North Korea Fires Two Short Range Missiles In Response to Key Resolve Exercise

North Korea’s war on fish continues in the East Sea:

north korea nuke

North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles into the sea and vowed “merciless” retaliation Monday as the US and South Korea kicked off joint military drills denounced by Pyongyang as recklessly confrontational.

The annual exercises always trigger a surge in military tensions and warlike rhetoric on the divided peninsula, and analysts saw the North’s missile tests as a prelude to a concerted campaign of sabre-rattling.

“If there is a particularly sharp escalation, we could see the North orchestrating some kind of clash on the maritime border,” said Jeung Young-Tae, an analyst at the Korea Institute for National Unification in Seoul.  [AFP]

You can read more at the link, but the Yellow Sea has been quiet for a while now so it would not be too shocking if they try something over there next.

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