North Korean Envoy Claims His Country Prepared to Use Nuclear Tipped Missiles

The North Koreans are claiming they have nuclear tipped missiles now:

 north korea nuke

A North Korean envoy says his country has developed nuclear missiles and is prepared to use them at any time.

North Korean Ambassador to Britain Hyun Hak Bong said in a recent interview with British broadcaster Sky News that his government would use the missiles in response to a nuclear attack by the United States.

Asked whether North Korea has the ability now to launch a nuclear missile, Hyun replied: “Any time. Any time. Yes.”

“If the United States strike us, we should strike back,” he said.

Asked if North Korea would only fire nuclear missiles in retaliation, Hyun replied: “We are a peace-loving people you know. We don’t want war but we are not afraid of war. This is our policy of the government.”

North Korea is thought to have a handful of crude nuclear bombs and has conducted three nuclear tests since 2006. But experts are divided on how far it has come in developing the technology needed to miniaturize warheads so they can be placed on missiles.   [Associated Press]

You can read the rest at the link, but South Korean intelligence does not think the North has advanced their nuclear weapons technology to be able to fit on a missile warhead.  One thing is clear though, even if they haven’t mastered the technology yet they are making it a national priority to do so.  This means the US military needs to plan for a nuclear North Korea in response.

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