North Korea Demands that the US and South Korea Stop Military Exercises

Remember when everyone in the media was highlighting Kim Jong-un’s offer of high level talks as some great thing?  Like I said then he was just playing the media to frame the US and the ROK as the bad guys when the North Koreans like they always do make demands to stop US-ROK military exercises:

korea us flag image

North Korea called on South Korea Sunday to stop all military exercises, including joint drills with the United States, if it really wants to improve inter-Korean ties.

“If the South is truly determined to improve inter-Korean relations through dialogue and negotiations … it should stop all kinds of war schemes, including reckless military exercises carried out jointly with foreign forces,” Minju Joson, North Korea’s cabinet newspaper, said. “War rehearsals and dialogues cannot coexist.”

The North Korean newspaper also warned that if Seoul sticks to the joint war rehearsals against the North, inter-Korean relations will get much worse and the South Korean government will have to take all the responsibility for it.

The Sunday warning is the latest in the North’s recent desperate efforts to stop rounds of military exercises conducted annually between South Korea and the U.S.  [Yonhap]

You can read more at the link.

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10 years ago

Yea, okay, we will get right on it…NOT!

MTB Rider
10 years ago

Maybe the North should make the gesture of not holding their annual training, and even moving back from the DMZ?
No? Really? Huh.

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

Maybe we should let them know we would consider scaling back exercises and joint talks if the norK’s can go for a year or so without committing provocative acts and not making provocative statements and threats…

10 years ago

Do it, stop, or do whatever they say. Just say yes, whatever you/Kim, Jong-un say but of course ask for something in return or ask what they will do in response/Quid pro quo?

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
10 years ago

The point being they have to do it FIRST, as I recommended above because the norK’s ALWAYS renege on each and every promise and agreement. Force them to be good for a year.

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