Emails Show How Jill Kelley Became Honorary Consul for the Republic of Korea

Here is the latest on the former Honorary Consul for the Republic of Korea:

WASHINGTON — Judging from her emails, Jill Kelley was star-struck by the big-name military commanders rotating between the war zones in the Middle East and her home town of Tampa, Florida. And they were equally smitten with her.

“Everyone thinks you’re a RockStar!” Kelley gushed in a 2012 email to Marine Gen. James Mattis, then commander of all U.S. military forces in the Middle East. “We agreed how amazing it must be that you’re single-handedly re-writing history,” she added, recalling how she had sung the general’s praises to several foreign ambassadors at the Republican National Convention that August in Tampa.

After another social event, she wrote a similar mash note to Mattis’s deputy, Vice Adm. Robert Harward. “What a Leader you were to these heads of State,” she enthused. “You ROCK!!!”

Replied Harward: “YOU ROCK MORE!”

In late 2012, Kelley’s talent as a Tampa hostess and her knack for charming men in uniform indirectly triggered one of the most embarrassing national security scandals of the past decade. Among other casualties, the fallout led to the forced resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus – a former four-star Army general – and the early retirement of Marine Gen. John Allen, the commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Kelley’s chumminess with Petraeus and the military brass had attracted the notice of the spymaster’s biographer and mistress, Paula Broadwell. She bad-mouthed Kelley in anonymous emails to military officials and others, according to federal investigators and a lawsuit filed by Kelley. The FBI got involved. Petraeus quit in disgrace. Allen retired.

The case still has not been entirely resolved. The Justice Department is deciding whether to charge Petraeus with leaking classified material to his lover. He has denied doing so.

Long after the scandal broke, it remains unclear what exactly prompted Broadwell to view Kelley as a rival. Kelley has said the two never met and that she never had an affair with Petraeus, Allen or anyone else.

Nor has anyone fully explained why Allen, while busy overseeing the war in Afghanistan, exchanged a blizzard of correspondence with Kelley – between 20,000 and 30,000 pages of emails, according to some senior defense officials. Other officials have said that figure includes many duplicate notes and exaggerates the extent of their communications, adding that there were only about 300 total emails.

The Defense Department inspector general investigated and concluded in 2013 that Allen had not committed any wrongdoing. But it has kept its report and all of Allen’s emails under lock and key.

Now, a glimpse into Kelley’s relationship with military commanders has emerged from another, previously undisclosed batch of emails: her correspondence with Mattis, a legendary Marine, and Harward, a Navy SEAL, from when they served as the top two officers at U.S. Central Command headquarters in Tampa. The Washington Post requested the emails in November 2012 under the Freedom of Information Act. More than two years later, after numerous unexplained delays, the Pentagon released 238 pages of heavily censored documents.

The unredacted portions of the emails – from Mattis’s and Harward’s government email accounts – contain no evidence of improper behavior. But taken together, the records depict two wartime commanders who were easy marks for the flattery of an exuberant socialite. “I wish that we could clone a couple thousand of you, but the land is likely not ready for that big an impact,” Mattis told Kelley in a Jan. 31, 2012, email.

Mattis and Harward, who have since retired from the military, did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Kelley, 39, who still lives in Tampa, referred questions to her attorney, Alan Raul of Washington. He released a statement that read, in part: “The latest set of emails made public by the government simply confirms that Jill Kelley is and was a talented, civic-minded woman doing productive work as Honorary Ambassador to Central Command in Tampa and as Honorary Consul for the Republic of Korea.”

Reading this article I see nothing really scandalous with this emails.  For those wondering how Kelley became the Honorary Consul to South Korea here is how it happened:

In January 2012, for example, the South Korean Embassy in Washington informed Kelley that she had been selected to become an honorary consul. Even though she knew little about the country, she accepted the title with gusto.

“YES!!!! Honorary Consul General. I’m soooooo excited about the humbling honor,” she wrote to Mattis on Jan. 31 to inform him of her appointment. “It’s ironic that I get the request from the state of Korea – which is NOT my expertise. However as a lover of International Politics/Foreign Affairs, I do find the Korean Statehood quite interesting . . . (I’m a lover of conflict problem solving, and have a keen sense of seeking opportunities in chaos.).”

While Kelley’s appointments as ambassador and consul general were honorary positions, the emails indicate she was eager to become a diplomatic player.

I would have to believe that she was picked by South Korea simply because of her connections to top US military leaders in CENTCOM.  Maybe the South Korean intelligence figured she was some good to collect information from simply from letting her talk because she obviously liked talking.

The real scandal out of all of this is why are all these top generals in CENTCOM hanging around with some like this?

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10 years ago

This skank is an obvious player… and obviously dangerous… either through misguided or self-centered plotting or sloppy and careless opportunism.

Military “leadership” being unable to recognize this, or worse, recognizing it but still playing with the fire just because it comes in an appealing package, (further) shakes my faith in their judgement.

The only understandable thing is that General Petraeus was screwing around… as his wife (far right) must wake up every morning with the single goal of transforming herself into a less fukkable version of Hillary Clinton.

10 years ago

“I would have to believe that she was picked by South Korea simply because of her connections to top US military leaders in CENTCOM. Maybe the South Korean intelligence figured she was someone good to collect information from simply from letting her talk because she obviously liked talking.”

No doubt, you’re right in saying she likes to talk. But those carefully cultivated relationships with the top brass in Tampa were her ticket to maintaining her social status and things like invites to future Republican National Conventions, etc. So what would have been her motivation to jeopardize that? Money? I doubt it. The Koreans don’t really give a squat about what’s happening in CENTCOM’s AOR, so it’s highly unlikely they’d have payed her much if anything for that kind of info. If it were something more in Korea’s lane – like the intentions of USFK (OPCON transfer) or the US government’s plans regarding future weapons tech transfer to Korea – that would be something the Koreans would pay for. But she wasn’t going to get that from those Generals. Not without them getting really suspicious about her intentions.

Caveat: mix in some really hot sex – and everything I just said is null and void.

10 years ago

Jill Kelley will clean up on her lawsuit for what David Petraeus and his ilk did. There is no reason her emails should’ve been made public. Why don’t you make this about David Petraeus?

David Petraeus, for example, has been hounded by demonstrators since being hired by CUNY.

Did he tell NYPD to assault innocent peaceful demonstrators?

Academics join CUNY David Petraeus protests as NYPD arrests six students
YouTube video appears to show demonstrator against appointment of general and CIA chief being punched repeatedly…
“”As graduate students and educators of CUNY, we express our outrage at the violent and unprovoked actions by the NYPD against CUNY students peacefully protesting the appointment of war criminal David Petraeus as a lecturer at the Macaulay Honors College,” said a statement signed by scores of CUNY academics. “We deplore the use of violence and brutal tactics against CUNY students and faculty who were protesting outside the college.”

Petraeus was set to earn $200,000 for teaching a three-hours-a-week course titled “Are We On the Threshold of the North American Decade?” This was reduced to $150,000 after uproar over his wage, before Petraeus and CUNY agreed it would be reduced to a nominal $1, in order “to remove money as a point of controversy”.

A statement from the Ad Hoc Committee Against the Militarization of CUNY, which is organising the protests, said in a statement: “A broad range of CUNY students, faculty and staff members have been carrying out a campaign of ‘protest and exposure’ against the Board of Trustees’ appointment of Petraeus, whose documented actions as Iraq/Afghanistan war commander and CIA chief include drone attack supon civilians, and the creation of torture centers and death squads.”

Petraeus’s first class was on Monday 9 September. Afterwards, a group of students heckled him as he walked down a Manhattan street. A video of the event went viral, although the protesters, who could be heard berating Petraeus as a “piece of shyit”

The arrests seem to have garnered more support for the students’ cause, however, with the petition signed by academics stating that they “emphatically support the efforts of these CUNY students to resist the attempts by the US government and the CUNY administration to turn the university into an infamous ‘war college’ with the appointment of Petraeus”.

10 years ago

Petraeus-White Terrorist Confronted at City University. What an awesome video…!

10 years ago

“I wonder if hanging out with socialites is a CENTCOM thing or do all the four star commands have their own groupie hanger ons? I would hope after this mess the socialites would be told to go away.”

Maintaining contacts with business leaders and politicians within one’s location is not optional. It is obligatory for commanders. I don’t know about the four star level, but I know it starts at the Lt Colonel level…people are assigned as “honorary squadron commanders” and so forth. I don’t know where this PR crap originated or why it continues….I only know that most don’t have a choice in the matter. Trying to get out of these social obligations is a serious faux pas.

10 years ago

Remember when the girls in the ville knew when every base exercise and inspection would be months in advance of anyone else? That was information they needed to know to plan their schedules and got from “pillow talk.”

A professional review board should look into the events she hosted to see if there was any objectification or pandering going on, or if anyone was required to pay more than $10 for a ladies’ drink.

10 years ago

Perhaps an example is warranted. There’s a Lady’s Auxiliary group of “women professionals” (not prostitutes, actual business women/medical professionals, and so forth) . I was invited into this group but declined. I couldn’t figure out what a bunch of matrons and crones with no military experience (although some of their husbands had served) would have to offer…or what they would do. The answer? “Oh, we just want to support the troops…and have our ideas…tee her..” So they have meetings with the commander. Who really has better things to do. It’s a rare opportunity when one of these clucking hens actually has something to offer…

I can see why Kelley was on speed dial….no, not that reason. She was a professional caterer. All of those military events require someone to organize them and in the era of deep, deep cutbacks that’s usually a bunch of enlisted and/or lower ranking officers with a whole whole lot of other things to do. If she were willing to help organize events (especially gratis) she was worth her (by the looks of things, considerable) weight in gold. Definitely more than the average “socialite” military base orbiter. My husband has actually inquired…”Why exactly do we need these people?”
Answer: “Oh, the community business people do so much for us!”
“Really, like what exactly?”
“Oh, they do so much…”
The only thing we can figure is they provide free hotdogs, hamburgers, and beer about twice per year…but only after hours so everyone at the base has to attend the forced fun event when they’d rather be home. I guess they do sometimes offer employment to spouses in the area now that all the base jobs have long since dried up. But that’s about it, as far as I can tell. I guess they contribute at fund raising events…for (again) parties, during Christmas and so forth.

This is so less nefarious than people seem to think. “YOU ROCK MORE!!” Comeon. I’m wondered how much time and manpower has been wasted on this. Petraeus sure opened a can of worms pumping some buggy eyed bunny boiler, intimidated by the sight of Kelley’s generous flesh folds. Why do they call them cougars anyway? Cats make far better mothers. Wonder if Patraeus makes all his new mistresses wear this:

It’s obviously something he likes.

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