Picture of the Day: Kim Yo-jong Wears Wedding Ring
Shown is Kim Yo-jong, the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, accompanying the leader to an orphanage in Pyongyang on Jan. 1, 2015. She wears a finger ring amid speculation she recently married a son of Choe Ryong-hae, a senior secretary of the North’s ruling Workers’ Party seen as the North’s second-most powerful man. (Yonhap)
Finally, after so many scrawny skanks in tacky fashion, ROK Drop has posted a hot babe!
…a high forehead denoting intelligence, bullethole nostrils projecting power, incisor gap showing off hip trendiness, and a mongoloid expression displaying innocence and approachability with a hint of coquettish unpredictability…
…all in a sharp black uniform exuding sincere fascist chic.
Obviously not as hot as her brother in goth drag… but still worth a peep.
Fear not. A quick series of trips to Gangnam, and the doctors there will be able to fix everything.
Why go with natural looks when you can be remolded into CGI “perfectness?”