Sony Reportedly Links North Korea to Massive Cyberattack

Reports are stating that Sony has linked North Korea to the cyberattack against their company:

sony image

A Sony Pictures internal investigation has identified North Korea as the source of a devastating computer attack, and the studio is deliberating whether to announce the findings publicly, according to a person familiar with the discussions.

The company’s investigation has linked the hackers that stole a major holiday film release and unleashed a destructive computer worm to a North Korean group known as DarkSeoul, which was responsible for similar attacks on South Korean banks and television studios last year, a second person familiar with the investigation said.  [Stars & Stripes]

I don’t think there is much Sony can do about this other than they need to improve their network security from these attacks.  If North Korea was able to do this imagine what the Russians or Chinese could do with their advanced hacking operations? Companies need to make network security a top priority.

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