Sony’s “The Interview” is Released and Critics are Not Impressed

The highly controversial movie “The Interview” was released yesterday despite threats from North Korean sponsored hackers and that means more reviews of the movie are in.  Like some of the initial screening reviews I read these reviews are not good either:

The Hollywood Reporter’s Todd McCarthy calls it “an intensely sophomoric and rampantly uneven comic takedown of an easy but worrisomely unpredictable target, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. In the relatively sparse annals of irreverent major studio comedies that pissed off foreign nations, for big laughs this one doesn’t rate anywhere near Borat or Team America: World Police. … As political satire goes, The Interview has the comic batting average of a mediocre-to-average Saturday Night Live sketch, with a few potent laughs erupting from an overall mash of sex, drugs and TV broadcasting jokes that feel rooted in a sense of humor primarily characterized by a frat-boy/altered state/prolonged adolescence mind-set.”

Additionally, “if you set up as provocative a premise as do the makers of The Interview, you ultimately have to deal with all its implications; let’s just say that what concludes the film is rote action, simplistic wish-fulfillment stuff that feels cheap and naive and more concerned with looking coolly kick-ass than with any real-world consequences. Even if one part of the film is sincere in wanting to highlight North Korea’s negatives (famine, ideological orthodoxy, cult of personality, militarism, nuclear brinkmanship, et al.), the larger part is devoted to very Western-style sexual grossness, deterministic outrageousness, self-satisfied obliviousness and contended immaturity.” Alongside Franco and Rogen, “Park brings great energy and enthusiasm to his tricky job of portraying the world’s least known big-deal ruler — there are even scenes of him getting the famous Kim haircut and selecting a suit from a closet full of identical ones.”  [The Hollywood Reporter]

You can read more reviews at the link, but this movie appears to be pretty horrible.  I think I will pass on watching it even if it is supposed to be my patriotic duty now to do so.  Has any ROK Heads seen this film and can verify how bad it is?

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10 years ago

I watched it via Youtube Movies ($5.99 for 48 hours of viewing). If you are familiar with Korean culture, I think you’ll find it to be entertaining and worth watching. If you are not familiar with Korean culture and are looking for a great comedy – this probably isn’t it. Caveat: if you like good sophomoric humor (Porky’s, American Pie, etc.) – you will probably enjoy this even if you know nothing about Korea.

Diana Bang (who plays the role “Sook”) was my favorite in this movie.

10 years ago

So it was making fun of the entire Korean culture? Who are these yellow clowns who will make white people laugh?

10 years ago

“sense of humor primarily characterized by a frat-boy/altered state/prolonged adolescence mind-set”

Perfect description of white guys who never grow up.

10 years ago

You obviously have not seen the movie and your reading comprehension skills are also woefully lacking.

But since you asked, “Who are these yellow clowns who will make white people laugh?”

Diana Bang was born and raised in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

10 years ago

That’s one of the clowns in yellow costume acting and talking like a monkey to please the white man controlling the screen. What a disgraceful traitor.

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

…lowns in yellow costume acting and talking like a monkey to please the white man…

Sounds like the average day in the life of Tom.

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

…a disgraceful traitor.

And that perfectly describes a draft dodging runaway Tom.

/self loathing much?

10 years ago

Tom does have a good point somewhere in there.

The days of the minstrel show are over.

It is no longer acceptable to show negative black stereotypes for amusement.

There would be riots and looted shops if a movie came out showing big-lipped lazy blacks sitting around eating watermellon and fried chicken while waiting for their welfare check to buy crack. Etc.

On the other hand, rice-eating, r/l confusing, narrow eyed, short peniis Asians are acceptable to ridicule.

Asians are too busy running shops and sending their kids to engineering school to do much complaining or looting.

But a double standard exists.

White hillbillies and rednecks as well as generic residents of the Middle East are frequently shown through negitive steteotype as well.

In reality, people should suck it up. A toothless white hillbilly screwing his sister while high on meth is every bit as amusing as 4 black guys stopping the raape of a white girl after noticing a basketball.

Sooo… who cares if Asians get bent out of shape over negitive stereotypes… but they should be bent out of shape when some groups are protected from it through special treatment.

10 years ago

Minstrel show?

You know there’s no requirement to slip in a dorky AD&D reference to all your posts. We get it, you’re a nerd.

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