Picture of the Day: LAPD Learns Korean Culture
Los Angeles Police Department officers enjoy Korean food at an event to experience Korean culture at the Korean Culture Center in Los Angeles on Jan. 8, 2015. (Yonhap)
Los Angeles Police Department officers enjoy Korean food at an event to experience Korean culture at the Korean Culture Center in Los Angeles on Jan. 8, 2015. (Yonhap)
Later in the day, the Koreans passed on their extensive knowledge of establishing effective defensive firing positions from the top of one story structures.
I won’t believe the LAPD appreciates Korean culture until they replaced the first two .454 magnum +P+ Teflon coated tungstun core mercury-filled double-expanding razor-tipped serrated exploding rounds in their 30 round magazine with warning blanks.
And in a final gesture of Korean cultural appriciation, after a delicious meal of filling Korean food, the LAPD officers took naps in their cars.
And those who did not take naps in their cars went to guard the entrance to the red light districts while also voicing that prostitution is illegal and there is a major crackdown going on.