New Law Would Reduce the Number of Native English Teaching Jobs In Korea

Bad news for native English teachers in Korea if this comes into law because it would reduce the number of English teaching jobs available in Korea:

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Some 100 owners of private English institutes across Korea gathered in Seoul, Tuesday, to protest the government’s plan to ban native teachers from working at so-called English language kindergartens.

This comes after the Ministry of Education announced the plan last week as part of its efforts to help households reduce spending on private education.

Such institutes for children are often called English kindergartens, although they are not registered as under the law. With intensive English programs, they usually charge about double the cost of other kindergartens.

The ministry is now collecting opinions about the plan before making a final decision.

Members of the Korea Association of Hagwon said that the new policy not only hurts children’s ability to improve their English, but also violates parents’ right to choose the way they educate their children.  [Korea Times]

You can read more at the link, but the plan to ban native English teachers is supposed to reduce the costs of sending children to English hagwons.

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10 years ago

Soo.. reduce the costs of education? These are the same people who justify other actions by saying they’re doing it to improve the quality of education. Higher quality at lower cost, this from a country that has allowed a thing such as Shinsaegi to exist. Seriously, when are the zombies coming? Can we get some freaking zombies please? Really only way out of this toilet we’re allowing government to flush us down.

10 years ago

But if this happens, where will all the pedophiles work?

10 years ago

Somewhere not in Korea I’d guess. Eligible hetero military guys rejoice as the competition is going to thin out it would seem.

10 years ago

Good news for white people in Korea. Now they can go home and not have to suffer greatly in Korea. You are now free to go, slaves.

10 years ago

Here you go Tom, Merry Christmas:

10 years ago

Then where would people like Tbone go to find a job?

10 years ago

I keep thinking of The Ah’nuld, in Kindergarten Cop. Trying to keep a room full of 5 year old kids in line and you don’t even speak their language must be maddening.

10 years ago

Sensationalism at its GI Korea norm…What is new here? It’s been reported that Kindergarten teaching by E-2 language teachers is already illegal. But the ROKDROP minions all jump on the S. Korean anti – “foreign” English speaking teacher bandwagon so I’ll keep on the anti-servicemembers bandwagon.

Don’t you minions know that ALL English Kindergarten teaching(by foreign English teachers with E-2 visas) has been illegal for some time now? BTW, how many of you teach/taught English for $$$ to anyone without an E-2 visa? Uh huh, I thought so you illegal SOB’s!!!

Even this so-called future new law won’t stop USA servicemembers from teaching English illegally in S. Korea no matter the age of students(Kindergarten or not), you little mental dummies but big body dummies.

So, whenever the S. Korean media speaks of “foreign English teachers/illegal English teachers” you’re all included, including contract workers like your superhuman like monster chicken/snake/EGGHEAD has also done it/broken the S. Korean “foreign” English teaching law(I pity his students – especially those teeny bops(male/female) he taught underage and molested). Really, chicken/snake/EGGHEAD you should be HIV/AIDS tested to do that.

‘On January 23, 2013, NoCut News published the following article: Unqualified foreign kindergarten English instructors triumphant… management and supervision of the mess [CBS 3rd in a series] Kindergarten system should be ‘shaken up’ and completely reorganized’
“I’m shocked… that NoCut News just figured out that this is going on.

It had been nearly two months without a negative article about foreign teachers when NoCut News decided to excrete the article above, which is also the first such article of 2013. Congratulations, NoCut News! This is on top of another accolade, that being of having published the most anti-foreign teacher articles in 2012. Out of 249 such articles, they racked up 24, thanks, in great part, to their “The Reality and Twisted Values of Some White Men” series.

It’s probably worth noting that NoCut News is brought to us by CBS, which stands for ‘Christian Broadcasting Service,’ which outlines its mission here:…”

10 years ago

I never taught English for compensation, but I was tasked to go to the Dongducheon fire station once or twice a week for a month or so to meet with Korean citizens who were interested in learning conversational English and sharing culture with American Service members.

I actually enjoyed the opportunity to be a good ambassador. It was nice to see Koreans who were interested in bonding with Americans.

I knew people who returned to the fire station beyond their tasking requirement because they made good friends with some of the people there.

It’s not hard to find a Korean to become good drinking buddies with.

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