Should Koreans Be Scared of Migrant Workers?

Koreans in a bar would of course never resort to this kind of violence:

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In December, about 20 Cambodian workers engaged in a bloody group fight inside a bar in Gimhae, South Gyeongsang Province.

The incident is belatedly becoming the talk of town after surveillance camera footage showing their brutal fight was aired on TV Wednesday.

Some of the Cambodian men, who all work in factories in Gimhae or Busan on temporary visas, sustained deep stab wounds and bone fractures that will require months of hospital treatment, police said.

During the fight, they smashed bottles of beer and soju, and threw dozens of chairs at each other, breaking dishes and glasses. The owner of the bar said he was lucky that they only cost him his tables and dishes, not his life.

“There were a lot of blood stains. I could have been hit by any of the bottles they threw,” he said.

Residents in Gimhae were frightened by the videos of the incident.

“I thought of foreign factory workers as being docile, hardworking and somewhat naïve. But this likely breaks that stereotype. They could be violent and dangerous, too. I’m afraid of them,” a resident said.  [Korea Times]

You can read more at the link.

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10 years ago

As more-and-more SE Asian migrant workers fill jobs in countries like S. Korea & Japan, watch for them to bring their criminal cultures with them. This will obviously upset the arrogant status quo, who have become comfortable in their wealth & power, as we saw the recent peanut lady episode. May we all live in interesting times is upon us…

Leon LaPorte
10 years ago

Going by this example, where no Koreans were harmed, it sounds more like migrant workers should be afraid of migrant workers in S. Korea.

/I’ve seen some pretty big Korean fights (bordering on riots) in my day as well…

10 years ago

“This will obviously upset the arrogant status quo, who have become comfortable in their wealth & power, as we saw the recent peanut lady episode. ”

Which class of Koreans do think is benefiting the most from the cheap labor provided by these SE Asian laborers? It sure as hell isn’t the working class or the middle class.

Leon LaPorte
10 years ago

guitard, you’ve got that right. Not a single patron of that bar in Gimhae, South Gyeongsang Province nor any of those quoted as being scared are the beneficiaries.

Welcome to America!

10 years ago


Migrant workers are mostly benign
so there is no need to malign.
Your fear will leave quick
as they suck on your diick
after you pay their barfine.

10 years ago

“as they suck on your diick
after you pay their barfine.”

Just like your MAMMA!!!

10 years ago

“Just like your MAMMA!!!”

What is a “mamma”?

As I was unfamiliar with this word, I looked it up on the online Merriam-Webster dictionary… recognized to be an authoritative source.

“Definition of MAMMA: a mammary gland and its accessory parts”

So you are saying I paid the barfine for a mammary gland and it sucked on my diick.

In a manner of speaking, I suppose you are right.

10 years ago

In case I was not clear…

In a manner of speaking, I suppose you are right… being that the girl is rally just an “accessory part” of the mammary gland(s).

10 years ago

Migrant workers are causing Korean welfare system to implode.

Immigrant mothers abandon their babies

10 years ago

“Migrant workers are causing Korean welfare system to implode.”

Is that the fault of migrants or the fault of Koreans who exploit migrants to put off short-term problems without consideration for long-term consequences.

But I am with you, Tom. Korea’s first obligation is to the wellbeing of Koreans and the long-term success of Korea.

An underclass of non-Koreans lacking in skill, education, and the ability to be self-sufficient need to be put on the next flight home where they can be a burden on the country that did not prepare them for life.

No country should feel obligated to take in refugees who allow their country to get screwed up and then run away to the first world demanding services instead of staying and fighting for improvements.

In America, all illegal immigrants should be deported to Mexian border towns. Once they collectively demonstrate the ability to be American, by learning English, picking up the trash, repainting the adobe, kicking out the narco gangs, and building those slums into a reasonable copy of America, they should be given citizenship and the border should be moved south.

To hell with Reconquista.

Strike first with Gringo Conquista!

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