by exposing who they really are… to themselves… and making them confront reality while shattering the artificial shell they have developed around themselves.

Tbone is a good example because he has all of the same flaws he complains about in Koreans… but he cannot admit it… even to himself… unless confronted directly… and even now, he is internally wrestling with it… noted by his almost nonsensical refocus away from the issues and on to my imagined sodomy habits and other bazaar insults.

– As a non-Korean living in Korea, actions of other foreigners might have some direct affect on me. Self-policing is a good policy for responsible members of the foreign community… or any community (lookin’ at you, ghettos)… anything from gentle advice to those who are misguided to sabotage of those who are hopeless or evil.

The change in American culture from one of conservative skepticism toward craziness to progressive everything-is-equal-and-valid… while a ratings-driven media pushes it and an apathetic population sits by and accepts it… has done the nation no favors.

– One of the reasons society is so screwed up these days is because people accept stupidity. They might argue issues on the surface but they never get to the root. Teadrinker’s constant whine about Global Warming is a good example.

He went on and on and on about it… and there are millions more like him perpetuating the nonsense. Once it was established, completely by his own revelations, that he really just dreamed of a big imported SUV to show off, all the Global Warming talk went away as he was forced to confront his own internal reality.

If the focus was less on the manipulated-beyond-recognition “science” and more on why the people pushing Global Warming act like they in no way believe in Global Warming, much of the bullshyt would be stripped away to make room for sincere people trying to confront serious problems such as pollution, deforestation, overpopulation, etc.

There are a million more distracting issued that should be stripped away to refocus attention on important issues that will make a better life for everyone.

…so, if there was more self-policing against stupidity by functional members of society to call bullshyt on the disruptive fringe, there would be:

– a better local environment… such as if ghetto culture changed so leadership encouraged education and moderate behavior while bringing bad attention to those who were disruptive.

– a better society in general when much of the cultural and political noise was exposed as the nonsense it is.

Bringing self-created bad things to bad people for the purposes of behavior modification might positively affect me. If everyone sensible was doing it, it would positively affect everyone with a sum greater than the parts.

Positive examples, from kids grouping together to beat the class bully to much of the prison system are proof this can work.

10 years ago

Valid points. Be nice if he could self reflect without a significant emotional event, but chances are probably slim to none.

John in NY
John in NY
10 years ago

The unveiling of Tom and Baek. I salute you guys. You guys are pretty darn good. What are you guys h4x0rcists?

John in NY
John in NY
10 years ago

Sorry, I meant Tbone.

10 years ago

@MTB Rider
“Why are you here, tbone? You sometimes post Leftists/Democrat propaganda:

You’re not the authority “here.”

You(and your GOP bedfellas/johnnyboy, John in NY, Chickenhead) probably won’t even understand below because of your poor English listening skills ~

You have the conservative media ~ The Weekly Standard & Hot Air

and then the normal media ~

Conservative media creates parallel universe
Rachel Maddow discusses how the conservative media has built a narrative based on what people want to hear, not on the facts, about President Obama’s nominee for Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

10 years ago

You can add Breitbart and World Net Daily(calling for Obama impeachment and asking for donations) to the long list of republican “propaganda”(LIES).

10 years ago

Like Glans, Tbone is an irritant because he posts links rather than posting opinions backed up by links.

If I wanted to read leftist propaganda, I would just go to those sites and read their daily output.

In reality, even Rachel Madcow makes a good point now and then… but it is surrounded by so much misinformation and misrepresentation, that really isn’t possible to read daily.

Tbone, if you really believe thus stuff, don’t bother with links. Share your opinion and explain why you believe it. If someone argues with you, share the links with facts that support your argument… but be aware, supporting your opinion with a link that simply goes to the opinion of someone else who plays fast and loose with the facts is not really support.

That applies to both the right and left.

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

CH: “be aware, supporting your opinion with a link that simply goes to the opinion of someone else who plays fast and loose with the facts is not really support.”

The same goes for verses from the quran, bible, or dianetics.

10 years ago

Don’t you dare talk bad about Dianetics or I will clamp my E-meter to your nads and realign your Thetan.

MTB Rider
10 years ago

Did a little poking around YouTube, and stumbled across these little gems:

No hacking involved, just being able to use a search engine.

So, do you leave these videos up in an attempt to help any hagwon teachers who might follow, or delete them to keep yourself from looking like a spaz? Heck, maybe you will win over a few people. Not me though. I did offer you a friendly hand, but you are so far gone you couldn’t recognize it as such.

10 years ago

CH, I don’t need opinions when facts are more important. It’s a fact, the GOP is full of much more propaganda than the “Leftists/Democrat” which is now mostly the middle/moderate. The GOP is so f***** up there are(and have been for a LONG time) numerous comedians making fun of them since there is so much BS the GOP comes up with. Who does the GOP have…,Dennis Miller? He’s so bad he needs to travel with Bill O’Reilly to sell tickets. The FACT is Dennis MIller ain’t got enough “Leftists/Democrat” material.

I wouldn’t be saying much if I said it’s of my “opinion” that you’re a self described illegal hacker who needs/seeks illegal and/or morally corrupt help from others to do so, a bully denying idiot who thinks about/researches me in your free time = you’re mentally ill requiring professional shrink type help or else you’ll again be going nutty like these people on the f-train…

Chickenhead, John in NY, Johnnyboy, and MTB Rider are like the girls in this group…

Did you hear what you get when there are 4 GOP’s(John in NY, Johnnyboy, MTB Rider, and Chickenhead) in the same room?

Answer: John in NY doing Johnnyboy in the bathroom stall, John in NY getting ridden by hop-a-long MTB Rider who forms a human centipede 3rd in line, not to be outdone by Chickenhead at the end or 4th in line licking, tasting, and eating up all their human excrement.

10 years ago

Talk like a biitch, get smacked like a biitch.

10 years ago

Funny how many homophobic comments tbone uses. The left used to say that was code used by those still in the closet. Otherwise, why do they fantasize about it?

I really feel sorry for tbone. He needs help and no one with the knowledge of where he lives has contacted the authorities to prevent him from harming himself.

10 years ago

It turns out Tbone has a criminal record in Korea as well as the United States.

Since his punishment was a fine of less than two million won, he was not deported.

Korea messed up.

But no problem.

Tbone won’t be allowed back in Korea… or Japan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, or the popular destinations in the Middle East.

Also, his Colorado arrest, which may not have been forwarded to the FBI at the time has now been added to his file for sure… along with a copy of his Korean criminal case.

The deeper I dig, the more I realize Tbone is a first class wanker… the type of American that gives all Americans a bad name overseas and makes life more difficult for everyone.

I assure you all that a service has been done for the country to keep Tbone confined to his minimum wage life in America where he can only engage in petty crime with petty people.

I might be on to some more serious crime he is engaged in… stay tuned.

Yes, Tbone, I AM greatly interested in you.

I think it might be caused by my diet of thrice-digested human excretment.

MTB Rider
10 years ago

Really tbone? You say I lack reading comprehension, but you didn’t read what I wrote.

I didn’t tell you to leave ROK Drop; I asked why are you here? You’re not going to change anyone’s opinion of you, or any of the issues you think are important by acting like a drunken fool.

You hated Korea, and you left (or were kicked out). You bragged how much better your life would be, yet you seem as miserable as ever. You keep coming to this site just to yell and rant like a hobo, then stagger off to huff more paint or whatever you do.

Anyways, I found your videos on YouTube, and can see you were as much of an idiot then as you are now.
(Watch the whole series, before tbone deletes them)

So, what do you do now? Delete the videos, and eliminate your warning to the next ESL teacher who wants to come teach, or leave them up for us to mock you? And if you delete them, you pretty much admit you were wrong.

10 years ago

He cannot delete them…thanks to the magic of YouTube Video Downloader, they can live…


I was hoping to save that link for a rainy day… but, perhaps, now is as good of time as any.

There is a lot of interesting stuff in it that a sharp eye can notice on one viewing.

As it seems human excrement has made other members of Tbone’s human centipede intetested in him, perhaps it is a good group challenge to see what conclusions they can draw.

Also, it is likely Tbone has forgotten the password to thst account… if you know what I mean.

John in NY
John in NY
10 years ago

Ok, I went and saw a few of these. Tbone’s videos do betray his lack of social acumen but the hagwon owner is douchebaggy himself if he indeed kicked him out like this. However, taking it in the butt and then raging against all Koreans b/c you are impotent in your fight against the hagwon owner is reaching Baek in Jae territory and won’t win you much sympathy with the rest of us.

10 years ago

Not quite John in NY. According to what that hagwon owner said in one of the videos, Tbonehead the trespasser was given plenty of time to vacate the home after he was fired, but refused to do so. As you can see, Tbone had locked himself in, giving a false impression to those men that he had vacated the premises. Tbone says he was illegally fired. Since when has it become illegal to fire someone for gross abuse at work?

10 years ago

“Talk like a biitch, get smacked like a biitch.”

Are you physically threatening me again?

You claim to know all about me so come and get me Chickenhead!

“Also, his Colorado arrest, which may not have been forwarded to the FBI at the time has now been added to his file for sure… along with a copy of his Korean criminal case.”

“for sure”

See what I mean, Chickenhead is an idiot, along with his girly companions.

10 years ago

I’m not hungry right now but I will be in about 6-12 hours, so if the first person in the centipede could have a meal that would be greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt.

10 years ago

“Chickenhead is an idiot”

Correction: A mentally ill idiot!

10 years ago

setnaffa & tom,

Want desperately to join the girly group and are just other GOP hypocrites. Setnaffa and Tom will have to get behind Chickenhead in their human centipede so stick your heads down and up Chickenheads rear-end and start licking, tasting, and eating up all the previous mentioned folks excrement. Now, I vote setnaffa to be at the end of their growing human centipede behind Tom.

10 years ago

Chickenhead should change his name to Chickenfecalmatter or Chicken s h * t h e a d because he’s full of it.

10 years ago

“You claim to know all about me so come and get me Chickenhead!”

Correction: Come on punk face Chicken s h * t h e a d, come and get me!

10 years ago

I don’t need to come and get you.

You have been coming and getting yourself your entire life.

10 years ago

Would the person at the front of the centipede please eat more corn so there is something left for me this time?

Maybe eat ONLY corn… as I am now excreting for two.

10 years ago

“Like Glans, Tbone is an irritant because he posts links rather than posting opinions backed up by links.”

Ummm dork face I posted my opinions but of course you(dummkopf) didn’t provide any counter response dummy.

So I’ll again copy/paste what I did before after stating that you’re standing up to your name “Chicken s h * t h e a d” by punking out ~ not a surprise.

Below is what Chicken s h * t h e a d has conveniently ignored after demanding to hear my opinion, funny thing is he ain’t got no response ~ Hahahahaha!!!

“CH, I don’t need opinions when facts are more important. It’s a fact, the GOP is full of much more propaganda than the “Leftists/Democrat” which is now mostly the middle/moderate. The GOP is so f***** up there are(and have been for a LONG time) numerous comedians making fun of them since there is so much BS the GOP comes up with. Who does the GOP have…,Dennis Miller? He’s so bad he needs to travel with Bill O’Reilly to sell tickets. The FACT is Dennis MIller ain’t got enough “Leftists/Democrat” material.

I wouldn’t be saying much if I said it’s of my “opinion” that you’re a self described illegal hacker who needs/seeks illegal and/or morally corrupt help from others to do so, a bully denying idiot who thinks about/researches me in your free time = you’re mentally ill requiring professional shrink type help or else you’ll again be going nutty like these people on the f-train.”

Chickenhead, John in NY, Johnnyboy, and MTB Rider(plus setnaffa) are like the girls in this group…

10 years ago

MTB Rider or one of his sissygirls…

…have also yet to counter the link below even after his claim of “Leftists/Democrat propaganda.” What a bunch of lazy sissygirls can’t even come up with any MOST RECENT so called “Leftists/Democrat propaganda” which I did by providing a link below…

Conservative media creates parallel universe
Rachel Maddow discusses how the conservative media has built a narrative based on what people want to hear, not on the facts, about President Obama’s nominee for Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

10 years ago

Tbone, it’s not that commenters here can’t come up with anything…

…it’s that nobody cares to engage you… as, apart from echoing leftist talking points, you seem to have no real opinion of your own that is grounded in experience or reality.

There can be no debate because there is no substance.

Don’t worry. The left and right both have more than their fair share of alternate reality construction. You can find it on the left just as easily… if you can be intellectually honest with yourself.

Tbone, as hard as it is to believe, you are actually more pathetic than Tom… as he is just playing a game and really doesn’t even take himself seriously.

I almost feel like I should just ignore you from now on as an act of compassion… as you are socially self-destructive… and perhaps, at some point, physically self-destructive.

Your only admirable quality is the resiliency of your Retard Strength… which is when the class retard is fighting a bigger guy… yet no matter how many times he gets knocked down or how much his nose bleeds, he bawls incoherently and runs foreward through the tears, swinging wildly and ineffectively while onlookers laugh with increasing discomfort… and he keeps doing it until much of the crowd shakes their head and tells the other guy just to leave the retard alone… as the “fight” has descended into pathetic farce.

Tbone, how did you get so screwed up in life? Is it all substance abuse or did your mother not love you enough?

Distant father?

Sneaky uncle?

…though the real question is how you managed to stay in Korea so long… being that I have (so far) found FOUR police reports in Korea with your name on them… and I suspect there are a few more.

Fighting on a public street, Tbone? Seriously? WTF is wrong with you?

How much damage did you do to America and Americans in your decade-long rampage in Korea? And how many others like you are there currently in Korea causing needless trouble for the majority of teachers and residents who have no problems… or resolve them with much more elgance.

Tbone, I really want to play a game where, for every interesting observation someone makes of your video, I will make one…

…but I am starting to feel bad…

…as your responses have already deteriorated to the level of irrational insults, empty threats, and odd repetition… indicative of anger, depression, and substance abuse issues.

I recognize that you are not in a good place… you have no marketable skills, you are unlikely to ever have as good of income as you did in Korea, and you didn’t save money… and eventually, the charity of others will dry up on you… as it has done several times in your past, with hurt feelings all around.

Your future is not just dim… but bordering on hopeless.

Combined with substance abuse, and possible self-medication issues, this is a recipe for self harm.

Coming here and deliberately provoking further abuse… real abuse over your history and character, rather than just meaningless insults, is a good indication the downward spiral of self-harm has already begun.

…and there is little chance of recovery unless you make a commitment to move past a lifetime of anguish and desperation, take control of your life away from mind altering substances, make a realistic plan for future emotional and economic success, and then put that plan into action with true focus and dedication.

Otherwise you are soon to be something between a sad old man living alone in a subsidized apartment surrounded by the screaming children of chronically dependent minorities, another broken life reeking of mouthwash while seeking a musty bed in a homeless shelter, or a faceless suicide statistic.

The choice is yours, Tbone.

Good luck in making a good choice…

…from all of us here in the centipede.

10 years ago

This is what I hear every time I see tbone lash out:

Seriously, tbone, get help. Call your Pastor or someone at the County. I am sorry that you have not been better taken care of by your friends, or us.

We won’t think less of you for getting help. Not even CH will. And your place here won’t be taken away. Everyone needs help sometimes.

You, having spent time in Korea, have some shared experiences with us; but you need to get straight before you can share them wisely. And you need to drop all of the hate and anger before it hurts you more.

2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV) states, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Believe it. Hold onto it. Get well.

10 years ago

All kidding aside, Tbone, we all have our differences here and I suspect that I wouldn’t like you if I met you in real life, but I urge you to talk to someone and get some help. I would respect you more if you did, actually.

I am being serious. I am not trying to make fun of you. We can argue politics or Korea all day long but in the end I care about every one here even if only on the most basic level as human beings.

I am sure some of us here have had to talk to therapists, clergy, or even someone they trust as a confidant about issues they are working through. No shame in getting help.

I can’t speak for the rest but I can say that I wouldn’t give you any crap for getting assistance with any issues.

Like setnaffa said, there are free resources. Like me, you probably aren’t very religious and would have second thoughts about getting help from a church leader, but if you told one that you didn’t want to hear about religion and you just needed to talk to someone, I am almost positive they would be willing to talk man to man without preaching the word. Preservation of life is a core value of most places of worship.

Please please please talk to someone. I think you will be glad you did.

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

If anyone seriously wants Tbone to get help, please refer him to a professional, not witch doctors and ancient scribblings from near eastern goat herders. Hell, those things might have contributed to his current state at some point.

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