Robot Vacuum Cleaner Attacks South Korean Woman

I own a Roomba and I love what it does maintaining the cleanliness of the floors.  However, don’t blame the robot vacuum cleaner when when you are stupid enough to do this:

Not the first time modern technology has clashed with age-old traditions, perhaps, but a South Korean woman was lucky to escape relatively unscathed after her household gadget tried to devour her mane.

Mrs. Ryu set her automatic robotic vacuum cleaner to diligently do its job last week, but was rudely awoken when the machine mistook her hair for some filth left laying around on the floor.

Ryu, 52, from Changwon City, southeast of Seoul, made the mistake of laying down for a nap on the floor – common practice in many parts of Asia – while simultaneously employing the help of her vacuu-bot.

Then the basketball-sized machine came across the ends of Ryu’s hair, it quickly started diligently sucking it up.  [CBS News]

You can read more at the link, but I don’t know what is sillier, the fact her hair got caught in the vacuum or she had to call emergency services to get her hair out of it.

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MTB Rider
MTB Rider
10 years ago

The Robot Uprising has begun!

Leon LaPorte
10 years ago

This has all happened before.

10 years ago


If robot vacuums leave you with doubt,
a juicy’s a much better route.
After paying some bucks,
if she gets hair while she sucks,
she will quietly just spit it it out.

10 years ago

Yea, likely story…She was just pleasuring herself with the “Roomba,” whispering sweet nothings into its data port, when she climaxed & lost control of the situation…

9 years ago

The start of another Korean urban legend like “Fan Death!”

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