Has North Korea Effectively Silenced Hollywood with Sony Cyber Attack?

Sony Pictures has decided to cancel the release of “The Interview” due to the fact many movie theaters decided not to show the film due to the various threats made online against anyone showing it.  This decision has upset celebrities because it appears North Korea who the US government has supposedly linked to the hack has been able to silence free speech in the US:

Celebrities expressed their outrage at Sony Picture’s decision to cancel plans to release “The Interview” on Christmas Day on Twitter.

The news comes after many major theater owners canceled next week’s screenings of the controversial film, which depicts the assassination of North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un.

U.S. investigators appeared ready to blame North Korea for the crippling hack attack at Sony Pictures, which saw the leak of internal emails and personal information that escalated to a threat that people should avoid going to theaters where “The Interview” is playing.

When the film was pulled, celebrities vented their disappointment and raised concerns about the precedent it would set for controversial films in the future.

Actor Judd Apatow, a friend of one of the film’s lead actors Seth Rogen, tweeted: “I think it is disgraceful that these theaters are not showing The Interview. Will they pull any movie that gets an anonymous threat now?

West Wing actor Rob Lowe, who also makes a cameo appearance in the film said: “Wow. Everyone caved. The hackers won. An utter and complete victory for them.  [CNN]

You can read much more celebrity feedback at the link. However, I cannot blame the theaters because I think they are less worried about a bomb attack, but instead more worried about being hacked like Sony was.  I’m sure all these movie companies are probably now doing huge reviews of their network security right now.  Yes if North Korea was behind this attack they have effectively been able to silence Hollywood and even silence future movies about North Korea:

The shockwaves from the Sony hack have finally reached Hollywood’s development community, as New Regency has pulled the plug on its Steve Carell movie “Pyongyang,” which Gore Verbinski had been prepping for a March start date, an individual familiar with the project has told TheWrap.

Based on the graphic novel by Guy Delisle, “Pyongyang” is a paranoid thriller about a Westerner’s experiences working in North Korea for a year.  [The Wrap]

A plus for all of this out this hack is that the Kim regime has saved us from watching what reviewers are calling not a great movie. On a downside it looks like there will never be a Team America Part 2.

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10 years ago

Not that we would ever have known for sure … but I wouldn’t be surprised if KJU found many parts of this movie to be very entertaining.

10 years ago

I applaud North Korea and their fearless direct action in punishing greedy studios for releasing unfunny comedies by unfunny comedians.

Hopefully ISIS does something about the stream of lame superhero reboots with some much-needed beheadings in Hollywood.

Iran really needs to crack down on by-the-tired-numbers buddy cop movies. Perhaps a dirty bomb could solve that.

Liberia could erase the whole formula chick flick problem with the introduction of Ebola.

Then they could work on the music industry.

The world is quickly becoming a better place.

10 years ago

Sony execs still not convinced it was North Korea, they think it was an inside job.


10 years ago

Team America: World Police:
Paramount Pictures released this movie in 2004 but there was barely a problem with that but since the Japanese owns Sony and they dare show anything about Koreans then…”The Interview” previously titled: “Kill Kim, Jong-un”…and then backtracked/re-titled(not far/good enough) makes the Korean male(chicken/snakehead little penis shrink.

One of the songs in “The Interview” soundtrack…
“I’m Afraid of Americans”

Like N. Koreans/S. Koreans, chicken/snakehead is also afraid of Americans and the world.

10 years ago

Koreans, north and south HATE the Japanese and/or Japanese companies like Sony. I’d bet the S. Koreans acquiesced to the N. Koreans in the attempt to bring down Sony.

It’s time the Japanese Cyber Attack South & North Korean companies. Let’s get it on! chicken/snakehead little penis must only be an inch or two? Come on Japan, cyber attack the Koreans!

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

Why doesn’t Sony have an encrypted corporate network?

What they should do is release the movie immediately on as many free streaming sites as possible, Youtube for example. I doubt it cost that much to make so it would be a great gesture. It will eventually get out anyway, it might as well be on their terms and to their credit. Also, go ahead and throw it on the bit torrent network. This would ensure maximum dissemination.

Or they could pull a reverse whammy and claim the hackers released it. LOL

10 years ago

…but they need to soup it up a bit.

While the original ending was cleared with the government (WTF?) and things were toned down due to studio concerns, they need to go all-out over the top.

The sad thing here is that they are picking on poor Kim Jong-un who would probably be much happier to go back to Switzerland and live rich and anonymous than be a controlled figurehead amid the constant dangers and stresses of court intrigue.

Hot Stuff
Hot Stuff
10 years ago

I see it going straight to DVD, right away while the buzz is still strong.

10 years ago

Racist movie it is says Koreans. Yup, even S. Koreans/Gyopo etc..say so, one claimed that the movie was bad and objectified Asian women when they appeared with Kim, Jong-un in bikinis(I’m not sure if they were really bikinis or not?), and topless playing basketball.

This movie just might bring the two, both north and south to unify? Thank you Sony!

10 years ago

“Racist movie it is says Koreans.”

Tbone was probably a fantastic English teacher for Koreans wishing to do business on Dagobah.

10 years ago

After ‘Neighbors’ (one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen) I’m not paying theater prices to see anything with Seth Rogen.

10 years ago

Looks like some Sony employees are filing lawsuits over the hacking:

10 years ago

Maybe the NK’s should watch the Harold & Kumar series; more sophomoric Hollywood comedy.

They might particularly enjoy “Escape from Guantanamo Bay” where the Asian American lead characters break into the vacation cabin of a clueless and out of touch “W” Bush and smoke dope with him.

Nobody is sacred.

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